Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C162 Betting on Human Nature

C162 Betting on Human Nature

Lu Lee waited quietly, waiting for the signal from Little Wolf and the others outside. He slowly walked to the wall inside.    


The two people looked at Lu Lee in fear. They didn't know how Lu Lee would deal with them, but they also didn't know that the shadow of death had already shrouded over them. Even Lu Lee was no exception. However, Lu Lee knew that danger was approaching, so he was more prepared than them.    


At this moment, Little Wolf's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Elder Brother Lee, he's about to light the fire!"    


When Lu Lee heard this, he suddenly fell to the ground. Lu Lee's actions shocked the two people. What was he doing? This question only flashed through their minds for a moment, because with the next huge explosion, they would no longer have any more thoughts.    


Listening to the sound of the explosion and seeing the thick smoke coming out, Black Shadow had retreated more than ten meters away. He secretly rejoiced that the explosives had left enough fuses for him to safely retreat. Otherwise, he could only perish together with them. He believed that Lu Lee would not survive, it was just that his two companions died because of this. However, this was a good thing for him. Originally, it was three people's credit, but now it all belonged to him.    


The black shadow did not stay for long, and quickly disappeared. He knew that the sound of the explosion would alert the entire Hilo Family Clan, and he would not be able to leave if he did not leave now.    


Little Wolf's heart sank. He did not know if Lu Lee could really escape. In his heart, he regretted that he should not have agreed to Lu Lee's request to take the risk.    


Because Lu Lee had already told Little Wolf where they were hiding, Little Wolf and Faang Shaojun quickly found Lu Lee. Lu Lee was pressed under some rocks, and when they pulled him out, his flowery face was covered in blood. He stretched out his hand and tried to feel if there was still any breath left, only then did Little Wolf let his guard down. At the moment, most of the Hilo Family s had arrived and were organizing a fire extinguisher.    


Hilodias asked, "What happened?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "Mr. Xi Luo, we heard the explosion and rushed here. As for the details, we don't know."    


Seeing Little Wolf and Faang Shaojun carrying Lu Lee, Hilodias asked, "Lu Lee?"    


Little Wolf nodded. Hilodias said in surprise, "What, what happened to him?" Little Wolf sorrowfully shook his head, "Elder Brother Lee, he, he, is dead."    


Hilodias was stunned. He didn't say anything for a long time. Hilovina rushed forward and said, "No, it won't happen. Lu, you won't die."    


Little Wolf was worried. He couldn't waste any more time here. If he continued like this, Lu Lee might not be able to hold on any longer. He said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hero, but we have to take Lu Lee back and clean him up."    


Hilodias closed his eyes and waved his hand: "Go!" He felt very sad in his heart. He muttered to himself, "If you die, how am I supposed to explain this to your father?"    


Even Deng Rann was sad, but at this time, the spy hiding in the clan of Hilo Family was finally relieved. It seems like Lu Lee was truly dead, his face revealed a smile, and he quietly left the room. What he needed to do now was to leave this place, report this good news to his boss, and wait for a large reward.    


Lu Lee was carried back to his residence. Hilovina and Mickey also followed in, while the rest of the Hilo Family were blocked outside.    


After putting Lu Lee down, Little Wolf started to carefully examine Lu Lee's wounds. There were no injuries on Lu Lee's body, but his head was hit by a stone, but the bleeding had stopped. The only thing he was worried about was whether Lu Lee would suffer any internal injuries if he was hit by the flying rocks during the explosion.    


He shook Lu Lee, "Elder Brother Lee, wake up!"    


When Lu Lee heard Little Wolf's voice, he wanted to reply. However, he felt that he could not open his eyes, nor could he open his mouth.    


Seeing that there was no response, Little Wolf panicked. Faang Shaojun said, "Don't worry, you might have been knocked unconscious by the blast from the explosion." When Hilovina and Mickey saw Little Wolf's actions and that their conversation was always in Chinese, they were puzzled.    


"What are you doing? Lu is already dead, why are you still torturing him? "    


Faang Shaojun said to Hilovina with a wry smile, "Vina, don't be angry. Lu Lee is not dead. We are trying to wake him up!"    


Hilovina stared at him and asked, "What is going on?" She was regretting it just now. If she knew that the explosives she prepared for Lu Lee would take his life, she would never agree to Lu Lee preparing these things.    


Little Wolf said, "I don't have time to explain it to you right now. Oh right, Mickey, the Hilo Family Clan has its own doctor, right?"    


Wu Tie nodded. Little Wolf said, "Go and invite him, tell him that your sister is too sad and fainted. But tell him to bring all his medical equipment and come here immediately. Don't tell anyone that Lu Lee is still alive."    


Mickey asked, "Including my father?" Little Wolf nodded. "Including your father!"    


