The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Xiao Hua's words made Huang Xing more vigilant.    


What was going on?    




Such a high-class residential area, how could there be a thief who dared to visit it?    


This thief's courage was simply too great. The residential area was fully equipped with surveillance facilities, and the security guards patrolled around the clock. In such a situation, no matter how skilled a thief was, it was impossible for him to escape the law.    


The car arrived at the villa's door in the blink of an eye. Huang Xing was stunned. There was a car parked at the entrance?    


It was actually a Rolls-Royce phantom!    


Oh my god! Could it be that this thief dared to drive a Rolls-Royce to commit a crime?    


This was abnormal, he shouldn't have!    


Xiao Hua, who was about to call the police and inform the security guards, suddenly felt relieved when he saw the car. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's not a thief." So he wasn't a thief.    


Huang Xing pursued: "What do you mean?"    


Xiao Hua giggled and said, "My parents are here!" Humph! Seriously, why didn't you give me a call? You made me …    


As she was speaking, she suddenly realized something: bad, bad! I have two cell phones. My parents only know my other number. I didn't tell them. They must be desperate. What should I do...    


At this time, a young man in a black suit walked over. After staring at him for a moment, he started to report on the walkie-talkie: Boss Qu, Boss Qu, Xiao Hua is back.    


Xiao Hua pointed at the young man and explained, This is … It's my dad's bodyguard. Oh, one. He had three bodyguards, two of whom were bodyguards and drivers. This was one of the part-time jobs.    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment: "Part-time?"    


Xiao Hua nodded. "His salary is really high. My dad is very generous." It's sometimes not generous to me.    


Huang Xing said thoughtfully: "Who is that dad? He drove a Rolls Royce and bought you such a big villa. It should be worth more than 20 million."    


Xiao Hua looked up proudly. My dad is a legend, but his career isn't in Jinan, it's … All over the country. But we are real Jinan people, so Dad has been living in Jinan.    


Huang Xing pursued: "Then what exactly is your dad doing?"    


Of course it's the hottest industry in the world! Real estate!    


'Real estate? ' Huang Xing couldn't help but exclaim: Real estate again?    


Xiao Hua said, "What's wrong?" What's wrong?    


Huang Xing shook his head. He just felt that … It seemed... Real estate workers were all wealthy! Indeed, indeed!    


While they were talking, Xiao Hua's parents walked out quickly. His footsteps were swift like fire. As he walked, he muttered something. Huang Xing looked over and saw Xiao Hua's father had an extraordinary bearing. His mouth was wide and tightly shut, his eyes were small and focused, and he had a pair of large ears. It was obvious that he was blessed with thick and fat earlobes. He was of average height, dressed in simple and generous attire, and exuded the unique aura of a successful man. On the other hand, Xiao Hua's mother looked old. Although she was well-maintained and dressed in expensive clothes, there were already wrinkles on her face and her expression gave off an indescribable sense of desolation. She was like a typical housewife. Her husband was an illustrious and noble family member, and she was always the one with the grudges behind him.    


Obviously, after Xiao Hua's parents saw Huang Xing's Audi car, they stood on the spot.    


When he stood there, Huang Xing couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. He had brought Xiao Hua home late at night and coincidentally met his parents. Could this have caused some kind of misunderstanding?    


Xiao Hua said to Huang Xing: The car stops and we'll take a seat at home.    


Huang Xing shook his head. "No, it's getting late. I have to go home."    


Xiao Hua tilted his head and pouted. "I'm afraid …" I'm afraid you can't go back now.    


Huang Xing was stunned: "Why?"    


'Look! ' Xiao Hua pointed to the front and saw a young man walking towards him under the guidance of Xiao Hua's father.    


Huang Xing didn't understand: "What do you mean?"    


Your father, Xiao Huaqiang said, is very concerned about the people I come in contact with and is afraid that I have made friends with bad people. Thus, today, when he met you, he would send me back. He would definitely measure you from head to toe, only then would he be willing to give up. The reason I had two phone calls, the other one, was to prevent them from locating me. Sigh, the old man's heart is not bad, but he is too strict with his management.    


That's a good thing, Huang Xing said. This is for your own good.    


Xiao Hua said: "It's good for me, but it's not good to offend all my friends for my sake." So, if my dad asks you something or says something wrong, you take care of it.    




"That shouldn't be necessary, right?" Huang Xing was confused but also worried.    


After the young man walked over, he was first prepared to open the passenger door, but Xiao Hua had already got off. After nodding slightly, he quickly walked to the driver's side and pulled the door open.    


Huang Xing wanted to open the glass and say something, but he felt it wasn't polite, so he opened the car door and got out.    


The young bodyguard led Huang Xing as if he was escorting the country's leaders.    


Xiao Hua's parents were carefully sizing up Huang Xing, which made Huang Xing a bit scared. Especially Xiao Hua's father, his eyes exuded an extremely lethal aura that made people shudder in fear.    


