The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing felt it was new to hear Fu Jie's playful questioning.    


After all, Fu Jie was not someone who liked to joke around. She always showed people her serious attitude.    


Huang Xing laughed: You are also amiable, but you are too big and too dignified. Therefore, many clients still choose to contact me.    


General Fu Jie continued, Especially. Female customers?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Alright, Boss Fu, don't mock me." Looking for me... What's the matter?    


Fu Jie shook her head. "It's nothing. I just came out to take a walk, and you just happened to come out to send me off." Oh right, hurry up and pack up! Leave immediately!    




Huang Xing was shocked!    


What was going on? Fu Jie suddenly said that!    


Was she really going to expel him?    


However, even if that was the case, she probably did not have the authority to do so! After all, he was promoted by Yu Mengqin herself, and if she wanted to expel him, she would have to obtain Yu Mengqin's consent. Furthermore, she didn't make any mistakes, so why did Fu Jie let him clean up and leave? Could it be that he just came out to send her off!?    


It was obviously illogical!    


In his confusion, Huang Xing couldn't help but ask, "Boss Fu, this..." This … What was going on?    


Fu Jie frowned. What do you mean?    


Huang Xing said innocently: "I..." I didn't make any mistakes, did I?    


Fu Jie was also stunned. "I didn't say you made a mistake!"    


Then why did you let me pack my things and leave?    


Fu Jie, who hadn't been smiling all this time, laughed when she heard this. She actually revealed a smile that was even more precious than gold: "Have you forgotten?"    


Huang Xing scratched his head: "Forgot what?"    


To be exact, Fu Jie's smile was so beautiful that it almost made Huang Xing intoxicated in the cold winter. As the song said, you are like a fire in winter, the fire warmed my heart. Fu Jie's precious smile was like a torch, warm and charming.    


Fu Jie was speechless. She slapped her forehead and said, "Go to Fu Zhenxin's place!"    


Huang Xing immediately realized!    


At the same time, he had to worry about his weakened memory. Why did he forget about this matter? He even thought that Fu Jie wanted him to leave the Xin Dream Merchant Shop and beat his bag to get lost!    


Huang Xing smiled awkwardly. That's it. It gave me a fright.    


Fu Jie just had to deal with Huang Xing: If you don't want to go, it's too late to regret it now.    


Huang Xing quickly shook his head. No regrets, no regrets! He couldn't wait any longer.    


Fu Jie raised her hand. "Then why don't you hurry up and pack up? Look at you, you have a strand of hair standing up!"    


'Really? ' Huang Xing stretched out his hand to touch it, vaguely confirming Fu Jie's words.    


Fu Jie said, I'll go to the mall and walk around for a bit, and then I'll wait for you to come down!    


'Alright! ' Huang Xing nodded happily and rushed back to his office on his invincible fire wheel.    


As the saying goes, when people see a happy occasion, they would be delighted. Huang Xing cherished the opportunity to travel with Fu Jie. This would further enhance their complicated feelings. After all, he and Fu Jie weren't young anymore. They had to think of a way to deepen their relationship and try to talk about marriage as soon as possible so that they wouldn't have too much trouble during the night.    


In the office, Huang Xing called Tao Fei over.    


In front of the mirror, Tao Fei took out the styling water and gently sprinkled it on Huang Xing's head. At the same time, she used a comb to slowly comb through it.    


Tao Fei saw the joy of having been modified by Huang Xing, so she asked: "Where are we going, and dressed so grandly?"    


Huang Xing turned around and glanced at Tao Fei. If I don't go anywhere, then … Just a few tricks.    


Tao Fei retorted, "Why are you so happy to join up with me?" Surely... Surely it wasn't that simple. What kind of beautiful thing could have happened?    


Huang Xing frowned and warned, "Ask what you shouldn't ask, your desire to know more is too strong!"    


Tao Fei clicked her tongue and no longer spoke. She focused on helping Huang Xing to straighten his hair.    


'Handsome! '    


After that, Tao Fei looked at Huang Xing and gave him a precise conclusion.    


Huang Xing caressed his hair. He originally wanted to match Tao Fei's praise and do a high-spirited action. Unexpectedly, he stroked the styling oil with his hand.    


After washing his hands, he returned to his office and changed into a gray windbreaker. When he came out, he saw that Tao Fei was already standing in front of the door with her bright shoes in her hands.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but exclaim: "His efficiency is quite high. It's so nice to wipe it off!"    


'Light? ' Tao Fei giggled. It's my purpose to serve you. By the way, would you like a tie?    


Huang Xing shook his head. "I'm not going to a party. Why would I wear a tie?" Naturally, it was for the best.    


Tao Fei walked over, said something and turned around to let me see.    


Huang Xing turned around like a model.    


'Mmm, not bad. Tao Fei tugged on the hem of Huang Xing's shirt and even squatted down, stretching her pants a little. "This guy's bearing is extraordinary. It's time for me to go back!"    


Huang Xing laughed: "I'm not a beautiful woman, what do I need to turn around!"    


Tao Fei said confidently, 'Men also want a turnaround rate!' A man like you, in your thirties, handsome and well-dressed, is the perfect time to attract girls.    


'Really? ' Huang Xing laughed at himself: "Why didn't I feel it?"    


