My Sensual Lady

C169 Tiger Zhao's Intentions

C169 Tiger Zhao's Intentions

Linlin had a good personality and was a very generous girl. After knowing her for a period of time, our relationship is already very good. We have a very good impression of each other. Hearing that Linlin is willing to help me, a strange feeling welled up in my heart. I only felt that it was even worse. After thinking for a while, I said with a red face, " Is that alright?"    


It was almost dawn. The room was warm and comfortable. She didn't answer me. After thinking for a while, she reached her hand into my pants.    


This is the first time she helped me. I only treated her as a good friend. This feeling is hard to describe. Then I couldn't help but hug her and put my hand into her clothes.    


Linlin's figure was very good and her chest was not big. But the first time I touched her body, it gave me an indescribable feeling. After that, my hand touched her shirt for a while and I could not help but feel a little out of control. I reached my hand into her pants. At this moment, Linlin took my hand out and told me that this was her first time. Can you not touch that? She just wanted to help me and had no other intentions.    


When she was talking to me, her face was red, and her breathing was uneven. I could tell that she really wanted it, but girls all value their first time, so I nodded in embarrassment.    


Then I placed my hand in her shirt, and she used her little hand to help me at the same time. But I've been helping her for a long time recently, and she hasn't been able to solve it for me for a long time. At this time, I could see that she was a little tired, so I thought about it and touched her soft long hair. She understood what I meant, so she lifted the blanket and went under me.    


Seeing that Linlin was about to use her mouth to help me, I seemed very excited. Suddenly, the door to the inner room opened and Leng Shi walked out with messy long hair.    


I didn't expect that someone would come out. Linlin and I were frightened. Linlin quickly covered herself with the blanket but Leng Shi still saw it.    


At that time, I only felt extremely awkward and wished that I could find a hole to hide in. After that, Leng Shi looked at me in surprise for a long time. After thinking for a while, she said, "Pervert!"    


I thought that Leng Shi would go back when she saw me, but she did not go back. Instead, she walked straight to a chair in the shop and sat down. She stared at me with her eyes.    


At this moment, Leng Shi's face was pale and her long hair was messy. It could be seen that Leng Shi did not sleep well last night. Or rather, she did not sleep at all.    


I think that she has gone back. Should I continue with Linlin? But she did not seem to have any intention of going back to the inner room. Linlin and I awkwardly looked at her for a while. I thought about it and secretly put on my pants under the blanket. This kind of thing was interrupted halfway, making one's body very uncomfortable. I blushed and looked at Leng Shi for a while. After thinking for a while, I pretended that nothing had happened and said, "Leng Shi, why aren't you going back to sleep? Are you alright?"    


"Take me home." Leng Shi only said coldly.    


"Now?" I asked.    


"Now." Leng Shi said.    


Hearing Leng Shi's words, I thought for a while and nodded. "Alright, I'll take you home. Wait for me. I'll go find Guang and Young Master Qian."    


"No need. You can just send me home." Leng Shi said.    


"Wait for me. I'll go find Young Master Qian and ask him to take you home." I said.    


"Take me home. I have to leave now." After saying that, Leng Shi walked over and opened the shutter door. Then, she walked to the car outside and waited for me.    


Seeing that Leng Shi insisted on leaving, I thought about it and walked into the house. When I entered the house, I saw Guang and big chest woman hiding under the blanket. Young Master Qian also looked at me with slightly red eyes, "Mr Yue, Leng Shi wants to leave?"    


"Yes, Leng Shi seems to be angry. Young Master Qian, come with me to see her off." I said.    


" Mr Yue, I won't send her off. I'm a little embarrassed..." Young Master Qian looked at Guang hatefully and said to me with an ugly expression.    


It could be seen that Young Master Qian was very thin-skinned when it came to dating girls. He and Leng Shi had heard Guang's voice all night. Now he was a little embarrassed to talk to Leng Shi.    


Then I looked at Leng Shi outside. She was still standing outside waiting for me. At this time, the sky had just lit up and the weather was also very cold. I thought to myself that I shouldn't let Leng Shi stand outside, so I glared at Young Master Qian unhappily. "You are really useless!"    


After that, I sent Leng Shi home. When I was sending Leng Shi home, I couldn't help but look at Linlin. She was also looking at me. I felt rather embarrassed in my heart. I said to Linlin, " Linlin, did I send Leng Shi home?"    


"Yes." Linlin lightly nodded her head and her small face turned red.    


