The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C433 Snoop privacy

C433 Snoop privacy

For some reason, when Hua Jingjing followed him here, Huang Xing felt that it was a little awkward.    


The instant the door opened, Huang Xing's heart thumped once. However, this small detail couldn't escape Hua Jingjing's sharp eyes. She immediately started to question him: What, Boss Huang, is this your home?    


Huang Xing was startled: Whose family was that?    


Hua Jingjing asked: "Can I hold my door open for a long time?" Then there was only one other principle.    


Huang Xing asked: What's the reason?    


Hua Jingjing emphasized: "That means you don't want me, a guest, to enter the restaurant."    


Huang Xing replied perfunctorily. But in his heart he was thinking, "Congratulations, you got it right. It seems a bit of a panic that an enemy who almost wanted to visit the residence with me was following me in the middle of the night."    


The door opened and a wave of heat hit him. Huang Xing habitually took off his shoes, put on his slippers, took off his jacket, and hung it on the hook on the wall.    


Hua Jingjing paused for a moment, took off her coat, and stared at the shoe cabinet as she muttered: Do you have any slippers I wear for fear of dirtying your floor?    


Without waiting for Huang Xing's reply, Hua Jingjing was surprised to find a pair of beautiful female slippers. He could not help but exclaim in astonishment: What's going on? Boss Huang, these shoes … Wow, didn't I come at the wrong time? A woman?    


Huang Xing shook his head, and said: No. This was … This is for the guests.    


In fact, this pair of slippers was prepared for Fu Jie. However, it was still as new as ever. Fu Jie didn't have much time to come here. On the contrary, they could be counted on one hand. These words from Hua Jingjing had imperceptibly stabbed into a certain nerve deep within Huang Xing's heart. It twitched violently for a moment, to the point where Huang Xing felt that he was truly very useless.    


While putting on her slippers, Hua Jingjing clicked her tongue and said: Wow, what small shoes, I almost couldn't wear them …    


Huang Xing took a glance and saw that Hua Jingjing wasn't wearing socks. A pair of flawless jade feet suddenly entered Huang Xing's eyes. This made Huang Xing think of Fu Jie's cute little feet, and he couldn't help but sigh.    


Hua Jingjing crossed her arms, went around the rooms, and finally stopped in Huang Xing's bedroom.    


Huang Xing followed her in. Seeing that she was sizing up her room with interest, he couldn't help but call her over.    


Hua Jingjing proudly said: "I'm here to..." Me, I love to pry into other people's privacy.    


Huang Xing felt embarrassed: "I didn't expect Miss Hua to have such a habit too?"    


Hua Jingjing turned and looked at Huang Xing as she smiled mysteriously.    


Her smile was exceptionally resplendent under the illumination from the lights in the room, especially that pair of ghost-like eyes. It gave this somewhat pretty woman a vivid and three-dimensional feel. She was wearing a tight, lace, thin cashmere blouse, and her bulging chest bore witness to her extraordinary figure.    


Seeing that she had stayed in the bedroom for too long, Huang Xing reminded her: It's very late, or else …    


He had originally thought that he would tactfully send out the order for them to leave, but Hua Jingjing interrupted him: "Right, right, time is limited, I won't disturb you for too long, in a bit when we go out for a drink, I'll leave."    


What? You want another drink?    


What was going on? For a moment, Huang Xing could not think straight.    


Hua Jingjing seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's doubt and couldn't help but laugh as she said: "Don't misunderstand me, it's just a cup of tea."    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief. But in reality, his heart had always been filled with an indescribable nervousness. After all, the headstrong girl in front of him was the one who almost took his life. Thinking back to the thrilling scene from that day, Huang Xing's heart still had lingering fear.    


Hua Jingjing seemed to have discovered a pair of socks thrown at the head of the bed. She reflexively covered her nose: Boss Huang was used to placing socks at the head of the bed, and smell the fragrance of its fermentation?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "That was a new one, I haven't worn it yet."    


Hua Jingjing smiled and said, "The other rooms are all very clean, this bedroom is a little messy." Looks like Boss Huang really should … We should find a woman to take care of it.    


Having said so, Hua Jingjing lowered her head and looked at the pair of woman's slippers at her feet. She was stunned for a moment before immediately adding: "What time is it now? Your girlfriend still isn't living together with you?" It seems that you are a good man of the new era. He was also a foolish man. And then … You understand.    


Huang Xing asked: What do I know?    


Hua Jingjing said: Think about it yourself.    


Then she turned and walked into the bedroom and sat down on the sofa without a trace of politeness.    


Huang Xing followed her out, looking at the girl who had come to visit in the middle of the night, he was in a daze. He really couldn't understand, how could this girl's guts reach such a level? Didn't she know that appearing in a man's home in the middle of the night was a very dangerous thing to do?    


Seeing Huang Xing just stood there in a daze, Hua Jingjing waved her hand and urged him: "Master, master, help me pour a cup of tea."    


