The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Wu met with Chen Changming, the provincial prosecutor's office.    


Chen Changming is the second in charge of the provincial inspection. Huang Xing met him through friends and kept in touch with him. The purpose was to wait for this day to come.    


Furthermore, Huang Xing had also investigated Chen Changming's background, and it was the most appropriate thing to expose Huang Jinjiang's corruption. The two of them had worked together in the past, and they had never been on good terms with each other. According to the grapevine, Huang Jinjiang even had thoughts about Chen Changming's family.    


In a normal restaurant.    


While flipping through the menu, Chen Changming said, "Brother Huang, why are you so anxious to invite me out for a meal? What's so important?"    


Huang Xing took out the prepared documents from his bag and said to the empty air, "I did something for you guys. It turned out that it was something that you guys should do."    


Chen Changming was stunned for a moment: "I heard it, why are you saying it in such a roundabout way?"    


Huang Xing said, "Take a look at the information and give me a definite answer."    


Chen Changming received the information with a puzzled expression and glanced at Huang Xing. When he opened the thick stack of documents and saw the name written on it, he couldn't help but be surprised.    


Then, he suddenly slammed the table.    


This was not just a smack on the table, but it was something he was feeling.    


Huang Xing was shocked. Could it be that the information he obtained was fake? Chen Changming and Huang Jinjiang were on the same side? Otherwise, how could he be so indignant towards the information that exposed Huang Jinjiang?    


Chen Changming calmed his mood and said with a serious face: "These … "Where did you get all this?"    


Huang Xingqiang added, "I've put in a lot of effort to collect them. Logically speaking, these things should be done by you, not by an ordinary commoner like me. "    


Chen Changming said, "What kind of conflict do you have with him?"    


Huang Xing said, "That is very clear! That's right, I don't only have enmity with him, I also have enmity with him! "    


"It's that serious?" Chen Changming's body frowned: "Can you guarantee that the information you gave me is true?"    


Huang Xing nodded, "I can guarantee it! Besides, I'm giving you this information, and you don't have to keep it a secret from me. I'm reporting with my real name! In addition, there are still some remaining in my family. If I don't allow this greedy bastard to accept the punishment of the law, I will never give up. Brother Chen, to be honest, this is a chance for you to earn merits. If you don't treasure it, I can only give this opportunity to someone else. "Or, I have someone I know at the Supreme Examination."    


Chen Changming's mouth twitched: "Why do I hear it, it sounds like you're threatening me?"    


"Of course not, of course not!" Huang Xing said, "Could it be that Chen Feng has nothing to say to me?"    


Chen Changming thought for a moment and said, "Brother Huang, I'll tell you the truth. This material is simply like coal in the snow! "    


Huang Xing was stunned, "Providing coal in the middle of a snowstorm? "Could it be that you guys have been investigating Huang Jinjiang?"    


Chen Changming nodded, "That's right. Since the second half of last year, we have received reports from two enthusiastic citizens. However, the evidence has been insufficient. This year, we spent a lot of effort to collect some of Huang Jinjiang's big moves in private. For example, we also found out that he is currently very close to Yan He Group. "    


Huang Xing answered with a simple sentence, "He is Yan He Group, the second largest shareholder other than Xiao Yan."    


"Is he that powerful?" Chen Changming said in surprise, "We only know that he is a shareholder of Yan He. I can't imagine how much capital did Yan He's second largest shareholder invest?"    


Huang Xing sighed and said, "Chief of Staff, who is in charge of administrative and logistics affairs, is so rich and has several business consortia in his possession. "He's not a businessman, but he's a politician. It's a waste of his talent."    


At this moment, Chen Changming suddenly received a call.    


Subsequently, his expression abruptly changed.    


"Something big has happened, something big!" Chen Changming's expression even contained some fear.    


Huang Xing was shocked: "What's wrong?"    


Chen Changming said, "Have you surfed the internet on your cellphone? If you log on, you'll know how big of a deal this is!"    


Huang Xing took out his cell phone and realized that there was no signal here. Not only was there no signal on the internet, even the normal signal was very weak.    


Huang Xing said, "Just say it directly. I have no signal here."    


Chen Changming said, "You should read it online. It's much clearer on there than what I said."    


Huang Xing stood up in suspicion, walked out of the room and looked for the signal.    


At the foot of the stairs, a series of notifications rang out.    


This meant that the phone had a signal.    


Huang Xing opened the notification window and a similar entry appeared on all the news websites.    


— — Yan He Group's Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Yan fled abroad with huge amounts of money. Hundreds of large and small shareholders were all crying tears at the same time    


Xiao Yan, the beautiful lady boss, was nowhere to be found.    


Hundreds of rich and powerful people had gone to Yan He Group, and the boss had escaped with his life intact …    


The wealthiest man in the past was actually a swindler. The Yan He Group that was the focus of everyone's attention was actually a trap to amass wealth …    


… ….    


Huang Xing was stunned!    


Did something happen to Yan He Group? Something happened to Xiao Yan?    


At this moment, the bell for the black moldy mobile phone suddenly rang.    


Answer. Xu Wenguang said anxiously, "Boss Huang, why is your phone not working? Something big happened. Did you see the news?"    


I know, Huang Xing said. I'm at the hotel. There's no signal here.    


I didn't think," Xu Wenguang said. "I really didn't think!" So this Yan He Group was just a front to defraud money, then Xiao Yan and her husband fled overseas. They. They brought at least tens of billions!    


Huang Xing was puzzled, "Hubby Xiao Yan, his corporation's market value is over a hundred billion. Does this mean that their actions are not worth it?"    


