The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C534 Caring care

C534 Caring care

At this moment, Huang Xing's heart was also in a mess.    


To be exact, even though the waiter had offended him very willfully, but when he saw that Ye Yichen insisted on dealing with her, he did not feel good about it either. Waiter, as a profession living in the lowest class of society, is really not easy. Huang Xing had been a security guard before, and was also one of the lowest class in society. He knew very well that there was no money, no power, and no hard work, so when facing this panicked waitress, he felt sympathy in his heart and said to Ye Yichen: Boss Ye, forget it, forget it. This waiter is actually not bad. He might have a little bit of personality, but he can still be nurtured. For my sake, don't make things difficult for this girl, okay?    


Ye Yichen calmed his emotions a little, frowned at the timid waitress: In the end, Boss Huang is the most magnanimous one, not bothering about it anymore. Since Boss Huang has said all this, then alright, I will let you off this once. Why are you still in a daze? Why aren't you thanking Boss Huang?    


The waiter looked at Huang Xing with tears of gratitude, and was at a loss of what to do. Boss Huang thanks you, I am truly sorry, I did not recognize you … He did not know the Yellow Mountain. You are a great man.    


Huang Xing was startled, "There are eyes that do not recognize Huang Mountain?" What kind of word was that?    


Ye Yichen also burst out laughing: You don't recognize Huang Shan even though you have eyes? You really know how to tamper with idioms! He was blind to not recognize Mt. Tai. Your Chinese is taught by a physical education teacher, right?    


The waitress stuck out her tongue and embarrassedly said, "Speak..." He was wrong, he was nervous. He was blind to not recognize Mt. Tai.    


Ye Yichen emphasized: What are you still standing there for, are you not going to toast to Boss Huang to apologize?    


Huang Xing waved his hand: No need, no need, I drank too much already.    


However, the waitress still insisted on taking a glass of wine, poured some wine, walked to Huang Xing and said: Boss Huang, let me toast you, please forgive my ignorance and presumptuousness. Next time, I won't dare to do it again. I'll drink first.    


Drinking all the wine in the cup, she couldn't help but sigh at the spicy taste. It could be seen that she didn't usually drink wine.    


Huang Xing also drank a mouthful of wine and said: "It's alright, just do it properly." Great Mansion is a good platform, you must cherish it well.    


The waitress didn't bother to wipe the moisture from her mouth and nodded. "Yes, yes, I'll do my best!" Thank you Boss Huang for not looking down on me, thank you Boss Huang!    


After bowing several times, she tremblingly retreated to the back.    


Ye Yichen laughed and said: "The Boss Huang is indeed the Boss Huang. It's my honor to be able to meet you. Come on, let me toast you again.    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hands and said: "I'm not drinking anymore, I definitely can't drink anymore, it's too high if I drink anymore."    


Ye Yichen joked: "Are you that tall?" Tall, tall, standard height, standard height. Alright, I won't bother you too much with Boss Huang anymore. Finish this cup of wine and continue.    


Huang Xing nodded: Thank you Boss Ye for your hospitality.    


After clinking cups and exchanging a few pleasantries, Ye Yichen left majestically.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but take a few more glances at her back. A strong woman indeed had an extraordinary aura.    


After Ye Yichen left, Xu Wenguang took the opportunity to say: Boss Huang, you really have a lot of face. But Boss Ye only respected two people, and one of them was you.    


Huang Xing waved his hand: "Enough, stop flattering me, I can't take it." Today, let's end it early and go home for an early rest. We still have to work tomorrow.    


Xiao Hui suddenly laid on Huang Xing's shoulder like a spoiled child: "yellow brother is truly charming and extraordinary!" I've discovered that I'm already in love with the yellow brother! Love!    


Huang Xing was startled, she turned and stared at Xiao Hui, she probably drank too much, and was spouting nonsense.    


Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Xiao Hui was also stunned for a moment. Did I say something wrong? Why are you all staring at me?    


Xu Wenguang replied: No, I'm not wrong! Which girl would not be infatuated with a promising young talent like Boss Huang? Normal, normal! I support you, Xiao Hui!    


Huang Xing frowned: Old Xu, why are you also here to cause trouble! Don't mislead the children!    


'Little friend? ' Xiao Hui tilted her pretty head: "I'm not some little friend. I know a lot, even though I'm young." yellow brother, I understand you. Come, I want to have a drink with you!    


She raised her wine cup and looked at Huang Xing with eyes of worship.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What do you know about me, you know!    


Xiao Hui emphasized: Know everything about you! You're a very emotional, very loyal, very … He was also a very straightforward and magnanimous person. Of course, he was also rather handsome. The way you do it is full of hard work and hard work. From a small security guard to the position of General Manager of Xin Meng Plaza, this was a legend, a legend that could not possibly have a second similar mode. Your legend is as good as the legendary empress Wu Zetian!    


Huang Xing replied: How did I end up competing with Wu Zetian? There's no comparison between me and her. She was the female emperor. She had the final say in all of China. I only work for one job, just for one job.    


Xiao Hui pointed at the air a few times: yellow brother, excessive modesty is equivalent to pride. Don't be too modest. What you and the female emperor have in common is that with extraordinary wisdom and ability, you have created a myth that is impossible in the history of China. With a shake of his body, he shook the world!    


