The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Fu Jie's expression was serious, she didn't even dare to look Huang Xing in the eye.    


Huang Xing might be able to understand the predicament Fu Jie was facing right now. However, with his current situation, it was difficult for Fu Jie's parents to recognize him. He wanted to meet Fu Jie's uncle. However, he was worried that he would use even more methods to frame himself.    


Fu Jie sighed softly and said, "I arranged for my uncle to stay at Ruiyang Hotel for a few days."    


Huang Xing probed, "Did he come to Ji Nan for something?"    


Fu Jie shook her head. "I'm not sure. Perhaps … Forget it, I'll make an appointment with Fu Zhenxin tomorrow and have a meal with uncle. You. Do you want to go? "    


Huang Xing was stunned and smiled wryly, "I... I'd better not go. "    


Fu Jie retorted, "What, are you afraid?"    


"Not really." Huang Xing said, "He even ate me?"    


But suddenly, a light bulb lit up in Huang Xing's mind!    


Since his uncle was being unscrupulous to him, how could he not act the way he did to Bao Shijie, retaliating with virtue and secretly deal with him? Perhaps, he would feel apologetic towards himself and, in turn, would regret his actions and stop framing himself.    


He saw himself as an enemy, but I saw him as a friend. Wasn't this a supreme realm? Thinking back to the past, there was an assassin trying to assassinate Liu Bei. Liu Bei didn't know that the person who came was an assassin, so he invited him into his house instead. Good wine and good food were easy to receive. The assassin was influenced by Liu Bei and told the truth himself.    


The highest realm one could reach on the battlefield was to be the one who could subdue the enemy without a fight.    


At the same time, it was also the highest realm of dealing with people.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing said to Fu Jie, "I'll go too!"    


Fu Jie was shocked. "You …" You're still going? "    


Huang Xing Qiang added, "Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, we will walk on the mountain. Besides, I think that uncle is not bad. "    


Fu Jie stared at Huang Xing suspiciously as she went through a transition between truth and falsehood. Fu Jie warned him, "He has a good alcohol tolerance. You are no match for him."    


"I'm not looking for him to drink. No matter how strong his alcohol capacity is, what can he do?" Huang Xing said with a smile.    


Fu Jie said, "But if you go, it will be impossible for you not to drink! You have also witnessed my uncle's ability to persuade wine, the best in the world. "    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "That's true." But I decided to eat with him. After all, he is your uncle, and your uncle is my uncle. He came all the way to Ji Nan and didn't meet us, so it's not so good after all. "    


Fu Jie raised her eyebrows and said, "Sure, Huang Xing. You are quite bold. Since you want to go, then I'll … I'll just tell my uncle. "Plus you."    


Huang Xing said, "I'll call him myself."    


"You personally?" Fu Jie was even more surprised. Did Huang Xing forget to hurt after he recovered?    


Huang Xingqiang said, "I will arrange it. However, I may take two people with me to show respect. "    


Fu Jie waved her hand. "Don't! This is a family matter, what are you bringing outsiders for? Nonsense! "It's not reliable!"    


Huang Xing laughed. "I didn't bring outsiders to mess things up, but to help. Uncle likes to drink, I can't accompany him, of course I want to find a drink to help uncle. In terms of drinking, he is invincible and has no opponent. According to the rules of Shandong Liquor Shop, we must let the guests have a good drink. This is the precondition. "    


Fu Jie pondered over Huang Xing's words and felt that it made sense. But there seemed to be more to it than that.    


Huang Xing said, "Alright, it's settled then! I'll give Uncle a call first and set a time! "    


Fu Jie nodded slightly. "That's true … Good. However, let me remind you that you shouldn't find such a messed up person. That way, you can only make Uncle look down on you even more. "    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie and asked, "Do you mean that Uncle has always looked down on me?"    


Fu Jie was stunned and frowned, "Nonsense!" I didn't say that! "    


For the sake of long-term strategy, Huang Xing no longer shamelessly wanted to stay at Fu Jie's home. Instead, he drove back.    


After returning home, Huang Xing took a shower. Then, he sat on the sofa and dialed Uncle Fu Jie's cell number.    


After a standby ring, someone impatiently asked, Who is it?    


Huang Xing said, "It's me, Uncle."    


Uncle: You are. Who? Do we know each other?    


Uncle, you really forget too much, Huang Xing said. Last time, I was together with Fu Jie … Your alcohol capacity is really shocking. You made me faint and drink to my heart's content. Don't you remember?    


"Yes... "It's you?" Uncle was stunned: You are Little Yellow?    


Huang Xing said, "Yes, I'm Xiaohuang." Huang Xing.    


Her uncle stammered, You. Looking for … Looking for me?    


Huang Xing said straightforwardly: "I heard that you came to Jinan. As for me, ever since I came back last time, I've always wanted to see you again." I have a great deal of respect for the drinker, a man of such an open and honest disposition, and an uncle of such a true disposition. Thus … So I'd like to take the liberty of inviting you to have a meal with me.    


My uncle thought for a moment, then said: No. That's not necessary, is it?    


It's quite necessary, Huang Xing said. As a junior and a fan of your winery, I would be happy to treat you to a meal.    


Uncle said: Well. That depended on Fu Jie and Zhen Xin's time.    


