The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Playing pool with Fu Jie is the best memory preserved in Huang Xing's heart.    


That was when she was in love with Fu Jie. Fu Jie always wanted to accompany her to the gym to play billiards. Fu Jie is very good at the ball and is often able to surprise four players.    


Huang Xing was infatuated with Fu Jie's style of playing billiards. Her posture was elegant and charming, and she was also very focused. A focused woman had a different charm to her. Moreover, Fu Jie's beauty was a legend.    


When he returned to the entrance of the residential complex, Huang Xing told Fu Jie to wait there while he drove his car.    


Actually, the reason he did that was to give Fu Jie an opportunity to rest and conserve some energy. Unexpectedly, it caused an unexpected disaster.    


When Huang Xing drove the car out of the district, he started to search for Fu Jie's figure. Under the dim light, he noticed that not far away, there were two men surrounding a woman, teasing her about something.    


That woman was Fu Jie!    


Huang Xing immediately realized that the situation wasn't good!    


Before he could think too much, Huang Xing immediately turned off the ignition, pulled out the key and opened the car door.    


Huang Xing gradually heard the situation clearly as he ran over at a brisk pace. Sure enough, these two men were trying to do something to Fu Jie!    


Isn't this too damn weird? Beside the green belt at the entrance of the residential complex, there was actually someone who dared to flirt with a beauty! This was akin to eating the heart of a cheetah!    


But as Huang Xing approached, he smelled a strong scent of alcohol. This meant that the two of them must have had their wits about them after drinking too much. Wine could control a person's emotions and behavior, and could turn a cowardly, small person into a brave warrior in an instant! Of course, it could also turn a usually steady man into a hooligan in an instant!    


What are you doing!    


The two of them turned to look over. That drunken look on his face, which reflected the light above his head, made him look so malevolent.    


Huang Xing saw the two of them clearly. They seemed to be young, both in their early twenties. One was wearing a leather-covered coat, a large, bulging face, and a fierce brow. The other was wearing a large down jacket, but the loose clothing did not cover his thin body. His cheekbones were protruding, and his eyes were deeply sunken, like those of a malnourished animal. A fat man and a thin man. The combination of these two looked like a pair of crosstalk actors.     


Fu Jie wanted to take the opportunity to slip to Huang Xing's side, but was stopped by the fatty.    


The thin guy took a step towards Huang Xing, raised his head, and arrogantly warned, "Don't be a f * cking busybody!" Do you understand?    


Huang Xing couldn't help but get angry when he saw the fat guy grabbing Fu Jie's arm. How could he have the heart to reason with these two drunkards? With a kick, he kicked the thin man to the ground!    


Fatty was shocked and reflexively took a step back. Huang Xing approached, raised his voice and warned, Get out of my way!    


Fatty glanced around furtively and stammered, "You …" You. You're asking for it. Are you looking to die?    


Huang Xing scolded, "Look at you stuttering!" Are you fucking crazy?    


Fatty straightened his neck and increased his self-confidence, pretending to be confident and confident as he said, "You're the crazy one!" This bro advises you, don't bother about things you shouldn't care about! This bro just got excited on the spur of the moment and started chatting with beauties. I have a … Is there a fucking dime?    


'It has nothing to do with me? ' Huang Xing frowned and said, "She's my girlfriend!"    


Fatty was stunned. He looked at Huang Xing and then at Fu Jie: Is she really your girlfriend? F * ck, look at your morals! You think you are worthy of it?    


Huang Xing no longer had the patience to bullshit with him, but since the other side drank, he tried his best to avoid too much trouble. He took a few steps forward, ready to pull Fu Jie away and leave.    


But how could the fatty be willing to let go? He used his fat body to block Fu Jie. With one hand, he firmly grabbed Fu Jie's wrist!    


Huang Xing cursed: "Are you shameless?" Let her go!    


Fatty replied in a bad mood: I'm not letting it go today, what about it? What are you going to do with me?    


