The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing hesitated for a moment.    


To be exact, he did have similar thoughts.    


After all, when Fu Jie and Ouyang Mengjiao fought for power, their moves were fierce and experienced. After a few rounds, Ouyang Mengjiao had lost her temper.    


Thinking about that experience, Huang Xing finally experienced Fu Jie's courage and wisdom. It was a decisive and decisive action. Ouyang Mengjiao had used up all of her scheming, but she was still unable to escape Fu Jie's continuous suppression.    


Huang Xing didn't hide anything from Fu Jie's question. Instead, he answered honestly, "That's right." I did think so. However, it was just a similar thought.    


Fu Jie showed a victorious expression. Admit it. When I suppressed Ouyang Mengjiao, I didn't really want to go against her. I just want her to grow up faster. She had experienced too little, too young to be arrogant. If they didn't train properly, it would be difficult for them to become great. For the sake of the Dream Group, and also for her, there are some things that I must do with all my heart. However, when it was time to encourage, it was still important to encourage. Although Ouyang Dudao didn't contribute much to the mall, he was a model of discipline. Besides, she had a strong sense of responsibility. Based on this, it was still possible to give her an advanced evaluation.    


Huang Xing nodded. I understand. Then … Then encourage her.    


Fu Jie acquiesced.    


As a result, the list of the most advanced candidates in Managers was basically decided.    


Fu Jie seemed to have thought of something and said, "Oh right, take the time to write down the year-end summary. There are a lot of things that can be done this year." In a few days, we will hold the year-end wrap-up meeting. When the time comes, we will need to invite some of the leaders over to support us and increase the atmosphere.    


Huang Xing said with interest: "Oh yeah, you can also ask Wu Qianqian to come over and host for a while."    


'Wu Qianqian? ' Fu Jie frowned slightly. "That's right, based on your relationship with her, it won't be a problem for you to invite her to help."    


When Huang Xing heard these words, it was as if there was a hint of jealousy mixed in. "I've finished writing the year-end summary. Please take a look at it, Boss Fu." Huang Xing took out a folder from the desk drawer, took out a printed year-end summary, and handed it to Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie took the summary and was stunned. So many? So thick?    


Huang Xing laughed and said, More detailed.    


Fu Jie asked, "Did you write it yourself, or did someone else write it for you?"    


Of course I wrote it myself. Summarizing the summaries of the Departments and some individual's summaries, it had taken them quite a few nights to rush out. You know, my literary talent is not bad.    


'Beautiful! ' Fu Jie scolded him in good faith as she opened the first page and read a few lines: "The front part is not bad. Wait for me to take it back and read it carefully."    


Wu Tie said, The latter half is also good. Please give your opinion, Mr. Liu.    


I'll see about that, Fu Jie said. We still have to decide. As for the year-end rewards … Specific implementation options.    


Wu took out a document from the folder and handed it over. I have prepared it.    


Fu Jie was even more shocked. She looked at Huang Xing with suspicion: "You've prepared it already?"    


Huang Xing nodded. Check it out.    


Fu Jie had the urge to look at Huang Xing in a new light. After she flipped open the plan, Fu Jie nodded her head repeatedly. "Not bad, not bad. It's very reasonable and detailed." Just do as you say. Sure, Boss Huang. I've been so active at work!    


Huang Xing scratched his head and complained, "As if I wasn't active in my previous job."    


Fu Jie stressed, "There has been progress!" Continue working hard!    


But then she noticed the last lines of the plan and frowned. This... How come you didn't put your year-end bonus on the list?    


I'm the general manager, Huang Xing said. It doesn't matter if I win or not.    


'That won't do! ' Fu Jie said, "Although you have a share in the building and there will be a dividend at the end of the year, the year-end bonus is an annual bonus. It must be given." The profit for this year is pretty good. After discussing it with Boss Yu, I will follow the established standards. Your year-end bonus, and your bonus, shouldn't be a small one.    


Huang Xing quickly said, "I can't compare to you. I can't compare to you." Far from it.    


Fu Jie continued to ask, "What are your plans for the year-end bonus?"    


Huang Xing thought about it and said, "I don't have any special plans." I'm going to. For me. My girlfriend. Buy clothes for the New Year.    


'Your girlfriend? ' Fu Jie was deeply shocked!    


Huang Xing wanted to tell her that it was you. However, he still deliberately tested Fu Jie's reaction, so she mysteriously nodded her head. I'm not good at making girlfriends like me. This time, I want to change my image. I will invest in what I need to buy. If I had the time, I was going to take her out for a hike and a tour.    


Fu Jie's expression was a little unnatural as she stammered, "You …" You know. I know. The more New Year comes, the busier we business building. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that our new year will be spent in the merchant house.    


Huang Xing said deliberately: "What's there to be afraid of? In any case, me and our family member …" My girlfriend, in the same unit. See you every day.    


Fu Jie's face darkened. "Yes." It was … Who is it?    


'Idiot! ' Huang Xing chuckled. Of course it's you. It's not like you don't know it, but I, Huang Xing, treat relationships very selectively.    


'Me? ' Fu Jie pursed her lips. I'm not.    


