The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



To some extent, Huang Xing was also a normal person. Facing such a devastatingly beautiful Fu Jie without any ulterior motives, it was impossible. As the saying goes, there are no gentlemen in this world. The more hypocrites there are, the more gentlemen there are. In the past, Liu Xianhui was calm and composed, but that was just an illusory legend. In today's society, it was rare to find a person like Huang Xing, who held a high position while holding back. Even though Huang Xing had made some mistakes in the dark, such as the unclear relationship between him and Li Rong … But in terms of the fusion technique, he could still be considered to be relatively pure and clean.    


However, while he could resist most of the temptations, he could absolutely not resist the charisma of Fu Jie, the unrivaled beauty.    


What a woman! Even if he insulted her every day, he would never be able to hurt a single hair on her head!    


There was a type of woman that was born to attract tender affection! No one was willing to see her as an enemy, and even more so, no one could resist the noble aura exuding from her body. All the men who had seen her, loved her; all the women who had seen her, envied her.    


Huang Xing pretended to have a headache and wanted to stay the night.    


Fu Jie might have sensed that it was Huang Xing's trick, so she started to use words to probe him: No, a headache is not a minor problem, you have to go to the hospital! There was no time to lose. He had to leave now!    


She stood up with an anxious expression and reached out her hand to pull Huang Xing's arm.    


How could Huang Xing be willing to submit? After all, he was pretending to be sick. If stealing chickens didn't work, then he definitely couldn't do it! Therefore, Huang Xing used all his strength and sat upright on the sofa. His butt seemed to be tied with a thousand pound pendant, and he didn't waver even if Fu Jiera dragged him. But at the same time, Huang Xing suddenly thought, what he's doing, isn't it a bit despicable?    


For love! For love! He could only be thick-skinned!    


He remembered reading a book called "Dark Arts". That was Huang Xing's memories from high school. Especially in the pursuit of love, thick skin was the first factor. There would always be so many incompatible couples in this world, the strange beauties of men and women, and without a doubt, this ugly man must be proficient in the quintessence of black art, and with an indomitable spirit, acting like a scoundrel, entangled in everything, and finally won the favor of a beauty with a face thicker than a city wall. This led to other places, as a great cause, also thick-skinned. Thinking back to Cao Cao and Liu Bei, which one of them was not as thick-skinned as a city wall? Cao Cao, when facing his enemies, would often greet them with a smile. At that time, Tao Qian had transferred Xuzhou to Liu Bei, Liu Bei led Xuzhou Mu. Later, when Lv Bu lost the army, Liu Bei took Lv Bu in. However, he did not expect that this action would cause trouble for the sake of nurturing the tiger. While Liu Bei was fighting Yuan Shi, Lv Bu seized the opportunity to attack Xu Zhou! If Liu Bei was an ordinary person, he definitely wouldn't be able to endure such humiliation. In a fit of rage, he would definitely march to the battlefield to suppress Lv Bu and take back Xuzhou. However, Liu Bei did not do so.     


Liu Bei repaid everyone's expectations with a face full of bliss. He went back to Xuzhou and became a subordinate of Lv Bu, garrisoned in Little Pei, and guarded Xuzhou's gate for him.    


Of course, it was precisely because of Liu Bei's temporary fortitude that made him join forces with Cao Cao afterwards to defeat Lv Bu. Otherwise, if Liu Bei was not so thick-skinned, he would have been killed by Lv Bu or Cao Cao Yuan Shi!    


Being able to bend and submit, a real man is also a true man!    


Of course, having thick skin did have a temper. Although Lv Bu had occupied Xuzhou with unrighteous actions and Liu Bei had seemingly accepted him willingly on the surface, but in the end, he had still used Cao Cao Cao to kill Lv Bu and avenged himself for seizing the city!    


If Liu Bei was like this, how could he be out of this world?    


Thinking of these shameless examples, Huang Xing gradually felt at ease!    


As the saying goes, one's skin isn't thick. In order to achieve great things, one must be thick. To obtain a beauty, one must be even thicker! To put it more simply, if a man were to act like a humble gentleman, without the slightest bit of evil intent, then all the women in the world would be like a widow!    


Huang Xing argued for a while, then reached out his hand to tug at his cheek to make it thicker. Otherwise, how can I gradually realize my desire to live together with Fu Jie?    


Of course, he didn't have this thought just to satisfy some of his physiological needs. More importantly, he was looking forward to the day when he could successfully cultivate the technique with Fu Jie. Wasn't his parents just like Fu Jie's parents, anxious for their children? As long as the matter of the marriage was not resolved, the parents of both parties would not be able to calm down for a moment.    


Not to mention that Fu Jie's parents were against him because of his drunkenness. If he didn't have the nerve to deepen his relationship with Fu Jie, he would be in trouble and afraid of change.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was unwilling to get up, Fu Jie couldn't help but frown.    


Huang Xing Qiang said: "Just caught a cold, a trivial matter!"    


Fu Jie bit her lips and said, Let me clean up your bed. How long will it take for your headache to heal?    


How could she ask that?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "This thing..." The problem was … How do I know when I'm going to be okay?    


Fu Jie said righteously: Then go to the doctor!    


Huang Xing was stunned! Fu Jie had been extremely worried about her headache just now. At this moment, her face was brimming with an expression of anxiety.    


