The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



It was indeed Fu Jie.    


The moment she pushed open the door and entered, Huang Xing suddenly felt that his eyes lit up, and he sighed in admiration.    


In this world, there was no woman who could shock others every time they saw her. Even though Huang Xing and Fu Jie had known each other for a long time, it was common sense that the novelty had already passed. But in reality, every time Huang Xing saw Fu Jie, he would feel a real desire for her.    


She was wearing a well-ironed professional attire with an extraordinary bearing and elegance.    


Huang Xing stood up and glanced at Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Ouyang Mengjiao also stood up, trembling. She took the opportunity to wipe the whites of her eyes.    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. She had obviously noticed Ouyang Mengjiao's emotional disorder. She could not help but look at Huang Xing, waiting for him to give a reasonable explanation.    


Ouyang Mengjiao didn't want Fu Jie to see her weak side, so she took the opportunity to pour some water and wipe the moisture from her eyes.    


Fu Jie walked over and sat down.    


Huang Xing also sat down and looked at Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie asked softly, "What's going on?" Did you criticize her?    


Huang Xing shook his head. "I talked about work with Ouyang Dudao, she …" So. She …    


Huang Xing stammered, afraid that speaking the truth would hurt Ouyang Mengjiao's self-esteem, so he hid himself, not knowing what he was talking about.    


Fu Jie frowned. "Talking about work can make people cry, your ability to work is also heaven-defying!"    


Ouyang Mengjiao brought over a glass of water from a disposable paper cup and placed it in front of Fu Jie. After a few tests, she said, Boss Fu, Boss Huang saw my year-end summary and gave me a few suggestions. I... I was thinking. I'm already so old, and I still can't take care of my mother and share some of her responsibilities, so … As such, she couldn't help but confess and … Sad.    


Fu Jie asked, "Ouyang Dudao, do you really think so?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao nodded her head, "Just now, Boss Huang gave me some objective analysis and guidance. I think he's right." I... I let my mother down.    


Fu Jie emphasized, It's good that you can think that way. Ouyang Dudao, ever since we started at Xinyuan company, you've been working very well with me. At that time, I also wanted to raise you into a Managers. Yet, you actually dared to lay your hands on me!    


Ouyang Mengjiao was stunned. "Why did I say that to you?"    


Fu Jie said, You are obviously the Dream Group's great gold, with a value of tens of billions, you are willing to become my Xinben Company's clerk, isn't that just playing along with me?    


Ouyang Mengjiao smiled and said, "How could I have such a high price? It was all established by my mother, so what does it have to do with me."    


Fu Jie emphasized, You are the legal heir. Do you think it has anything to do with you?    


Ouyang Mengjiao pursed her lips. But I want to be on my own.    


Fu Jie nodded. Good ambition. I support you. But I want to talk to you. Forget it. Some other day. I'll talk to you some other time.    


Ouyang Mengjiao's pupils enlarged. "You …" What are you going to talk to me about?    


Fu Jie said, We'll talk about it later. No time today.    


Ouyang Mengjiao sighed in disappointment. Hmph, you only need to …    


She looked like she was about to say something, but stopped and seemed to be deep in thought.    


Fu Jie turned around and said, Ouyang Dudao, how about this. I'll talk to Boss Huang about some work matters.    


Ouyang Mengjiao knew Fu Jie was giving the order to leave. After a moment of hesitation, she stood up and left as well.    


Fu Jie gazed at Ouyang Mengjiao's back before personally walking over and closing the door.    


After they sat down, Fu Jie said, Your room is a little hot.    


Huang Xing smiled and said, "It's all the same offering. Why is it so hot in my room?"    


The moment he said that, Huang Xing suddenly realized that the 'heat' that Fu Jie was referring to wasn't heat. Rather, it referred to the office's lively atmosphere, as it was frequented by people.    


Fu Jie took out a list from her pocket and pushed it in front of Huang Xing: "Look at this, is there anything that needs to be modified?"    


Huang Xing picked it up and saw that it was a list of candidates for the Managers's award.    


The dignified chairman had actually interfered in such a small matter? Logically speaking, this was Huang Xing's responsibility. The normal course of action would be for Huang Xing to finalize the quota and have it approved by Fu Jie. But now, it was the complete opposite!    


And Huang Xing was surprised to find that there was his name on it.    


'And me? ' Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie in shock.    


You have the hardest time, Fu Jie stressed. You are the most worried person in the whole mall! I know that if you had drawn up this list, you would have excluded yourself, so I did it for you. See if we agree.    


Huang Xing nodded. You and I are basically of the same mind. However... There are only two or three, and I think we should adjust them.    


Fu Jie asked, Which ones?    


First of all, it's me! I am the general manager, how can I give myself a prize? You and I will also be judged by Yu Mengqin and Boss Yu. Furthermore, I did make a lot of mistakes in my work, which caused the mall to fall into a passive state. On this point, not only am I not qualified to claim credit, I should... You should reflect on yourself.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly and then relaxed. "Do you really think so?"    


Huang Xing was stunned. Really? I suggest that you change my name to … It was Bao Shijie.    


'What?! ' Fu Jie was deeply shocked: Package Manager? You've always been negative about his work.    


