Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C188 Death of Boche

C188 Death of Boche

Chen Ke couldn't stand Master Chen's hospitality. He decided to stay in Chinatown for a few days and not go back with Lu Lee and the others. It wasn't until around eight in the evening that Lu Lee and Bogey left Chinatown. All the way, Bogey could not bear to let go of Lu Lee's arm, for fear that he would run away as soon as she let go.    


They walked back on foot, slowly, Bogey's head resting lightly on Lu Lee's shoulder.    


When they got back to their residence, Bogey said to Lu Lee, "Lu, take a seat first. I'll make you some coffee!"    


Lu Lee waved his hand and said, "I drank too much and am covered in sweat. Let me take a bath first!"    


Bogey smiled and pushed Lu Lee onto the sofa. "Just wait for me. I'll go get some water for you." Lu Lee smiled and shook his head. "Then I'll have to trouble you!"    


Bogey pouted when she heard Lu Lee's words. "Lu, you can't be polite with me."    


Lu Lee smiled and said, "Alright, you're welcome. You're welcome."    


Bogey was a careful woman. When she went out to buy something to eat at noon, she bought some things for Lu Lee since he didn't change his clothes.    


Lu Lee closed his eyes and enjoyed the bathtub.    


The bathroom door was not closed. Bogey walked in softly and slowly took off her clothes. Then, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and rubbed Lu Lee's back.    


Lu Lee slightly opened his eyes and glanced at Bogey. Bogey's face was flushed. Lu Lee closed his eyes again, but didn't say anything. With Lu Lee's tacit approval, Bogey gently put one foot into the bathtub, adjusted her posture, and put the other foot in as well.    


The bathtub wasn't big, Lu Lee moved forward a little, and Bogey pressed her back against Lu Lee's.    


As Bogey entered, the water in the bathtub spilled outwards. Bogey's hands went from Lu Lee's armpit to the front and hugged Lu Lee. Her lips kissed the back of Lu Lee's neck, shoulders and back. Lu Lee still had his eyes closed, but a part of him had already changed.    


Lu Lee wanted to turn around and punish this restless woman. Who knew that Bogey would bite his ear and say, "Lu, don't move. Let me serve you."    


With that, she stood up and water splashed everywhere. Bogey turned her attention to Lu Lee, and she walked in front of him. Lu Lee's eyes were filled with black mist, like an elegant ink painting. The black mist suddenly disappeared as Bogey sat down.    


When she sat down, one of her hands slightly slid over Lu Lee's head. Lu Lee felt as if he had sunk into mud all of a sudden.    


Lu Lee didn't move. With the help of the rippling water, Bogey managed to save a lot of energy from being tossed around. Lu Lee didn't keep his hands closed as he played with Bogey's large hemispheres.    


The sound of the water gradually changed from gentle to surging, mixed in with Bogey's high and low moans and Lu Lee's heavy and light gasps …    


After an unknown amount of time, the two of them realized that they had actually already gone from the bathtub to the bed.    


After everything calmed down, Bogey kissed Lu Lee, who was lying down on his back. Then she got up, grabbed a cigarette from the bedside table, lit one cigarette, and put it to Lu Lee's mouth.    


Lu Lee took a deep breath.    


Bogey rested her head on the pillow and looked at him quietly. "Lu, I seem to be dreaming." Lu Lee didn't say anything as he looked at Bogey. He didn't know what to say as he couldn't give her too much hope.    


Bogey wasn't stupid. She knew that it was just a game and a dream between her and Lu Lee after all. She sighed. "But dreams always wake up. I just hope they don't wake up too soon. That would be too cruel!"    


Lu Lee caressed Bogey's hair, then his hand slipped to her smooth shoulder. He was indeed tempted, not because of Bogey's beauty, but because of Bogey's kindness and her rough experiences.    


Seeing Lu Lee's hesitation, Bogey lowered her head and kissed Lu Lee lightly on the cheek: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. To be able to know you, I already feel very lucky. Really, Lu!"    


When Lu Lee woke up, Bogey was no longer there. After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Lu Lee was sitting by the floating window smoking. Today was already the second day, what should he do?    


Although he knew where the headquarters of MI7 was, it was certainly not a wise choice to barge in. There were no longer any heavy security there. Even if he could barge in, would General Xu be inside? [Even if he is, can I really save him?    


Lu Lee shook his head, still at a loss.    


Lu Lee thought for a long time and finally decided to go to the apartment that Victoria prepared for him. He thought it through. Since James Bond wanted Victoria to play as a bargaining chip, why not use it? The key question was how to use it.    


Lu Lee wanted to wait for Bogey to come and say hello, but after half an hour, Bogey still hadn't come back. Lu Lee thought that she might have gone to the hospital again.    