Xu Wenguang said, Actually. It was all an illusion. Since the first half of last year, Xiao Yan's husband's Shunhe Group had been losing heavily. He had a lot of external debt and was left with only an empty shell. However, the couple had stubbornly held on to the group that was on the verge of bankruptcy. After that, there was the Yan He Group, this movie about empty-headed white wolves... Seriously... This was truly unexpected!    


Huang Xing said, That's right. Now, I understand everything!    


Xu Wenguang asked: "What do you understand?"    


Huang Xing didn't answer, but said: "Old Xu, if you had known about this earlier, then Xiao Yan and her wife would not have had the chance to escape from the country."    


Xu Wenguang sighed. I... Sigh, even with all my effort, I still couldn't enter the core of Yan He's team. How could I...    


Huang Xing interrupted him, "I can't blame you for this entirely." Didn't Xiao Yan hide everything from everyone? This woman was not simple. However, she didn't put her mind on the right path.    


Xu Wenguang said, "Yeah."    


Wu Tie said: "It's already like this, you should rest at home for the day. Then, I will negotiate with Boss Yu so that you can return to the Xin Dream Merchant Shop to work."    


Xu Wenguang said: "I don't want to go to Xin Dream. Boss Huang, aren't you doing real estate? How about I do it with you?    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "I've already sold off the shares." Right now, what I want to do is get pregnant.    


Xu Wenguang was surprised. A baby? Are you kidding me, Boss Huang? This is too... It was too hard to believe. A baby shop... This … Nothing at all. How much can you earn in a year if you push yourself to death?    


I'm not talking about a traditional baby shop. If you want to do it, do something big. Fu Jie and I are going to be the largest comprehensive baby service center in the country.    


Xu Wenguang said, What you think, I. I don't understand.    


… ….    


After hanging up, Huang Xing found that there were more than a dozen missed calls on the other phone.    


He knew that a lot of people knew about the Yan He Group so they called him immediately.    


Fu Jie was among them.    


Huang Xing gave Fu Jie a call back.    


Sure enough, she also knew about the Yan He Group.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to return to the room to continue discussing reporting materials with Chen Changming, another heavyweight piece of news jumped out from the notification section.    


— — Two people jumped off a building and died in a massacre at Yan He's office    


Huang Xing looked at the content and saw that there were photos on it. They said it was the original office of Yan He Group, where more than a hundred deceived shareholders had gathered, and two of them could not stand the blow and jumped off the building on the spot.    


This incident had caused too much of a ruckus!    


Returning to the private room, Huang Xing chatted with Chen Changming for a while and then quickly took his leave.    


On the way back, Huang Xing suddenly hit his head. He suddenly realized that Huang Jinjiang might be the one who will suffer the biggest loss in this Yan He Group affair.    


F * cking hell, he deserved to be punished for his crimes!    


Now, he's risked his life, and the prosecutor's office is going to take him into custody at any moment.    


The situation changed rapidly, catching Huang Xing off guard.    


He believed the word 'retribution'.    


Huang Jinjiang, who had hurt him, and Bao Shijie, and Hua Chenghui, who had betrayed him, had now received their retribution.    


In the afternoon, Huang Xing invited Fu Jie out to a coffee shop, where he drank coffee and chatted.    


Fu Jie was still shocked by what had happened to Yan He Group.    


Fu Jie said, "I really didn't expect that the mighty Yan He Group would make such a scene!"    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "Facts have proven that our Xin Dream Merchant House only suffered a little damage. Xiao Yan's persecution of the Xin Dream's Merchant House just happened to protect us. "Those big bosses who opened their mouths when they saw money, they're all crying now."    


"Return us?" Fu Jie emphasized: "You've already been away for so long, and you still think you're the general manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop?"    


Huang Xing self-deprecatingly said, "I'm used to it, I'm used to it. After all, I have feelings. "    


"That's true." Fu Jie said: "Now that I think about it, I still don't quite understand, since Xiao Yan's Yan He Group is a short-headed pack of wolves, why does she still need to spend so much effort to deal with the Xin Dream Merchant House, treating it as her biggest competition, and play with it every time. "Also, why would she open that 'Tasting' store? Isn't that an unnecessary investment?"    


Huang Xing snorted: "Xiao Yan's mind is indeed not for wearing a hat. She's too smart. "    


"Smart?" Fu Jie said, "I don't think so?"    


Huang Xing Qiang said, "You still don't understand? Before Yan He Group was founded, all of Xiao Yan's actions were just a front! Including her oppressing the Xin Dream Merchant Shop and opening the restaurant 'Tasting'. She even high-profile excavated the corner of the building, took away the special agent... All of this was just a front. Her goal, was to make everyone believe that she was prepared to make a huge show of herself in Jinan! "Therefore, when the Yan He Group was established, no one doubted that it was just Xiao Yan and her wife who had fled the country. Before they fled, they fired a bomb at the top of their lungs to start a scam."    


Fu Jie exclaimed in realization, "Indeed! So it was like that! "Sure, Huang Xing. Your brain is not used to wearing a hat!"    


Huang Xing raised his head, "Of course, I, your husband, have perfect IQ!"    


Fu Jie criticized, "You're still panting?"    


At that moment, Huang Xing's cell phone suddenly rang.    


The caller was actually Yu Mengqin.    


Answer. An hour later, you and Fu Jie will meet me at the Xin Dream Merchant House!    


Huang Xing was surprised for a moment and then asked tentatively: "Yes …" Is it about Yan He Group?    


Don't ask anymore, Yu Mengqin said. You won't know once you come.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie and said thoughtfully, "Boss Yu wants us to go over!"    


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