Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C58 This Is the End?

C58 This Is the End?

He had fantasized about it a thousand times in his heart. If Huang Dongfeng came, he would take her down and push her away, but he didn't expect that he would be pushed away by her.    


Huang Dongfeng pulled Faang Shaojun to the bedside. Her hands wrapped around Faang Shaojun's neck, and her lips were once again imprinted onto his neck. Faang Shaojun reacted again when he was kissed by her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and fell back on the bed.    


Faang Shaojun's hands also started to become dishonest. Like Huang Dongfeng, she was also relieved. What was even more surprising was that she actually got on the horse like that. Faang Shaojun felt itchy and was surrounded by a hot spring. Huang Dongfeng frowned. "Ah?"    


Faang Shaojun also felt that a layer of barrier had been broken. He softly asked, "Are you still …"    


Before he could finish his words, Huang Dongfeng shouted, "Shut up!"    


Faang Shaojun felt wronged!    


Huang Dongfeng adjusted herself and took a deep breath before continuing.    


Faang Shaojun had never felt something like this before, but he was not able to hold it in any longer. The volcano erupted just like that, and his boiling heat made her feel extremely hot. She couldn't help but let out a light snort.    


What happened next made Faang Shaojun feel even more awkward and confused. He saw Huang Dongfeng suddenly open her eyes, lean down, lean on his chest and ask in confusion, "Is that it?"    


Faang Shaojun's face turned red: "It's over."    


Huang Dongfeng laughed. "Now that you're mine, let's see where you can run to now?"    


After saying that, he stopped smiling and said, "If I knew you and other women were like this, I would have killed it with one shot!"    


After saying that, she used her jade hand to flick the object.    


Faang Shaojun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at Huang Dongfeng and asked seriously, "Will you be responsible for me?"    


Huang Dongfeng stood up and looked at his face, nodding seriously. Faang Shaojun said, "What if I think about it?"    


Huang Dongfeng said, "Look for me. You can only look for me. From now on, you're my boyfriend. You're not allowed to look for another woman other than me."    


After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and said, "Don't ever think that I don't know. In a place like Xiangjiang, don't think that you can deceive me."    


Who knew that she added, "Even if you want to go back to the mainland, I have to go with you. Don't think about going back alone, you dare to carry me back.    


Faang Shaojun couldn't help but sweat. He was finished. His freedom had finally come to an end.    


Faang Shaojun touched Huang Dongfeng's head and said, "I say, you're your man now. Can you be a bit more gentle?"    


She thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "As long as you don't violate the two rules I've set, I'll be gentle to you."    


Faang Shaojun coughed, "I want some water."    


Huang Dongfeng quickly got up, washed her clothes, and went to the kitchen to bring a cup of water. Faang Shaojun drank it up after drinking. Looking at Huang Dongfeng's charming curves, he unexpectedly had another reaction.    


Putting down the cup, he pulled Huang Dongfeng into his arms and said softly, "I want to."    


Huang Dongfeng glanced at him. "Be more gentle. It still hurts a little."    


Faang Shaojun leaned on her body and experienced a storm. This time, the two of them were very relaxed. Faang Shaojun persisted for a long time and Huang Dongfeng finally understood the wonderful feeling.    


After stopping, Huang Dongfeng gently called out, "Hubby, I'm giving you a present."    


Faang Shaojun asked, "What gift?"    


She shyly said, "A favor."    


Faang Shaojun already understood after hearing this, but deliberately played dumb and said: "Favor? Whose favor? "    


She said: "Yours, go tell Chen Fei, as long as the Wolf Hall does not cause any big problems in the future, I will not do anything against him."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Why did you do that?"    


Huang Dongfeng said, "It's a favor to the water anyway. Think about it, he will find out about our relationship sooner or later. Instead of waiting for something to happen to him and causing trouble for me, why don't I avoid this trouble myself?"    


Faang Shaojun was secretly happy in his heart. In fact, this was his main purpose for getting close to Huang Dongfeng in the beginning, but he also knew that he really did fall in love with this wild girl. However, the situation today was beyond his expectations.    


He said, "I understand. Alright, I'll tell him when I see him."    


Lu Lee's smile became crooked when he heard Faang Shaojun talk about this. Faang Shaojun pulled him into the room as soon as he came back, and he thought that something big had happened. Who knew that Faang Shaojun was pushed back by that crazy flower? Faang Shaojun frowned and asked, "Is it funny?"    


Lu Lee nodded. "Funny, indeed. Don't you think so?"    


Faang Shaojun also couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Indeed, it's funny."    


Faang Shaojun asked Lu Lee after laughing, "When are you going to go to Shenzhen?"    


Lu Lee also stopped smiling, "Tonight, around 2 in the morning."    


