The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Chap. 790 - Not unless you're dead    


Huang Xing rubbed his eyes.    


It really was him!    


It really was him?!    


The security guard commanding Huang Xing to stop was Dan Dongyang!    


This guy who was lingering like a ghost had just taught him a lesson in the restaurant. He couldn't continue working at that Security Company and came all the way here?    


At the same time that Huang Xing was shocked, a few speculations started to appear in his mind. The parking lot was a mess and the security was unreasonable. However, the thing that made Huang Xing most suspicious was that it was rather close to Fu Zhenxin's home … Could it be … Could it be that Dan Dongyang didn't give up on Fu Zhenxin?    


This bastard, his way of doing things is weird, he's really heaven-defying!    


The moment Huang Xing recognized Dan Dongyang, he wanted to turn around. He didn't want to have too much to do with Dan Dongyang.    


But then he realized that he couldn't back down. Moreover, his appearance here had unknowingly become a threat to Fu Zhenxin. If he didn't find out Dan Dongyang's real purpose, it would be hard for him to feel at ease.    


What should he do?    


As he was in a dilemma, Dan Dongyang actually directly walked over.    


It looked like he had become more embarrassed after not seeing him for a few days. A dark stubble of a beard sprouted from the corner of his mouth, and his hair seemed unkempt. Although he was wearing a security uniform and his disguise was neat and proper, his slick appearance was extremely inconsistent with his status as a retired military officer. He was holding a security cap in his hand, swinging it back and forth. His head was slightly tilted, and his image revealed a slight domineering aura.    


He did not know who was sitting on the Audi s' carriage.    


Huang Xing took a deep breath. He didn't want to waste another minute on people who had no morals or rank. He was extremely disgusted in his heart. However, he had no choice but to overcome this mentality. Forcing himself to pretend that nothing had happened, he opened the car window, looked at Dan Dongyang, and casually said: "Stop the car."    


Dan Dongyang still didn't seem to notice that the car belonged to Huang Xing. He raised his hand and pointed to a place to the south: Stop there, stop there! Go inside!    


Huang Xing forced out a smile: "What, you don't know him anymore?"    


Dan Dongyang was stunned for a moment. This familiar voice caused him to be shocked. He raised his head and looked at Huang Xing. His brows were knitted abruptly. The squirming muscles on his cheeks were undoubtedly a demonstration of his hatred and hatred for the person in front of him.    


They were not natural enemies, but they were.    


Perhaps, since Fu Zhenxin moved her love, he had regarded Huang Xing as his enemy.    


After that, Huang Xing had ripped open his wound many times and ruined his' good fortune '. This sort of hatred caused by gnashing his teeth in anger and rage, was something that could only be described as' sea dried up and stone crumbled '!    


"Yes... "It's you?" Dan Dongyang's tone became more stiff: "Why did you come here?"    


Huang Xing didn't answer, instead he asked, "I still want to ask you."    


Dan Dongyang snorted and said, "You can do it, you can do it. I can meet you anywhere." I wish I could skin you. A few days ago, I was driving a Land Rover with ten or twenty people in charge. Let you. Let you. Come down, I want to settle this with you.    


Huang Xing said lightly, "Wait for me to stop the car."    


Perhaps, at this moment, Huang Xing was able to realize that once he got off the car and stayed behind, it would most likely mean another great battle.    


But he had no choice.    


He wasn't afraid of Dan Dongyang. What he was afraid of was that Dan Dongyang wasn't a villain that was worth causing trouble for and wasting time on.    


What was even more scary was that Dan Dongyang suddenly appeared a few hundred meters away from Fu Zhenxin District. His motive was impure and his actions were improper.    


So when he stopped the car, he was quite conflicted.    


But reality told him that he had no choice but to make a decision with Dan Dongyang. Perhaps, he wanted to know more about Dan Dongyang so that he could eliminate this threat and hidden danger in the bud.    


Dan Dongyang didn't follow him as he opened the car door. Instead, he hugged his arms from a distance and looked at him without moving.    


In Huang Xing's eyes, he was like a swordsman waiting to fight his enemy.    


Huang Xing felt a bit of sobs in his throat, and the rhythm of his breathing became a bit unnatural. His legs felt as if they were filled with lead as each step became heavier. He had the heart to avenge the people, but he really didn't want to have any conflict with the person in front of him. It was not that he was afraid, but that it was unnecessary. What he was most worried about right now was not his own safety, nor Dan Dongyang's revenge after their chance encounter.    


It was Fu Zhenxin's personal safety.    


The sky had already darkened. The wind was very light, but it was very cold. It was not bone-piercing, but it was cruelly searching for a gap to drill into.    


In the parking lot, there were a few sinister looking figures. The temporarily built security duty room also seemed to have a cold and gloomy element to it when the lights shone out. Huang Xing could vaguely see that there seemed to be the shadow of a security guard inside. Maybe it was just an illusion.    


In the end, Huang Xing still stood in front of Dan Dongyang.    


Dan Dongyang let out an imperceptible cold smile. He suddenly asked: "Huang Xing, tell me, are we enemies?"    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said, I never wanted to treat anyone as an enemy.    


But you've already done it! Not just once or twice, but many times! Huang Xing, I don't have any big grudges with you, right? Why are you always targeting me?    


'I'm targeting you? ' Huang Xing raised his voice. You're the one who's playing with fire! Dan Dongyang, to be honest, I really admired you at the beginning. To be capable of literature and martial arts, and indeed for the regular management of Xin Fang company, made a certain contribution. But you. Wrong heart. That's why you've been reduced to your current state.    


