The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C418 Private revenge for public enmity

C418 Private revenge for public enmity

Xiao Hui then asked the lady: When did I become your leader? Can you not speak nonsense!    


The middle-aged woman said happily, "The Town Security is our leader." Today, I'm treating you to a meal. I hope that the Leader will take care of you in the future!    


Xiao Hui was a little angry. She was very unsatisfied that there would be people who would recognize her when she wore casual clothes. Especially this fast-food restaurant. She remembered being blacklisted by her colleagues many times. Previously, the fast-food restaurant had always opened a stall outside in the morning and had set it up on the road, which had seriously affected the traffic order. Both hard and soft, his recent performance was quite good. However, what surprised Xiao Hui was how did she know that he was the Town Security? In Xiao Hui's impression, he had only come here once to do official business.    


Xiao Hui suddenly stood up, his eyebrows knitted into a knot: "Let's go, we're not eating here anymore."    


Huang Xing thought, that shouldn't be the case, the owner of the shop also had good intentions for him.    


Fu Zhenxin advised: Xiao Hui, enough, stop changing locations, I am so tired.    


Xiao Hui emphasized: We must trade! I hate it when I don't have a job!    


Damn, unselfishly?    


Personality! He really had a personality! Huang Xing seemed to have realized something.    


The middle-aged woman was quite calm as she jokingly said, "If I don't get in touch with you, you'll always cause trouble for me. Now, you're forcing me to keep my mouth shut." Doing business was not easy.    


Xiao Hui said: Can you blame us? You are in the hotel, you are in the legal business, that is the right path. We are public servants of the state, maintaining order in the cities. There was clearly a seat inside, but why did he have to go outside? If not, who would you treat?    


Huang Xing didn't miss a chance and touched Xiao Hui's arm, hinting her that in their territory, they were outnumbered, so she had to be cautious when talking.    


But Xiao Hui disapproved.    


When the middle-aged woman heard this, her tone clearly stiffened a bit. You're really a bit … It didn't matter if he stood and spoke. How about we switch roles and you try it out? What's the deal now?    


Xiao Hui raised his voice: Why should I trade with you? I was a proper examiner in the city management team, is a good study out of it.    


Her argument was not a big deal, but it caused the customers sitting in the restaurant to focus their attention on her. Some of them even put down their bowls and chopsticks and came over to watch the show.    


In everyone's heart, the word "Town Security" always represented sensitivity and power.    


The Town Security, on the other hand, piqued everyone's curiosity.    


Furthermore, she was such a beautiful Town Security member.    


The middle-aged woman originally wanted to get closer to the Town Security staff, so that she could look after them when she went out of the stall again in the future. However, he hadn't thought that the other party wouldn't take the bait and would even mock him. She, who had been suppressing her aura, felt as if a volcano had erupted. She rolled up her sleeves as her eyes widened. She patted her apron and scolded, "Town Security dog! Town Security dog! Who would've thought that there would be a female dog!?" If you learn well, then it's your parents who will be giving it to you. Our family is poor and we can't afford to go to school. So I came out to do some small business. What, you look down on our little restaurant?    


Xiao Hui reprimanded in exasperation: "How can you curse? I don't look down on you, nor do I look down on anyone. You are the one who is not up to the task, and will not let us off no matter what!    


The middle-aged woman immediately let out a cold snort and shouted in all directions, "Everyone, listen to me! Town Security, they say we can't go against them!" Everyone, you have reason to believe that the Town Security or us will not be able to get along with us … Oh my god, this is the most unreliable joke I've heard in my life. "You are the Town Security, you have the most authority. We have worked so hard to earn some money, but now we are only thinking about going out …"    


To recruit a customer in a stall, to scold and beat someone up without saying a single word... Said we couldn't get along with you. Is there no place in this world where ordinary people can reason with …    


It seemed that this middle-aged woman was not an ordinary person. Very quickly, she mobilized the sympathy of the customers in the restaurant and attacked Xiao Hui together.    


Seeing that the situation was bad, Huang Xing reminded Xiao Hui: Alright, let's not talk too much. Let's go.    


Xiao Hui secretly thought, who was this, what was this! Then, they walked out one step. Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing also prepared to change places at the same time.    


But thinking about it, it was too dramatic. How did it become a war of ridicule just by coming over for a meal? Perhaps, this was only because of the special job of the Town Security.    


But the middle aged woman suddenly stood horizontally in front of Xiao Hui, blocking his path.    


Xiao Hui was even more furious, he extended a hand to push the lady away, and said: Get out of the way! I'm not eating here!    


Unexpectedly, the middle-aged woman suddenly fell backwards. She fell to the ground and shouted fiercely, "The Town Security hit me, the Town Security hit me, the Town Security hit me …"    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned!    


Xiao Hui was also stunned! What was going on?    


Wasn't this obviously a scam?    


