The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Bao Shijie's angry gaze seemed to want to kill Huang Xing.    


Looking at the green and red crisscrossing on Bao Shijie's face, Huang Xing felt pity for him. Facing Bao Shijie's reprimand, he did not retaliate. Instead, he stood on the spot and did not say a single word.    


To be exact, Wu could understand Fu Jie's intentions. Bao Shijie deserved a beating, but Fu Jie was innocent. The reason she brought him here was undoubtedly to resolve the deep contradiction between them. Huang Xing tried over and over again, but he was touched by Fu Jie's almost pleading gaze. He really wanted to lower himself and sincerely apologize to Bao Shijie. However, it was difficult for him to speak.    


Bao Shijie started to pour out his grievances once again: "Boss Fu, ever since I entered the Xin Dream Merchant Shop, I have been trying my best to help you build the Merchant Shop properly. But do you know, the resistance I encountered was unprecedented! Especially this person next to you, this General Manager Huang. Do you know how many times he tripped over me? He disliked me everywhere and looked for thorns everywhere. I'm. I can't stand it anymore. I think... I can't stay in the Xin Dream Merchant House anymore. Boss Fu, to tell you the truth, meeting you is an honor for me in this life. However, things did not turn out as he wished …    


Fu Jie quickly said, "Package Manager, don't be like this!" The mall needs you!    


Bao Shijie smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The Merchant Shop needs me. You need me, but some people don't welcome me." I've been holding it in. I want to do something to show others, to prove it to myself, of course. But why was my resistance so great? Look at how badly I've been beaten up today. If I continue to stay here, will I be beaten to death one day? Violence! Such a formal company actually had people who abused violence! Furthermore, this person was the General Manager of the Merchant Shop! I really can't believe that with such a leader in the mall, it will... What would become of him!    


Huang Xing thought, this guy can do it, but instead, he grabbed onto his little braid and started reciting the Sutra of Bitter Meat in front of Fu Jie. He's going to turn the tables and put me to death!    


Fu Jie turned her head to look at Huang Xing and explained, Package Manager, I think... I think you have some misunderstandings about Boss Huang. Actually, he …    


Bao Shijie interrupted Fu Jie. Misunderstanding? Was this a misunderstanding? Boss Fu, I know that you've known each other longer than me, and worked together longer than me. Or maybe you're used to his violent style. But you have to think about it. How could a big company allow. Forget it, I know that in Boss Fu's heart, I'm not even comparable to him. He's the general manager and I'm a small department manager. If you choose between the two of us to leave, you will definitely choose me, Bao Shijie. It doesn't matter, I'm already scared today, I'm willing to quit!    


Fu Jie frowned for a moment and hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, Package Manager?!" It was not a matter of knowing how long it had been. Yes, there are indeed some flaws in Boss Huang, I admit that. It was indeed his fault for beating him up this time. So I brought him here to apologize. He has also come to realize his mistake. Be magnanimous, after all, and continue to work together in the future. They were all part of the Xin Dream Merchant House, and were of the same family. It was unavoidable for families to have some friction with each other. Don't you have a saying? If we don't fight, we don't get to know each other. Perhaps this conflict will allow you to resolve your past conflicts and become good friends …    


'Good friends? ' Bao Shijie clicked his tongue and said, "I don't have any hopes, I don't have that kind of luck!"    


Fu Jie said, "As time passes, you will realize that Boss Huang's character is actually pretty good, especially when it comes to his subordinates. He is very considerate towards them …"    


Bao Shijie Qiang said. "I am very concerned about him, very concerned about the Female Employees. I am very concerned about him!"    


When Huang Xing heard this, he was angry! It seemed that this fellow had continuously splashed dirty water on his body, and it was never-ending!    


Huang Xing took a step forward and forced himself to say in a tone that was almost amiable: Package Manager, I know I did too much. What nonsense are you spouting! Now, Boss Fu brought me here. I meant well, and I didn't expect you to be taken to the hospital without a fight. It's my fault. I'll pay for all your medical expenses. But do you have to keep splashing dirt on me in front of Boss Fu?    


Bao Shijie snorted: "You have money!" You're so rich! You're earning a few million a year, so what's my medical expenses worth? It's not enough for you to have a pickle. Boss Huang, let's use this as an analogy. I, I will beat you up, then I will also pay for your medical expenses, and there will be an additional subsidy.    


Huang Xing pointed angrily at Bao Shijie, then pointed at his chest: "Come on, come on, hit me, I'll let you hit me!"    


Bao Shijie shook his head: "See, threatening people!"    


I'm not threatening you! I came to see you without any malice. But you, you hurt people with your words!    


Bao Shijie glanced at Fu Jie and said, "Boss Fu, let this person go. I don't want to see him." When he first entered the hospital, his wound still hurt. But now, I have a headache.    


Fu Jie turned around and glanced at Huang Xing: "Why don't you go out first!"    