Dan Dongyang used a special tone and said, "Well said, well said."    


He changed his tone, pointed at Huang Xing, and said, My heart is not right, isn't it? It seems like you, Huang Xing, are some kind of righteous gentleman?    


Huang Xing shook his head. I've never thought of it that way. However, I only want to do things with a clear conscience. At least, I didn't have any intention of harming anyone.    


Dan Dongyang suddenly stomped his foot, pointed at the ground and cursed: "But you killed me!" Kill me! I've become what I am, all. It's all thanks to you!    


You're wrong! You're the one who killed yourself!    


Dan Dongyang started to curse loudly: Bullsh * t! Huang Xing, aren't you blushing? I'm talking about a girlfriend, you fight with me. I'll be Chief of Staff, fight with me for it. I finally fucking got together with Yu Rou again, and it was you who suddenly appeared and ruined us. Hmm, you're the fucking one who's been my, Dan Dongyang, for the rest of my life...    


Perhaps it was because he couldn't find the right word to describe the situation, so he continued to stutter.    


Until he started using a different way to express his anger towards Huang Xing: To tell you the truth, I have the heart to kill you!    


Huang Xing said flatly, "Killed people?" Bold? Yes, you will. No,     


Dan Dongyang said: "Even if I have to pay with my life, I still want to kill you!"    


Huang Xing took a long drag on his cigarette. "So, what do I need to do to make you not hate me so much?"    


Dan Dongyang thought for a moment, then he stretched out his arm and pointed at the wall not far away. "Smash your head to death. Unless you die, I will …" At least … Maybe I'll shed a tear for you. After all, we were colleagues. I am a man who values feelings.    


Huang Xing was stunned. He thought, "Dan Dongyang actually learned the ultimate skill of being a whore's arch?" He wanted to kill someone and he also wanted to cry. Crying cat and mouse, hypocrisy and mercy.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was silent, Dan Dongyang immediately said: "What, scared?"    


Huang Xing raised his cigarette, and a trace of hot air came out of the fragrant smoke. It smoked Huang Xing's eyes, and Huang Xing reached out his hand to rub it: Don't die too easily, be realistic, Dan Dongyang. I asked you, you. Why did you come here to collect your parking fee?    


Dan Dongyang frowned: "I still have to ask you, what are you doing here?" You can't be.    


He looked in the direction of Fu Zhenxin's residential area and didn't say anything.    


However, his eyes seemed to express his doubt towards Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was shocked! He guessed that he was looking for Fu Zhenxin. This meant that most likely, the reason he was here as a security guard was also for Fu Zhenxin! Otherwise, even if he had a poor character, as a retired military officer, it wouldn't be difficult for him to find a job. Even if he continued to stay in the security world, as the class monitor, he would still have no problem.    


But now, he was in a small parking lot at the side of the street, acting like a Collector.    


His thoughts were self-evident.    


Huang Xing said, You don't need to know what I'm here for. But Dan Dongyang, I want to tell you that you better not have any ideas about Fu Zhenxin. All of you, are long over. If you pester him again, it will be harassment. If you do something stupid in an extreme way, a legal society, you'll be in danger.    


Dan Dongyang said: You really boast too much! Fu Jie, Fu Zhenxin, you won't miss a single one of them. Right? Carrying Fu Jie on your back, having an affair with Fu Zhenxin, carrying Fu Zhenxin on your back, you and Fu Jie … Why are you so lucky? I refuse to accept this, I refuse to accept this!    


Huang Xing frowned and warned him, "You have to be responsible when you speak." There's no need for you to criticize my relationship with Fu Jie! You don't have the qualifications.    


'Wait for me! ' Dan Dongyang's tone suddenly became calm.    


Then he turned around and went back into the cabin.    


Huang Xing was worried that Ye Zichen was going to get someone, or call out reinforcements to fight him, so he wanted to drive away.    


However, just as he took a few steps, he stopped. If he left, he would have been able to avoid it for a while. What if he knocked on Fu Zhenxin's door in the evening, which would be bad for her?    


This guy was on the verge of going berserk. He might really do something too excessive.    


At that moment, his cell phone rang.    


Huang Xing opened it and saw that it was Fu Zhenxin.    


When she answered the phone, Fu Zhenxin said, Why aren't you here yet? A traffic jam, again?    


Huang Xing said, Right away, right now. Here.    


Fu Zhenxin seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with Huang Xing's tone. She asked, "What's wrong?" Could it be …. Did something happen?    


Huang Xing pretended to be calm and said, "No, no." Almost, almost. You can. First... Get some dips.    


Fu Zhenxin said, "Fine, I've found out more than twenty ways to eat Emperor Crab. When you're here, I'll show you what I can do."    


Good, good, good, said Huang Xing. They were all looking forward to it.    


Fu Zhenxin: …    


Just as he hung up the phone, Huang Xing raised his head and saw Dan Dongyang walking out of the house in a hurry.    


He put an arm behind his back and walked majestically in their direction.    


Huang Xing was stunned! Obviously, he must have something in his hand … A machete? Iron rod? A kitchen knife? Dagger?    


All sorts of guesses arose within his heart.    


He couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. As the saying goes, no matter how high one's martial arts might be, one would still fear a kitchen knife. What's more, this Dan Dongyang was a fighting master, if he brought the weapon, the odds were against him!    


Huang Xing even regretted it a little. What was there to be afraid of! When he found out that it was Dan Dongyang just now, he should have turned around and left instead of smacking his face to make the fatty angry!    


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