The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C404 A thousand dislikes

C404 A thousand dislikes

With no other choice, Huang Xing looked at the two of them separately and said: Alright, then I'll have a chat with the two of you alone.    


Li Rong frowned: Why should I hide first, and not her?    


Huang Xing emphasized: One by one! Today, even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I have to untie the knot in your hearts! The two of you, make me worry so much!    


Li Rong glared at Huang Xing aggrievedly, and unwillingly turned around and left the office.    


Huang Xing made Zhao Xiaoran sit down.    


At this moment, for some reason, his heart was abnormally calm when facing his former wife. He was even used to living without her. He was used to treating her like a colleague at work.    


Zhao Xiaoran was still as beautiful as before, but her face looked as if she had aged a few years, or maybe she was just mature. Her eyes that looked at Huang Xing seemed to contain some other element. This element, or perhaps a nostalgia for the past life, and a remorse for one's mistakes.    


Huang Xing lit up another cigarette and took a sip of his tea.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You still can't change your bad habit of smoking. This habit was bad for the body.    


Huang Xing scratched his head and said lightly, "I know." Then he stared at her and raised his voice. But I'd like to know what's going on with you two.    


The corner of Zhao Xiaoran's mouth twitched, and let out a bitter laugh: "Didn't you notice, that ever since Li Rong came to Xin Meng Plaza, she had become a completely different person? In the past, when we were at Xinben Company, we got along very well. We could even be called good sisters who helped each other. But after entering the Xin Meng Plaza, she had completely changed. She became less fond of me, and even looked at me with a hostile look. The smell of hostility. Moreover, she often spoke ill of me outside. Today, when we went to the toilet and came out to wash our hands, she purposely stomped on me with all her might! How could I not be angry?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Were they really stepping on purpose?    


Zhao Xiaoran promised sincerely: No! I, Zhao Xiaoran, have never wronged anyone. According to my analysis, it's precisely because Li Rong was an ordinary employee after coming to Xin Meng Plaza that her emotions were unstable. She pushed all of these responsibilities onto me. She felt that the Boss Fu was unfair to him. I can understand her. But I couldn't stand her. For this, she treated her former good friends as enemies. I'm very. It was painful. But you know, when I saw her before, it was like seeing a sister. Now, when he saw her, she felt as if a Japanese devil had come to him! Can you understand how I feel?    


She touched her chest, as if using a special kind of body language to make Huang Xing believe her words.    


Huang Xing slightly nodded his head: "I can feel it too, she is indeed a little troubled to think about it. All of you were brought here by the Xin Meng Plaza, and all of you were Managers s who were relatively valued. However, Boss Fu did not give her any position, allowing her to become a normal employee. Anyone would be displeased by this. I hope that you can continue to think of her as a good sister, helping her encourage her when she is at his most helpless, helping her to come out of the shadows of his thoughts earlier. I have tried to persuade her these days, but the effect was not obvious. She seems to be. It felt like he had been possessed.    


Zhao Xiaoran echoed her words fiercely: That's right, that's right! She just went berserk! She valued her position too much! I wanted to make up with her, just like before. But she wouldn't. She's ignoring me now, and she's even making trouble for me, saying bad things about me. How do you expect me to live in peace with her and even care about her encouraging her?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and said: You can have a meal and chat with her. What she needed the most now was the consolation and advice of a bosom friend.    


Zhao Xiaoran coldly snorted and said: Heart to heart? How could I have the chance now! Even if we ate together, I was worried that she would poison my food! Right now, she could use any means she wanted!    


Huang Xing said. You think too much of her … Too much. She wasn't really a bad person. For the time being, she could not come out. His mind was preoccupied with this matter, so she did not think in the right direction. As long as we guide her out, she'll be just the same.    


Zhao Xiaoran shook her head. I've given up on him. I'll just treat it as losing this friend of mine.    


Huang Xing said: You are older than her by several years, you can be considered her elder sister. At a time like this, you have to let her go easy on you!    


Zhao Xiaoran said: I'm afraid that she will beat me to death! She really wanted to give me a smack on the head right now!    


Huang Xing said: Using virtue to repay a grievance, is the best way for you to deal with things now.    


'Repaying a grievance with virtue? ' Zhao Xiaoran shook her head: I am not that noble. If others bullied me, would I pretend to be happy and let her bully me?    


Huang Xing said: Then it will depend on your ability! You are now also the Deputy Manager and the leader of the Chamber of Commerce. As a leader, the most important task was to manage. Guan He Liang – these two words. He had to manage and understand. Logically speaking, all he had to do was straighten out their relationship. Take the positive and let it move in a better direction. Negative, adverse factors, organic harmony, become benign factors. This is what you have to do, and also an aspect of testing your ability.    


