My Sensual Lady

C460 Get out of the North

C460 Get out of the North

I told you before, to be a provincial big brother, I'm gonna start dealing with some foreigners. Because there is nothing we can do about the business in this province anymore, except for the accidents that we are familiar with. We do not touch other industries that we are not familiar with, because if we invest randomly, it might cause us to lose money.    


If we want to earn more money from the businesses we are familiar with, then we will have to expand our business overseas. Take Zhao Laohu for example. He maintained long-term trading with many of the big brothers in Russia. Russia lacked food and fruits, so he sold the excess agricultural products overseas. At the same time, his older brothers in Russia sold him some of the things he needed.    


There was also Zhang Yuhui, who also had business dealings with some of the big brothers in Japan. Just like when I was in City J, I also used the port in City J to do some small business with Smyda.    


At the beginning of May, it was the wedding day of Young Master Qian and Leng Shi. Now that my child has been born, Lin Er can sit down. I'm trying to walk while standing. I haven't found Waner yet. I don't know where she hid with my son. My brothers have also started to start a family.    


Among us brothers, I was the first to get married. The second one is Feiloong, and the third one is Young Master Qian and Leng Shi.    


Young Master Qian and Leng Shi getting married has a very special meaning to us. Because whether it is Young Master Qian or Leng Shi, they are our best brothers.    


The two great Gold Medal Fighter in our gang have become husband and wife. This makes us all want to give them our blessings.    


"Troubling the bridal chamber!" On the day Young Master Qian and Leng Shi got married, Guang immediately came to my house to discuss how to deal with Young Master Qian.    


"It must be a mess. Didn't we agree before? Young Master Qian and Leng Shi getting married, we must go to his house to eavesdrop." I said.    


" We still need to set up the Dragon Gate Formation and let him drink. We need to make him not do that kind of thing at night when he drinks! "Guang said again.    


"Yes." Although I felt that Guang's words were somewhat contradictory, I still nodded my head.    


We have already finished arranging Young Master Qian's new room last night. At 4 o'clock in the morning, I helped him press the red paper and went to pick up the bride at 7 o'clock. After that, my clothes were a little dirty, so I ran back in advance to change my clothes. Their wedding time was 11: 18 in the morning, and it was only slightly past 9 in the morning. I still have time to change my clothes.    


I stood in the living room and chatted with Guang. At the same time. I chose a suit. After thinking for a while, I asked Tang Yuxin, who was also testing her clothes, not far away. "Wife, which suit should I wear today? Should I wear a black suit to suppress the crowd, or a white one to show off a little bit of red? Why don't I wear a red one to show off a little? "    


"Choose yourself!" On the other side, Tang Yuxin was gesticulating with Little Xi, Han Xiyin, and Su Ya. After hearing my words, Tang Yuxin blushed and perfunctorily replied to me.    


"Give me some suggestions. I have selective syndrome." I said.    


"Aiya, you can choose yourself. We're all so busy. What's there to be sentimental about, a rather big man? We have a harder choice than you. Young Master Qian and Leng Shi are getting married. Not only all of your brothers are going, even many of the big shots in the province are going as well. We also have to choose clothes. Don't tell me you want us to embarrass you? " Su Ya said anxiously.    


"Yes!" Nalan Yi hugged Lin'er and a mischievous smile appeared on her face.    


This is my life after marriage. Before marriage, they kept saying how much they love me. Now that I am married, the few girls immediately huddle together and cast me aside.    


What can I do?    


Guang and I looked at each other and smiled helplessly. Guang thought for a while and whispered to me, "Mr Yue, you are so miserable. It seems that my choice was correct. My wife only wants Tiantian, while the others are just playing around. "    


"Scumbag man!" I rolled my eyes at Guang and said.    


After that, I chose a white suit, which looked rather flashy. Ignoring Tang Yuxin and Little Xi, I drove straight to Young Master Qian's wedding venue.    


Just like usual, when I appeared at Young Master Qian's wedding venue, many of the important people in the provincial capital immediately walked up to me and passionately spoke to me. I, on the other hand, was like a spring breeze, smiling as I maintained the demeanor of a king. I passionately chatted with them.    


After chatting with all the big brothers, I saw Leng Shi appear and immediately walked towards her. On the day of Leng Shi and Young Master Qian's wedding, she looked extremely beautiful. Her hair was tied up high, her face was flushed red, and her eyelashes were long. That snow-white wedding dress made her look charming and moving. Looking at the beautiful bride, I couldn't help but walk over and hug her slender body tightly. " Little Sister Shi'er, you're finally getting married. Mr Yue, I really can't bear to part with you."    


