The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C415 Cohabiting for a night

C415 Cohabiting for a night

Huang Xing seemed to realize that she had lost control of herself and couldn't help but say, "Sorry."    


However, as soon as he spoke those words of apology, he immediately regretted it. Isn't this the guilt of a thief? But in reality, when he held her hand, he didn't have any evil intentions. This was only an action that he could not help but be moved by. He let go of his hand, but in that instant, he felt that the woman who had sworn an oath to him in front of him, was actually so close to him. However, it was as if he was far away in the horizon.    


Fu Zhenxin didn't know how to persuade Huang Xing, but she understood him. She could tell that he was extremely remorseful. He was a responsible and self-respecting man, and this incident was bound to cast an irreparable shadow over his heart. She wanted him to come out of it and pull himself together. However, he really didn't know how he could achieve this. She even somewhat regretted that she should not have told him the truth about last night's situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been instantly depressed to this extent. However, everything had already come to a conclusion. She had no other choice.    


Fu Zhenxin looked at Huang Xing up close, as if he wanted to use his sincere gaze to help him get rid of the burden in his heart. Fu Zhenxin forced out a smile and said: From another perspective, your alcohol tolerance is extremely high. He probably wouldn't dare to claim to be Gui Jizhe of the winery in the future.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "He deserves this title. His way of persuading others to drink was truly amazing. I didn't really want a drink last night.    


Fu Zhenxin replied: I know. So, you can't blame yourself too much. It was my uncle who forced you to drink. So he's more responsible than you are. You're actually a victim.    


Huang Xing lit another cigarette and tried to use the nicotine to corrode his body to punish himself: When are we going back to Jinan?    


Fu Zhenxin thought for a while, then said: "Let's rest for a while more." I'll go buy breakfast as soon as it's light, and then we'll go back together. But I suggest for you to not be in a hurry to go to Xin Meng Plaza after you return. Go back to your hometown.    


Huang Xing was startled, he could not understand anything at all, why did he have to return to his hometown?    


Fu Zhenxin explained, "The hometown that I'm talking about, it's Xin Feng company!" It's been a long time since you went back to see it. Maybe you can treat it as a kind of. Relaxation.    


'Casual? ' Huang Xing replied with a question: Am I still in the mood to relax?    


Fu Zhenxin said: Why not? Don't worry, I only want to use this method to relieve some of the pressure on you. Actually, my sister has to go back every week. Her office was exactly the same. I kept her desk. Including yours, of course.    


Huang Xing said: Since they are already gone, why are you still here. It's a waste of space.    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: The person has left, the mind has not left. Xin Edge Company will never forget what my Sis, and you, did for Xin Edge Company.    


These words were soothing and even more touching.    


Huang Xing replied: I did not do anything to help Xin Fang Company. I was just a butler at that time.    


Fu Zhenxin tsk-tsked: You're too modest! At that time, my sister was the second in command when she gave her authority to you! Some of the promotional programs and marketing strategies you did back then, and some of the policy applications that you submitted to the operator, I'm still learning from. I also found the proposal that you wrote before you became Chief of Staff in my sister's drawer. To be honest, it was great. And some of the goals you mentioned have been achieved. There are also some good practices and programs that have continued to be used. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Xin Fang Company was able to get on the right track and was the first person to achieve such a feat.    


Huang Xing immediately shook his head: No, I don't dare to say I don't dare, at that time I only did my duty. Thinking about it, time passed really quickly. It was as though that incident was something that happened yesterday.    


Fu Zhenxin's expression changed slightly as he thoughtfully echoed his words: "Yes, what happened yesterday." It was very close, but also very far away.    


Her thought-provoking words seemed to let Huang Xing understand some of it. The sentimental Fu Zhenxin was obviously hinting at her intense love for him. It felt as though it happened yesterday, but in reality, it was already far away.    


Huang Xing looked at the time and said to Fu Zhenxin: There's still some time before daybreak. If he didn't sleep, his physical strength would be affected.    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head and said, "Nothing." This sort of thing was a common occurrence. How could I dare to slack off when my sister handed me such a big stand? It was a common thing to have an all-nighter at night. He had long since gotten used to it.    


Huang Xing said: Then you still have to pay attention to rest. The body was the true ability.    


Fu Zhenxin replied: I know. But I also know when to rest and when not to. Don't worry, I'm fine.    


Just as he said that he was fine, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but yawn and cover his mouth with his hands to ease his fatigue.    


Huang Xing had defeated her, and still said that she was fine? He was already trapped like this! Obediently, sleep for a while. I'll be your sentinel.    


Fu Zhenxin playfully shook her head. No! Who knows if you'll. While I sleep. Just in case, he was determined not to sleep.    


Huang Xing asked: "Am I that kind of person?"    


Fu Zhenxin played it down: That's right, that's right. It's not like you haven't.    


