Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C180 Blame on Man

C180 Blame on Man

That person's eyes were wide open. Even until the moment he breathed his last, he had never thought that he would be "shot" like this! Lu Lee threw down his gun, pressed the elevator button and headed to the 4th floor.    


There were surveillance cameras in the elevator, but Lu Lee couldn't care less. With a light leap, he climbed to the top of the elevator and pressed his body tightly against the ceiling. His posture was that of a toad.    


The elevator stopped on the fourth floor of the basement. As soon as the doors opened, a burst of gunfire could be heard. Lu Lee counted in his heart, there should be four people.    


He didn't move. Just as the elevator door was about to close, a barrel blocked the way and the elevator door was about to open again. Lu Lee knew that the opportunity had come. At this time, the outside line of sight was very bad, and they would definitely get someone to come in and check it out. Lu Lee jumped down and welcomed the white man who was about to enter the elevator.    


Lu Lee's sudden appearance shocked the white man. Before he could make a decision, Lu Lee had cut open the white man's throat. He used the white man as a shield and dashed out.    


Lu Lee's movement was very fast, so fast that the people outside couldn't react at all to what happened in the elevator. Seeing their own men retreat, they all raised their guns and aimed them at the elevator.    


Lu Lee threw the body in his hand in front of a fat guy. The fat guy tried to block it with his hands, but Lu Lee was already in front of the person closest to him. Lu Lee waved his Willow Leaf Knife and that person fell down.    


"Bang bang!" Lu Lee quickly dodged the two gunshots. Originally, someone reacted and fired twice in a row, but he didn't expect Lu Lee to be able to dodge the bullets.    


The Willow Leaf Knife in Lu Lee's hands flew out at the same time. The fat guy's muzzle was still hanging down, but his neck was ice-cold. He knew that he had his throat sealed by a knife that was as thin as a cicada's wing. He threw away the gun in his hand and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"    


Lu Lee looked at him. "Tell me, where is General Suo Duo locked up?"    


Fatty swallowed and said, "Turn to the right and enter the third room."    


Lu Lee said harshly, "I hope you're telling the truth." After he had finished speaking, the fatty's hand fell as the fatty's throat was also pierced by the blade.    


Fatty glared at Lu Lee. "I, I …" Lu Lee lightly said, "Sorry, anyone who has seen me must die!"    


Hsingye slowly followed. Along the way, he realized that Lu Lee did not leave a single person alive. He secretly cursed Lu Lee's cruelty, but he soon realized that Lu Lee's intentions were too sinister.    


However, he also understood that since Lu Lee had been "killed" by the Indonesian, no one would see him anymore. Hsingye's brain was a lot better than Su Luosuo's, he was a bit worried, once Lu Family hears the news of Lu Lee's death by their hands, is that kind of revenge something they can endure? God knows.    


Fatty did not lie. The third door was opened, and so many people were locked inside. This was an execution chamber, and most were chained tightly. However, there was no one inside. It seemed like they were tired and went to rest.    


Lu Lee knew the danger was still there. The gunshots just now would definitely alert them. Lu Lee opened the chain deftly and put down the rest of the things. Hsingye had already arrived. Lu Lee said, "Take them away, I won't go back with you guys."    


Hsingye quickly asked, "Then where are you going?"    


Lu Lee replied, "They've saved you. Our cooperation has ended. You don't need to worry about where I'm going." Hsingye did not say anything else, picked up his men and left.    


After getting on the car, Hsingye finally understood why Lu Lee didn't leave with him. It seemed that Lu Lee wanted to kill everyone inside. A disaster, this was a typical disaster.    


Hsingye shook his head helplessly. He knew what Lu Lee was thinking, but he couldn't stop him. Forget it, I'll explain this to Su Luosuo when I get back. I have to let the President know the importance of this matter.    


His guess was right. Lu Lee wanted to kill everyone in MI7 Egypt, but he didn't know one thing. Lu Lee wanted to know General Xu Nanzhou's whereabouts from this population.    


This was his mission. Until he received any orders from his father, his mission would not change. However, right now, he could only rely on himself to complete it.    


Early the next morning, the Cairo Daily reported that fourteen people had been killed in a fire at a house in Zhitum. The newspaper also revealed the underground structure of the house, which the police claimed was a terrorist base outside the country, which had led to internal fighting among members of the family and a fire to destroy the body.    


Lu Lee read the newspaper while eating breakfast with a faint smile on his face.    


Chen Ke also saw the newspaper. He was an old secret service, and as soon as he saw the layout of the houses mentioned in the newspaper, he knew that it must be a secret information station. From how the newspaper revealed that the owner was a consortium owned by America, Chen Ke easily guessed that it must be the information station from the America Military Intelligence Department 7.    


Chen Ke was pleasantly surprised. Not many people could destroy an information station in one go, so he naturally thought of Lu Lee. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Lu Lee was the culprit, which meant that Lu Lee was still alive.    


However, not long after, a phone call from Hilovina made Chen Ke's heart drop back to the bottom of the valley. Hilovina told Chen Ke that Lu Lee was dead. The Indonesian killed him, which happened last night. It should have happened a few hours before the news of the fire.    


