The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



All of a sudden, Huang Xing was stunned.    


However, he immediately realized the severity of the problem. Once Fu Jie found out about the subtle relationship between him and Li Rong, their relationship would probably be irreparable.    


This was what Huang Xing was troubled about! This kind of entanglement was like a shadow following one's shadow. Huang Xing had also once fallen into a state of intense self-blame, and was unable to extricate himself from it. He had even tried many times to end his relationship with Li Rong and get back on track, but he had always fallen in love with Li Rong's sexiness and gentleness. The feeling of cheating had always been tempting. Huang Xing could actually be considered a person with good self-control. However, when the enticement came, his firm defense line was still unable to resist the charm of a beauty. He fell into the warm and gentle land woven by Li Rong again and again.    


Huang Xing shook his head: "Why did she look for me? She just passed by."    


Fu Jie said casually, but her tone was deadly: How could I have coincidentally bumped into a car in front of your house?    


Huang Xing was very anxious, but he forced himself to stay calm. He even jokingly said, "It's because the road outside our district is wide and open, so there isn't a traffic jam." Many cars would come around here.    


Fu Jie turned her head unnaturally and glanced at Huang Xing: the road was indeed wide. I was really convinced by Li Rong. She ran into a car on such a wide road. Did she drink some wine?    


'Ha … ' Huang Xing almost blurted out "I drank too much". Luckily, he controlled himself and said: "Who knows if I drank too much, but at least I was distracted." Or maybe it was just another driver drinking himself into a daze.    


Fu Jie said thoughtfully, "Those are no longer important. What's important is whether Li Rong's arm can be restored to its original state." The surgery would inevitably leave behind scars. To a girl, having such a big scar on her arm was indeed very cruel.    


At most, he won't wear short sleeves, Huang Xing said.    


In the summer? Fu Jie asked.    


'Summer... ' Huang Xing Qiang said, "Isn't there some kind of anti-scar ointment? It should be fine if you apply it and remove it."    


Fu Jie sighed softly. After a moment of silence, she said, I hope this operation will be successful.    


Huang Xing nodded. Definitely.    


After that, the two of them became silent. They walked to Fu Jie and turned on the player in the car. There was a burst of sound coming from the car.    


The classic "If We Go Back" was played in the car. That sad melody couldn't help but cause Huang Xing to ponder for a long time. Along with the melody, his heart also couldn't help but gently echo it. Of course, what he agreed to was not only a song, but also his past relationship with Fu Jie, as well as his memories and dreams of love.    


And Huang Xing was surprised to find that Fu Jie's mouth seemed to be opening as if she was singing along with the song.    


touching, deeply touching.    


In front of love, everyone was a fool with low IQ, and Huang Xing was no exception.    


This slight movement of Fu Jie's caused him to form a series of vague associations. He was thinking, could it be that Fu Jie was in the same frame of mind as him?    


'If you go back to the past and everything goes back to the past, will you care, never, ever...? ' This lyrics ruthlessly stabbed at Huang Xing's heart. Sometimes, love is like a shooting star, beautiful, but not permanent. True love is sweet and bitter, but Huang Xing would rather let himself taste this bitterness alone, let the lover enjoy sweet life. He expected eternal love, eternal loyalty. His ex-wife Zhao Xiaoran had brought him a serious change and stimulation. Huang Xing didn't dare to touch upon this unreliable love and marriage. He would rather live a monotonous and solitary life, with a woman he loved by his side.    


Life is limited, which means that love cannot last forever. Nothing in this world could last forever. Only by putting the things in this world into this limited number of lives could there be one word, 'eternal'.    


A love song can hurt, but one prefers to immerse oneself in it. As such, the moment the song ended, Huang Xing couldn't help but mutter to himself: If I were to go back to the past …    


Fu Jie turned around and glanced at Huang Xing: "What, where are you memorizing the lyrics?"    


Huang Xing shook his head. He really wanted to say that what I memorized was not lyrics, but loneliness. However, he felt that this answer was too hypocritical, so he ambiguously sighed: "What happened in the past will never come back?"    


Fu Jie said, Why are you so sentimental? Time will never come back, just like in the song. Going back to the past was only if.    


Huang Xing asked casually: "Then …" What about us?    


'We? ' Fu Jie was stunned for a moment before she said, "Aren't we doing quite well?"    


Perhaps it was due to the influence of the song, but Huang Xing seemed to have drunk his fill of alcohol. A lot of things that he didn't dare to say that were inconvenient to say rushed up his throat. Huang Xing said, You know, that's not what I mean. I'm talking about us. The good things we used to be. But now, everything seemed to have changed. Are you really alienating me just because I'm too busy?    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. Her expression changed drastically, but she quickly replied, "What are you talking about? When did I distance myself from you?"    


Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly. I still miss my time at Xin Feng Company more.    


