Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C267 Let's Let This Fly for a Bit

C267 Let's Let This Fly for a Bit

When the spectators heard Ann Sudong's words, they immediately started a new round of scolding battles.    


"Can the referee announce the match? I want to end the match as soon as possible. These people are too annoying!"    


Hearing the curses, Ann Sudong felt a headache, he just had to request the judge to announce the competition quickly.    


After Xu Dong finished listening to what Ann Sudong had to say, he did not immediately reply. He first looked at Meng Jian's expression, and then signaled him with his eyes, as if he was listening to Meng Jian's answer.    


"Hehe …" "That's fine too, it'll save me the time to challenge others. My time is even more precious."    


Meng Jian had heard enough of the audience's praises and praise for Ann Sudong. He felt that the effect was already enough, and let Xu Dong announce the competition.    


"Everyone, quiet down. Once Grandmaster Meng and the Mr Ann finish competing, everyone will know. Everyone, please quietly watch the match between the two participants!"    


After Xu Dong used the loudspeaker to shout, the audience slowly quietened down.    


"Master Meng, the Mr Ann asks you two to get ready. After you two are done, tell me and we can begin the competition. There is no limit to the duration. One person can just admit defeat or not get up!"    


Xu Dong explained the rules of the competition again. Seeing that Meng Jian and Ann Sudong had agreed to it, Xu Dong stood in the middle of the competition grounds. Ann Sudong and Meng Jian stood face to face with each other, with a distance of ten meters between them.    


"Let the duel begin!"    


When Xu Dong and Ann Sudong indicated that he could compete, the competition officially started.    


Ann Sudong easily stood in front of Meng Jian, and looking at how Meng Jian did not make any defensive movements, looked completely different.    


His left leg took a step forward, his left arm spreading out, his palm spreading out with his fingertips facing upwards, palm facing Ann Sudong, his right hand behind his back, his right leg bent down to his knees, his lower body was extremely stable.    


Meng Jian was very curious, Ann Sudong did not even move, he knew that Ann Sudong knew martial arts. Last time, after Ann Sudong participated in the competition of Luo City, he encountered Jin Dong by chance.    


When Jin Dong told him about Ann Sudong, he specially found out about the competition videos that Ann Sudong had watched. After looking at them, he knew that Ann Sudong was not a normal martial artist, he must have cultivated and cultivated Qi, and only after he had cultivated Inner Qi would he be able to move so quickly so that he would not harm his body.    


If he did not cultivate out inner qi, his body would not have such a high sensitivity, so of course, he wouldn't move so quickly. At that time, when Meng Jian finished watching Ann Sudong's video on the competition, comparing his attack speed to his own speed, he should have been about the same level as him. Thinking that Ann Sudong was very young after all, and his explosive strength was a little stronger, Meng Jian guessed that Ann Sudong's inner force should be weaker.    


But today, when Ann Sudong appeared, Meng Jian did not feel the presence of any Inner Qi from Ann Sudong's body, which confused him, so he did not attack in a hurry after the competition started. He wanted Ann Sudong to make a move first so that he could figure it out in his heart.    


"Garbage, quick! A piece of trash that was knocked down by Grandmaster Meng! What a waste of time!"    


Master Meng is truly an expert! He is waiting for Ann Sudong to make the first move!    


"Humph!" Ann Sudong only has one chance to make a move, if he was directly defeated by Grandmaster Meng, then Ann Sudong will have much more face, and only if Ann Sudong makes a move, then we can boast about himself in the future. He is also someone who has fought with Grandmaster Meng, truly shameless and despicable! "    




The spectators in the gymnasium reprimanded Ann Sudong until he was useless, as if he would be knocked down to the ground in the next second.    


Only a few people were quietly watching the competition, and that included Tao Shun and Jin Dong. Actually, Jin Dong had also come today.    


He arrived at Luo City in the middle of the night yesterday and drove here very early in the morning. For some reason, when he saw Ann Sudong today, he felt that the current Ann Sudong was even stronger than before, with a stronger aura. The words that Ann Sudong said when he was angry caused Jin Dong's heartbeat to suddenly accelerate, and he remembered the scene of when he battled against Ann Sudong.    


"Ann Sudong is still flirting right now. If you don't act now, you won't have the chance. This is your only chance to attack, don't blame me for not reminding you."    


When Meng Jian saw that Ann Sudong was still standing leisurely in front of him, not even bothering to look at him, he would occasionally turn his head and look at the few girls sitting in the first row, and occasionally smile at them. He never thought that Ann Sudong would ignore him this much.    


Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, only then would you be able to win a hundred battles. Right now, Ann Sudong's true abilities have not been revealed yet, if you attack him now, you might just lose.    


I won't joke with you, so please hurry up and make your move. I still have things to do later, and the audience is too enthusiastic about me. They keep greeting my family.    


Ann Sudong calmly looked at Meng Jian, an unconcerned expression in his eyes.    


"Brat, you're really too arrogant. Today, I'll teach you a lesson in place of your master. You'll learn from my martial arts!"    


Meng Jian, Meng Jian and the others had been standing there for almost ten minutes now. Xu Dong continuously looked at Meng Jian to tell him to hurry up and attack.    


really did not believe that Ann Sudong knew any inner force skills. It seemed that he was not even as big as his son, and facing a young man like Ann Sudong, he looked down upon him, and thought that he could f * cking pretend. If he could swear, he would definitely scold Ann Sudong like his son.    


"I've already told you to attack. You're already so old, and it's not good for you to stand there for so long. Quickly attack. I'll be lenient."    


Ann Sudong saw that Meng Jian still had not made a move after he finished speaking, which made him a little speechless.    


Xu Dong's face darkened when he heard Ann Sudong's words. He never thought that there would be such a shameless person in China, does he really think that fighting is as easy as cooking?    


"I can't stand watching him act like this any longer! Grandmaster Meng, just hurry up and knock him out! I'm about to puke because of his disgusting behavior! How f * cking shameless!"    


"F * ck that little bastard! Grandmaster Meng, what are you waiting for? Beat him up! He doesn't even want to pose! You two couldn't have colluded well!"    


"Grandmaster Meng, it's time to hit him. It's best if he gets all the teeth on the ground!"    


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