Su Luosuo never thought that the news about Lu Lee's death would lead to two information points in Egypt being picked.    


Although it was just two small contact points, there were still five or six people who died. Su Luosuo smiled bitterly and said to Hsingye, "Looks like we were set up by Lu Lee."    


Hsingye said flatly: "This is just the beginning, General. You have to prepare yourself. Something like this will happen again. "You'd better bring General Sudo home as soon as possible."    


"Is there any news about Lu Lee?" Su Luosuo asked Hsingye.    


Hsingye shook his head, "No, but I don't think Lu Lee will show up for a short period of time." Su Luosuo said, "It's obvious that someone is taking revenge for him. He won't say a word."    


Hsingye did not reply. He secretly cursed Su Luosuo in his heart. If Su Luosuo had not wholeheartedly agreed to Lu Lee's conditions, they would not be in such a passive position.    


However, he could understand Su Luosuo's feelings. After all, the purpose of this trip to Egypt was also shameful, and once word of this got out, the relationship between Indonesia and China would worsen.    


Seeing Su Luosuo's troubled face, Hsingye said, "General, we can only pray that Lu Family returns to the center of the stage so that Lu Lee can speak up for us." Then, he looked at Su Luosuo and hesitated.    


Su Luosuo said, "Don't hide it anymore. If there's anything, just say it. After all, there's quite a lot of bad news, so we don't mind having one or two more."    


Hsingye said: "Right now, we are only looking for trouble with China's people, the next step will be the arrival of America people. I think we should return home first, even the intelligence outpost has been evacuated, we can talk about this after everything is over."    


Su Luosuo thought about it and agreed. He nodded and said, "Ok then, I will listen to you. You go and get ready. We will take the earliest flight back home."    


China, Beijing, Lu Family.    


"Any news of Lee?" Lu Guoguang asked. Lu Lei looked at Lu Guoguang and didn't say anything.    


Lu Guoguang said, "If you have something to say, just say it."    


When Lu Lei heard this, he said softly, "There's a rumor that Lee was killed by Indonesian people." Lu Guoguang frowned: "What?"    


"The Indonesian attacked the convoy that was escorting Lu Lee and took him away. Du Mingyi said he saw it with his own eyes. Then came news from Indonesia that they had killed Lu Lee. "    


Trembling, Lu Guoguang picked up the cup of tea on the table and put it near his mouth. However, he didn't drink it and put it down again: "What do you think?"    


Lu Lei shook his head, "I don't know, I can't think of any reason why Du Mingyi and the Indonesian would lie." Lu Guoguang thought about it and said, "How come the Indonesian people went to Egypt?"    


Lu Lei didn't answer because he didn't know either.    


The old man didn't say anything more. Lu Lei waited for a moment and said softly, "I don't believe Lee would die that easily."    


The old man nodded: "I don't believe it either. Besides, the Indonesian people have no reason to do anything to Lu Lee, they should know that even if they do not do anything, it would not be good for Lu Lee to fall into the hands of the Xiang Family people.    


Lu Lei nodded his head, "I received the news that Su Luosuo is also in Egypt."    


Lu Guoguang said, "What is he doing in Egypt?" Lu Lei said, "I don't know, but it seems like it's been a long time since the Indonesian military made a public appearance in the media. There's also the America, and the seven Egyptian stations turned into rubble overnight."    


Lu Guoguang squinted his eyes. Slowly, a smile appeared on his face, "Don't worry, Lee is fine."    


Puzzled, Lu Lei asked, "Father, what do you mean?" Lu Guoguang said, "I want to go myself."    


Hsingye had already arranged everything. They would take the four o'clock flight to Cairo.    


Su Luosuo looked at the Indonesian information station in Egypt and sighed. "Well, it seems like we can't use this place anymore."    


Hsingye said, "Once we leave, everyone here will withdraw to the second contact point." Su Luosuo said with a wry smile, "Lu Lee is really troublesome."    


Hsingye also laughed, "However, without him, it would be too difficult for us to save General Suo Duo."    


Su Luosuo nodded, "Although we have suffered a little in the transaction with him, we have at least given him some face. I hope that we can meet again in the future."    


"General, someone wants to see you!" A subordinate came in and said. Hsingye asked, "Who?"    


The person replied: "He said his surname is Cheng, Chinese."    


Hsingye said, "Nope." That person looked troubled. Hsingye said, "What's wrong?"    


That person replied, "He said that if General Su is unwilling to see him, then he'll call him back all the way."    


Su Luosuo became angry after hearing that: "Aren't you being too arrogant? I don't believe it. Hsingye, bring your men and take him away. "    


As if Hsingye didn't hear him, Su Luosuo called out: "Hsingye!"    


Hsingye came back to his senses, "General, you can't. This person might be Cheng Xin, whom Lu Lee mentioned before. Think about it, even Lu Lee is no match for him. Can we handle him?"    


Su Luosuo calmed down after hearing that: "En, do you mean that we should meet?"    


Hsingye said, "Let's meet him, but he must be dead by now!" Su Luosuo nodded.    


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