Zhao Xiaoran tsk-tsked. "She, Li Rong, isn't a staff member of my Chamber of Commerce, why would I care about that?" They didn't try to please him!    


Huang Xing stressed: "Just because I'm not right now doesn't mean that I'll never be!" Everyone has both good and bad parts, no perfect person. Including me and you. It's all the same. Li Rong is still young. In terms of experiencing setbacks, she cannot be as objective as us. It was easy for her to walk into a kind of self-strangulation and misconception. This requires our leaders, friends and colleagues to help her and care for her.    


Zhao Xiaoran said. I understand all these profound truths. But how can I help her when she's so against me?    


Huang Xing replied: That will depend on your ability.    


Zhao Xiaoran shook her head: I can try. But I don't have much hope. I have always been very confident, but in this respect, I am not confident.    


Huang Xing sighed: I think you should fight for it! There were no difficulties that could not be overcome, and there were no people that could not be enlightened. Isn't it?    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Of course I'm willing to give it a try. However...    


She did not finish the sentence. Maybe she just wanted to leave a space for Huang Xing to make beautiful associations.    


After that, Huang Xing told Zhao Xiaoran to retreat and called for him.    


Li Rong put on a wronged look, complaining to Huang Xing the moment he entered the door: I feel very annoyed seeing her now! Look at her proud look, isn't he just a Deputy Manager? He seems to be even older than a Boss Fu official! Hmph, what a petty person!    


Huang Xing said: I think that this is entirely your imagination!    


'Illusion? Li Rong frowned, she was not in a hurry to sit down, but wanted to quickly explain: I'm not seeing things wrong! Yes, she was beautiful, but so what if she was beautiful? All day long, she was just like that rich and beautiful lady. I'll cut it! Who doesn't know who?    


Huang Xing casually said: You're also pretty beautiful, even more beautiful than her.    


This sentence that he had originally said unintentionally caused Li Rong to be overjoyed. Her dejected mood instantly eased quite a bit: "Is it true?"    


Huang Xing said: Of course it's true! You don't need to compare yourself with her. Each of you has your own merits.    


Li Rong caught on to the meaning behind her words: Then tell me, in your heart, which one of us has the most weight?    


Huang Xing frowned: "I am not going to discuss who's more important right now!" I'm investigating a serious disciplinary violation between the two of you! In my mind, everyone's starting point is the same. Whoever did the best, whoever worked harder, would have more weight. This weight is not fixed.    


Li Rong pouted and said: "Anyways, don't blame me for what happened today!" She had accidentally stepped on her foot! And then she lost her temper! It was that simple!    


Huang Xing asked: Is it really that simple?    


Li Rong said: What else can we do? The truth was right in front of her eyes!    


Huang Xing said: Don't play any tricks in front of me! Li Rong, from the bottom of my heart, I hope that you can become the driving force behind my work, not a hindrance! Of course, if you do this, the one that will affect you the most will be yourself. I know, ever since you came to Xin Meng Plaza, you have been feeling wronged. She didn't act like a manager, but an ordinary employee. I made it clear to you last night that this is only temporary. The Boss Fu must have her thoughts. How could he know what was going to happen if he lost? On this point, the Boss Fu and I are fair to everyone!    


Li Rong turned around, stealthily rolled her eyes, then turned around and asked: Is it really fair?    


Huang Xing replied: It's not that it's unfair, the time is not right yet. Let me ask you the truth, were you doing this on purpose?    


Li Rong questioned back: What on purpose?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Stepping stone! Did you intentionally step on her foot? Revenge? Jealousy? Vengeance?    


Li Rong replied: No way! What makes you think that? Oh, did you believe what she just told you? Don't listen to her. How could she speak the truth? Thinking back to how she cheated you, even becoming someone else's mistress, giving you that kind of a hat, don't you think …    


Perhaps he had realized something, and thus, Li Rong stopped what she was about to say.    


Huang Xing was disgusted that others would bring up such sad memories in front of him. Knitting his eyebrows, he raised his voice and said, "Don't talk about running around all over the train! What I'm asking you now is, was it intentional! Have you always been dissatisfied with her being a Deputy Manager?    


Li Rong raised her head, as though she had mustered up a great deal of courage in that instant: Yes, so what? I just don't like her! A thousand dislikes!    


Huang Xing was stunned!    


Li Rong then added: "She is one of those hypocritical and conceited slut!    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and frowned. Don't be so quick to pick a fight with everyone. In my opinion, I shouldn't have brought you to the mall! You should be allowed to continue working at Xin Feng company! Didn't you get along well with each other back then?    


Li Rong emphasized: Back then, she wasn't this cocky yet. Now, she had changed.    


Huang Xing asked, "I'm afraid the person who has truly changed is you?"    


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