The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C432 Pain is not willing to live

C432 Pain is not willing to live

But Huang Xing did not linger, and resolutely left Sha Meili's home.    


Tonight's encounter was like a dream. The appearance of Hua Chenghui's family of three had planted a seed of fear in Huang Xing's heart.    


At the entrance of the residential complex, Huang Xing lit up a cigarette, but it was very difficult to get a taxi.    


Sha Meili's phone call came without warning.    


Huang Xing frowned, and answered. Sha Meili's voice came from the other side: Why aren't you giving me face, asking you to stay, yet why aren't you staying.    


Huang Xing asked: Why did I stay? Stay and watch the various people around you come on stage?    


Sha Meili said. You're saying … Hua Chenghui and the rest? I really didn't expect them to come, and it's really a … Coincidence. Hua Chenghui, that old pervert, has been … About me. But he's not my dish. You know, not many people can enter my, Sha Meili's eyes. Except... You.    


Huang Xing said: Alright Cha Sia, rest early. You drank so much wine.    


Sha Meili said: Then after drinking so much, are you sure I won't stay at home alone? Don't you know how to be merciful? Sister?    


She had originally wanted to say, "Do you know how to treat women with mercy?" But as the words came to her mouth, she hesitated. She felt that she was too old to be called a 'jade', so she mysteriously came up with a new term: 'pity for beauties'.    


Huang Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: It doesn't matter if you drink more water and sleep well.    


Sha Meili said. But... But I have a headache now. This wine … The wine that he drank today … I'm afraid it is.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Then I have truly wronged Cha Sia today. Accompany me to a place like this to train my stalls. Eating such cheap food and drinking such cheap wine.    


Sha Meili asked: What do you mean? Are you looking down on me? We are friends. We can share hardships wherever we go. Even if … Even if it's eating steamed buns and eating pickles, I'd be happy to.    


Huang Xing said: "Thank you, Cha Sia, for your trust and gratitude." I'll make an appointment with you another day and continue.    


Sha Meili said: Some other day, what other day?    


Huang Xing said: Anyday is fine.    


Sha Meili thought for a while, then said: Then let's do it now! I still want to drink!    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: There's no one on the streets now, where do you want to go to drink?    


Sha Meili said: Then I'll bring my own things and find a place of my own … Find a quiet place and eat and drink. There was no one else to interfere with him, so he didn't need to worry …    


Huang Xing interrupted her: Cha Sia is not an iron man, we don't have that much energy. Good night. Sleep early.    


Then he hung up.    


To be exact, in Huang Xing's heart, there was some regret. This was clearly a good opportunity for revenge, a chance to give his enemy Huang Jinjiang a green hat. But Huang Xing missed it. Perhaps, this was just because of his principle. An old woman that deeply cared about him, even though she wasn't old. With her drunk appearance, worry formed on her forehead, and her aggressive drinking words, Huang Xing really couldn't bring himself to do it. In other words, even if he could do it, he wouldn't feel like revenge. His revenge had been brewing for so long, he wanted to do it to be perfect. To do it, he needed to do it so that Huang Jinjiang would be like how he was back then, grieving so much that she wished for death!    


But at that moment, Huang Xing seemed to have thought of something!    


If he were to truly take Sha Meili down and take revenge, would Huang Jinjiang really feel so much pain that he would rather die?    


After thinking about it, the answer might be no!    


Huang Jinjiang's current predicament was completely different from his own. Back then, he had regarded his wife Zhao Xiaoran as his life and had loved and protected her. But even though Huang Jinjiang and Sha Meili were legitimate husband and wife, they had long since become two parallel lines. Even if he really gave Huang Jinjiang the green hat, would this phony hypocrite really be as sad and helpless as when he lost Zhao Xiaoran?    


Obviously, no!    


This sudden thought was like a sharp arrow that struck deep into Huang Xing's heart, causing him to suddenly feel a sense of loss, as if all his previous efforts had been for naught. His painstakingly planned revenge plan seemed perfect, like it was a fight for a tooth, but in fact, it was just a wishful thinking on his part! If he were to do this, it would be absolutely impossible to cause any great blow or pain to his enemy Huang Jinjiang! After all, to him, Sha Meili might just be an old vase that was placed at home.    


For a moment, Huang Xing felt helpless!    


What should he do? What to do? How can I poke Huang Jinjiang's painful point, and make him wish he was dead?    


As if he was struck by lightning, Huang Xing was suddenly stunned!    


Huang Mengying! Huang Jinjiang's daughter, Huang Mengying! She was Huang Jinjiang's biological daughter and was related to him by blood. If he took action from her, wouldn't it be more fitting of his original intention to take revenge on Huang Jinjiang?    


To be honest, although Huang Mengying was pampered and had many ailments on her body, she was still rather pretty. If he took her down, Huang Jinjiang would definitely be angered to death!    


But then again, Huang Mengying was too young!    


She was innocent! Wasn't it too cruel of him to place his enemy's daughter as a wager?    


… ….    


Many fantasies couldn't be dismissed. It was so yellow that it made one's mind go into chaos.    


This was the helplessness of life.    


