The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C426 Lady luck

C426 Lady luck

Sha Meili drank too much and shouted at Huang Xing: You dare to leave, you dare to leave … … Just … Don't come to see me again!    


How could Huang Xing care about all these at the moment? Upon hearing that something had happened to Fu Jie, he became as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. All he wanted to do was to quickly meet Fu Zhenxin and further confirm what exactly had happened.    


After getting a taxi, a few minutes later, at the entrance of the Immortal Building.    


Fu Zhenxin's car was already parked here, and she was currently standing in front of the car while waiting. Seeing that Huang Xing had arrived, she anxiously waved at him.    


Without thinking much, Huang Xing got on the car, and before he could even sit properly, he asked: What happened to your sister?    


Fu Zhenxin fiercely twisted the key and said: "My sister was driven by a …. Oh, how can I tell you, there was a car without a license plate that crashed into my sister for no reason! Fortunately, my sister was able to dodge in time and flip over to the side of the ditch. This was obviously … It was an assassination!    


'Assassination? ' Huang Xing was startled: "Then is your sister injured?"    


Fu Zhenxin replied: Nothing serious, but I was scared stiff. As for that Bao Shijie, he too only suffered a little injury.    


Huang Xing was stunned: They're still together?    


Fu Zhenxin frowned, as if he could smell the smell of alcohol on Huang Xing's body: You drank?    


Huang Xing nodded: I drank quite a bit.    


Fu Zhenxin countered: Who did you drink with?    


Huang Xing lied against his own intentions, "I drank wine all by myself."    


Fu Zhenxin quickly drove his car on the road. It was the peak of the season. The street lamps shone down and there was an endless stream of traffic. Rows upon rows of lights illuminated the tired city.    


Huang Xing's heart was in his throat, he took out his phone and wanted to call Fu Jie, but Fu Zhenxin stopped him: Stop calling, my sister won't even let me tell you.    


Huang Xing was startled, he knew that perhaps Fu Jie did this not because she was afraid of him being worried, but because she was still angry at him.    


On the opposite side of Xin Meng Plaza, not far away, was an old abandoned house and a abandoned house. From afar, it looked desolate. Logically speaking, this was a bustling area, so something like this shouldn't have happened. But this was a land that gave Developer a huge headache. The issue of compensation was a fundamental one that was difficult to be properly dealt with here.    


Under the dim street light, a Patten trolley, alone, stopped beside a telephone pole.    


About five to six meters away from the car was another street lamp, which was especially bright. Six or seven people were gathered around, discussing something.    


Fu Zhenxin stopped the car, and the two of them opened the door and got off the car as fast as they could, rushing towards the crowd.    


Huang Xing spotted Fu Jie with a glance.    


There was some fear on her face, but no sign of injury.    


Beside Fu Jie was Bao Shijie. Her head seemed to have been hit by something, turning a little green. However, from the looks of it, he did not seem to be in any serious trouble.    


But what made things worse was that Bao Shijie kept holding onto Fu Jie's shoulder lightly with his hand all the while.    


This point, made Huang Xing very angry!    


Taking advantage of others?    


On the other hand, Fu Zhenxin took the initiative to rush over and shouted, "Sis, are you alright?    


Huang Xing also walked closer, staring at Fu Jie's familiar face, her heart felt like it was being churned. On one hand, he was worried about Fu Jie's safety, and on the other hand, he was resentful over Bao Shijie's excessive actions. After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked: "Fu Jie, is it important, should I go to the hospital?    


Fu Jie raised his head, looked at Huang Xing, and frowned: Why are you here?    


Then, he looked at Fu Zhenxin with a questioning gaze: "You told him?    


Fu Zhenxin nodded and emphasized: He's me … My brother-in-law, if something happens to you, of course I have to tell him as soon as possible!    


Once he said that, Huang Xing instantly felt that this world was brimming with positive energy. Even Bao Shijie, who had been resting his hand on Fu Jie's shoulder all this time, retracted his hand as if it was a conditioned reflex when he heard this sentence.    


Fu Jie was a little displeased as he said: "Fu Zhenxin, you really can't judge a book by its cover!" If you keep spouting nonsense, I won't forgive you!    


At this time, Bao Shijie came over and took the opportunity to say: It's a good thing we aren't all that injured, we don't even need to go to the hospital. That car. The car didn't matter much. The safety factor of a good car was high. Even though he fell into the ditch, he wasn't injured. Even the car was fine. He had just called for a crane to come over and lift it up. Heh, what a miracle … I feel that the Boss Fu is my goddess of luck, if I were to be together with her, I can suppress any kind of calamity!    


Damn, he really knows how to kiss ass!    


Fu Jie said thoughtfully: "The procedures to leave are gone, it's time for us to return." He drove directly to the 4S store and let the insurance company handle the situation.    


Huang Xing asked in a testing manner: "Who was it that wanted to bump into you?"    