He had always thought that since he was in a high position, as the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop, he had succeeded. But in front of Xiao Hua's father, Huang Xing did not have the slightest bit of confidence or courage.    


This was an absolutely enigmatic and merciless person!    


This was Huang Xing's first instinct.    


'Dad! ' Xiao Hua started acting like a spoiled child as he grabbed his father's arm: "Dad, why did you directly come over without even greeting him? Just now, I …" Were there thieves already coming to their house?    


His father frowned. Thieves? Which thief dares to come to our house? I have set up more than two hundred cameras at home, along with an alarm, to make sure he never comes back.    


'What?! ' Xiao Hua was stunned: more than two hundred. The cameraman … Dad, you … Why didn't I know?    


Most of them are invisible, Father noted. Even the crystal lights are equipped with cameras and surveillance devices.    


'My gosh! ' Xiao Hua's expression changed: Then... Then you didn't have a camera in the bathroom, did you? Too … This... Isn't this way too insecure?    


His father seemed to have seen through Xiao Hua's thoughts. He frowned and said, "Don't change the topic." Where did you go tonight? He didn't answer her phone, nor did he reply her text message. Furthermore, it was so late …    


He looked at his watch. Look, what time is it?    


Xiao Hua explained: "I'll go..." I went to celebrate my friend's birthday, so.    


'Birthday? ' Father raised his voice. What kind of friends do you have? Tell me, why aren't you answering the phone?    


Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "I left my phone at home and forgot to bring it." Dad, don't be angry. Calm down, I'll make you a cup of tea in a little while. I bought your favorite drink...    


Father interrupted Xiao Hua: Don't try that! Look at your body reeking of alcohol!    


Xiao Hua used his gaze to ask his mother for help. His mother sighed lightly and used her eyes to express that there was nothing she could do to help.    


Huang Xing felt a bit awkward when he saw the three of them talking to each other as if he was nothing. For a time, they couldn't stay, nor could they leave.    


Xiao Hua's mother took the opportunity to say: "Ok Old Qu, Xiao Hua's friend is also here. You can't always stand outside." Xiao Hua, hurry up and introduce us. This is …    


Xiao Hua turned around and looked at Huang Xing, saying, "He is my friend, his name is Huang Xing …"    


Before the introductions were finished, Xiao Hua's father looked at Huang Xing casually, then looked at the Audi car and said snappily, "Or the fuerdai?" Looking at you, you seem to be quite young. Did Dad buy it for you?    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be a bit angry. Xiao Hua's father, this old tune, why did he hurt others the moment he said it?    


His words were too bold!    


Huang Xing had also come into contact with rich bosses like Xiao Hua's father. However, the bigger the boss, the more amiable he was. He always showed a great sense of taste towards all walks of life, regardless of whether they were people of all walks of life. But this old Comrade Qu, not only did he just put himself out of the way, he even showed a kind of contempt for himself as he spoke.    


Huang Xing forced out a smile: It's the company's car.    


'A company car? ' Old Qu furrowed his brows for a moment, then laughed: "Looks like I've overestimated you." Which company's driver? You are quite bold, driving your boss's car out … And in the middle of the night!    


Huang Xing frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Hua took the lead and said, "Dad, what are you saying?" He was a big shot! A famous person!    


Xiao Hua's mother, who always kept a low profile, suddenly interrupted, "How old is it?" Older than your father?    


Obviously, seeing a car like seeing someone, coupled with Huang Xing being so young, they would never believe that this young man was a big shot. What kind of big shot could drive a car that cost a few hundred thousand yuan? Unless, you are the country's leader and sit on the Audi A8. However, Huang Xing obviously wasn't one.    


And indeed, the Audi s car that was parked next to the Rolls Royce looked extremely small, so much so that no one would even be able to see it. What did this kind of car, which was regarded as a luxurious official car by all the commoners, count for in front of the Rolls-Royce, which was worth tens of millions?    


Just like Huang Xing, the dignified General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop, many people were envious and jealous. However, in front of Boss Qu, who was worth billions, he was like a dried up twig compared to a forest and a small stream compared to the sea.    


The difference was so great that it couldn't even be described in the same breath.    


Xiao Hua's father did not care about the details and criticized her further: "Xiao Hua, you went too far today!" It seems wrong for your mother and I to give you a free private space. You are too presumptuous to understand the dangers of this society. Look at all the friends you've made, they all have their own goals, they all have their own ideas. You'd better not live here anymore. Move in with us. I'm going to sell this house.    


'What?! ' Xiao Hua said in astonishment, "Why?" Don't be so cruel to me, okay? My friend, not as you think. So bad. Take yellow brother for example...    


Huang Xing did not miss the opportunity to interrupt Xiao Hua: We are not really friends, are we? A friend of a friend, at most. I just casually brought Xiao Hua over, that's all. Uncle, Auntie, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first. I've safely delivered them to you.    


When he said this, Boss Qu, Madame Qu, and Xiao Hua were all stunned.    


Huang Xing turned around and walked away. Unexpectedly, Boss Qu shouted at the bodyguard: Stop him!    


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