Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C258 Descended

C258 Descended

Just as Ann Sudong was planning for this matter, Ouyang Kuan called.    


"What's going on with Second Brother?"    


Ann Sudong muttered to himself as he picked up the phone.    


"What's wrong, Second Brother, aren't you an intern in the Chinese Medical Hospital?"    


Ann Sudong said after picking up the phone.    


"Ol 'Three, something happened at my house. Come over here, my mom is in the Chinese Medical Hospital, there's nothing the doctors can do!"    


Ouyang Kuan's tone was extremely anxious, and quickly said this to Ann Sudong.    


"Don't worry, I'll be there in a moment!"    


After Ann Sudong hung up the phone, seeing that no one was paying attention, he directly flew out of the balcony. In about 5 minutes, he arrived at the Chinese Medical Hospital, and used the Shifting Smoke Steps to quickly reach the emergency room.    


At the door of the rescue room, they saw Lu Cheng, Chu Heng and a middle-aged man. They looked somewhat similar to Ouyang Kuan and looked like Ouyang Kuan's father.    


"Mom, wake up! What happened to you!"    


Ouyang Kuan's voice was somewhat hoarse, it was unknown how long he had been crying for.    


"Ol 'Three, hurry up and go in. The dean is also inside!"    


Lu Cheng waved his hand towards Ann Sudong, signalling him to hurry up and go in.    


Ann Sudong pushed open the door and entered. He saw the dean, the director of the emergency department and a few nurses doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a middle-aged woman on the sickbed. The cardiogram beside them was almost in a straight line, and her breathing was already very weak.    


"Ol 'Three, you finally came. Hurry up and save my mom!"    


When Ouyang Kuan saw Ann Sudong approaching, it was as if he was a drowning man grabbing onto the last straw. He pulled Ann Sudong along as he walked towards the sickbed.    


"Why is Auntie like this?"    


When Ann Sudong went in to take a look, he discovered that the Spiritual Consciousness had not been infected by any disease, but had been sealed within his body by the Evil Qi, causing his entire being to be trapped inside the Gate of Life. In such a state, he would truly die after being faked for more than seven days, and it seemed that Ouyang Kuan's mother had encountered a villain.    


"I don't know. He was fine this morning. He fainted shortly after he went out to buy some dishes."    


Ouyang Kuan also heard it from his father, so he explained it to Ann Sudong once.    


Ann Sudong pretended to take out a few silver needles and casually pierced them into a few acupoints, and then used his spirit energy to force the Evil Qi out. When Ann Sudong pulled out the silver needle, Ouyang Kuan's mother's heartbeat returned to normal. In less than a minute, Ouyang Kuan's mother woke up.    


"Mom, you're finally awake! Ol 'Three thanks for saving my mom!"    


The dean and the owner of the emergency department could not do anything about it. It was a CT scan and an MRI scan, so there were no problems with the biochemical test set at all. This put the dean and the director of the emergency department at a loss, and in the end, the owner of the emergency department just shook his head at the principal.    


The principal suddenly thought of Ann Sudong, he knew that Ann Sudong had gone to Tianjing to participate in the's Competition, it was over now and should be back, so he let Ouyang Kuan make a call, he did not expect Ann Sudong to be there, and in 5 minutes he arrived.    


"Su Dong, you are truly amazing. Director Li and I did not discover any problems, and we also do not know what went wrong with Ouyang Kuan's mother."    


As a very experienced doctor, President Wang was naturally very curious about how Ann Sudong saved the patient.    


I've long heard that the Dr. Ann is a godly doctor, with a few silver needles that can turn decay into magic. Today is my first time seeing something like this, I'm impressed. I also want to ask what exactly caused this.    


It could be said that he had seen all kinds of strange patients. He did not expect that today, this patient had troubled him so much, and after all kinds of tests, he did not find any problems, so naturally he did not know where to start. However, after Ann Sudong came over, he just used a few silver needles and acupuncture.    


"From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, it's like evil qi entering the body. Dashing it is, the device cannot detect it, all it needs is to bring out this kind of evil qi."    


's answer was partially yes but not yes. President Wang and Chief Li thought hard and did not understand either. The more they thought about it, the more Director Li admired Ann Sudong.    


"Chief Physician Ann is indeed the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, at such a young age, he is already a genius doctor. This is a blessing news to the Chinese medical community!"    


Li Chang Zai praised Ann Sudong from the bottom of his heart. He was really jealous of Ann Sudong, he was so strong at such a young age.    


"Thank you, Ann. I have heard Ouyang Kuan mention you before, this aunt thanks you."    


Ouyang Kuan's mother was really grateful to Ann Sudong after hearing what he had told her. Seeing that he was so young, he rejoiced that her son had made a good friend.    


"It's okay Aunty, it's not like you're sick. Don't worry, Second Brother will push Auntie to the ordinary ward, and after observing for two days, the nurse will prepare for level 3 care, universal food."    


After Ann Sudong finished speaking, he and Ouyang Kuan pushed the sickbed out of the emergency room. The three people who had been waiting outside for a long time swarmed over, and they were extremely happy to see Ouyang Kuan's mother wake up.    


"Ol 'Three, you're really my role model. You're really too awesome!"    


When Lao Si saw that Ouyang Kuan's mother had saved and awakened Ouyang Kuan's mother in less than ten minutes while's mother was helpless to do anything to his, he truly admired his so much.    


The big brother Lu Cheng even gave Ann Sudong a big thumbs up, as Ann Sudong smiled and patted Lu Cheng's shoulders.    


Ouyang Kuan's father was even more so full of praise for Ann Sudong, which made Ann Sudong a little embarrassed.    


After entering the sickroom, Ann Sudong told Ouyang Kuan that there was nothing much to do, and assured him that Ouyang Kuan's mother would be taken care of by his father. The four of them went out to find a restaurant to gather.    


Ever since Ann Sudong started to get busy, they had not eaten with him. Every time the three of them ate together, they would always miss the days when Ann Sudong was around.    


Ann Sudong greeted the three brothers with a few words and also asked about the situation of the three brothers.    


"Ouyang Kuan, does your family have any conflicts with other people? Your mother was beaten down by a wicked person, and I happen to know some things in this regard. You all should know my ability."    


Ann Sudong came out to ask this question. The four of them were brothers, so there was no need to avoid suspicion.    


"This... My parents were very honest and never showed any face to anyone. Then, my mom should be fine in the future, right? "    


Ouyang Kuan did not believe these things before, but Ann Sudong's body was too mysterious, and he slowly accepted some things, so when Ann Sudong asked this question, he did not have any doubts.    


"I can't say for sure, but that person might even lower your mom's head, so I must find him."    


Ann Sudong saw that Ouyang Kuan was extremely frightened, but he still told him the truth. If he did not take care of that person, there would be endless trouble in the future!    


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