Huang Xing wiped off the sweat on his face with a tissue: The more I talk, the more it's more suspenseful. Drink less, you.    


Xiao Hui covered her mouth: I said something, did I? However, what I said was the truth. If there was even the slightest lie, the heavens would send out five thunderous rumbles.    


She was extremely adorable as she described it vividly.    


To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing could already feel the effects of the alcohol in his body. After this series of slurps, he had already drunk quite a bit of alcohol, almost to the point of being on the top of the glass. But in reality, in this kind of state, from the bottom of his heart, Huang Xing actually wanted to drink a few more cups of wine with everyone, chat and chat. After all, the atmosphere tonight was especially different. Xu Wenguang brought two handsome girls, one on the left and one on the right. Just a moment ago, Great Mansion's Lady Boss Ye Yichen had personally come over to toast again. All of this gave Huang Xing a kind of inexplicable sense of pride and superiority. Although he had always kept a low profile, deep down he was full of pride.    


Huang Xing considered it again and again, but still raised his wine cup.    


'Thank you, yellow brother! ' Xiao Hui was ecstatic, he held his wine cup and took a big gulp.    


This little girl could really drink! Huang Xing swallowed his saliva, looked at the wine in his cup, and took a gulp as well.    


Xiao Hui clapped his hands lightly: yellow brother is so powerful! Thank you yellow brother, then I will accompany you for another two to three cups. This little girl will express my admiration and love for you.    


Huang Xing waved his hand: Don't. You drink less too! What's the point of drinking so much?    


'Happy, happy! ' Xiao Hui blinked her beautiful eyes: There's a saying: Even if you know yourself well, with less than a thousand glasses, you wouldn't be able to express how I feel at this very moment. Come to yellow brother, continue!    


Huang Xing quickly replied: Can you give me some food to eat and drink?    


Xiao Hui stuck out his tongue: Yes, yes, of course I can. Come to yellow brother, let's eat first! I will peel some prawns!    


Xiao Hui had indeed drunk quite a bit of wine, so he didn't even use his chopsticks to pick up a few prawns from the plate and placed them on his own plate.    


After stripping one of them, she lightly pinched the prawns and raised it towards Huang Xing's mouth: yellow brother, eat the prawns!    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, then said: "I'll do it myself!"    


Xiao Hui pouted and said: "I peeled them especially for you to eat. Come, open your mouth and let Xiao Hui feed you!"    


F * ck me! Huang Xing felt a burning sensation on his body, which he couldn't let go. Despite the stalemate, he did not dare to easily accept Xiao Hui's special gift.    


At this time, Xu Wenguang coughed lightly and said: "Boss Huang, you must eat this, you must eat this." Don't disappoint the beautiful woman!    


After thinking about it again and again, Huang Xing still reluctantly accepted Xiao Hui's ambiguous action.    


He was blushing a little, but he did not know if the redness was due to the alcohol or Xiao Hui's warm gift.    


Xiao Hui giggled as he watched Huang Xing eat the prawns, and even asked mischievously: Is it delicious, did I peel the prawns?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Delicious, delicious. Thank you, Xiao Hui.    


Xiao Hui said. Don't thank me so quickly, there's more. Take a sip of wine and I'll peel a shrimp for you to eat. Okay?    


Huang Xing retorted: "But would it be a little corrupt like this?"    


Xiao Hui emphasized: No! Xiao Hui was willing to serve the yellow brother. Voluntary!    


Xu Wenguang, who was standing beside him, seemed to be jealous and envious of him. He turned his head and asked Xiao Fei: "Xiao Fei, do you see it?    


Xiao Fei shook his head lightly: No way! If I want to peel a prawn, I must peel it for yellow brother to eat.    


Xu Wenguang laughed: You don't have to be so direct, right? Too snobbish, isn't it?    


Xiao Fei tapped his chopsticks on his plate lightly: Of course. yellow brother is handsome and young, his position is higher than yours, so tell me, why should I take a step back? If he wanted to curry favor with someone, then he had to curry favor with someone important!    


She seriously looked at the dishes on the table and started muttering: Xiao Hui had peeled the prawns, then I... Then what am I going to peel … Since there's nothing left to peel, then I'll skin the prawns as well.    


She picked up a few prawns with her chopsticks and began to peel them with great interest.    


Xu Wenguang sighed lightly: Ah, the treatment is different! Both of the beauties would peel the Boss Huang's prawns. Fine, I'll do it myself, do it myself. By himself, he ate to his heart's content!    


He quoted an idiom to ease the current awkwardness.    


Huang Xing was a little conflicted but at the same time, he was happy to accept the prawns that Xiao Hui and the others peeled. The feeling of being served and curried favor was indeed very pleasing. Under the anesthetic of the alcohol, Huang Xing seemed to like this kind of heartfelt service.    


However, Xiao Hui's prawns were not peeled for nothing, and with every piece she had to drink from it.    


After a while, Huang Xing finally stopped drinking. Even Xiao Hui and Xiao Fei's eyes became blurry. For a moment, the only one who was slightly more clear-headed among these people was Xu Wenguang.    


The more he drank, the more he enjoyed himself. Huang Xing felt that he couldn't stop the car, the more he drank, the more brave he felt.    


Good wine, good atmosphere, good everything.    


Anything that troubled her would be tossed out the window. At this moment, there was only the intoxicating good wine and the intoxicating girl.    


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