My Sensual Lady

C190 Her Aunt Was up to No Good

C190 Her Aunt Was up to No Good

Looking at Mr Haonan's shocked expression, I couldn't help but smile. He was a man who knew a lot of things in the martial arts world. His pale face was enough to prove that he was a real big brother now.    


From the moment Zhang Yuhui became the Four Heavenly Kings to the moment I established my own sect. The current me has already become the publicly acknowledged big brother in the eyes of many people.    


Two days passed very quickly in the grandfather's house. In a flash, it was the day of the college entrance examination. On the night before the college entrance examination, Tang Yuxin was accompanying me. She specially replayed all the knowledge she had.    


Then, we were escorted by grandfather's military vehicle. Under the countless gazes from the dark, we walked into the sacred examination venue.    


The examination this time is very meaningful to me. Whether or not I can obtain the respect of the Lee family depends entirely on this examination. And after my examination ends, my youth will be marked as the finish line here.    


After walking out of the high school campus, I can be considered an adult, a true adult. There are a lot of things I will do that will be completely in line with my identity.    


I can openly fall in love with Tang Yuxin and go to her workplace to pick her up from work. Tell everyone in her workplace that I am her boyfriend.    


I will work even harder, work hard to earn money, and work hard to develop our career. I will do my best to give Tang Yuxin a good future.    


And everything that I have today is all given to me by Tang Yuxin. If not for her, I am afraid I would still be an unknown ordinary person. Being discriminated against by others, being looked down upon by the Lee family. Without her, my life might have passed just like that.    


Tang Yuxin, thank you.    


My mind was filled with Tang Yuxin's shadow. I gradually calmed my heart. After that, I started to make paper scrolls one by one.    


This day passed very quickly. When I came out of the examination hall, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.    


When I walked to the school's entrance, I saw that my grandfather, uncle, aunty, Lee Mingxi and Tang Yuxin were already waiting for me. She was like a relative of mine, standing outside the door like many parents anxiously waiting for their child.    


"How was the exam?" Lee Mingxi, who came out before me, asked me.    


"It was alright." I smiled and said.    


"How can it be alright? You are my grandson. How can you say that your academic results are okay? Lee Mingxi was determined to win the top scorer of the college entrance examination this time. And you are the grandson of my Lee family. You must get a flower scout or a roll champion or something. Otherwise, how will I, Li Cangtian, keep my face?" Grandpa was getting anxious.    


"Dad, it's not like you don't know how strong Wang Yue is. It's already good enough that he can do well in the exam. Don't expect so much from him." Aunt curled her lips and said.    


"The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Dad, why don't you not have any expectations for Wang Yue? If you don't have expectations for him, perhaps you will get some unexpected surprise." His uncle said.    


"That's true. Let's eat." He had been waiting for me outside for the whole day like an ordinary parent. When he heard me say 'okay', he was a little disappointed.    


When I saw how disappointed Grandpa was, I regretted keeping a low profile again. I thought to myself, why don't you brag a little and show off in front of Grandpa to make him treat me better.    


However, if I really brag too much, and if I don't do something stupid during the exam, wouldn't the people of the Lee family see me as a joke?    


After all, the exam isn't something that can be done with confidence. Sometimes, I feel that luck is also very important. It's better to say it out loud so as to avoid losing face by bragging.    


Then, I saw that Grandfather's expression became more and more disappointed, and at this time, Aunty sent another God's assist. Grandpa was a big shot, so she pulled Grandpa's arm and said flatteringly, " Father, you don't really care about Mingxi these days. I'm afraid that Mingxi's grades will drop. Instead of caring about Wang Yue, who has good grades, why don't you care about our future top scholar Mingxi? "    


" Yes! " Grandfather came to a realization, then looked at Lee Mingxi with a smile and said, " Mingxi's results made me feel rather gratified. I was too greedy and shouldn't have neglected Mingxi. Blame me, blame me. Tonight, let our chef cook a good soup for Mingxi to nourish her body."    


" That's right. Look at how skinny Mingxi has become recently. This child looks pitiful. " Aunt hugged Lee Mingxi with a heartache and said.    


"Yes, good child, you have worked hard. Whether or not you can get the top scholar this time to bring honor to our Lee family's ancestors, I, Li Cangtian, will have to depend on you." Very quickly, Grandpa forgot about me and left me aside.    


I don't blame Grandpa for being realistic. Everyone wants their children to have a promising future. Lee Mingxi, on the other hand, is the future top scholar in the province. Her academic results are almost guaranteed. Why doesn't grandpa care about her? Why should he care about a good child like me? In their eyes, I'm afraid I can't even enter the top 100 in the province. Even I don't have confidence.    


Sigh, it's just that this feeling of being abandoned makes me feel a little sour.    


"Wang Yue, I have prepared everything you want for you. And if you can't get into the top three in the province, then just wait for the old man's disappointed gaze. Don't blame us for not giving you a chance. It's you who didn't grasp this opportunity well... " After whispering in my ear, my uncle immediately accompanied my grandfather into the car.    


Liu, who was driving, was a dog from the Lee family. When his grandfather, Lee Mingxi, uncle, and aunt got into his car, he was afraid that his grandfather would ask him to arrange other cars for me, so he stepped on the accelerator and left.    


The people from the Lee family left just like that, leaving only Tang Yuxin and me.    


In the morning, because we had a lot of people, his grandfather specially sent a military car to send us off. But after a day, Grandpa's military vehicle also had other matters to attend to. It can't be waiting for us all the time. As for us brothers, we've all recovered from our recent injuries, and before this, we were all gathered together. Firstly, to avoid the Crown Prince's revenge, and secondly, we don't dare to return home with injuries on our bodies. Now that the college entrance examination is over, everyone's parents have come to accompany us in such a big matter. So after the examination, they followed their parents home. It was the college entrance examination period now, and these three days were also the most important days in the country. Even if the Crown Prince had the guts, he wouldn't dare to bring a large group of people outside the school waiting for us to kill them.    


