The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C420 Cold call

C420 Cold call

Under Xiao Hui's attentive gaze, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin got on the carriage.    


He opened the window and waved goodbye. The instant Huang Xing backed off the car, he clearly felt that this willful but very principled girl had left a short but deep impression on him.    


As he adjusted the engine, Xiao Hui suddenly moved closer to him, leaning on the window as he looked at Huang Xing, his eyes blinking, as though he was hiding the world's most profound secret. Her clear and limpid eyes were like the stars in the sky, penetrating deep into one's heart.    


Xiao Hui reached out a hand to support Huang Xing's arm, saying: "When we rest, I will definitely come to Ji Nan to find you. Wait for me yup, we will go fishing together. Okay?    


Huang Xing was startled, then laughed: "It's so cold now, Yu Di won't ask too much."    


Xiao Hui said: "I have my ways to make them speak." The key point was, let's see how the bait was made.    


Huang Xing agreed: Then I'll wait and see. I'm interested in learning your fishing skills.    


Xiao Hui clenched his fists and said arrogantly: I am famous for my fishing skills. There was no point in saying that. Anyway, I don't think you can beat me.    


Huang Xing laughed: Can't you be more modest?    


Xiao Hui said righteously: Humility makes one regress!    


… ….    


Perhaps, to a certain extent, Huang Xing could see the feelings of nostalgia that were being emitted from Xiao Hui's eyes. Although this girl liked to be mischievous, she was extremely easy to get along with. Her heart was actually quite pure. To the point that it was so pure that it could do whatever it wanted without the scruples of all relationships in this world.    


As they drove away, Xiao Hui's figure that was left behind in the rearview mirror became more and more blurry, until he disappeared.    


Because Fu Zhenxin had taken care of him, he did not sleep well that night. After getting on the car, he had originally wanted to have a beautiful sleep. However, no matter how hard she tried to close her eyes, she could not see Sir Zhou. He had no choice but to cross his arms and sulk. He was obviously very tired, yet he couldn't sleep. How could he not make others angry?    


While Huang Xing was driving, he was reflecting on the various details of this trip to S City.    


Perhaps, it wasn't just a failure. He would also pay a heavy price for this failure.    


Bored from boredom, Fu Zhenxin used his Bluetooth earpiece to listen to the song for a while, but the more he listened, the more spirited he became. Thus, he tossed aside the idea of taking a nap, and decided to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, and experience the scenery along the way.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to ask: This Xiao Hui, isn't he a genuine person? This sort of person was rare.    


Fu Zhenxin countered with a question: Are you praising her or mocking her?    


Huang Xing said. She's a girl with obvious strengths and weaknesses.    


Fu Zhenxin said: Then, when she is compared to me, who do you think has the best points and which one has the worst points?    


Huang Xing shook his head: There is no comparison.    


Fu Zhenxin asked Huang Xing: Do you mean that I can't compare to her?    


Huang Xing emphasized: "What I mean is, each of you and her have their own merits."    


Fu Zhenxin laughed: Truly, no one will be offended by you. Xiao Hui just said that she would be coming to find you to fish. Maybe tomorrow, she will suddenly appear in front of you.    


Huang Xing was startled: Could it be that fast?    


Fu Zhenxin said: Her whereabouts were all mysterious. You'll understand her later.    


While chatting, they enjoyed the scenery along the way.    


Very quickly, Ji Nan City appeared within his field of vision.    


After a long night of parting, this famous cultural city still bloomed with an irresistible charm. The road was full of pedestrians and vehicles, and they all gathered together to sing a song of life's busy and rich hymn.    


The traffic jam was one of the biggest characteristics of this famous city.    


When he arrived at Xin Meng Plaza, it was already close to noon.    


When they stopped the car in the parking lot, Fu Zhenxin stared at Huang Xing with a peculiar gaze, wanting to say something but hesitating.    


She did not enter the door with Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was very surprised, and asked: Why aren't you going in?    


Fu Zhenxin commanded Huang Xing: "It's noon, you landlord, you're not going to treat me to lunch?    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: Feel free to order whatever you want to eat. You don't need to say that someone is taking care of the food here. And your sister, isn't she?    


Fu Zhenxin grumbled with goodwill: What a scrooge! I told you to invite a guest and give it to my sister.    


Huang Xing explained: I am not pushing. I'll give you an analogy.    


Fu Zhenxin giggled: I was just joking with you.    


Huang Xing nodded: I can see it.    


Fu Zhenxin thought for a while, then said: "How about this, let's go eat seafood at noon." Salmon, tuna, halibut head.    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment: All of these are my favorite food.    


Fu Zhenxin replied. Otherwise he wouldn't have eaten this.    


Huang Xing said: Since you came here, it suits your appetite. Master and guest, please order. I will be responsible for paying the bill and accompanying you.    


Fu Zhenxin said: Let's just eat seafood. Recently, I have also been hooked on seafood. Especially the sashimi.    


Huang Xing nodded: Alright.    


In a nearby middle class seafood city, Fu Zhenxin accompanied Huang Xing and drank a bottle of red wine, feeling extremely happy.    