Mickey glanced at his sister. Hilovina said, "Everything will be as they say. Mickey, go quickly."    


About ten minutes later, an old man who seemed to be in his fifties walked into Lu Lee's room under Mickey's lead. When Vina saw the old man, she hurriedly stood up and said excitedly, "Doctor Bonn, quickly, look at him!"    


Bonn was stunned for a moment. Mickey had said that his sister had fainted. Wasn't she fine? Only then did he notice Lu Lee on the bed and hurriedly walked over.    


Bonn opened Lu Lee's eyelids and took a look. He then took out his stethoscope to listen to Lu Lee's heartbeat. After taking a pulse, he said, "It's nothing serious."    


"Since he's fine, why hasn't he fainted yet?" Bonn glanced at the strings. He was obviously not satisfied with their attitude. Little Wolf quickly pulled the strings aside and said to Bonn, "Dr. Bonn, when will he be able to wake up?"    


"He is awake and conscious, but he may have been struck by a stone and had his internal organs affected for a short period of time."    


With that, he lightly went close to Lu Lee's ear and said, "Can you hear what I'm saying? If you can hear me, try moving your fingers. "    


Everyone stared at Lu Lee's hand. Sure enough, Lu Lee's left index finger curved slightly.    


"It's fine. He should be able to recover in about half an hour. I'll treat the wound on his head first. Don't get infected. Also, even if he's able to move after dawn, I suggest that we go to the hospital to check if there are any internal injuries."    


Bian skillfully treated Lu Lee's wounds, then carefully checked Lu Lee's body. He said: "There shouldn't be any internal injuries, but it's better to check it out."    


With that, he gave Lu Lee another injection to prevent him from getting infected. Finally, he picked up his things and prepared to leave. Hilovina said, "Dr. Bonn, don't tell anyone that he's still alive!"    


He didn't know why Hilovina was telling him this, but he still nodded.    


Hilovina said softly, "Thank you, Doctor Bonn. Even if it's my father, you don't have to talk about it for now."    


Bonn said, "Rest assured, if the old master wants to ask, I'll tell him that you fainted. Let me take a look." Hilovina smiled faintly and personally escorted Bonn to the door.    


Lu Lee knew everything was happening around him, but just as Bonn said, he couldn't move at the moment because he was hit by a rock in the back by the explosion. Although it wasn't fatal, but he couldn't open his mouth for a moment and couldn't move at all.    


Seeing Lu Lee open his eyes, Xu Jing shouted in surprise, "He's awake!" Everyone immediately surrounded him.    


Little Wolf saw Lu Lee open his eyes and said, "You scared us to death, get up quickly." Lu Lee slowly tried to sit up. Hilovina and Xu Jing hurriedly helped him up, and Wu Tie said softly, "It's fine. It's just that I was hit on the back by a rock. I held my breath. Now I'm fine."    


Xu Jing reprimanded him, "Don't try any more dangerous moves in the future. Don't you know that we were scared to death by you."    


He had confidence in Lu Lee and did not believe that something would really happen to Lu Lee. Although Lu Lee's plan was to take risks, for Hee Xiao and Lu Lee who had experienced gunfire and smoke, Hee Xiao always believed that Lu Lee would definitely be able to protect them.    


Lu Lee asked softly, "Is Deng Rann back yet?"    


Deng Rann hurriedly walked forward, "Elder Brother Lee, he has already left the manor and will probably not come back."    


Lu Lee smiled. Knowing that the fish had been caught, he stretched his limbs slightly and said, "Who's following him?" Deng Rann said, "Sister Yan."    


Lu Lee nodded. "Xiaoxue is a good hand at tracking her. We'll prepare to move when she returns."    


Hilovina said, "Lu, you can't go. Your body is still recovering!"    


Lu Lee replied, "It's alright. I must go. I set up this trap tonight just to take the initiative." Little Wolf asked softly, "Elder Brother Lee, do you think they will see through your plan?"    


Lu Lee was silent for a moment: "I'm not sure, I'm also betting, betting whether that spy will shoulder all the credit on himself."    


"Oh?" "What does that mean?"    


Faang Shaojun rolled his eyes at him, "String, before you ask the question, can you use your brain to think about it?"    


String touched her head in embarrassment, then Faang Shaojun said, "Elder Brother Lee was betting on whether this person would go back and do something. He said that the explosives were also prepared by him, and he didn't want to tell us the truth."    


Lu Lee nodded and said, "Yes, if he honestly says that the explosives were found on the spot, then I really won't be able to get away with it."    


Xu Jing smiled and said, "You're betting on his greed. If he's playing a little trick or a little trick, trying to enlarge his contribution, he'll definitely say that he spent a lot of effort to prepare the explosives, right?" Lu Lee said, "Actually, this is a wager on humanity."    


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