My Sensual Lady

C17 Sister Yin's Reward

C17 Sister Yin's Reward

This slap was crisp and loud. In an instant, the class monitor was stunned. He covered the red slap mark on his face and looked at her in confusion.    


He never dreamed that Han Xiyin would actually hit him, and it was because I hit him!    


Then, the class monitor began to feel wronged in his heart. He looked at the students who were attracted in the corridor and saw that they had just walked out of the class. Lin Shanshan had a surprised look on her face. This was the first time he had been beaten up. He was the class monitor, who always considered himself to be the pride of the world. Soon, she could not hold it in anymore. He could not stand Han Xiyin beating him in front of everyone, and he could not stand Han Xiyin beating him in front of Lin Shanshan.    


He was almost about to cry. The class monitor held his tears and said to Han Xiyin, "Ms Xiyin, what happened to me? Why did you suddenly hit me? I helped you hit Wang Yue out of kindness. Why did you hit me?"    


Seeing that the class monitor was about to cry, I found it funny in my heart. If it wasn't for him always looking for trouble with me, he wouldn't have been beaten up by Han Xiyin. Haha, this is his retribution.    


And who was Han Xiyin? She was the female boss of the school, an existence that walked unhindered in the school.    


She did not need a reason to beat someone up.    


When she heard the class monitor's loud voice, Han Xiyin slapped him again. "Why are you speaking so loudly? Do you want to make me deaf? Damn it, even a dog like you has the right to speak to me? "    


This slap caused the other half of the class monitor's face to turn red.    


Hearing Han Xiyin's words, the class monitor couldn't help but burst into tears. At the same time, the hoodlum that the class monitor had just found immediately stood on Han Xiyin's side. They all wanted to establish a relationship with Han Xiyin, so they hurriedly fawned over her and said. " Ms Xiyin, this brat actually dares to speak loudly to you. Do you want us to help you teach him a lesson?"    


" Whatever. " Han Xiyin said unhappily.    


"F * ck you!" Hearing Han Xiyin's words, a hooligan kicked the class monitor. Following that, the hoodlums the class monitor had just found swarmed up and surrounded the class monitor in the middle and gave him a flat kick.    


"I hate this kind of dog the most." Han Xiyin gave the class monitor a look of disdain before pulling me out of the school building.    


When Han Xiyin pulled me, I saw that the students in the corridor were all looking at me. They looked at me strangely and did not understand why Han Xiyin was so good to me. As for Lin Shanshan who was behind me, I also felt that she had looked at me for a long time.    


Damn it, this feeling is too good.    


She held my hand and led me out of the school building. When we walked out of the teaching building, I saw that she was holding my hand and her face was a little red. I gently broke free of her hand and whispered to her, "Senior, where are we going to eat spicy soup?"    


Sensing that I was embarrassed, Han Xiyin looked at me with interest and said, "Little junior, are you embarrassed?"    


"No, no..." I was a little nervous.    


"Hehe, what's wrong with holding hands? Isn't that normal? As long as you delete my photo, I'll give you whatever you want except for my first time." Han Xiyin said to me.    


"Yes." I lightly nodded my head.    


Han Xiyin wanted me to delete her photo. As long as I can delete her photo, Han Xiyin wants to do anything for me. Although I don't want to let Tang Yuxin down, I still have some expectations for Han Xiyin's first time.    


In my heart, I feel that Han Xiyin is just a green tea. Although I don't like her, I also don't want to let her live so quickly. I still want to play more with her, so I didn't tell her clearly. When did I delete her photo?    


Very quickly, Han Xiyin brought me into the school canteen. The canteen was filled with a hubbub of voices. There were students eating everywhere.    


She brought me to a place with fewer people and sat down. Han Xiyin's beautiful eyes swept across the crowd. Then, she hooked her slender fingers and called a hooligan student over. "Brother, go and buy me two servings of Mala Soup. I want some seaweed, bean curd, potato chips, and mushrooms. Put more vinegar and chili oil on me."    


"Junior Wang Yue, what do you want?"    


"Just like you. Don't be jealous, don't be too spicy." I said to Han Xiyin.    


"En, get me another two bottles of soda." Waving her hand at the hooligan, Han Xiyin let him go. Following which, Han Xiyin smiles charmingly at me, "My junior Wang Yue, when can you delete senior sister's photo?"    


"Depends on your performance." I said.    


After hearing what I said, Han Xiyin understood what I meant. Knowing that the matter in the water room wasn't settled properly, I still want to take advantage of her in my heart. After thinking for a while, Han Xiyin used her shoes to rub against my pants. " Then, should we go and study outside the school later? Should I perform well? "    


Han Xiyin is too flirtatious. I was lightly rubbed by her twice and very quickly, I felt it again. Then, thinking of the feeling of her helping me, my heart felt a little itchy.    


But thinking of Tang Yuxin, she is still waiting for me at home. Han Xiyin and I will have to go home right after we finish eating. I forcefully endured the uncomfortable feeling in my heart and said to Han Xiyin, "I can't do it at noon today. Let's wait for tonight."    


"Why can't I do it at noon?" Han Xiyin was a little disappointed.    


"I have something to do at noon." I said.    


"Oh..." After hearing my words, Han Xiyin's expression became a little sour.    


Very quickly, the hoodlum who bought the spicy hotpot for the two of us came over. After placing the spicy hotpot for the two of us, the hoodlum placed the soda on the table and said, "Ms Xiyin, I'm leaving?"    