Although she couldn't help but admit it, the expression on Fu Jie's face eased up.    


In a moment of emotion, Huang Xing couldn't help but shake Fu Jie's hand. That exquisite and familiar feeling made him feel love once again was so magical.    


What are you doing? This is the office.    


'Oh yes, yes.' Huang Xing retracted his hand and said: "At night, if …" If he had the time … Have a meal together?    


Fu Jie shook her head. No time.    


Huang Xing asked, "Who are you eating with?"    


Fu Jie said, I'll go to Fu Zhenxin's place tonight! I'm going to help her with the general direction of the company. Don't go astray. She's still young.    


Huang Xing continued, "I will accompany you …" Go together?    


Fu Jie gave Huang Xing a disdainful look: What are you going to do, be a light bulb? You want to hear about women?    


Huang Xing smacked his lips. "I won't listen to your private conversation. Besides, you can chat in front of me …" Talk about something with your women. I just want to protect my goddess. I'm willing to be your personal chauffeur and bodyguard at night!    


'Just you? ' Fu Jie thought for a moment, then said, All right, then. Then I'll take you with me.    


Huang Xing clapped his hands. Great! Thank you, Boss Fu, for your trust! Thank you, Boss Fu, for the opportunity.    


What chance? Fu Jie asked.    


Huang Xingqiang said, "A chance to protect the goddess at close range."    


'Such a poor mouth! ' Fu Jie smiled bitterly and took the opportunity to let out a sigh of relief. "Remember to shave your beard. Look at you, you're a little slovenly."    


Huang Xing touched his chin.    


You haven't shaved in a few days?    


It seemed as if he had just shaved yesterday and had forgotten to shave today. His beard seemed to grow exceptionally fast. Every day, the nourishment that he received was all spent on his hair and beard. What a waste.    


After the two of them chatted for a while, Fu Jie got up and said her goodbyes.    


Huang Xing let his imagination run wild as he watched Fu Jie leave.    


As expected, the initial results were as expected.    


This kind of strategy was something Huang Xing figured out when he was fishing!    


Why did Fu Jie always think so highly of Bao Shijie? The main reason for this was because Bao Shijie would occasionally write a few plans for Fu Jie to see. When he was in the early stages of Xin Feng Company, he had relied on his management plans and his Self-reference. Only then did he gain a position in Fu Jie's line of sight, gradually changing his fate.    


From this, it could be seen that Fu Jie had a soft spot for this kind of written report.    


Bao Shijie could use this kind of way to please Fu Jie, so why couldn't he? Therefore, as long as the written material, Huang Xing prepared in advance, word for word. As expected, Fu Jie was fully confident.    


What a good omen!    


Huang Xing sincerely felt that Fu Jie's attitude towards him had changed.    


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Qianqian suddenly called.    


Huang Xing answered.    


On the phone, Wu Qianqian said, Our company has successfully registered, Star and Asia Real Estate! Have a drink tonight to celebrate?    


'So fast? ' Huang Xing was shocked. He didn't expect that Wu Qianqian would be so efficient in her actions. This was something that had just been settled, and she actually completed it immediately!    


Of course! Wu Qianqian said. Whatever you do, you have to seize the initiative. It won't be long before you and I become property tycoons.    


Huang Xing smiled perfunctorily.    


But in fact, in Huang Xing's heart, there was an indescribable worry.    


After all, as the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop, he started the second business behind Fu Jie and Yu Mengqin's backs. This made Huang Xing feel a little guilty and uneasy. Even though Huang Xing knew he would have to take this step sooner or later. After all, under Yu Mengqin's lead, no matter how much authority they had and no matter how much money they earned, they would still rely on others to work for the Dream Group. If he wanted to be the boss, he would have to find another way and advance bravely.    


Wu Qianqian saw Huang Xing smile but didn't say anything. "I'm asking you, tonight, let's celebrate," she said. Just you and me, two bosses!    


Another day, Huang Xingqiang said. I have something to do tonight.    


Wu Qianqian grumbled: What's the matter again? Old classmate, old classmate, are you busier than the Premier of the State Council?    


Huang Xing said, "There's really something."    


Wu Qianqian said in disappointment, "Then tell me, when are you going to be alright?" Tomorrow night, I'll make an appointment in advance! You must know, the Star and Asia Real Estate is not only yours, but also yours, Huang Xing. It's our common platform. There are a lot of things you can't avoid.    


Huang Xing nodded. I know.    


It's good that you know, Wu Qianqian said. Then it was agreed that they would meet each other tomorrow night!    


… ….    


After hanging up, Huang Xing took a deep breath.    


Once the new company was set up, no one could predict its success or failure, its victory or loss.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and imagined what would happen next, as well as some details about the year-end assembly.    


Bao Shijie suddenly pushed the door open and said with a smile, "Thank you, thank you!"    


When Huang Xing raised his head, he found that Bao Shijie looked as if he had just married a new wife. He was in high spirits and had a smile plastered all over his face. What are you thanking me for?    


Bao Shijie walked in front of Huang Xing in a moment. He held Huang Xing's hand with both of his hands, looking extremely excited.    


What was wrong with this guy?    


Huang Xing frowned and didn't understand what he meant.    


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