After that, I drove Leng Shi home. On the way home, the two of us didn't say a word. Then, I sent her home and prepared to go home to sleep. We're not far from each other, living in a neighborhood. But at that moment, I felt a bit of pain in my stomach.    


I don't know if anyone has that kind of feeling, it's just that if you use your hands to solve it for a long time, you'll get diarrhea. I felt that I might have solved half of the problem just now and then held it back. Then, I felt a bit of a stomach ache.    


Leng Shi and I did not stand on ceremony. We directly ran into her house and went to the toilet. Then, after sitting for a while, when she came out, her stomach hurt a little and she ran back.    


At this time, Leng Shi's parents were woken up by me. Leng Shi's parents were all on the first floor. When they saw that I had a stomach ache, her parents found me medicine to treat it and let me rest at her house before leaving.    


How should I put it? I have the same feelings for Leng Shi as Tang Yuyi. I completely treat her as my younger sister. But there is one difference. I am very willing to play with her. Because she was the same age as me, Tang Yuyi just treated me like a little child. Especially Leng Shi's cold personality is similar to Lee Mingxi's, which makes her very attractive to me. Although I see her as a younger sister, at the same time, I have a sense of dependence towards her elder sister.    


I am very willing to be with Leng Shi and feel that it is quite interesting in her house. So I agreed. After that, Leng Shi's parents let me go to the room next to her on the second floor. After lying on the bed for a while, I felt a little better in my stomach. I fell asleep little by little.    


When I woke up again, it was already 12 o'clock in the afternoon. When I opened the door, her house was very quiet. Her parents seemed to have gone out. After thinking for a while, I ran into Leng Shi's room. Her room was very fragrant. She was lying on a large blue bed and sleeping quietly. I didn't even meet her and directly lied beside her.    


After a while, she felt that I was lying beside her. She looked at me with a pale face, thought for a moment, and covered her head with the blanket. After a while, she lifted the blanket and turned around to look at me. Her long hair was messy in front of her snow-white oval face. "What time is it?"    


"It's past 12 o'clock." I said to her with a smile.    


After hearing what I said, Leng Shi blinked her eyes and looked at me for a long time. After thinking for a while, she said, "Wang Yue, I won't go out with you guys anymore. You lied to me."    


Of course I lied to her because we wanted her to be with Young Master Qian. Seeing her look at me like that, I couldn't help but laugh. Picking up a bear on her bed, she sat on the sofa in her bedroom and lit a cigarette. " Little Sister Leng, why did I lie to you?"    


"You know it yourself." Leng Shi said.    


After hearing Leng Shi's words, I smiled and said to her, " Leng Shi, you can stay with Young Master Qian. Young Master Qian was so handsome, and he was also an indomitable man. If it was me, I would definitely be with Young Master Qian. Although his family is not as rich as yours, he will definitely be very rich in the future. He's worthy of you. I feel that you two are the best match. It's a pity that you're not together. "    


" No, I don't have any feelings for him. " Leng Shi said.    


"If you are not with him, we will continue to pester you. We are now one of us, you cannot escape." I said.    


"Up to you." Leng Shi curled her lips and smiled.    


Then, Leng Shi crawled out of the blanket to wash her face. When Leng Shi came out of the blanket, I couldn't help but feel confused when I saw her thin body.    


This Leng Shi is so beautiful. She is definitely a goddess. I am quite envious of Young Master Qian. He actually fell in love with such a high-quality girl at a glance.    


Leng Shi's house has the same layout as mine. There is also a bathroom in her bedroom. However, she changed the bathroom to a closet. When she was taking a shower in the bathroom outside, I sat in her bedroom and waited for her. I thought that she wouldn't be able to escape, so I had to help Young Master Qian chase after her. Now that I've lived in her house again, our relationship is even better. As long as I work hard, there will definitely be hope.    


Leng Shi did not bother with me. After taking a shower, she changed her clothes and let me sit in her bedroom. After that, when she went downstairs, I followed her. When she drove, I also got into her car.    


When we were eating at a nearby noodle house, she saw that I was just following her without saying anything. She laughed unhappily, "I've never seen such a shameless person like you."    


"I'm such a shameless person." I intentionally raised my eyebrows to anger her.    


"Do as you wish. I'm going to practice Sword Truth after dinner. Are you going with me?" She asked me.    


"Sure." I said.    


Leng Shi was the same as Lee Mingxi, a true aristocrat. She knows a lot of things: archery, shooting, fencing, sword arts. Piano, ballet, painting. She had learned everything related to temperament since she was young. And even if I have my own business now, compared to my peers, I'm still very rich. But compared to her, the difference is obvious. I'm still like a little rascal.    