They'll definitely be there, Huang Xingqiang said.    


Uncle said: Well. Good. Little Yellow, then it's easier, it's simpler. I think we should just hold it at Fu Jie's house. It's a family banquet, a family banquet. Other than you, everyone else is a member of your own family.    


Huang Xing was stunned!    


What do you mean?    


Uncle specifically emphasized on the family feast and then added, Other than me, Huang Xing, everyone else is a member of our family...    


These words sounded really awkward! He was indirectly stating his position to her. He did not agree with him and Fu Jie's decision.    


Huang Xing laughed at himself: "I'm not an outsider." Still, go outside. He made a mess at home and had to clean up his own mess. I know a place, and it's very distinctive. I'll book a room first.    


Uncle said: Well. All right. Contact tomorrow.    


Huang Xing said, "Good!" Uncle, I'll see you tomorrow.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing frowned and took a cigarette with a myriad of emotions in his heart.    


He knew that the meal tomorrow would be a battle without smoke. He could only use both hard and soft means to salvage the last loss in front of his uncle.    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing dialed Fu Zhenxin's number.    


He wanted to ask Fu Zhenxin for help.    




Captain Liu, Liu Chenghe!    


Huang Xing had personally seen the retired Zhongnanhai bodyguard, who taught Dan Dongyang a lesson, and had also heard about his alcohol tolerance from Fu Zhenxin. If he asked him to step in, then naturally, the winery would not be afraid of Uncle's magnanimity.    


Although it was just a chance encounter, Captain Liu left a deep impression on Huang Xing. He even felt that if he wanted to achieve great things, he wouldn't lack a strong helper like Captain Liu. Just like the years when Liu Bei hit the river, he could not be separated from such a fierce general like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.    


Fu Zhenxin answered the phone and asked doubtfully, "What is your brother-in-law looking for me for?"    


Lend you a backup, Huang Xing said.    


'Rescue? ' Fu Zhenxin was puzzled. "What reinforcements?"    


Huang Xing told Fu Zhenxin about him inviting her uncle for the banquet and then directly suggested that she vent her anger on Captain Liu so that he could be his assistant master and accompany his uncle together.    


Fu Zhenxin said in astonishment, You want to invite my uncle? Are you crazy?    


Huang Xingqiang said, "I'm not crazy."    


Fu Zhenxin said, He is. He … Well, what do you think?    


Huang Xing said: "One, I didn't offend your uncle, but he set me up." Second, he is the uncle of you and Fu Jie. In public or in private, I have to do what is appropriate for the landlord.    


Fu Zhenxin asked tentatively, Do you want to. Is he trying to take revenge on my uncle?    


Huang Xing said: "Am I that superficial?" I'm the one who deserves justice. I really want to... Get on good terms with your families and relatives. I didn't expect them to be my and Fu Jie's helpers, but at least they didn't want to become a barrier between us.    


Fu Zhenxin praised, Your opinion is really different! Not bad, not bad. Using virtue to repay a grievance was not a bad idea. But you said you wanted to borrow Captain Liu. Obediently, can Captain Liu listen to me?    


Huang Xing Qiang said, "Aren't you two friends? That's easy to talk to."    


Fu Zhenxin clicked her tongue. "We were just cooperating …" Their original intention for cooperation had yet to be decided.    


Huang Xing said: "You are afraid that if you ask him to do something, it will affect your bargaining chips." Well, I'll call him myself.    


Fu Zhenxin said, "What are you talking about!" What bargaining chips! Alright, I'll give it a try.    


Thank you!    


After hanging up, Huang Xing turned on the TV and waited for the reply.    


Ten minutes later, the phone rang.    


Huang Xing originally thought it was Fu Zhenxin, but did not expect Captain Liu to personally call.    


Answer. Captain Liu and Liu Chenghe's voice came over from the other side of the phone, "Bro, is there a need to turn so big when treating me to a meal? Just give me a call, and even make a turn!"    


His words were direct and straightforward!    


"Liuge, I have a favor to ask of you. Buy a noodle in front of a friend," Wu said with a smile.    


I understand, I understand, Liu Chenghe replied. Fu Zhenxin told me to accompany your uncle. Drink? No problem! I would like to see for a moment just how strong your uncle's tolerance for alcohol can be.    


Huang Xing said: Liuge is really straightforward. Thank you, thank you.    


Brother, don't say that. We are like friends at first sight. If we have any business with each other, we will definitely do our best to help. Besides, you're treating me to a drink, so I'm going to take advantage of you.    


Huang Xing smiled, "Then I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon. You, stop driving."    


No need, Liu Chenghe replied. I have a driver.    


Huang Xing: "…"    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing took a deep breath, as if he just realized something.    


Who would have thought that Captain Liu would be so happy!    




Huang Xing fell asleep as he was lying on the bed and thinking about the tactics of the winery tomorrow.    


The next day was bright and clear. The sky was clear and the air was fresh. Although the temperature was a little low, there was a bit of warmth in the cool air that came from the sun's reflection.    


In the morning, the Xin Dream Merchant Shop's year-end general assembly and the Proclamation of Liberation were held, and the time for the holiday during the Spring Festival was announced.    


At noon, Huang Xing brought Han Ergou to Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant for lunch.    


On the way, he received an unfamiliar call.    


It was a lady.    


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