My Sensual Lady

C193 The Second Day of the College Entrance Exam

C193 The Second Day of the College Entrance Exam

Most of the time, the most touching thing is not necessarily the storm. Some small details, on the contrary, will cause layers of ripples in our hearts.    


Looking at Tang Yuxin quietly, I feel very warm in my heart. I really want to be with her forever.    


I will raise her and I will work even harder. If the sky collapses, we will shoulder it together.    


That night, Tang Yuxin stayed in my home. The lights in the bedroom were turned on for the whole night. She accompanied me to revise for the whole night.    


At dawn, I saw Tang Yuxin's red and swollen eyes hurt. Holding her hand, I looked at her seriously and said, " Wife, you must have been exhausted these few days. It was me who took the college entrance exam, but the result was the same as you taking the college entrance exam. If you can't do it, then don't accompany me today. I'll go take the college entrance exam alone. Your face is already pale. Go and sleep at home."    


" No, I have to accompany you. You are my son. If I don't accompany you, who will accompany you? And this is the only time in my life. If you persist for two days, it will pass." Tang Yuxin said.    


" You really want to be my mother? " I looked at her helplessly.    


"You are my son, aren't you, my silly son?" Tang Yuxin's face was pale as she smiled at me.    


"Yes, mother..." After thinking for a while, I softly called out to her.    


On the second day of the college entrance examination, Tang Yuxin and Zhao Xier accompanied me. When I sat in the examination hall and looked out the window, I saw Tang Yuxin and Zhao Xier sitting on a small stool waiting for me.    


Because of the special circumstances of my family, Tang Yuxin was afraid that my mood would affect the exam, so she played the role of my mother. After that, I quietly looked at her for a while, and my eyes could not help but become moist.    


When the exam paper was sent over, I couldn't help but wipe my eyes.    


At this moment, I swore in my heart that no matter what, I must become the top scorer of this college entrance examination.    


Even if it wasn't for the Lee family's respect, I must work hard for Tang Yuxin. She taught me for an entire year. No matter which time I get injured, she will always appear by my side. This is a good girl. I can't let her down.    


Calm down, I quickly put my mind into the exam. With Tang Yuxin, the top scorer of the college entrance exam, teaching me, I performed very well in this exam. Her unique way of thinking, she made me develop a learning habit. She made me charge around in the world of learning, fighting like a general in blood. continuously beheading enemies one after another.    


When I came out in the afternoon and thought that the college entrance exam would end one day, I felt an indescribable sense of relief in my heart.    


Standing in the crowd, Tang Yuxin and Zhao Xier were like many parents waiting for me. Looking at their flushed faces, I couldn't help but feel touched in my heart.    


"Wang Yue, how was the exam?" Zhao Xier asked me.    


"It was alright." I said.    


At this time, Zhao Xier already knew that my studies were not bad. When she transferred to our school and saw my ranking on the monthly test results, the expression on her face was already indescribable.    


Now, when she heard that my results were alright, she suddenly seemed to be a little anxious, "Wang Yue, how can you say that it was alright? You have to know that our Zhao family's Wu Xiaofu's grades are... Compared to you, he's just a rookie. You must do well and let that Wu Xiaofu know. You can't surpass him. If you do well, my dad will also look at you in a new light. "    


" Eldest son, is your exam really alright? " Tang Yuxin smiled and looked at me. She knew my strength the best.    


Hearing Tang Yuxin's words, I saw that many people around me looked at me in embarrassment. After thinking for a while, I suddenly let out a loud roar, "The top scholar of the Metal subjects, it must be me, Wang Yue!"    


... "" Instantly, the students and parents around us all looked at me in shock.    


"This child, could it be that he has gone crazy from learning?" Many people are whispering to each other.    


"Wang Yue, I believe you!" Tang Yuxin held my hand and smiled like a flower in spring.    


At this moment, an annoying beeping sound suddenly came from behind us. During the college entrance exam, you cannot megaphone, even if the exam ends. In this noisy crowd of people, the sound of the horn will make people inexplicably irritated.    


Turning around, I saw Liu driving the Lee family's car. Sitting in the driver's seat, he kept honking the horn at us provocatively.    


"Who is this person? Why is he so annoying?"    


"Is driving a Toyota Tyranny really something? This person is too disgusting, isn't he? "    


Many passers-by couldn't help but frown when they saw the Lee family's car.    


When I saw Liu continuously honking the horn behind me, I also looked unhappy. Just as I was about to say something, Tang Yuxin pulled me back, "Forget it. A shameless dog like him isn't qualified to make you angry."    


"That's true." I coldly looked at Liu and the uncles in the car and dodged.    


Tang Yuxin's personality was very good. If people did not offend her, she would not offend them. She usually had a cold and aloof expression on her face and did not care about others. When she saw me being bullied by my aunt yesterday, she couldn't help but help me take revenge. Now, her mood is already very good. She doesn't want to lower herself to the same level as that person from the Lee family.    


"Trash!" In the car, his aunt's cold snort could be heard. Liu was also very disgusted. He stepped on the accelerator and spat out an unpleasant smell. Then, he drove away.    


"This kind of person deserves a beating, damn it." Some male parents cursed.    


