Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C195 Ian's Entrustment

C195 Ian's Entrustment

Lu Lee asked, "What else does Mr Ian know?"    


Ian said, "If my guess is correct, you must be here for Bond." Looking at Ian, Lu Lee suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. Right, he was like a person, too much like his grandfather, Lu Guoguang. Although he hadn't stepped out of the house for a long time, he could understand everything in the world, as if nothing could escape his eyes.    


His father had once said that it was a wisdom derived from time and experience.    


Lu Lee didn't know how to answer Ian's question. Ian's answer made Lu Lee uneasy. He lowered his head and looked at the cup in his hand.    


Ian smiled. "Young man, just say what you have to say. Maybe I can really help you."    


Lu Lee said: "I'm sorry, Mr Ian, forgive my previous insincerity. To tell you the truth, my name is Lu Lee, I came to America because I have a country mission on my shoulders."    


Then, Lu Lee explained General Xu Nanzhou's disappearance all the way until James Bond forced him to play the game.    


Ian didn't say anything after hearing it. Helen poured another cup of coffee for Lu Lee, Lu Lee quietly looked at Ian.    


Ian said after a long while, "I have never been willing to ask about political matters, but this time it was indeed the America government that was dishonest. No matter what their goal was, they shouldn't use the national machine to kidnap them.    


Lu Lee said, "Mr Ian is right."    


Ian looked at Lu Lee, "Speak, what are you hoping to get from me this time?"    


Lu Lee took a deep breath. Ian's attitude suggested that he might still be able to help him. Lu Lee said, "I've read the books that Sir wrote, including the internal tutorial. I think Mr Ian knows Ian Bond very well, and I just want to find out from the old man where Ian Bond's going to hide General Xu. My purpose is simple, just to save our people, and I don't want anything unpleasant to happen to Mr Ianson."    


Ian: "Oh?" He said, "You don't have that kind of thought on your mind? Want to see who's stronger? "    


Lu Lee said, "So what if we have won? It will have to be done, won't it? "    


Ian laughed. "It would be great if Bond was at your level."    


Lu Lee said, "I know that Mr Ian is very protective of James Bond. Or rather, he is the God that you created. No matter who it is, they shouldn't damage this God's image."    


Ian raised his head to look at Lu Lee and then at Helen.    


Helen smiled slightly, "Master, it seems that Mr Lu is indeed a close friend of yours." Wu Tie nodded and said, "Alright, I'll help you with this matter, but I have a presumptuous request."    


Lu Lee nodded and said, "Go ahead."    


Ian said, "I think I can help you with this matter, but please promise me that no matter what, you and Bond will encounter each other. I hope you won't let me help you, so don't meet him face to face, and don't mention this matter to anyone. I don't want James Bond to be ruined by this matter."    


Lu Lee said, "Alright, I agree."    


Ian nodded. "I believe you."    


Suddenly Lu Lee said, "Mr Ian, I suppose you and Lu Lee Bond have an unusual relationship?" Ian looked at Lu Lee and said, "Young man, it seems that you have a very vicious eye!"    


Lu Lee lightly said, "No one will ever know about this."    


Ian's eyes were full of praise: "You probably didn't come alone, call your friend in. Our conversation won't end anytime soon."    


Lu Lee smiled embarrassedly: "She's in the car outside."    


Ian said, "Helen, go and bring them in." Helen stood up and walked towards the door.    


Ian said after Helen left, "Tell me, what did you see in my book?"    


Lu Lee said, "I found out that Hyde Park was mentioned many times in the book. I think that place should be very important to James Bond, but I went for a walk this morning and didn't find anything."    


Ian smiled. "The fact that you could make such a discovery means that you really put in a lot of effort and thought about it." Lu Lee looked at the door and confirmed his guess.    


Lu Lee looked at Ian. "Mr Ian, please." Ian said, "Do you remember the building east of Hyde Park?"    


Lu Lee thought about it carefully: "Over there is a small hill. Three or four villas were built randomly, but there doesn't seem to be any mystery."    


Ian nodded and said, "If I said those villas were connected, would you believe me?"    


"Mr Ian, do you mean that all the secrets are in the ground?" Ian smiled. "I didn't say anything."    


Helen brought Victoria in. When Victoria saw Ian, she blushed slightly. Ian smiled and said, "Like I said, to be able to find my residence, there must be a person who knows about it."    


"I'm sorry, Mr Ian, I was forced to do this."    