Moments later, everyone surrounded her like a swarm of bees. Some of them were taking photos with their cell phones, while others were using their words to denounce her. However, no one went to help the middle-aged woman up.    


What made Huang Xing even more surprised was that Xiao Hui suddenly bent down, and used one hand to support the middle aged woman's arm, wanting to pull her up.    


But the middle-aged woman refused to get up. How could the weak Xiao Hui move her head?    


For a while, the middle-aged woman swayed left and right due to the stalemate. She still mumbled, "The Town Security beat me up. Looking at that beautiful lady, they have such strong attacks. Those male Town Security members must have thought about it …" Oh my god, I don't want to live anymore …    


Xiao Hui felt that it was both annoying and funny, and said with a wry smile: Let's not play like this, I clearly pushed you a little, just a little. How can you be so shameless?    


Fu Zhenxin also began to support Xiao Hui: That's right! It was obvious that he was relying on someone else! Public revenge for a personal grudge? No, no, no! It was a private revenge for a public grudge!    


Huang Xing could not bear to watch any longer. After witnessing the whole process, he still had some sympathy for the woman, but after she acted out this farce, that sympathy for the weak disappeared like smoke in thin air. To a certain extent, Xiao Hui had tolerated it a lot this time. Even after suffering so much, she still did not erupt. Although they had only known each other for a day, based on her personality, anyone who offended her would just become a hornet's nest. Perhaps it was because of her status as a Town Security member, she had no choice but to endure.    


Huang Xing walked forward, bent his body, and pulled the woman's arm, wanting to help Xiao Hui pull her up. But the woman sank hard into the ground and wouldn't get up. In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing used his strength and forcefully pulled her up from the ground.    


The entire audience was in an uproar!    


The middle aged woman was an expert at acting. When she was pulled up by Huang Xing, she cried out Ouch Ouch, it hurt here and there.    


But in actuality, the middle-aged woman had already become everyone's public enemy when she revealed her identity as Xiao Hui. Although she was a Town Security lady, with the words' Town Security 'attached to her, she could not escape her guilt. These few years, the Town Security had continued to report violent law enforcement. Due to the media and the internet's dissemination, the Town Security had been humiliated to the extreme due to their special work. Everyone's opinion of the Town Security had already reached the point where they could talk about the changes in their complexions.    


It was very obvious that at this moment and time, everyone treated Huang Xing as a Town Security member too!    


Some were critical, some were scolding, and some even wanted to come out and fight! For a moment, the entire restaurant was in chaos.    


The middle-aged woman was extremely pleased with herself as she pointed at Xiao Hui's nose and said, "Let me tell you today, they are afraid of you Town Security, I am not afraid." At most, I'll just fight it out with all of you! If you do not allow the commoners to live, the commoners will not let you live either!    


Most of the people agreed with her words. There were even two people who gave a round of applause. Subsequently, even more customers started to applaud the middle-aged woman's boldness.    


Huang Xing really wanted to change the situation, but right now, it seemed very difficult.    


Fu Zhenxin stretched out his hands to hold back his hair, as if he had mustered his courage to raise his voice. "Everyone calm down, calm down! Today's incident …    


However, he could not calm down at all!    


A string of criticisms and curses could be heard.    


Huang Xing could not take it anymore, so he grabbed the table and quickly stood up.    


This trick worked, and the noisy crowd gradually quieted down.    


Huang Xing summoned up his courage and tried to use a gentle yet powerful voice to speak sincerely: "I can understand everyone's feelings now." I'm not the Town Security, my sister is the Town Security. The Town Security is not bad! However, she had always been impartial in enforcing the law, cherishing the common people, always seeking benefits for the common people! I can guarantee that Xiao Hui didn't do anything wrong with today's matter. I don't know if anyone saw it all, but I was one of the witnesses. Yes, perhaps the Town Security had really misexecuted the law, or even violent law enforcement. But we shouldn't generalize, seeing the Town Security is like seeing little Japan. And this big sister, do you think it's really good for you to do this? You want to give us free food, we won't, and then you start fooling around here, don't you?    


The middle-aged woman's face was flushed red. She didn't forget to argue, "Who's messing around?" Who's fooling around? Why are you so irresponsible with your words! It was her! She was the one who scolded me and even pushed me. She pushed me until I was like a dog eating shit! You still have the nerve to speak up for her details, for this woman who looks like a flower with a heart like a scorpion?    


Huang Xing stressed: "Big sister, you have to be honest." You dare say that you weren't acting just now?    


The middle-aged woman frowned and said, "What are you talking about?" What kind of play was this! Let me tell you, it's not that easy today! I want to file a complaint. Not only do I want to file a complaint, I also want to sue you!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What did you sue us for?    


The middle-aged woman said, "I'm accusing you of being violent in enforcing the law. I don't think of the commoners as human beings!"    


At this time, Xiao Hui also drew closer a few steps. He took out his identification card and showed it to the middle-aged woman, then said: "Alright." Let's go now! I'll go with you!    


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