When I hugged her, I moved a few times lowly. I felt that her chest was very soft.    


The brothers all knew that I was taking advantage of Leng Shi. When they saw this scene, they all laughed. Then, Luo Yong cried and also walked over to hug Leng Shi to take advantage of her. " Sister Shi'er, you are finally getting married. Brother Yong also can't bear to part with you."    


"Get lost!" Leng Shi was accidentally taken advantage of by me. Now that she saw Luo Yong taking advantage of me, how could she give him another chance? She coldly scolded Luo Yong a few times, causing Luo Yong to have a nose full of dust.    


"Mr Yue, how is it?" When I was sitting next to a banquet, Guang, Mr Haonan and the others asked me lowly.    


I snapped my fingers and said, "You flatter me!"    


I deliberately took advantage of Leng Shi to play around, because I took advantage of Young Master Qian's wife. It would give us a great sense of accomplishment. Then, we all laughed, lit cigarettes, and chatted happily. Waiting for Young Master Qian and Leng Shi's wedding.    


At this moment, a middle-aged man with a small mustache and a few subordinates walked in front of me. Smiling, the bearded middle-aged man handed me a business card and said. " Hello, Mr. Wang Yue. I am Yamada Isumi of Dahe Black Dragon Co., Ltd. Can I make a friend with you?"    


"Black Dragon Co.?" Taking the business card from the small mustached man, I couldn't help but raise my head and look at him in shock.    


"That's right, we are from the Black Dragon Group. Our Black Dragon Gang is the number one power in the Great Peace State. We hope to make friends with you." The small mustached man said with a smile.    


I know about the Black Dragon Union. It is the number one gang in Japan. They are very powerful, comparable to the four big families in the country.    


As for me, I look at the fake smile on the small mustached man's face. I was surprised by their sudden visit. I had only done business with some Smydans before, but now that my business is booming, I can't be bothered to meet those Smydans. After thinking for a moment, I smiled and asked him, "Mr. Oda, I'm afraid that you didn't come to find me just to make friends, right?"    


"Mr. Wang Yue, I heard that you injected a drug developed by our Black Dragon Gang before. After you injected that set of medicine, would there be any symptoms of discomfort on the full moon night every month? For example, when you see the full moon, you will be inexplicably excited and want to scream. Nonsense. Or is your entire body covered in black fur? "    


" Let's talk somewhere else. " Hearing the small mustached man's words, I immediately furrowed my brows.    


Right now, besides being the big brother in the north, I am also the President of the Trade and Commerce Association in the north. In terms of charity, I am also the best person in the North. I have a very high position, a lot of influence, and I am a very influential public figure.    


As for this strange disease of mine, almost every 15th of the first month, I will kneel outside like a dog and shout at the moon. There were many doctors who looked for me, and they were all at a loss for what to do. They only said that I was too tired and asked me to rest more. Take good care of yourself and prescribe me some vitamins and other drugs.    


If this strange disease were to spread, people would know that I've become a monster. I might become a werewolf in the future. Then, this matter will have a great impact on our Bright Moon Group. Recently, some new powers have started to rise. The Loong family in the south has been eyeing us covetously. Perhaps they will make a fuss about my strange illness and take advantage of this opportunity to do something to us.    


Other than my wives and my brothers, no one else knows about my strange illness. So when this small mustached man appears, he immediately attracts my attention.    


After that, we open a guest room in the hotel and sit in the guest room. I lit a cigarette and said with a slight frown, "Mr. Oda, what do you know?"    


"Mr. Wang Yue, besides knowing that you have injected us with medicine, I also know that you may have some unhealthy symptoms. In addition, I also have a way to treat your strange illness." The small mustached man smiled hypocritically.    


"What!?" Hearing the small mustached man's words, my expression instantly changes.    


"Because this medicine was developed by our Black Dragon Club. When we developed this medicine, we were still unable to solve the drawbacks of this medicine. And now, we have just developed a new medicine. This medicine is perfect, it has improved the drawbacks of this medicine that will cause side effects to the human body. At the same time, it can also cure the side effects that you left behind earlier." The small mustached man smiled at me and said.    


"How much do you want?" I asked.    


"No money." The small mustached man smiled.    


"No money?" I was surprised.    


