Destined Martial God

C639 The might of a rod strike

C639 The might of a rod strike

peak of trials, the summit!    


"Elder Zhao, Elder Qian, I will take care of this person, go and capture Yu Haoran." Turning his head to the crowd, Zhang Xiuchong commanded the two Martial Saint Expert s whose strength were second only to his.    


After that, he used the power of law that he was not very familiar with to rush straight at the flying magic tools.    


The two Martial Saint Expert s who received Zhang Xiushong's order, one on the left and one on the right, rushed at Yu Haoran from the front and back.    


However, just as they arrived at the position where Zhang Xiuzhong was standing a moment ago, the sound of the zither above them suddenly became hurried.    


Accompanied by the urgent sound of the zither, thousands of transformed strange beasts rushed towards the two Martial Saint Expert s.    


When they felt the strange beasts created by the zither, and after each of their strengths had reached the fifth stage, the two Martial Saint s looked at each other.    


Among them, Martial Saint Expert Qian flew straight up to meet the incoming zither music which transformed into a strange beast.    


As for the other Martial Saint Expert, surnamed Zhao, she turned around and instructed the expert from Qingcheng Sect.    


"Capture Yu Haoran alive, and kill everyone in Hundred Feet Sect!"    


Following that, he also rushed into the sky to help the Qian Martial Saint Expert who had just been at a disadvantage.    


"Elder Senior-apprentice Brother, Senior-apprentice Brother Jian, please do not make a move yet!"    


Seeing the hundreds of Martial King, Martial King and Martial Master Realm experts rushing towards him with killing intent, Yu Haoran shouted to Chu Zhongyu and Jian Wuhen while stimulating the blood essence of the Chinese macaque in her acupoints.    


"Wait until Black Bear and I kill off all the experts of Martial King before you choose your own suitable opponents for training."    


Chu Zhongyu and Jian Wushang nodded, and agreed to Yu Haoran's instructions.    


After all, as a Martial King Ranker who had reached large success in the Divine Soul Realm, not only was his attack power stronger, his dodging speed was also faster.    


If some Martial King Ranker who found them unpleasing to the eye decided to sneak attack them, Yu Haoran might not even be able to save them.    


"Black Bear, I permit you to start a massacre today!" When he completely transformed into the Chinese macaque, Yu Haoran immediately took out the purple rod, and as he shook his neck, he ordered the Black Bear who was already extremely excited.    


"Master, you just watch!" Gripping his newly recovered bear paw tightly, Black Bear pounded his chest with a loud bang. He then roared out in excitement.    




Towards the Qingcheng Sect experts who were close to the peak of trials, Yu Haoran crouched down slightly. With a loud bellow, he used the power of his footwork and rushed into the crowd like a cannonball.    








He did not need to wave the purple staff in his hand, just by relying on the strong defense of the Chinese macaque, he was able to heavily injure a third stage Martial King expert, and directly blast apart two seventh stage Martial King experts.    


Following that, he waved the purple rod. Without using any martial skills, just the simplest of strikes, such as smashing, jabbing, chopping, and hitting, he easily injured, killed, and repelled his opponent.    


Compared to Yu Haoran's simple and straightforward attack method, Black Bear who was following closely behind him had a more overbearing and bloody attack.    


First, he used the special gravity technique of bear type beasts to restrict the dozens of experts from Martial King s and Martial King s who were rushing over, and then directly slapped them into meat patties one by one.    


Three minutes!    


In merely three minutes, under the joint attack of the transforming Chinese macaque and the black bear, more than half of the experts of Martial King's Martial King, Martial King and Martial Master Realm had died.    


Looking at the Chinese macaque and Black Bear's increasingly murderous nature, the strongest person on the scene, the only one who was at the peak of the ninth stage of Martial King who could withstand Yu Haoran's pole arts, shouted to the crowd present.    


"So the disciples of Martial King and Martial Master Realm should step back!"    


Waiting until all the experts from the Martial King and Martial Master Realm had retreated from the borders of the peak of trials, the peak of the ninth level of Martial King, extended her hand and pointed at an expert with a cultivation level similar to his.    


"Qian Feng, bring half of the Martial King's experts to deal with the Chinese macaque, the rest follow me to deal with Black Bear!"    


Be it the explosive strength or the degree of brutality, Black Bear was clearly much stronger than Yu Haoran who had transformed into the Chinese macaque.    


That was why the strongest expert of Martial King would choose to face Black Bear.    


However, he was clear in his heart that dealing with Black Bear was only delaying.    


Based on the powerful strength that Black Bear had exploded with just now, even if more than twenty experts of Martial King were to join forces with him, they would at most only be able to stop Black Bear from killing experts of Martial King and Martial Master Realm.    


If he wanted to turn the tables around, he would need the help of the three Martial Saint Expert s who were temporarily trapped.    


Facing the sudden change in her opponent's attacking methods, Yu Haoran who had turned into a Chinese macaque laughed sinisterly, his legs suddenly stepping in the air, his entire ape body shooting straight up into the sky.    


"One rod strike to the sky!"    


As his body quickly descended, Yu Haoran, who was brandishing the purple rod in his hand, bellowed.    


Not only was the power of the One Heavenly staff technique at Quasi-Martial Saint's level, it was also able to lock down opponents that were not at Martial Saint's level.    


As a result, when the attack finished, all twenty-three Martial King s turned into minced meat and floated in the air.    


In the Hidden Moon Pavilion!    




Seeing Yu Haoran unleashing the power formed by the One Heavenly Staff, Ru Yin, who had been using her Divine Sense to pay attention to it, could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


Then she turned to look at Ruyun.    


"A pole technique created by a peak Emperor's Realm Ranker. Young Hero Yu has obtained 30% of the pole technique's essence!" Responding to Ru Yin's gaze, Ru Yun explained in detail.    


"This kid's luck is too heaven-defying!" After hearing Ruyun's explanation, Ru Yin couldn't help but say with jealousy and envy.    


Towards this, Ru Yun could only chuckle, but did not give a response.    


elder peak!    


When they saw Feng Qingyun suddenly appear and easily trap the three experts of Martial Saint with just a guqin, the dozen or so elders were all shocked, and their hearts surged with regret.    


He regretted refusing to let Chu Zhongyu use the sect master's order to gather all the Martial Master Realm experts to fight the Qingcheng Sect.    


After all, relying on an artifact alone would allow him to trap three experts of the Martial Saint Realm., who was still hiding his strength, was also an expert of the Martial Saint Realm.    


Hundred Feet Sect who had not appeared in the Martial Saint Expert for nearly a hundred years suddenly had a Martial Saint Expert leading the way. This meant that the declining Hundred Feet Sect was about to receive a great opportunity to revive.    


However, they did not seize this opportunity.    


However, when they saw Yu Haoran using the One Heavenly Pole Technique to kill an expert of the 23rd Martial King, their hearts were not only filled with regret, but also fear.    


After all, with Feng Qingyun's personality, even if he knew what they had done for themselves, he wouldn't care about it afterwards.    




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