Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C60 Earthquake Center Hospital

C60 Earthquake Center Hospital

"Alright, alright."    


The President Wang raised his hand and continued, "Everyone hurry up and pack up. Carry all the equipment back to the hospital and we will go celebrate."    


"Principal, it's all thanks to Chief Physician Ann today, otherwise, we might have fallen today."    


The orthopedic dean who was closest to Ann Sudong looked in the direction of the Tian'ai Hospital and said happily.    


"That's right, if it wasn't for Chief Physician Ann's resurgence, those citizens would not have come to our Chinese Medical Hospital to treat them."    


Deputy President gave Ann Sudong a big thumbs up, his face was full of admiration as he said this.    


President Wang no longer had a smile on his face. He walked in front of Ann Sudong and heavily patted his shoulder. "Chief Physician Ann, thank you!"    


Seeing the deeply bowing President Wang in front of him, Ann Sudong scratched his head and immediately went forward to help him up, saying, "This is my duty."    


Before Ann Sudong could finish his words, everyone in the Chinese Medical Hospital all bowed to Ann Sudong.    


It was obvious that everyone was sincerely bowing to him. Ann Sudong also bowed to everyone and said: "This is a contribution everyone has made together, for me to treat that patient is just a duty, and it's only natural, no need for everyone to do this."    


President Wang looked deeply at Ann Sudong, and said with a sigh: "It's really an honor to have a doctor like you in the Chinese Medical Hospital."    


The President Wang paused for a moment before continuing, "In the future, you will definitely be a good doctor that the President of the Chinese Medical Hospital will look up to."    


The other doctor directors all nodded in agreement. With Ann Sudong's current medical skills and age, then his future would definitely be limitless.    


Ann Sudong laughed lightly and continued to pack up the medical equipment in his hands: "We can talk about this matter in the future. Since I am now a Head of Medical Department of the Chinese Medical Hospital, I will do my best for it. As for the rest, I would like to thank everyone for your care and help all this time. "    




President Wang nodded: "Chief Physician Ann is right. As a member of the Chinese Medical Hospital, then I will do my best for it."    


After that, everyone applauded for Ann Sudong and President Wang, and Ann Sudong also put down the tools in his hands, clapping and laughing with everyone.    


When Ann Sudong returned to the Chinese Medical Hospital at night, the news of them getting third place immediately spread across the entire Chinese Medical Hospital. In a short while, the young Head of Medical Department Ann Sudong was closely linked with the hospital's promotion of the top three in the Chinese Medical Hospital. As long as someone talked about upgrading the top three, they would definitely talk about Ann Sudong at the same time.    


As the entire Chinese Medical Hospital was in an excited state, Ann Sudong quietly sat alone in the office of the Head of Medical Department, continuously flipping through the records of the Alipay, thinking about how to make more money with the more than five million in deposits in his hands.    


"What is the most profitable?" Real estate? "    


Ann Sudong muttered to himself, then shook his head, realizing that he had spent all his time studying medicine, and now, other than being a doctor, he knew nothing else.    


"Do I really only have this much money to pay interest on banks?"    


Just as Ann Sudong was having a headache about the money being transferred to him, the assistant opened the door and walked in. Seeing Ann Sudong's anxious face, he immediately said in a sympathetic manner, "Chief Physician Ann, what happened to you? It's a great day today and the entire Chinese Medical Hospital is celebrating. Why do you look so unhappy? "    


"No problem, I was thinking about something just now."    


Ann Sudong immediately retracted his train of thoughts, and smiled towards the assistant.    


The assistant was still worried. "Are you really alright?"    


"I'm fine."    


Ann Sudong pretended to look like he was looking at a bad thing and turned off the computer on his desk.    


"That's good."    


The assistant gave an embarrassed smile and then reminded softly, "Tonight, the dean is treating us to a meal at the Longhun Temple restaurant. Aside from the staff who are on duty celebrating in the hospital, everyone else will be attending the party."    


"Alright, I understand."    


Ann Sudong also stopped thinking about money and replied softly.    


After Ann Sudong finished speaking, seeing that the assistant was staring at him without any intention to leave, Ann Sudong laughed: "I will definitely go."    


The assistant finally beamed happily and said, "The dean specifically told me to invite you over. If you didn't go, I'm afraid I would have been fired."    




Ann Sudong laughed out loud, and once again assured the assistant that he would be going to the Chinese Medical Hospital to celebrate dinner, only then did the assistant feel at ease and left the director's office.    


Until most of the people in the Chinese Medical Hospital had gone to celebrate, only then did Ann Sudong call a taxi and arrived at Long Shun Zhai.    


"Chief Physician Ann, why did you just arrive?"    


As soon as he stepped into the main hall of Long Shun Zhai, the Deputy President immediately came to welcome him.    


Ann Sudong smiled apologetically, saying that he was a little tired during the day, so he rested for a while in the office. Then, he followed Deputy President into the banquet on the second floor.    


The moment Ann Sudong got to the second floor, there was a round of warm applause, followed by a speech delivered by the President Wang, and he especially thanked Ann Sudong for his speech. In the end, under the applause and anticipation of everyone, Ann Sudong received the "First Doctor of the Chinese Medical Hospital" pennant that was specially given by the President Wang.    


After a few hours of celebratory dinner, the crowd finally dispersed at 3 in the morning. The title of number one doctor in the Chinese Medical Hospital, Ann Sudong, was also engraved in everyone's hearts.    


Because it was too late and he was "taken care of" tonight, Ann Sudong drank quite a bit of alcohol, hence he decided to find a hotel to stay at the Long Shunzhai area. had said that he would give Ann Sudong a week's long leave, and that Ann Sudong wouldn't need to work at the Chinese Medical Hospital for the next week anyway.    


Ann Sudong slept all the way until noon the next day before he woke up.    


Touching his slightly aching head, Ann Sudong made up his mind that he wouldn't drink so much in the future.    


"Taking advantage of our one week break, I should head to the Wind City to help Seventh Fairy find the Hairpin."    


Ann Sudong thought about it and made a schedule.    


In any case, Ann Sudong now had the position of Head of Medical Department in the Chinese Medical University, so the teachers of Medical University had already applied for Ann Sudong to not go to classes, and when it came time to receive his graduation certificate, they could directly go to the Medical University to get their diploma and diploma.    


After arranging the time, Ann Sudong decided to immediately head to the Wind City after eating lunch. When he came back from the Wind City, he should be able to go to the Treasure Pavilion realm to get the first Beauty Nourishing Pill to auction off the ten million!    


Thinking about the Beauty Nourishing Pill's auction, Ann Sudong immediately had a headache. There would be 15 million soon, and there would be a few more that would cost at least 10 million. So how was he going to earn so much money with this few tens of millions?    


After thinking about how to earn money, Ann Sudong still had no idea how to do it like last time at the office, but he wanted to spend some money first and buy himself a car!    


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