Faang Shaojun said, "I think it will be ahead of schedule."    


Lu Lee said, "Why?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "They don't even want to tell you the exact location and the contact beforehand. The time I want to tell you will also be fake."    


Lu Lee said, "Does that mean they don't trust me at all?"    


Faang Shaojun shook his head and said, "Not entirely. They are very careful. Trust is built on a trustworthy foundation, unless you cooperate with them a few times to make them feel you're trustworthy. Only then will they completely relax their guard against you."    


After saying that, he looked up and asked, "Have you notified Little Wolf about your matter?"    


Lu Lee nodded and said, "I already told him. He said to contact him first and touch him first."    


Faang Shaojun said, "You have to remind them not to take any action. Although there are a lot of them this time, the thing we have to stop is the source. Compared to the source, the 20 million is nothing."    


Lu Lee said, "OK, I'll give him a call."    


Lu Lee dialed Little Wolf's number and told him about Faang Shaojun's opinion. Little Wolf said, "Understood, that's what the higher ups mean. Don't worry. If there's really something going on, they will definitely ask for your opinion."    


After hanging up, Lu Lee said, "There shouldn't be any problems, they won't act rashly."    


Faang Shaojun nodded and said, "I hope there won't be any accidents on the road."    


Lu Lee asked, "What accident?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "Our people won't move. I don't know if the police will get the news."    


Lu Lee sighed and said, "There's no other way. We can only adapt as we please. We can't deliberately greet them for this. That way, our target will be exposed."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Why don't I go with you?"    


Lu Lee said, "It's better not to. Don't provoke that Crazy Flower again. With her character, would she let go of such a case?"    


Faang Shaojun thought about it and said, "That's true, this girl is too stubborn."    


Lu Lee said with a smile, "You should keep her busy for the next two days. Don't let her sniff you."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Don't worry, she won't have the time to create trouble in the next two days."    


After dinner, Lu Lee called Xiao Dao and told him to come to the villa. This time, Lu Lee wasn't going to bring too many people with him. If it was something they couldn't handle, then no matter how many people they brought, it would be useless.    


Faang Shaojun naturally wouldn't stay at Lu Lee's place for too long at the beginning of his marriage. He had left early to accompany his beloved one.    


Lu Lee, Liu sisters and Zhangs were drinking tea in the living room as they planned out their next move. Lu Lee was very confident in these three people. What he was most worried about was Xiao Dao, after all, he was someone who knew how to do things in the past. He told them to be more careful with Xiao Dao. Liu sisters naturally obeyed Lu Lee's words, and Dou Zi also never doubted Lu Lee's words.    


Lu Lee said, "This time, Liu Ye and Liu Xu pay more attention to Xiao Dao, if he makes any unusual moves, immediately stop him. Zhangs, you are responsible for dealing with the sudden incidents, don't be soft-hearted when you should attack. However, if you encounter the military police, don't move without my permission.    


Yanzi naturally knew why. After all, he was now a member of Lu Lee's organization.    


Lu Lee said, "As for Xiao Dao, let him be the driver. He'll be in the passenger seat."    


Just like Faang Shaojun said, the original operation was scheduled to start at 2 AM. But at 11 pm, Qian Meng called and told Lu Lee to drive to Wan Chai Pier immediately.    


When the car arrived at the Wan Chai Pier, the person waiting there was not Qian Meng, but Sun Jifeng. He saw Lu Lee and smiled, "Hoodlum, we received news that the overland investigation has been very tight these two days, so we decided to take the water route at 12 o'clock, is that alright?"    


Lu Lee, you clearly showed his dissatisfaction, but he still said softly, "No problem, you're the boss, you have the final say."    


Sun Jifeng felt Lu Lee's dissatisfaction. He smiled and said, "Don't blame our two brothers, we were forced to be unselfish. Think about it, this is a transaction worth millions, we don't want it to float."    


Lu Lee saw that there were still four or five people on the boat. He asked, "Who are these people?"    


Sun Jifeng said, "Oh, two of them are from the ship, and the other three are the cargo owner's men."    


Lu Lee asked lightly: "If there are any problems along the way and they disagree, who will listen to who?"    


Sun Jifeng was stunned for a moment and then chuckled, "I'll listen to you."    


Then he called out, "Qiao Jiu Wu, come here for a moment."    


One of the three men walked over and stopped in front of Sun Jifeng. He asked: "Boss Sun, what's the matter?"    


Sun Jifeng said: "This is our Hall Master, Elder Brother Fei."    


Qiao Jianwu only glanced at Lu Lee and didn't call him. Then, he looked at Sun Jifeng: "What problem?"    


Sun Jifeng said, "Along the way, you must listen to Elder Brother Fei's every move. Don't get into trouble, otherwise, be careful of family rules."    


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