Huang Xing had a soft spot for Salmon s, the large plate of Salmon sashimi, which was worth more than 200 yuan, was quickly and easily eaten by him. That fresh and delicious feeling lingered on for a long time.    


Fu Zhenxin then asked for a bottle of gas, poured it into a cup and took a sip, then said: This time, my sister is really angry with you, think of a way to save her.    


Huang Xing sighed: "Your sister is very weak right now, if you're slightly unhappy, you'll be shivering with me."    


Fu Zhenxin said: That means she cares about you a lot.    


Huang Xing said: This kind of care really makes me tired. I think she's changed.    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: My sister hasn't changed. She was still her. Perhaps it's you.    


'Me? ' Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "You think I have changed?    


Fu Zhenxin said. There are some changes in your body. But I do feel that you are not the same as you were before.    


Huang Xing thought that Fu Zhenxin's words were more profound, and it was hard to digest them right now.    


Fu Zhenxin pointed to the big plate of Salmon s on the table, which had been eaten until only ice cubes remained, and said thoughtfully: "In the past, you didn't like to eat this, but now, it has become your favorite.    


Huang Xing grabbed an ice cube from the plate, letting it slowly melt in his hands: That's because I was too poor before, I couldn't eat it. Now that we have the conditions, we can eat it a few times.    


Fu Zhenxin vaguely nodded: Maybe.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Zhenxin, at that moment, he felt that their conversation had become so pale and powerless.    


It was as though they had their own ulterior motives, afraid that the other party would see through them.    


After the meal, the two made a pot of tea.    


As Fu Zhenxin wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, he said, "Did you know that Xin Duo Company was having a hard time getting to the end? I feel a little overwhelmed. There were almost ten departments in the company, from Cellular C and Cellular G, from the three major operators' business agents, to a few brands of after-sales service, and also … The development and assembly of laptops, the direction of mobile phones, I feel a bit troubled. I don't have any clones, but there are too many things that I can't handle.    


Huang Xing was slightly startled, and said: "This proves that Xin Edge Company's development is very fast." Regard the relationship between the Departments s, and cultivate a few assistants who can help you take charge.    


Fu Zhenxin laughed bitterly: I have, for example Zhao Xiaoran, and Li Rong, their working ability is quite good. However, my sister managed to dig them up to Xin Meng Plaza just now. Right now, my company is like an empty shelf. A lack of backbone to support.    


Huang Xing said. Actually, it was a good thing for Fu Jie to call them over. I think your sister's idea is that they should train in Xin Meng Plaza and come back to Xin Feng company in the future.    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head: I no longer hold any hope. My sister will not return the person to me.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Even your sister can't be trusted?    


Fu Zhenxin said: "It's not that I can't trust you." But, she also needed her trusted aides. I can't let my sister. He entered a predicament.    


Huang Xing replied: Not really.    


… ….    


After chatting for about half an hour, the two of them returned to the Xin Meng Plaza.    


Fu Zhenxin greeted Fu Jie and then left in a hurry.    


Huang Xing sat in his office and chattered a hundred yuan. With a cigarette in his mouth, he flipped through the few documents on the table.    


But when he recalled what happened last night, it was as if a knot had grown in his heart, and it was difficult to let go of this matter.    


A light breeze came in through the window, tasting slightly fishy. As the smoke rose up, it moved slightly with the wind. However, Huang Xing's mind seemed to grow wings as it drifted in the air with the smoke.    


Huang Xing hated himself!    


Originally, he wanted to accompany Fu Jie to celebrate her aunt's birthday, but he didn't expect that after drinking so much, he would actually lose face!    


How could this be?    


After thinking about it for the whole afternoon, when it was almost time to get off work, Huang Xing called Fu Jie's office.    


Fu Jie's assistant Yun Lu answered.    


Huang Xing asked, where was the Boss Fu?    


Yun Lu said that the Boss Fu had brought the Package Manager out to settle some matters.    


Huang Xing was startled, but in his heart, he felt extremely uncomfortable. Then: Just the two of them?    


Yun Lu replied. They left in a hurry, hastily finishing their meal in the cafeteria. Well, he still hasn't come back yet.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing's heart was surprisingly not feeling good.    


At this rate, was Bao Shijie really going to replace him? Including love, including career.    


Huang Xing clenched his teeth, his brows knitted, and wanted to take some measures to stop him, but he was helpless.    


Moreover, he had lost someone to Fu Jie last night, and she blamed him even more. Wouldn't Bao Shijie have a better chance?    


F * ck!    


The f * cking Bao Shijie!    


Huang Xing cursed Cheng Ya over and over again a hundred and eight thousand times in his heart as he thought about this matter.    


As if he had mustered up a lot of courage, Huang Xing dialed Fu Jie's number.    


The first time, he didn't pick up.    


The second time, he picked up the call, but Fu Jie's impatient voice sounded: I'm working right now, what's the matter?    


Huang Xing sighed in his heart and said: Where are you?    


Fu Jie asked: "Where am I, should I report to you?"    


Yet another tone!    


It was obvious that she was very disappointed in herself!    


Huang Xing replied: I'm just asking. In the evening, they would have dinner together. Go to your house, I'll take a spoonful, and try my craft.    


Fu Jie coldly snorted. I'm sorry, I don't have time. I have plans for the evening.    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


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