Tao Fei said softly: You still don't know, right? You are the god in the eyes of all the Female Employees in our merchant house!    


Huang Xing was stunned: "I'm a male god?"    


Tao Fei nodded her head. Handsome, rich, and a big boss!    


Huang Xing said: "Why do I feel like I don't match up at all with what you have said?" Marshal did not dare say, mainly because of his temperament.    


Tao Fei giggled.    


When Huang Xing was ready to leave, Tao Fei suddenly called out to him, "Boss Huang, wait a moment."    


Huang Xing turned around: "What happened?"    


Tao Fei walked over and fished out a box of xylitol from her pocket like a magic trick. She poured out two of them and put them in Huang Xing's mouth: Open your mouth and eat two of them.    


Huang Xing was stunned: "I have..." I have bad breath?    


Tao Fei shook her head nervously. No... That's not what I meant.    


Huang Xing teased her deliberately: What do you mean, then?    


Tao Fei explained, "Eating two pills with a fresh breath, especially after seeing how well you dressed up, you must be with an important customer, or …" Or the girl had an appointment. Of course. Take note of your tone.    


Huang Xing actually took a few deep breaths and sniffed with his hand in front of his nose.    


Tao Fei was amused by his serious look and took the opportunity to stuff the two pieces of gum into Huang Xing's mouth.    


How considerate! How thoughtful!    


Huang Xing was a bit touched. It seems that if I don't get her an award from an advanced employee, he would feel bad about it.    


After exiting the office, Huang Xing felt that it was still early, so he walked around the mall for a while and checked the situation of each of the special cabinets on each floor.    


It seemed that after dealing with a few disciplinary violators, the buyers and security personnel on duty were in a completely new state of mind. Several floors later, he did not find any signs of idle chatter or laughter.    


This made Huang Xing feel slightly relieved.    


At the entrance of the first floor …    


Huang Xing looked around and found Fu Jie looking at cosmetics in the cosmetics department.    


Huang Xing took the initiative to walk over. Fu Jie pointed to a box of beauty dishes in front of her and asked Huang Xing: "This …." How about it?    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't need this. You asking me is just a waste of time."    


Fu Jie emphasized, "I'm not asking you how it works. I'm asking you to give it to Fu Zhenxin. How is it?" He couldn't go empty-handed either.    


Huang Xing glanced at the price tag, it was 8,8888 yuan. He couldn't help but click his tongue. He thought, nowadays, money for women and children is easy to earn. A box of simple cosmetics, with a so-called brand name, costs close to 10,000 yuan! There were also clothes. The styles of the women's clothes were many to the point that it dazzled people. There were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pieces of women's clothing with a famous brand.    


Huang Xing suggested: "Fu Zhenxin definitely doesn't lack cosmetics. Look at her. She's always taking care of her little face. It's so tender and tender!"    


Disappointed, Fu Jie put the cosmetics down and asked, What would you like to bring?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment: she might as well bring two boxes of chocolate, she likes chocolate.    


Fu Jie frowned and wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Huang Xing pondered for a moment and suddenly felt like he said the wrong thing.    


For a moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Indeed, as the saying goes, the speaker has no intention to speak, and anyone who listens has their own intentions. Fu Jie must be thinking, how do you know Fu Zhenxin so well, even more than I do?    


Huang Xing quickly added: "I was just guessing!" Girls, don't they all like chocolate?    


I don't like it, Fu Jie stressed. I don't want my sister to eat all that fat.    


That's true, Huang Xing said. However, it was normal for them to bump into each other to eat a little. If … Otherwise... Bring her some fruit. She would be too lazy to buy it.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment, then nodded her head.    


Thus, the two of them bought some fresh fruits in the underground supermarket.    


In the parking lot, Huang Xing asked, Do you want to drive your car or mine?    


Fu Jie raised her hand and said, "Drive your car!"    


Huang Xing nodded and put the fruit in the trunk. Then, he personally opened the passenger door for Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie sat down gracefully and fastened her seat belt.    


The interior of the car was filled with a familiar fragrance, which was naturally coming from Fu Jie's body. Huang Xing sniffed a few times and instantly felt refreshed and full of energy.    


He was a little nervous, and his heartbeat kept accelerating. Huang Xing thought to himself, how could there be a woman like Fu Jie in this world. No matter how familiar they are with each other, every time they meet, they would always have the feeling of heartbeats.    


As they drove out of the gate, the security guard on duty gestured and saluted.    


Huang Xing pressed his horn and saluted back.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but praise him, "Alright, the security guard's parking his car in a very standard way. Also, he's saluting."    


I personally trained them!    


'You? ' Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing suspiciously.    


Huang Xing said to Fu Jie: Aren't you underestimating me a little too much? You must have forgotten that when I was at Xin Feng company, I was in charge of training and training for Employees.    


Fu Jie nodded. That's true. Yes, there was.    


Thank you for Boss Fu's affirmation, Wu said with a smile. The next step, I plan to poach someone to raise Security Department's work to another level.    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. "Where should I go to find him?"    


Huang Xingqiang said, "There are already people available!" Estimated … He estimated that he would be able to take up his post in a few days.    


Fu Jie's eyes shone with a special light.    


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