I am very interested in what she has learned. While she was practicing her swordsmanship, I took the wooden sword and practiced for a while. Then, I sat on the ground and quietly watched her practice.    


At night, I accompanied her to practice the piano for a while. After that, we went home at around eight o'clock.    


From yesterday until now, I have gotten a lot closer to Leng Shi. This can be considered my harvest. Out of the seven big bosses of the seven schools that we surrendered to, I was the first to establish a firm friendship with her.    


Then, during the period before the New Year, I played with Hongshan, Feiloong, Tang Hu and Monkey, Luo Ying and Luo Yong. I also established a good friendship with them. Hongshan and Leng Shi were both from good families. They were both excellent civil and military talents in all aspects. Hongshan's father was an official, and he had a good friend who was a martial arts grandmaster. His Bajiquan was taught by that martial arts grandmaster.    


Tang Hu's family background was ranked behind them. He liked to go online, right? He had a very good relationship with Guang. Next was Monkey. His family also sold crabs and was very rich. This person had a carefree personality. Whatever he did would depend on his mood. He could be considered a person of character. Finally, it was Feiloong and Luo Ying, Luo Yong. The three of them did not have much money at home. They had to rely on their own abilities to be the big brother.    


It was also during this period of time that we had our own business. Our power is also starting to increase. On the street near our nightclub, there were a few hoodlums who were doing pretty well and joined us, one after another. They expressed that they were willing to play with us, and each of those gangsters had dozens of brothers in their hands. In our Oil Refinery, Hei also has a group of childhood friends. Those people have courage and can endure hardship. One of them followed us for loyalty and the other for money. They have formed a strong fighting force under us.    


Our Oil Refinery has been busy for a few days on New Year's Eve. Almost all of our brothers have joined us. We forced ourselves to produce a large amount of refined oil before the New Year. This batch of oil will be sent by our City J to Zhao Laohu's place in Lin Province. After that, I will personally escort the carriage and pass the goods to Zhao Laohu. I will stay in the Zhao family for the New Year.    


Originally, if Zhang Yuhui was here, I would have taken his road for three hours. But because that road was divided between the Crown Prince and the four families, they wouldn't let me take that road. I took a detour and sat in the car for ten hours. Furthermore, we went through layers of checks in the middle, and because of this batch of goods, we spent a lot of energy. Basically, we need to arrange things at every intersection. Furthermore, I am a newly promoted big brother, and many people don't even buy my account. If it wasn't for Zhao Laohu, this batch of goods might have been sold halfway.    


When I arrived at Lin Province, I felt physically and mentally exhausted. And this was even with my boss personally escorting the carriage. If I were to hand it over to someone else, who knows how much more trouble I would have to deal with.    


I watched as the carriages weighing each other were received by Zhao Laohu's men. I couldn't help but glance in the direction of City J. I know that there will definitely be a battle between me and the Crown Prince. Either he dies or I die.    


Even if it isn't because of the grudge between us, we will still fight to the death because of the benefits.    


"Son-in-law, Gang Master Zhao and Miss are already waiting for you. Let's go together." When a Group Leader in charge of receiving fuel was recorded, he smiled and invited me into the car.    


The backing of the Zhao family is very helpful to me. If it wasn't for the Zhao family, the night the Crown Prince and the four great families attacked Zhang Yuhui, I think Zhang Yuhui and I had already died in battle. Without the backing of the Zhao family, with my status as a Group Leader elder brother, I have no right to negotiate with them. It was me who used the background of the Zhao family, although I really like Zhao Xier. However, there has always been a sense of utilitarian in this place, making me feel very sorry for Zhao Xier. I am also very grateful to the Zhao family.    


There is still one more day before New Year's Eve. When I reach the courtyard of the Zhao family... The courtyard of the Zhao family was already filled with big red lanterns. When I saw Zhao Xier, I hugged her tightly as I held the gifts in my hands. Then, I looked respectfully at a tall and burly man, "Father."    


"You're here. You're finally here. Haha, my son-in-law from the Zhao family is here. The wine in my cellar has been waiting for a long time. The boys hurriedly lit the firecrackers, served the dishes and wine, and started beating the gongs and drums. We warmly welcome the son-in-law of the Zhao family to come home for the New Year!" The man let out a roar that sounded like a fierce tiger, and the entire courtyard of the Zhao family became indescribably festive.    