She suddenly stopped writing and restrained a bit of mischievousness. This emotion of hers was an involuntary and true reaction. Previously, when she was with Huang Xing, she was also like this.    


Huang Xing did not say anything else.    


After who knows how long, when Huang Xing woke up from his thoughts, he turned his head and realized that Fu Zhenxin was actually asleep on a chair.    


She was really tired. She was just like her sister, a strong woman.    


Huang Xing covered Fu Zhenxin with a blanket. This familiar yet beautiful figure of hers had left Huang Xing with too many beautiful memories.    


Around six in the morning, Huang Xing took a bath, and while wiping his hair with a towel, he walked out of the bathroom. Fu Zhenxin was still sleeping soundly on the chair, but Huang Xing immediately heard a voice as soft as a mosquito fly.    


It sounded like someone was singing …    


Huang Xing originally thought that it would be Fu Zhenxin's phone's ringtone. After a closer look, he realized it was Fu Zhenxin humming something.    


A dream song, to be exact. She sang it in her dreams:. Accompanying you by your side, do not dare to dream quietly, the encounter was originally a gust of wind. Last night's whisper, whether you can understand, can only silently guard the moon hazy. Watching your back as you left, tears slowly surged in his heart … …    


This song was very unfamiliar. Huang Xing had never heard of it.    


However, Fu Zhenxin, who was still sleeping, was very charming as he sang a melody that almost made Huang Xing drunk.    


Huang Xing even noticed that the corners of Fu Zhenxin's eyes were brimming with a misty wetness.    


His heart trembled, and a feeling of heartfelt gratitude spread from the bottom of his heart.    


This beautiful and cute girl was actually so sentimental.    


Huang Xing couldn't bear to disturb Fu Zhenxin, so he decided to go out and buy some food. After eating, he would return home.    


Last night, Fu Zhenxin took care of him for an entire night, and he didn't have a good rest either. It was reasonable for him to do whatever he could to help her.    


However, just as he opened the door, he heard hurried footsteps in the corridor.    


Immediately after, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in front of Huang Xing.    


Xiao Hui?    


Why was she here?    


Xiao Hui wore a set of red sports clothes and his hair was tied into a black braid. As he walked, he swung his braids and exuded a strong sense of youth.    


This time she wore no makeup. However, she was still very radiant. She was just like a natural beauty.    


To be exact, her image was obviously not the same as the Xiao Hui who made a fool of her last night.    


Huang Xing took the initiative to ask: Why are you here?    


Xiao Hui said: Of course I'm here to take a look. If you drink like that, what if something happens? Well, Comrade Brother-in-law, your metabolism is quite fast, you can't tell at all that you drank so much last night.    


Huang Xing listened to her words and couldn't help but frown: "Alright, you can go now."    


Xiao Hui was startled: What do you mean? Are you treating me like a donkey? What about Fu Zhenxin, what did she do?    


She asked while looking through the door, and very quickly saw Fu Zhenxin who was asleep on the chair. He quickly stepped in and the river burst into flames. Oh my God, no, the two of you were in the same room last night?    


Huang Xing immediately went around to Xiao Hui's side and shouted: "What nonsense are you spouting!    


Xiao Hui turned his head and said: "What, you're still not going to argue after I reveal myself?" He had been caught red-handed! Alright you, the two sisters can eat!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Last night, Fu Zhenxin didn't close her eyes.    


Xiao Hui bluffed: You didn't close your eyes for the whole night? Then you guys. You dare to say such words, Brother-in-law, you're too awesome.    


Then, she glared at Fu Zhenxin fiercely, and muttered: Fu Zhenxin, oh Fu Zhenxin, you're too unreserved, even you're not letting go of brother-in-law. How is this fellow good? It is worth it for you … One night... They were all accompanying him … This was a complete mess.    


Huang Xing could not bear Xiao Hui's actions, and he could not help but scold: "You better shut your crow's beak!"    


Xiao Hui frowned: "My crow's beak?" What did you do to my cousin last night? You eat the one in the bowl, look at the one in the pot, eat all the small ones, right?    


At this time, Fu Zhenxin slowly woke up.    


He rubbed his eyes and pulled the blanket to the side, only to discover the scene in front of him.    


She was surprised for a moment, then stood up and asked: Hey, Xiao Hui, why are you here?    


Xiao Hui coldly snorted. Luckily I came! If I didn't come, you two would never know about such dirty things, right?    


Fu Zhenxin looked at Huang Xing in shock, then changed into an angry expression: Xiao Hui, what nonsense are you spouting?    


Xiao Hui pointed to the huge bed at the side: "Living together for the entire night, male and female, do you dare to tell me that nothing happened between you two?" Who would believe it!    


Fu Zhenxin laughed bitterly: Xiao Hui, why are you still so gossipy!    


Xiao Hui pursed his lips: I'm not gossiping, I just believe what I see, believe in the truth.    


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