"Yes, because we sincerely came to make friends with Mr. Wang Yue. So this time, we came with a new set of medicine." The man with a small mustache smiled and took out a small suitcase.    


When the man with the small mustache opened the suitcase, a chill ran down his spine. Then, I couldn't help but look into the suitcase and saw that there was only a needle in the suitcase.    


This small needle can cure my strange illness. Although I really desire this needle, I still feel that something is wrong. "Mr. Oda Isumi, if there is anything you need, just tell me. Hehe, I don't believe that there's such a good thing as a free lunch in this world."    


"Mr. Wang Yue is really smart. Actually, it's like this. We want to cooperate with Mr. Wang Yue." The small mustached man smiled.    


"What do you mean?" the man with the mustache asked. I asked.    


"We will invest 100 billion to build factories in the north. If the factory is successfully built, we will give Mr. Wang Yue 30% of the shares." The man with the mustache smiled.    


"Building the factory?" I asked.    


"Yes, build a factory, because our Black Dragon Society is not only the largest and largest gang, we have an even more important position in the international industry. However, our land resources are limited, and there are not many places for us to build a factory. The north is very close to our Da He, and the land is vast. Mr. Wang Yue is the biggest brother in the north, and with your help, we believe that our great source will be realized." The small mustached man stood up and bowed deeply to me.    


"Investing 100 billion to build a factory will require a large amount of land. Many of the places in the north have already built factories. If you want to build a factory, I'm afraid you can only buy other people's bases, right? " I asked with a smile.    


"Yes, so I need Mr. Wang Yue's help. With your status, if you help us buy it... Yes. This is the plan, the details are all on it. If you succeed, you'll get 30 billion a year." The small mustache said.    


"30 billion a year? That much?" I asked.    


" Yes. " The small mustached man said.    


"I didn't come here for nothing. I don't believe you guys would give me such a good thing. Tell me, what kind of trouble would there be in building so many factories? " I asked.    


"The environment is polluted, not a single blade of grass grows." The small mustached man said with a smile.    


"F * ck!" After hearing the small mustached man's words, Feiloong immediately looked at me in shock.    


"But we can get the biggest profit." The small mustached man said.    


"Oh..." Hearing the small mustached man's words, I smiled.    


Then, I flipped open the proposal and looked at it. I already know what's going on. The small mustached man came to me because he wanted to use my position to help the Black Dragon Gang buy land and build a factory. Their R People has a bad impression of us in the north. If they come here to buy land, no matter who it is, they will take advantage of them. If I come out and help them, I will save a lot of money. Secondly, if they successfully build the factory, it will cause serious pollution on the land in the north. And I am the big brother of society, I can help them withstand the rumors.    


Think about it, if we use 100 billion to build the factory, how many factories will be built and how much harm will it cause to the pollution in the north?    


After flipping through the proposal in one go, I smiled and placed the proposal on the coffee table.    


"When will we start working together?" The small mustached man asked me.    


"Not working together!" With a crashing sound, I stood up.    


"Mister Wang Yue, 30 billion a year, even the Loong family won't be able to earn that much. If you cooperate with us, we will share a lot of better resources with you. I heard that you have a grudge with the Loong family. Don't you want to defeat the Loong family just like that? " The small mustached man said.    


"I don't want to. I don't want to defeat the Loong family, and I don't want to work with you." I sneered and walked out of the room.    


"Stop right there!" Suddenly, the small mustached man became anxious.    


"Hm?" Hearing the small mustached man's words, I coldly turned around to look at him.    


"Mr. Wang Yue, don't you want to cure your strange illness? Don't forget, the antidote for your strange illness is in our hands." The small mustache said with a smile.    


"Are you threatening me?" I asked.    


"I dare not." The small mustached man lowered his head and said.    


"Hehe, Mr. Oda, there are some things I'm not afraid of telling you. How should I put it? I know that your Black Dragon Society is very powerful. Not only is it the largest gang in Japan, but it also has a very high position in the world. If I cooperate with you, I will have a lot of development. I will have a lot of power. However, it doesn't matter if I eat or drink, it doesn't matter even if Bubble blew her own horn. And I, Wang Yue, will never do anything that will let China down. I will never do anything that will harm the interests of the people. The north is my, Wang Yue's, home. I will never help you do anything that will harm your hometown. "    


" I will give you three days. Get out of the north within three days! " With a sneer, I led my brothers out of the guest room.    


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