Huang Xing reminded her in good will: I can't sleep while drinking tea.    


Not necessarily, Hua Jingjing said. Drinking tea before going to bed, detoxifying and grooming his appearance, a relaxed body.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: "Does Miss Hua have to sleep very late every night?"    


After twelve, Hua Jingjing said. Since he wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, he might as well drink two more cups of tea and watch TV for a while. Anyway, life is so boring. I didn't. No boyfriend.    


Huang Xing took out a packet of aged Pu'er fragrant tea and brewed a cup of tea for Hua Jingjing.    


Hua Jingjing held it in her hands, looking at the tea fragrance and the hot air that continuously rippled: What, you don't want to drink it?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I'm afraid of losing sleep.    


Hua Jingjing pursed her lips and lightly blew on her teacup: "This tea isn't bad, it should be eight years later, right?" Pu'er tea is different from other tea, the longer it is put, the more fragrant it is. The other teas were not good enough. They would be broken if they were put there for a long time.    


Actually, Huang Xing did not understand what Hua Jingjing meant by that. Maybe she was also hinting at herself, hinting at Huang Xing that I, Hua Jingjing, am one of those people who can show superiority the more we interact for a long time. Becoming friends with me, you will understand after a long time.    


Unfortunately, this kind of metaphor was too difficult for most people to understand.    


Huang Xing said: Miss Hua, I never thought that you had studied tea quite well.    


Hua Jingjing slightly creased her brows and reminded him: "Don't keep calling me Miss, call me Jingjing." Please note that it isn't the same Qing Qing as the one on the grass by the Qing River.    


Huang Xing said: "Then this word, should be recited." Don't tell me you read your name wrong?    


Hua Jingjing had an innocent expression as she said: "Ai, it's hard to explain in a single sentence!" Come, sit down and listen to me.    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa. Hua Jingjing crossed her legs and flaunted her legs as she said, "I was born, I was called Hua Jingjing ever since I was born. But ever since we went to school, our … That form teacher. She didn't recognize the word 'Jing', so she kept on calling me Qing Qing. Aiya, being illiterate is really scary. In the end... Just like that, my classmates also called me Qing Qing. When I was young, I … It just became Qing Qing. Now that I think about it, that teacher is really a misguided kid, isn't it? She gave all the Chinese characters to … It was all spoiled.    


Huang Xing had purposely defeated Hua Jingjing: "But you shouldn't make a mistake either."    


Hua Jingjing put her hand to her hair and smiled bitterly: "It's not that I want to make a mistake, it's that most of them are wrong. What's wrong becomes right."    


… ….    


After the two talked for a while, Huang Xing was tired and started to doze off.    


He wanted to shoo her away, but when he saw that Hua Jingjing was in high spirits and was talking nonstop, he couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed.    


After she finished drinking the tea in her cup, Huang Xing took the opportunity to say: "Miss Hua, look, it's getting late. If you don't go back now, your family will be worried."    


My parents don't want to live with me. But I don't understand you, do you. Is there something else? Otherwise, why would he keep chasing me away? You seem a little out of place. Hehe, I'm not ugly enough to scare you, am I? Afraid of having nightmares at night?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I'm doing it for your own good.    


Hua Jingjing suddenly stood up, put her hands on her knees and said: "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. You rest early, I'm leaving." I hope that one day, you will take the initiative to invite me to your house as a guest. Perhaps, one day, I will also come uninvited.    


Huang Xing nodded: We are always welcome.    


Watching Hua Jingjing pull the door open and enter the elevator, Huang Xing stretched and shook off his fatigue for the whole day.    


On this day, there was only one word condensed: tired!    


But to be exact, the arrival of Hua Jingjing had instead caused Huang Xing to fall into a state of deep thought. Perhaps in her family, she was originally an obedient and sensible child. At that time, because of her willfulness, she provoked the General Manager of Xin Meng Plaza, and for the sake of her family's development at the Xin Meng Plaza counter, she had no choice but to use a passion she never had to make up for everything.    


At the same time, Huang Xing could also feel that once a person reached a certain height, they could look down on all living things! In the past, when he had no money or status, his fate could be described as being at the mercy of others. But now, it was his turn to decide the fate of others.    


Wasn't this a huge change?    


As he thought of this, an inexplicable sense of accomplishment rose in his heart.    


He turned on the water heater, took a hot bath, and let the water wash away all the stains and fatigue from his body. That kind of feeling had always been intoxicating.    


Huang Xing hummed a song as he enjoyed the feeling of the hot water kissing on his body.    


Life was like this.    


However, just as he was about to put on the shower gel, a bell suddenly rang from outside.    


Huang Xing was shocked! At this time, who would suddenly visit?    


Huang Xing raised his voice and shouted: Wait!    


He then washed his body thoroughly. While he was washing the water, he thought to himself, who could it be?    


To be exact, he hoped that Fu Jie had arrived.    


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