There were very few taxis on the street, so Huang Xing wandered around aimlessly. But all the taxis that passed carried guests, and no one stopped.    


Did he really have to walk home? Huang Xing laughed bitterly in his heart, he took a cigarette and flipped through the contact list on his phone, hoping to find the number of the taxi company's customer service. However, after searching for a long time, he was unable to find anything. After all, he rarely had the chance to take a taxi, so he usually didn't need to use it. It was only when he really needed it that he realized the importance of it.    


The roar of the engine faded as a beautiful BMW sports car pulled up to the side of the road.    


Huang Xing took a look, and saw that the window of the sportscar had been opened. A young beauty was waving at him. As the street lights were dim, Huang Xing could not see the woman's face.    


Taking a closer look, it was her!    


Hua Jingjing!    


Hua Jingjing raised her voice and shouted: "Get in the car, I'll send you."    


Huang Xing shook his head: No, thanks.    


I thought you were going to stay at that woman's place, said Hua Jingjing. It's hard to get a taxi at this late hour. I'll take you back. I'm going to stay at Xin Meng Plaza, it shouldn't be far from your place, right?    


Huang Xing was startled: What are you supporting them for?    


A smile blossomed on Hua Jingjing's face. My new house. It had only been three months since the decorations, so he was ready to go experience it tonight.    


Huang Xing secretly sighed with emotion. Rich people, buying a house is like drinking cold water. Heaven knows how many houses and luxurious cars were in this Hua Jingjing's house. One had to know that ever since the Xin Meng Plaza opened its doors, the prices of the houses in the vicinity rose rapidly, as if they were growing wings. To be able to afford a house over there without a million or two was very hard to achieve.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was still hesitating, Hua Jingjing quickly urged him: What's wrong, I don't even have this honor, can I send Boss Huang off?    


Huang Xing thought about it, and under that helplessness, he opened the car door and sat inside.    


A fragrance unique to beauties assaulted his nostrils, giving him a sense of satisfaction.    


Fragrant carts, beauties, it was the most beautiful scenery in the night. The combination of the two added an irresistible charm to the colorful night.    


Hua Jingjing suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car sped up as it sped up, shaking Huang Xing. When Hua Jingjing realized this, she hurriedly said: You'd better wear your seat belt, it'll be safer this way.    


'I understand.' Huang Xing replied in a funny manner as he pulled his seat belt and inserted it into the lock.    


Hua Jingjing's driving skills were quite good. On the wide road, she was able to travel at a speed of over a hundred per hour. From time to time, he would turn his head to look at Huang Xing and say: "Boss Huang and that …. That woman is not a normal person.    


'Which woman? ' Huang Xing asked despite knowing the answer.    


Hua Jingjing stressed, "It's that woman from a moment ago. But honestly speaking, she looks alright." It was very easy for a woman like this to make men make mistakes.    


Huang Xing said half-heartedly: "What does her looks have to do with me?"    


Hua Jingjing had told Huang Xing: "It doesn't matter?" Wasn't it obvious that she was home in the middle of the night?    


Huang Xing replied: She drank too much, I just sent her home. She is a high level customer of our Xin Meng Plaza.    


Hua Jingjing nodded her head. She seems to be quite rich. With such a nice house, all the things in the house are business cards. The bag she put on the sofa didn't seem to amount to 80,000 yuan.    


Huang Xing said: You sure know a lot. That bag was bought at Xin Meng Plaza.    


Hua Jingjing seemed to have thought of something and said: "Tell me the details of your home."    


Huang Xing told her the name of the neighborhood.    


Hua Jingjing thoughtfully said: "That's a pretty good neighborhood."    


'Not too bad. Huang Xing nodded: At least it's a home.    


'Home? ' Hua Jingjing giggled: "From what I know, Huang Xing is still single right?" How could it be called home when there was no mistress in the house? Isn't it? So, if you trust me, I'd be happy to help you find one. An excellent hostess, guaranteed a beautiful home, was able to ascend the great hall.    


Huang Xing said: No need, thank you.    


Hua Yijing asked back, "What? Not interested?" Or did his heart belong to someone else?    


Huang Xing laughed and did not answer.    


Very quickly, at the entrance of Huang Xing's district.    


However, Hua Jingjing didn't stop the car. Instead, she drove straight in through the main entrance.    


Huang Xing reminded them: We're here, there's no need to drive in, just put me down here. Thank you for tonight.    


However, Hua Jingjing didn't stop the car. Instead, she insisted on escorting him to the entrance.    


The two of them got off the carriage one after another. Huang Xing walked to the side of the building and said to Hua Jingjing: "Pay attention to your safety on the road. Thank you for sending me back."    


Hua Jingjing followed him to the entrance of the unit's door and retorted: "Why don't you invite me up to take a seat?"    


Huang Xing was startled, but then quickly said evasively: "It's too late, another time."    


Hua Jingjing said: "It can't be that there are secrets inside the house, right? Let's not let them see it yet." Alright, I will sit for a while. Since I have arrived, I will go and take a look at Boss Huang's house and see how the taste is.    


Huang Xing did not say anything, but took the lead and walked in.    


Hua Jingjing followed Huang Xing resolutely and arrived at the elevator.    


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