At every intersection on the road, there are many police officers and traffic police. There are also many caring taxis who are willing to give us students for free.    


Seeing students following their parents into the school bus, or taking a taxi with their parents, or taking a small car into their own home, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.    


Hongshan is also in the same school as me for the college entrance examination. I saw Hongshan waving at me and then sitting in his father's Audi A6.    


"Wang Yue, do you miss your parents?" Tang Yuxin thought about it and gently held my hand.    


"Yes." I felt a little sore in my nose. Then, I forcefully held back the feeling of emptiness in my heart and said. " I miss my mom, and I miss my dad. I want him to come and pick me up, even if he isn't a great general. He's not some rich man. I'll be happy to see him. I feel very uncomfortable. Why has he never come to find me after so many years? Actually, I'm not afraid of being poor. I'm not afraid at all..."    


" Maybe he's also working hard, working hard like you. " Tang Yuxin said.    


"Hmm..." I couldn't help but take a deep breath and squat under the tree for a while.    


"Do you want to sit?" Tang Yuxin suddenly passed me a small stool and said.    


"Hm?" I looked at the small stool in her hand in shock.    


Tang Yuxin stared at me with her big eyes and then smiled snappily. Then, she pinched my nose with her slender fingers and said, "Stinking brat, this miss has been waiting for you outside all day like your parents. I'm almost dying from the sun. I spent twenty dollars to buy this stool. You're so nice. You weren't touched at all when you came out and saw me. You even thought of your parents and were sad. Could it be that I am not as good to you as your parents are to you? Don't tell me that I don't love you enough?"    


" Love, you love me very much... " I looked at the stool in her hand and said.    


"Alright then, call me mother loudly." Tang Yuxin said.    


"Wife, are you joking with me?" I was shocked.    


"Scream. I've been basking in the sun for the whole day. This is the compensation I'm asking of you!" Tang Yuxin looked at me seriously and said.    


Hearing Tang Yuxin's words, I couldn't help but look at the students and parents beside me. Damn it, there are still a lot of people around us.    


After thinking for a while, I softly said, "Mom?"    


After calling her mom, I felt a strange feeling in my heart.    


"Louder." Tang Yuxin's face revealed an evil smile.    


"Mom!" I didn't care and directly shouted.    


This shout directly startled the students and parents beside me. Then, they couldn't help but look at us. They felt that a beautiful girl was looking at a pale boy with an evil smile on her face.    


This girl had a delicate appearance and a graceful figure. She wore a white floral dress and appeared to be fresh and refined.    


In front of them, Tang Yuxin generously pulled my arm, "Eldest son, you must have been exhausted from today's exam. Come home with Mommy. Mommy will cook something delicious for you."    


"Wife, don't mess around..." Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I appeared to be embarrassed.    


"What did you call me?" Tang Yuxin was shocked.    


"Mom, stop messing around!" I said loudly.    


"My eldest son is really good. He's becoming more and more handsome, and he's also becoming more and more lovable." With an evil smile on her face, Tang Yuxin kissed me in front of them.    


When we just left, we heard quite a number of people whispering, "That beauty is really that boy's mother? Isn't she too young? "    


"It's the stepmother, right..."    


Just as I thought, the Crown Prince did not find anyone to kill me. In the taxi, Tang Yuxin has not had enough fun with me. Her son kept calling me, and the taxi driver kept looking at me. She made me feel very helpless, but I saw that she was having fun. So I had to play the role of her son. However, after being messed with by her, my mood improved a lot.    


After that, the two of us returned to the Lee family. When we arrived, we saw that it was already time for dinner.    


When Tang Yuxin and I walked into the Lee family intimately, I saw my uncle, aunt, and grandfather raising their heads to look at us. Then, they lowered their heads and ate quietly with the bowls and chopsticks in their hands.    


While eating, my aunt suddenly asked me, "Wang Yue, is this girl your girlfriend?"    


No one in the Lee family knows about my relationship with Tang Yuxin. Grandfather and uncle had met her once before, but they didn't really care about beautiful girls. They only took a glance and forgot about it.    


And Aunt's sudden words attracted Grandfather's attention. He got someone to bring the glasses over. Grandpa stared at Tang Yuxin for a while, then frowned slightly and said, "Child, have we met before?"    


"Yes, I've met at school. I'm Wang Yue's teaching director." Tang Yuxin nodded lightly and said without hiding anything.    


Hearing Tang Yuxin's words, I clearly saw a strange expression on Aunt's face. She seemed to be laughing, as if she had seen a very funny joke.    


Uncle also slightly frowned. He put down his chopsticks and looked at me with an ashen face.    


When I looked at Grandfather's face again, my heart gradually turned cold. Because if I was with Tang Yuxin, I had plans to marry her. No matter what, I have to let Lee family know about this. Although they have never cared about me, they are still my family. Previously, because of our relationship, the Tang family didn't agree to it. But since Tang Yuxin likes me, the Tang family will respect her decision.    


However, Grandpa and Uncle, they are not the honest people of the Tang family who can be compared to them. They have high standards and low standards. They don't even care about girls from ordinary families. How could they allow me to have such a relationship with Tang Yuxin?    


Tang Yuxin is older than me. She is my teacher.    


Seeing the strange smile on my aunt's face, I suddenly saw my grandfather angrily throw the chopsticks on my face. "Get out!"    


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