Ian waved his hand and said, "You did a good deed, did you know that? When two tigers fight, there's bound to be a wound. I don't want anything to happen to Bond. Mr Lu, did your Chinese say that? "    


Lu Lee nodded with a smile and said, "I didn't expect Mr Ian to have some knowledge on Chinese culture." Helen laughed, "You guys don't know about that. Master has even lived in the China for two years."    


Lu Lee said, "It should be a long time ago, right?" Ian nodded: "It should be more than 20 years ago. I still have an old friend in China!"    


Lu Lee said, "Oh?" Ian said, "But many of them haven't been contacted. I hope we can meet again in our lifetime."    


Lu Lee said, "Mr Ian, if Mister trusts Lu Lee, tell him that I'll arrange your meeting."    


Ian said, "Alright, Helen, go and show Mr. Zhu's letter to Mr Lu. Give him the address and ask him to help us find it."    


Helen took out the letter. Lu Lee took a look at it and laughed, "Mr Ian, don't worry. I've helped with this matter. When this is over, I'll arrange for you to meet each other."    


A name appeared on the envelope: JUJI!    


"I didn't expect Mr Ian to be so easy to talk to." Victoria said happily after returning to her residence.    


Lu Lee stretched lazily on the sofa: "You don't understand, that is wisdom." Victoria immediately crawled to Lu Lee's side, "You know what I mean, tell me about it."    


Lu Lee said, "We've guessed it right. Ian should be James Bond's biological father. He promised to help me on condition that he would."    


Victoria said, "What conditions?" Lu Lee said, "You can't tell anyone about this, do you know? Logically speaking, I shouldn't have told you, but you already guessed it. "    


Victoria nodded. "Dearest one, I'll listen to you."    


"Mr Ian told me not to hurt Bond no matter what."    


Victoria said, "I understand."    


Lu Lee pushed Victoria away and took out a blueprint from his body, "This is the blueprint of the bunker. Mr Ian drew it himself, he said it should be more accurate, he did the mapping before he wrote the novel."    


Victoria said, "Do you know how many people there are in our operation team?" Lu Lee shook his head, "I don't know, but I know you will tell me."    


Victoria laughed, "You only know how to scheme against me. Listen, Bond's operation team has a total of 11 core members, including himself, but there are also 14 peripherals, don't underestimate his periphery. The periphery is divided into 3 combat teams, all made up of special forces.    


Lu Lee nodded. "Then do his core members have any special abilities?"    


Victoria said, "The core members are all very skilled, but you have to be very careful with two of them. One is the 'Bald Eagle' and the other is the 'fly-cutter'."    


Lu Lee said, "'fly-cutter' is something special that I can think of, right?"    


Victoria nodded, "I heard that he can unleash his blade from any angle and he never fails. This person is just like Bond's shadow, he will never be too far away from him, and will always be within five meters of him. "    


Lu Lee was shocked. This was the first time he had heard of this. James Bond was already a formidable opponent, yet he still had such a shadow. It seemed that he had to be very careful.    


Lu Lee asked, "What about the 'Bald Eagle'?" Victoria said, "This is a person I've never seen before, but I've heard James Bond say that he can endure it the most. Unless it's a critical moment, he will not act rashly, and once he attacks, he will definitely hit. He will always hide in the dark, and if the 'fly-cutter' is still visible and can be touched, then the 'Bald Eagle' is a ghost that has disappeared without a trace!"    


Lu Lee asked, "Is he also someone who's close to James Bond for a long period of time?"    


Victoria nodded. "Of course, I've only heard of it. I've never seen it before." Lu Lee said, "Got it." Victoria said, "When do you plan to move out?"    


Lu Lee said, "Right away." Victoria jumped up from the sofa. "Now? One person? " Lu Lee nodded.    


Victoria said, "Are you crazy? Can you handle twenty-five of them by yourself? "    


Lu Lee lightly said, "24, at least you won't help them deal with me together!"    


Victoria said, "I forgot about that question. However, even if there are twenty-four people, you still won't be able to deal with them. "    


Lu Lee said, "It's alright, you just wait here. I'll definitely be back before dawn."    


Victoria held Lu Lee tightly, "No, I can't let you go alone. I want to go with you, even if I have to meet you outside. I will definitely not cause you any trouble. "    


Lu Lee thought for a moment. Victoria's words were reasonable. If they could really save General Xu, they would need a helper.    


Lu Lee said, "If you want to go then go, but you can only wait outside in the car. Without my consent, you can't act without permission. I don't want you to be in any danger."    


There were faint tears in Victoria's eyes. She knew that Lu Lee truly cared about her safety.    


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