Fu Jie paused, as though he was unwilling to answer Huang Xing's question. But he said perfunctorily: How should I know! I sent the police to investigate, but I really can't remember what kind of enemy I, Fu Jie, have.    


Huang Xing continued: Could it be because of the land?    


Fu Jie coldly snorted. How is that possible! We never made any noise about the land, and even if we did, it wouldn't be worth it for others to fight over it with me.    


Huang Xing nodded: That's true.    


Fu Jie's mood seemed to become better, and she became more energetic. She suddenly touched her stomach and said: "I can't take it anymore, I can't hold it anymore. I have to go eat something, I need to eat first." Zhen Xin, you stay here to help the insurance company deal with this and then drive straight to the 4S store. And then … I have to go to the police station later to make a statement. I hope it was an accident, not a criminal case.    


Bao Shijie agreed and nodded his head, but then immediately denied it: "But that unmarked car was indeed charging towards us!" Retrograde, no cards, sudden acceleration. This was all a conspiracy!    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: But when have I, Fu Jie, ever offended anyone, and why do you need to use such an extreme method to take revenge on me?    


Bao Shijie said: Think about it again. Maybe it's an enemy in the mall?    


Fu Jie shook his head: Impossible! I've helped a lot of people in the mall, but I can assure you, I've never offended anyone.    


Bao Shijie said: How can you not offend people in business?    


Fu Jie emphasized: There are two different things! No matter how fierce the competition was, it wouldn't be as easy as playing with one's life.    


Bao Shijie immediately followed up: "Then is it … A love rival? Your rival?    


Fu Jie was startled, he glanced at Huang Xing and laughed bitterly: What a joke! I haven't even talked about my boyfriend, where is my rival?    


These words caused Huang Xing's heart to feel much colder!    


Could it be that in Fu Jie's eyes, he was not even her boyfriend?    


If that was the case, how many men like him were by her side? How many of them had accompanied her the entire time without her recognizing them?    


Of course, Fu Jie said these words just to fight with Huang Xing.    


But to the outside world, especially to Bao Shijie who heard it, a strange look of satisfaction actually surfaced on his face. He looked at Huang Xing with a look full of contempt, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as he followed Fu Jie's words in silence.    


Perhaps it was because of Fu Jie's words, but Bao Shijie's courage grew as he once again placed his hand on Fu Jie's shoulder. It was as if they were very close. As he intentionally closed the distance between him and Fu Jie, he said to Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin: How about this, give me your car keys. Boss Fu is currently frightened, I'll take her to eat something first. As for you guys, just work hard and help with the follow-up issues. Boss Fu and I have also … As for the traffic police, the police station, they were almost done negotiating.    


His little hooligan like action had once again provoked a serious provocation on Huang Xing!    


But at this time, Fu Jie still had a lingering fear in his heart, he actually remained indifferent to Bao Shijie taking advantage of this opportunity.    


F * ck! Huang Xing scolded in his heart. After that, he uncontrollably furrowed his brows and shouted at Bao Shijie: "Move away your stinky hands!"    


This voice was too sudden, and it gave everyone a fright!    


This included the employees of the insurance company and other relevant personnel who were still talking to each other, and even passersby.    


Such a temper!    


After being exposed, Bao Shijie was embarrassed, but he acted as if he was fine and patted Fu Jie's shoulder and said: Boss Fu, let's go, let's go eat.    


Fu Jie also seemed to have realized something, she took half a step to the side and frowned at Huang Xing: You're crazy, what are you doing, what are you roaring for?    


'I roar? ' Huang Xing glared at Bao Shijie fiercely.    


Perhaps it was to make things clearer, Huang Xing placed a hand on Fu Zhenxin's shoulder, and indignantly said: I have been taking advantage of you this whole time, but you still didn't notice?    


These words were like a flash of lightning, and were all broken in an instant.    


Fu Jie was startled, he looked at Bao Shijie who had an embarrassed face, and could not help but sneer: What's wrong with that! At least, while I was in shock, someone was comforting me.    


Huang Xing asked excitedly: Is he trying to comfort you? He was clearly taking advantage of the situation!    


Bao Shijie could no longer hold it in, and retorted with all his might: "Boss Huang, please do not think of others as despicable! I know that you've always been prejudiced against me, and I've been trying to change your preconceptions about me. No matter what I do, you won't like it.    


The wicked took the initiative to complain and bite back!    


On the other hand, Fu Zhenxin suddenly said: "How about this, Sis, you … …" Let brother-in-law accompany you to dinner while Package Manager and I stay behind.    


She seemed to emphasize the word 'brother-in-law' on purpose.    


Huang Xing was slightly moved.    


Fu Jie did not get angry this time, but said indifferently: "No need!" With so many people clamoring here, aren't they afraid of being laughed at?    


Then, she walked in front of Fu Zhenxin, stretched out her hand and urged him: "Give me your car key!    


Huang Xing didn't miss a chance and went forward. "I'll drive you," he said.    


He could not let go of such an opportunity so easily.    


Fight! He had to fight for it!    


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