Fu Jie stressed, "Then why don't you go back to Xin Edge Company and help Fu Zhenxin!"    


Huang Xing was shocked.    


Fu Jie quickly said, I was just casually saying it.    


Huang Xing sighed. "You have understood my meaning."    


I know what you're trying to say, Fu Jie said. But the mall is like a battlefield. But I've tried to change it now, and I want to give us more time to get in touch with each other and learn more about it. But every time, we couldn't squeeze our time together. Just like tomorrow.    


Huang Xing felt that the words' a girl should grow up 'seemed pale and powerless from Fu Jie's mouth.    


To be exact, in the Xin Dream Merchant House, Fu Jie had become a preparation animal. She worked hard every day, as if she did not have any personal space of her own. Not to mention the current situation, even when she was at Xin Edge Company, she had put very little effort into her personal feelings. At this rate, no matter how beautiful she was, she was destined to be a leftover girl at such a young age.    


Huang Xing said: "I'd love to travel with you tomorrow, but it's too sudden. I've already arranged for something else." You know my character, and I can't possibly compromise the interests of others to accommodate myself.    


I don't mean to blame you, Fu Jie said. He just felt that...    


She didn't continue talking. Instead, she stealthily slowed the car down.    


Huang Xing seemed to be deep in thought, but he had nothing to say.    


A traffic jam. A traffic jam.    


At a crossroads, cars were blocked off and the sound of horns being pressed rose and fell.    


To Fu Jie, who viewed time as her life, this was undoubtedly a headache. Frowning, she said to herself, Once again I'm stuck. When can I stop?    


The traffic jam is a Chinese characteristic, Huang Xingqiang said. Blockage meant prosperity.    


"Being prosperous doesn't mean being congested," Wu said. "Congestion is an unsolved problem in the city. It depends on control and road conditions."    


Huang Xing said another unfathomable sentence: Congestion, is in the heart, not in the heart, unobstructed.    


Fu Jie frowned, stunned.    


Huang Xing suddenly thought of something else. Just as they were stuck in a traffic jam, a Lexus owner had started a fight with him. Although he had taught him a lesson, the incident that followed had made Huang Xing very troubled. That kid was too realistic!    


For some reason, an inexplicable sense of fear surged into Huang Xing's heart. He looked around, worried that Lexus Owner might be among them. Although the chances were very small, Huang Xing's heart was thumping wildly. Of course, it wasn't that he was afraid of the tyrannical Lexus Owner, but this unreasonable guy had wasted his time for no reason and even came to cause trouble for him. Was this really necessary?    


Fu Jie seemed to have noticed Huang Xing's strangeness and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong, you suddenly …" Why are you in such a hurry?    


Huang Xing told Fu Jie about his experience when he was stuck in a traffic jam.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but frown. There was such a person? This... Isn't this a bit too unconventional?    


'It's quite unusual! ' Huang Xing sighed, "The world is full of wonders." Normal people weren't rare, and a bunch of abnormal people were also found.    


Fu Jie said with concern, "Then you must be careful. Try your best. Try not to go out alone." If they were to be targeted again, it would be very dangerous.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "I was thinking, they can't possibly stare at me for the rest of their lives just for a traffic jam, right?"    


Fu Jie emphasized, "Just a single aim is enough!"    


Huang Xing let out a light sigh, while his face was brimming with a special helplessness.    


Xin Dream Merchant Shop parking lot.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to open the car door and get out, Fu Jie suddenly called out to him: Wait!    


Huang Xing sat up straight again and turned around to look at Fu Jie. With a solemn expression, she looked over and said, "Come to my house for dinner tonight. Call Fu Zhenxin and Xiao Hui over."    


Huang Xing was stunned: "Xiao Hui still hasn't left?"    


Fu Jie smiled bitterly. Not yet. He called me at noon today. According to Fu Zhenxin, she had already bought the tickets for tomorrow. Sigh, my cousin is really a difficult person to serve. When I have time, I must sharpen her character.    


Huang Xingqiang said, "Xiao Hui is actually not bad. At least, she has a kind heart."    


Fu Jie nodded. Then, it's a deal.    


Huang Xing asked: "What did you say?"    


Fu Jie frowned. Are you listening to me? We'll have dinner together in the evening and come to my house.    


Huang Xing was even more frozen on the spot. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have agreed to have dinner with Sha Meili in advance. Fu Jie had taken the initiative to invite him twice, but unexpectedly, she did not have the time!    


Wasn't the heavens playing tricks on him?    


Facing Fu Jie's rare invitation, Huang Xing really wanted to cherish it.    


However, Sha Meili had already agreed. If he were to leave Sha Meili's pigeon at Fu Jie's house, wouldn't that be too disloyal?    


However, this was a rare opportunity! He had already missed the chance to travel with Fu Jie. If he missed the chance to have dinner with her again, it would truly be a pity!    


What should I do, what should I do?    


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