Huang Xing said, "That's because I'm being extreme." Actually...    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing, "Package Manager is too inexperienced. I'm afraid it would be hard to convince the masses if we judge him." Although Package Manager has done some things since he entered the mall, he has also done his job dutifully. However, compared to the old managers of the staff, his qualifications were simply too shallow. I was afraid that once he was evaluated, it would cause quite a stir in the management.    


Not necessarily, Huang Xing said. The evaluation award was something that anyone who was capable would receive.    


Fu Jie shook her head slightly. I'm still not sure. I'm worried that if Package Manager is a candidate, there will be a lot of people raising objections.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and said, "I think we can give some convincing data and things to prove Package Manager's merit." For example, the plans and plans that Package Manager wrote down, and also … There are others. These can be used to confirm Package Manager's work.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing with suspicion. She kept feeling that his attitude had changed too quickly.    


In Fu Jie's impression, Bao Shijie and Huang Xing were always on the same side. There were even a few times when they fought. But recently, Huang Xing suddenly seemed to have become a different person, always fighting for Bao Shijie's interests and even singing praises.    


How could she have known that this was Huang Xing's plan?    


Huang Xing naturally knew what kind of person Bao Shijie was. However, during the ongoing open rivalry and covert warfare, Huang Xing discovered that the more he fought against Bao Shijie, the more it would encourage Fu Jie to protect Bao Shijie, and even encourage her to be prejudiced against him. As the saying goes, the extremes of things are always reversed. When he was fishing last time, Huang Xing suddenly realized many truths. If he saw Bao Shijie as a fish, he would naturally bathe him. Huang Xing had been using all kinds of bait to numb Bao Shijie and Fu Jie. He only had to wait for the opportunity to change before he could take Bao Shijie down in one fell swoop.    


This move was the commonly used tactics in combat: 'Proud tactics of a soldier', 'wilful tactics of capturing the enemy', and the 'hidden passage of Chen Cang'.    


Through these experiences, Huang Xing's strategy was indeed effective. He treated Bao Shijie well, but Fu Jie felt uncomfortable and even saw through some of Bao Shijie's shortcomings.    


Maybe it's like a parent running a child. You need one to sing the black face and one to sing the red face." When the father sings the black face, the mother must coax. If the mother sings black face, the father has to take the role of coaxing. Otherwise, if both parents had been so sullen, then the child's life would have been impossible! On the other hand, they were all red-faced, and the child was doted upon, and would certainly develop many faults and faults.    




Fu Jie naturally understood this, so when Huang Xing started to make faces, she took the initiative to restrain her feelings towards Bao Shijie. Instead, she started to pay attention to his shortcomings.    


Thinking about that, Huang Xing couldn't help but snicker. The more he thought about it this way, the more he realized that his strategy was right.    


Fu Jie pinched the bridge of her nose and thought for a moment. Although she agreed with Huang Xing's suggestion, she was still a little worried.    


She didn't even know where this worry came from.    


Huang Xing acted on his own initiative by adding 'Bao Shijie' to the list of candidates.    


Fu Jie bit her lips. All right. We'll have a meeting tomorrow morning.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Fu Jie continued, "Do you see anything else that needs to be changed?"    


Wu Tie said, That's it, Ouyang Mengjiao. You included Ouyang Mengjiao, too, I think. Truth be told, Ouyang Dudao's work cannot reach the level of advanced evaluation.    


Fu Jie's face showed signs of doubt. Your relationship with Ouyang Dudao has always been pretty good.    


Huang Xingqiang added, "In private, we do have some friends. And I can't leave without Ouyang Mengjiao's credit until today." After all, she was the one who recommended me when I joined the Xin Fang company, and she even gave me quite a few ideas. But one yard to one yard, work is work, not for personal reasons.    


Fu Jie said, That's what you think. However, I decided to add Ouyang Mengjiao's name for the sake of the overall situation.    


'General? ' Huang Xing pursued: "What's the big picture?" Boss Fu couldn't be thinking of Yu Mengqin and Boss Yu's face, right?    


Fu Jie nodded slightly. But not all. After all, Ouyang Dudao was Boss Yu's daughter, his biological daughter. In the future, the entire Dream Group would belong to Ouyang Mengjiao. She did have a bit of ability now, but she was still young, lacking some experience, and certainly lacking some encouragement. I did it to encourage her.    


Huang Xing was even more surprised: Weren't you always …    


Huang Xing thought back to the past when Ouyang Mengjiao first entered the Xin Dream Merchant House, and the series of disputes over power between her and Fu Jie. Although Ouyang Mengjiao was Yu Mengqin's daughter, she was young and resourceful, and impulsive, thus she ultimately won against Fu Jie. In the eyes of almost everyone, Fu Jie had always been suppressing Ouyang Mengjiao, so that she would become a puppet in Xin Dream's Merchant Shop. At this moment, Fu Jie was trying to encourage Ouyang Mengjiao with rewards. What was the purpose of this?    


Fu Jie seemed to have noticed Huang Xing's doubt and said: "I'm not as vicious and ruthless as you think."    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What..." What viciousness?    


Fu Jie retorted, Have you never thought of me this way?    


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