Lu Lee was about to go out when he heard a knock on the door.    


Lu Lee opened the door and saw a few men outside. One of them was Johnny, who he knew was being lectured. Johnny took a step back when he saw Lu Lee and pointed at him, "Officer, it's him. He killed Bogey."    


Lu Lee was stunned by Johnny's words. Bogey died? When did this happen?    


A man walked in front of Lu Lee: "We are the America Royal Police, we suspect that you are involved in a murder case, you have the right to remain silent, everything you say will become evidence …"    


Lu Lee asked, "Can I make a call?" The man said, "Yes, but you can only talk to your lawyer." Lu Lee said, "I don't have a lawyer, so I have to call my friend and get him to find one for me."    


The man didn't seem to be someone who could make decisions. He looked at another person and asked, "Chief, what do you think?" The person he called 'Head' nodded. "Alright."    


Lu Lee dialed Victoria's number, briefly explained the situation, and was then taken away by the police.    


"My name is Bingers. I'm in charge of your case." In the police station's interrogation room, the "head" said to Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee nodded. "Can I know what's going on?"    


Bingers took the file from one of his men and leafed through it. "We received a report this morning at a garbage station in Harlan Street that a woman's body had been found with a scalpel in her throat. There was no sign of a fight. She was killed by an acquaintance.    


Lu Lee's heart sank. Something had happened to Bogey, she was killed by the Willow Leaf Knife.    


Bingers sat down and stared at Lu Lee: "After our investigation, the victim's name is Bogey, the owner of the apartment you lived in. I want to know what your relationship is with her, and why you killed her."    


Lu Lee frowned: "Officer, I didn't kill anyone."    


Bingers said, "Someone saw you hurt Johnny with a scalpel, you won't deny it, will you?"    


Lu Lee said, "Really?" Bingers said, "Okay, we'll look into all of this. Now you must tell us who you are and why you're here at America."    


Lu Lee said, "I won't answer any of your questions before my friend comes." Bingers nodded. "Take him down first."    


Lu Lee was locked in the police station's temporary detention cell.    


Lu Lee felt that this was probably Johnny's doing. Only Johnny could trick Bogey out of the house so early in the morning, and Johnny had suffered a loss at Lu Lee's hands before, so he was even more familiar with the Willow Leaf Knife.    


Lu Lee's heart ached. It wasn't because he was in trouble, but because Bogey, a kind and beautiful girl, had been killed because of him. Lu Lee bit his lips and vowed to kill Johnny to avenge Bogey.    


The reason why he called Victoria and not Chen Ke was because he felt that it was impossible for Victoria and the others to let him fall into the hands of the police. Firstly, it was because James Bond needed the opponents for his game, and secondly, the real reason why he came to America was because it wasn't enough for an outsider.    


When Victoria received Lu Lee's call, she immediately reported it to James Bond.    


James Bond was shocked at first, this Lu Lee actually had such a terrible thing going on. He looked at Victoria with his blue eyes, "Little girl, it seems like you can't trap him. Hehe, good, because a woman was set up by someone."    


Victoria said worriedly, "Lu Lee is currently locked up in the London Police Department. Should we go and fetch him?"    


James Bond hugged a sexy kitten beside him, and touched it randomly with his pig hands: "No, go and tell the police chief that there's no need to interrogate or judge, just send him straight to the London Prison!"    


Victoria asked, "Chief, what about your game?" James Bond said, "This is also a part of the game. I want to see how capable Lu Lee is."    


With that, he patted Victoria's butt. "Do you really think that the prison can trap him? Ten days is already the second day. He is more anxious than we are. "    


Victoria laughed. "I thought he would barge into our MI7 department."    


James Bond shook his head, "If he was really that reckless, then he wouldn't be worthy to be my opponent. Did the old man speak? "    


Victoria said, "No, no matter what he did, he wouldn't tell us. It's a pity, we can't do anything to him."    


James Bond said softly, "He's an old soldier now, do you know what's special about that bunch of old guys?"    


Victoria shook her head. James Bond said flatly, "They have faith. They would rather give up their own lives for faith."    


Puzzled, Victoria asked, "But life is the most precious thing, isn't it?"    


James Bond replied, "That's why we can't understand it."    


Victoria asked again, "What about Lu Lee? Is it also like that? "    


"He's been educated like this since he was a child. I think he should be as well." James Bond drank a mouthful of wine and said softly.    


Victoria sighed. "This kind of opponent is really scary."    


James Bond laughed, "Only such an opponent can make you feel the excitement and enjoy the fight."    


Lu Lee thought Victoria would come to get him out soon, but after waiting for almost two hours, there was no sound at all.    


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