Could it be that Fu Jie saw through his pretense?    


Huang Xing stammered, It should be. It was probably … Soon. It's a little better now, better than it was just now.    


Fu Jie snorted coldly and blurted out, "Are you trying to get drunk?"    


Huang Xing was stunned, but he pretended to be confused: "What …" What wine? I can't drink anymore, I can't drink anymore. Just now, at Fu Zhenxin's house, I drank such a good wine, and I already had a headache. How can I drink?    


Fu Jie frowned: You're really something! I can't do anything to you! If Fu Zhenxin knew about this, she would definitely take you as a test. I gave you such a precious wine to drink, and you even had a headache!    


Huang Xing smiled. It's not about the wine.    


Fu Jie pointed at Huang Xing's chest.    


Huang Xing touched his chest and thought that Fu Jie saw through his feint.    


But it didn't matter. [What can you do to me? Such thick skin! He just wanted to stay and not leave!    


Fu Jie hugged her arms as she prepared for a moment. Suddenly, she turned to Huang Xing and said, "Ai, I don't feel sleepy at all right now."    


Huang Xing was stunned, he did not understand the meaning behind the words, and casually agreed: "Me too." Not much. Sleepy.    


Fu Jie pointed at the wine cabinet. There are still two bottles of good wine at home.    


Drink more? ' Huang Xing widened his eyes. As the saying goes, if a woman isn't drunk, a man won't have a chance. Although Huang Xing was looking forward to it, Fu Jie's request to drink with him at this time was really unimaginable. "Moreover, she had already drunk quite a bit at Fu Zhenxin's house.    


What was she up to?    


It was red wine. My heart is tired, accompany me to relax.    


Huang Xing nodded. Good, good! I'll get it!    


He stood up and walked to the wine cabinet. Inside, there were indeed all kinds of expensive red and white wine.    


Huang Xing was about to ask which bottle to open when Fu Jie suddenly said, "What, you don't have a headache anymore?"    


Huang Xing was shocked. Damn it, I've been tricked? Could it be that the reason Fu Jie mentioned that she wanted to drink with her was because she wanted him to show off his weakness and give her a headache?    


How insidious, truly insidious!    


'Alright... So many... "Much better …" Huang Xing stammered as he covered his forehead.    


Fu Jie waved her hand. "Alright, stop pretending. You are also the dignified general manager, what are you pretending in front of me for?" Pretending to have a headache and lying to ghosts?    


Huang Xing smiled awkwardly, but he did not say anything. He didn't pretend.    


Fu Jie snorted lightly, saying, "Just open it. Hold on tight, stop wasting your time!" Tonight, let's talk business.    


What? Huang Xing was shocked! He raised his head and looked at Fu Jie's expression. It was actually so warm and warm, so amiable!    


What was going on?    


What did she want to talk about with him?    


Huang Xing felt his heart thumping with excitement and worry. He was truly unable to guess what Fu Jie wanted to talk about with him. Work or love?    


Huang Xing picked up a random bottle of red wine and said to Fu Jie while he was looking for the bottle of wine: "This bottle, open this bottle?"    


Fu Jie was the first to sit down. "You sure have good eyes. This is the best bottle of wine in my wine cabinet!"    


'This... ' Huang Xing scratched his head, "It's a lie, it's a lie!" You know, I don't understand red wine.    


But Fu Jie said enigmatically: You don't understand, a lot.    


What do you mean?    


Just as Huang Xing was puzzled by Fu Jie's words, Fu Jie immediately added: "You especially don't understand a woman's heart!"    


The moment he said that, Huang Xing was stunned!    


He didn't understand how many layers of meaning were actually contained in Fu Jie's words.    


Huang Xing didn't know what would happen if he answered, so he continued to use red wine as a topic: How about, changing a bottle? This bottle of good wine is kept for the guests.    


Fu Jie held out a slender finger. Drink it.    


Huang Xing asked casually, "How much can this wine be worth?"    


Fu Jie said, "Priceless." He asked it how much it was, but after a while, he couldn't bear to drink it.    


Huang Xing probed, "Eh..." More than a hundred thousand?    


Fu Jie didn't answer him. Instead, she took a delicate red wine starter from under the tea table and placed it on it.    


Huang Xing didn't pursue the topic any further. He walked over and opened the bottle of red wine. A faint fragrance wafted out. Huang Xing instantly felt that this wine must be extremely valuable.    


Taking out two goblets, Huang Xing poured wine and said, "Wake up first and see if there's any wine at home …" Is there any food, drink, anything?    


Fu Jie tilted her head. Instant noodles?    


Huang Xing was immediately flabbergasted!    


Fu Jie pointed to the kitchen and said, There are onions in the kitchen.    


Huang Xing nodded. "Creative!" Alright, I'll go now!    


He went into the kitchen, peeled a few onions, sliced them, sprinkled them with salt, and a simple side dish was born.    


However, Huang Xing's eyes were still uncomfortable. When it came to his eyes when he peeled the onion, he wiped it off with his hand out of frustration.    


He went to the water cage and washed it thoroughly. The burning feeling did not disappear.    


Returning to the sofa, Huang Xing was surprised to find that Fu Jie was picking up an onion and putting it by her mouth.    


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