Huang Xing clenched his fist and walked out of the ward.    


In the parking lot, Huang Xing held a cigarette in his mouth as he paced back and forth, recalling what had happened today as well as the contents of the private interview between Bao Shijie and Fu Jie. Obviously, once Bao Shijie left the ward, he would spare no effort in trying to impeach Fu Jie. This brat was really good at borrowing a chicken's eggs to lay. With such a good opportunity to pull him into the water, how could he miss it?    


Huang Xing had also been reflecting on his actions. Had he been too impulsive today and too ruthless in his attacks on Bao Shijie?    


It was to the point that he wanted this brat to grab hold of his weakness and try to kill him!    


A phone's ringtone disturbed Huang Xing's thoughts.    


It was Sha Meili!    


Huang Xing glanced at the entrance of the residential building and pressed the answer button.    


Sha Meili's voice came over the phone, "Brother Huang, what are you busy with? Why aren't you answering the phone?"    


I'm in the hospital, Huang Xing explained. Come here... Come and see a patient. Cha Sia, wait a moment. I'll be back in a moment.    


Sha Meili was stunned. You went to the hospital? What's the matter, who's in the hospital?    


A manager in our building, said Huang Xing.    


Sha Meili said, You have a manager in the Merchant Shop? Then you don't need to personally come forward, just find a person to go with you and express your condolences.    


This is different, Wu stressed. We, Boss Fu, have come personally! Oh, and. And this manager was given to me... Only after being beaten did he get hospitalized!    


'What?! ' Sha Meili said in astonishment, "Did you hit him?" His actions were really ruthless! I didn't expect you to... You are quite vicious! How was it? Was the fight serious?    


Nothing, just some skin wounds.    


Sha Meili said, I was thinking, just what kind of abominable manager could make you do this?    


Huang Xing said: "Yes, very hateful." I was also forced into a corner!    


Sha Meili said, That must be hateful! Do you need Cha Sia to speak up for you and teach him a lesson?    


No need, no need, I've already taught him a lesson.    


Sha Meili retorted, "He, he didn't call the police, right?"    


No, Huang Xing said. If I'd called the police, I'd be in the station by now.    


Sha Meili said, That's good! However, as a person, if one was willing to yield and submit, he or she could admit his or her wrongs, but he or she shouldn't make a big fuss out of it. When you need me, just say it, and I'll help you deal with it.    


Huang Xing said, "That won't be necessary." Thank you, Cha Sia. Alright, wait for me for a moment. I'll be back soon.    


Sha Meili said, "Alright!" Then you take care to control your emotions and not let things get any worse.    


Huang Xing nodded. "Alright, I understand."    


… ….    


After hanging up, Huang Xing took a deep breath.    


Although the atmosphere in the hospital was a little depressed, but when he recalled how he punched and kicked Bao Shijie, he felt a sense of carefreeness that he had never felt before.    


Beating someone up was actually a very effective method of venting your anger. Especially when he was fighting someone he disliked and disliked!    


At this moment, the sound of light footsteps could be heard.    


Fu Jie walked out of the Inpatient Department. Her expression was grave, and her footsteps sounded hesitant. Walking up to Huang Xing, Fu Jie stopped her steps and said thoughtfully, "You really made Bao Shijie anxious this time!"    


Huang Xing said: "He pushed me to the edge. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to make a move!"    


Fu Jie frowned. "You're still being stubborn?" The trouble you caused, you want me to wipe your ass, you have to reflect on it! Do you know how much effort I put in to pacify Package Manager? What you need to know more is that if he does not let go of this matter, then you will lose all of your prestige in Xin Dream's Merchant House, and even the possibility of you going to jail is very high!    


Huang Xing emphasized, "Reputation shouldn't sweep the ground. It should be, having established a greater prestige, let's see who else dares to be as impudent as Bao Shijie in the future!"    


Fu Jie scolded him harshly, "Shut up! You must take responsibility for your actions this time!"    


Huang Xing sighed and said, "Fu Jie, you are always leaning towards Bao Shijie now. Whenever you talk to me, you always keep a cold expression on your face."    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment before asking, "Am I leaning towards Bao Shijie?" Think about it, yourself. I'm wiping your ass! I'm helping you deal with the trouble you've caused.    


Wu Tie nodded his head, "I know, you want Bao Shijie and I to resolve the conflict, but today I must tell you the truth. The conflict between us is not something that can be resolved overnight, it's not that easy." Do you understand?    


Fu Jie emphasized, You don't want to dissolve it at all!    


Huang Xing blurted out in a panic, "After he came to the mall, he stole all of my limelight and even robbed my woman. You're saying that I …"    


As soon as he said that, he realized that he had lost his composure, but it was already too late.    


Fu Jie's face was filled with shock. It took her a long time to regain her senses. She suddenly stared excitedly at Huang Xing, her eyes filled with a formless killing intent.    


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