"Dog thing, when my dad comes, I'll definitely let him chop off that dog driver's hands and feet." Using her snow-white little hands to shake off the unpleasant exhaust gas, Zhao Xier looked at the car that was getting further and further away. Then she frowned unhappily and asked me, "Wang Yue, although that grandfather of yours has a bad temper, he also seems to be pretty good. Why is he always surrounded by such things? Just looking at them makes me hate them."    


"He's getting old, so he has to turn a blind eye to many things. How should I put it? This is the legendary old emperor who is muddle-headed and has a villain by his side. " I said.    


"Hehe, that driver. Do you believe that even if he works for the army, as long as he leaves work, our Zhao family will still dare to kill him outside?" Zhao Xier asked me.    


"I believe you. Why wouldn't I believe you? Who is your Zhao family?" I looked at Zhao Xier's angry face and smiled.    


"Just wait and see. I will teach this dog a lesson." Zhao Xier coldly snorted.    


This was just a small matter. The three of us talked for a while and then we calmed down. Then, we got into a taxi and got a taxi to take us home.    


During the college entrance exam, the entire city was silent. I don't have any cars now. All the cars from before have been sold. Our only business car was also crippled when the Crown Prince chased after us in the countryside.    


Sitting in the car, my heart is calm and at peace. On such an important day, the Crown Prince probably wouldn't dare to send people to kill me. As for me, as long as I persist until the end of the college entrance exam, then the Leng family's project will be approved. I will join the Leng family's project and appear in the city as the big boss. At that time, I will meet all kinds of important people in the city every day. I believe that no matter how brave the Crown Prince is, he wouldn't dare to find a large group of gangsters to kill me in broad daylight.    


Just as I was thinking about my future plans, I suddenly saw a few cars appear in the rearview mirror.    


"Master, stop at the construction site in front." Frowning slightly, I whispered to the driver.    


"What's wrong?" The driver asked me.    


"Nothing, I want to get out of the car." I said.    


After hearing my words, the driver lightly nodded. Then, he slowed down the car and drove to the construction site in front of him before stopping.    


At this moment, I saw even more cars following behind us. There were more than ten cars in total, and in front of us, there was also a large truck and a group of vans.    


Our college entrance exam school is in City No. 1 High School. It's a section of the road from City No. 1 High School to our home. There are no traffic police or police here. When we got off the car, I held Tang Yuxin's hand and quickly walked into the construction site. On the other side of me, Zhao Xier followed closely behind me.    


When we quickly walked into a semi-finished building near the construction site, I saw a large group of hoodlums roaring and chasing us from behind.    


"Little Xi, bring Yuxin and run. I will block them!" Taking out a gun from my body, I aimed it at the hoodlums without hesitation and started fighting.    


"F * ck, kill them!" Seeing that I knocked down the two hoodlums, a large group of them also took out their handguns and attacked me.    


"I'll help you!" Seeing that they also took out their guns, Zhao Xier immediately pulled Tang Yuxin and hid behind a pillar. She then took out her pistol and continuously shot at them.    


Although the three days of the college entrance examination are very strict, I don't believe that they won't dare to touch me. Although the Crown Prince is a mad dog, he is also a very smart mad dog. He must know that after I take the college entrance examination... If the project of the land in our city is approved, he will have no chance to deal with us. Although the city is very strict these three days, if he thinks of a way to deal with me, he will still be able to deal with me.    


I naturally know that he will deal with me, so even if I take the college entrance exam, but I will definitely bring my gun. I brought two guns with me and placed them all at Zhao Xier's place. At this moment, Zhao Xier saw that the Crown Prince's side had a lot of people, so she did not hesitate to take out a gun to help me.    


"Run!" After Zhao Xier and I shot at them for a while, we emptied the bullets in our hands, threw the gun, turned around, and ran.    


Then I held Tang Yuxin's hand and Zhao Xier followed us. The three of us ran very quickly together. Along the way, the Crown Prince's subordinates chased after us closely and kept shooting at us with guns.    


But their marksmanship was not accurate and the construction site that we hid in had a lot of cover, so the three of us were not injured.    


Following that, the three of us ran out from one side of the construction site, all the way until we entered a building area. Only when we ran out of the building area and saw the traffic police outside did we heave a sigh of relief.    


With the traffic police around, the Crown Prince's subordinates dare not touch us. Tang Yuxin randomly found an excuse and let the traffic police send us home. That traffic police was quite good and agreed without hesitation. He only left after he sent us to the entrance of the villa district.    


Then we walked into the neighborhood. Zhao Xier said to me, "Wang Yue, luckily you guessed that the Crown Prince's people are going to deal with you. Otherwise, if our taxi was blocked by them just now, we might not be able to escape."    


"The Crown Prince is a mad dog. He bit me like a horse, a horse that can only run. I have long gotten used to it. I had already guessed that he would definitely deal with me. " I said fiercely while wiping the sweat off my head.    


"Wang Yue, why don't you look for my dad? As long as my dad sends someone to protect you, they definitely won't dare to touch you." Zhao Xier said.    


"I won't look for them anymore. I can take care of them." I said.    


After saying that, I pushed open the villa's door. However, just as I pushed open the villa's door, my expression changed when I saw the scene inside the villa.    


"Hehe, my plan of waiting for a rabbit is not bad, right?" A strange voice sounded beside my ear, followed by a cold handgun pointing at my head.    




Just as Zhao Xier was about to resist, another dozen handguns pointed at our heads...    


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