"Yes, let's go." Han Xiyin nodded.    


In front of others, Han Xiyin was a person that everyone feared. But in front of me, Han Xiyin was as obedient as a kitten. Although I know that she is trying to please me and only wants me to delete her photo. As long as I really delete her photo, she might not recognize me in the blink of an eye. But I really enjoy the feeling of her trying to please me.    


"Are you free tonight?" After thinking about it, Han Xiyin asked me.    


"I just wanted to take a look." I said.    


"Hmm..." Han Xiyin picked up her chopsticks and picked up a potato slice. After taking a bite, she thought about it and said, " Little Junior, I apologize for hitting you earlier. If I knew that you had Gao Guili's account book, I definitely wouldn't have hit you. If you can delete my photo, except for my first time... If you want me to do anything, I can give it to you. Like that dog from your class, if you don't like him, I can immediately get someone to send him out of school."    


"Really, I'm not bragging. In this school, if I want to beat someone up, no one will dare to fight back" After saying that, Han Xiyin looked at me seriously.    


"Really?" I asked.    


"Hehe, of course it's true. If you can delete my photo and don't need me to pay the loan, I will definitely be very grateful to you. I can let you take advantage of me a lot, you can take advantage of me anytime you want. I can also make you as ruthless as Guang and Chen Jianming. I guarantee that no one in this school will dare to bully you." Han Xiyin said.    


After hearing Han Xiyin's words, I was slightly moved by her words. I really want to take advantage of her, but I want to become an influential person in the school.    


Because I want to protect Tang Yuxin, and I don't want anyone to bully me in front of Tang Yuxin. Thinking of this, I asked her with great interest, "If I want to become stronger, how can you make me become stronger?"    


"Hehe, Guang, Chen Jianming, they are all my brothers. I am the one who supported them." Han Xiyin laughed.    


Guang was the eldest senior brother who beat me before. He was thin and short, and did not have any combat power. Chen Jianming is the eldest senior brother of our second year. He also helped Han Xiyin beat me up before.    


Seeing that I am interested, Han Xiyin smiles charmingly at me. "Little brother, other than big brother like Gao Guili, ordinary hooligans can give me some face. If I want to help you get along, I only need to acknowledge you as my little brother. I think no one in this school would dare to touch you. How about it, do you want to acknowledge me as your sister? "    


"This..." Hearing Han Xiyin's words, I hesitated.    


"If you want me to be your elder sister, I can still help you solve the problem." Han Xiyin secretly glanced at the side and quietly took off her shoes and touched my place with her feet.    


I was touched by Han Xiyin's feet that were wearing stockings and instantly felt a little uncomfortable. When Han Xiyin saw that I was moved, her feet gently moved again. "How is it, my good little brother? If you don't need me to return the money, I will definitely thank you properly..."    


"I'll think about it, let me think about it..."    


I didn't expect Han Xiyin to be so bold. My face instantly turned red. Then, I looked at her snow-white feet that were wrapped in black stockings. I felt that I was a little out of sorts.    


Han Xiyin, she is the second girl besides Tang Yuxin to touch me. The most important thing is that I am not familiar with her and we are still in the canteen. In such a lively place, I was touched by a beauty I just met. This feeling is too uncomfortable.    


"Don't think about it. If you can't, don't be too busy at noon. Find a place to chat with me for a while. Then I'll help you properly. Help me delete the photo. You can ask for it whenever you want in the future." Han Xiyin begged me in a low voice.    


"You, let me think..."    


Just when I was panting so hard that I felt like I was about to die. I don't know which cheap guy it was, but he suddenly slapped me on the back of my head.    


I only felt a buzzing sound in my head and I couldn't help but open my mouth due to the pain. The uncomfortable feeling that I got from Han Xiyin disappeared in an instant. When Han Xiyin saw that someone hit me, she was so scared that she quickly retracted her foot.    


It was the eldest of the first year of high school, Guang.    


Turning around, I saw him standing behind me with a beauty and a group of underlings. He did not see Han Xiyin messing with me. He only saw the Mala Soup on the table between Han Xiyin and me.    


Smiling, he sat beside me. Then, he looked at me with a cold smile and said, "Competing with a child, not bad. You actually know to treat my sister to a meal? However, do you think that we will let you off just because you treat my sister to a meal? F * ck, we will still f * ck you!"    


..." " Hearing Guang's words, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.    


"F * ck you, eat slowly. After eating, we'll go out for a walk." Spitting a mouthful of saliva at my Mala Soup, Guang looked at Han Xiyin in a wretched manner. He was the younger brother Han Xiyin recognized at school. He was the eldest son of the first year of high school that Han Xiyin had brought up. At this moment, he was looking at Han Xiyin with a flattering face, waiting for Han Xiyin to praise him.    


As for Han Xiyin, when she saw that my face had turned green, her pretty face also changed. Originally, she was already very flirtatious towards me and was prepared to bring me to a good place to let me take advantage of her and help her erase her loan.    


Now, seeing Guang come over and ruin her good deed, there was no need to mention how angry she was in her heart.    


He still did not know about Guang. He even looked at Han Xiyin with a wretched expression and said, "Sister, did I teach this kid a lesson to relieve my hatred? How are you going to reward me?"    


"Haha, I'm going to reward you, my ass!" Picking up the Mala Soup on the table, Han Xiyin splashed it on his face.    


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