This man was Zhao Laohu, and he was so heroic that people couldn't help but feel respect in their hearts when they saw him.    


Although it was ironic that he said that I am his son-in-law, I don't mind him mocking me because he is a father, and he has the right to mock me.    


I respect him in my heart, and I am only willing to work hard silently. One day, I will grow into a towering tree in the Zhao family's heart.    


When I followed Zhao Laohu and Zhao Xier into the hall of the Zhao family, the sound of firecrackers and gongs suddenly rang out from both sides of the hall. There were seven banquet tables in the hall, and the people who were seated were the family members of the Zhao family. An elder and an important figure in the Group Leader level of the Seven-star Gang.    


Although I'm already very tired, I still accompanied Zhao Laohu to make three big bowls of white wine. This is a wine that has been aged for decades. After I finished three big bowls of white wine, I felt as if my stomach was on fire. My head also felt a little dizzy.    


Regarding this son-in-law of mine, Zhao Laohu still thinks highly of him. As if he was showing off, Zhao Laohu asked me to stand up and give everyone a look. "Everyone, take a look. This is the son-in-law of Zhao family, Wang Yue. The man my family's precious Little Xi likes. Take a look at this son-in-law of mine. His looks are not white. Is he pretty?"    


"Hahaha, fair and tender. He looks like a gigolo. Not bad, this son-in-law of yours is not bad!"    


"His family background should be very poor, but his looks are worthy of Little Xi. It can't be helped, our Little Xi is unique. In this world, no one is worthy of her. It is also fine to find a good person. "    


"Her talent and ability should be zero. She probably has a good mouth from a broken bottle. Being able to coax a girl is also considered a kind of ability. It can be considered a bit of an advantage. Let's do it like this. Who asked our Little Xi to like him? "    


Seeing the people around the six banquet tables saying something in a disorderly manner, it makes me feel like my chest is clogged up. Damn it, how are they praising me? They are clearly looking down on me and deliberately belittling me.    


Even if I like Little Xi, even if the Zhao family is very helpful to me, at this moment, I really want to leave.    


However, there was someone who spoke nicely. That person was an elder of the Seven-star Gang. My face turns red and then white, standing in the Zhao family like an animal and making people laugh at me. That elder immediately stood up and said, "This is too much. Everyone, please don't joke too much." Then, the elder smiled and said to me, "Yue, we are all rough people in this gang. Don't mind if your words aren't pleasant. Actually, it doesn't matter if your family is good or not. It doesn't matter if you have money or not. The most important thing is honesty, loyalty, and willingness to work hard. We all admire you. As for our Sect Master, he doesn't know a few big words. His biggest wish is that Little Xi can find a university student. If you can become a university student, our Sect Leader will definitely appreciate you. I heard that you are currently in your third year of high school. I wonder how your grades are. Is there any hope of getting into a university?"    


This elder's name was Feiying. Back then, he was Zhao Laohu's sworn brother who had fought the world together with him. His position in the gang is very important. He is as good as Young Master Qian and I. He understood Zhao Laohu the most, and knew what kind of person he liked. That was why he immediately told me what Zhao Laohu liked and helped me tell Zhao Laohu what he liked. He hoped that I could make Zhao Laohu happy.    


When I heard what Feiying said, my eyes immediately lit up. After a long time, I finally understood that this Zhao Laohu doesn't covet his son-in-law who is number one in the world. He also doesn't covet his son-in-law being rich enough to rival an entire country. He only hoped that his future son-in-law would be a university student, and that he would be able to help the Zhao family improve the next generation.    


Damn it, my studies are very good. Although I have regressed in this semester, however, I am still considered one of the top students in the school. If I were to say my grades, wouldn't it make Zhao Laohu love me so much that he would go crazy? I reckon that not only would he not mock me in the future, he would even catch up to me and treat me well.    


Thinking of this, I thought of being modest and said to them, "Actually, my results are average, not very good..."    


"That's a pity." Hearing my words, Feiying's eyes immediately revealed disappointment. Some of the other Zhao family family members also revealed disappointment in their eyes. After that, a large group of them started smoking and drinking, ignoring me.    


Among the six banquet tables around me, there were some people who looked at me with disgust. Only Zhao Xier looked at me pitifully.    


F * ck, I haven't finished speaking. Why didn't they listen?    


At this moment, I felt an indescribable awkwardness. Standing beside Zhao Laohu and Zhao Xier, he became like air, as if he had returned to the time when he was in the Lee family.    


"Trash!" Suddenly, a sneer came from a table beside us.    


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