Huang Xing clenched his fists and was about to forcefully attack. The fat man's other hand reached to his waist and pulled out a fruit knife!    


Crazy, simply insane!    


At this moment, Fu Jie's face suddenly became frightened. She suddenly shouted, "Huang Xing, be careful!" Be careful of the back!    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment and immediately seemed to realize something as he dodged to the side.    


F * ck me! If it wasn't for Fu Jie's reminder, he might really be crippled!    


The skinny guy, who was kicked down by him just now, took advantage of Huang Xing's inattention and took out a brick from the branch beside him, smashing it towards Huang Xing's head.    


Luckily, Fu Jie's shout saved Huang Xing. But at the same time, Huang Xing was even more furious. He charged up like a fierce tiger that left the mountain and started punching and kicking the thin guy!    


When the fatty saw this, he suddenly grabbed the fruit knife and rushed over to help.    


Fu Jie shouted anxiously, telling Huang Xing to be careful. Without saying anything further, Huang Xing sent a flying kick towards the fatty's wrist, causing the fruit knife to fly out!    


Without giving it a second thought, he rushed up and landed his fist on Fatty's fat body. His fist was like a flower blooming at lightning speed. However, this fatty was really tough. Huang Xing's hand was hurting, but the fatty acted like he was fine. He just swayed from side to side and was unable to beat him.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but increase his strength and punched the fatty's lower abdomen.    


This punch was extremely powerful!    


The fat guy held his stomach and groaned.    


Huang Xing walked to the frightened Fu Jie and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"    


Fu Jie shook her head, seemingly still in shock. "I …" I'm fine. You. Are you hurt?    


Huang Xing raised his head, "These two idiots aren't tiring!" This kind of bastard should be properly repaired! Get the police to deal with this!    


Fu Jie probed, "Do we need to call the police?"    


If they don't call the police, they will harass others, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie took out her cell phone, trembling.    


The fat man and the skinny man stood a few meters away. Under the influence of the alcohol, they didn't seem to understand what was going on. However, there was no doubt that the man in front of them who had ruined his plans was an expert. Moreover, he was no ordinary expert.    


The thin one suddenly said, "We …" Let's go, Brother Zheng. Don't waste time … A moment later the police arrived.    


At this moment, the fat guy stood up and patted the thin guy on the head: Go, go my ass! What's there to be afraid of if the police come? We didn't rape two people to steal their money, so we are confident!    


A look of horror appeared on the skinny man's face. This … Is that appropriate, are you sure?    


Fatty said, Listen to me!    


Skinny: …    


Huang Xing was completely mesmerized by these two drunkards!    


So angry and funny! As the saying goes, wine makes people fear. He had clearly done something wrong, yet he didn't even put the police in his eyes.    


Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, a Toyota Handa suddenly stopped at the scene. Before Huang Xing could react, the two of them were dragged into the car by the two people in the car …    




Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. Without hesitation, he pulled down a half brick from the flowerbed beside him and threw it towards the back of the Toyota!    


That was an accurate call!    


'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard. A huge hole had been smashed into the back of the Toyota!    


Huang Xing raised his head proudly and tried to pull a brick from the edge of the flower pond, but was stopped by Fu Jie.    


In fact, Huang Xing also drank a bit just now. Seeing Fu Jie being bullied by these two vulgar men, he had already lost control of his emotions due to his indignation. Facing Fu Jie's obstruction, Huang Xingzhen reasoned, "We have to make these people suffer a little bit!" A group of thugs!    


Just as he said that, the Toyota miraculously came to a halt.    


Huang Xing was stunned and immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.    


Fu Jie was also stunned for a moment. She grabbed Huang Xing's hand and urged him, "Let's go, let's go!"    


Although Huang Xing was a little unsure, he still showed a dignified look: "Why should I leave?"    


In the blink of an eye, five people got off the Toyota!    


All of them were swaying and feeling extremely intoxicated.    


Actually, these five people were just friends. After KTV finished singing, they had made an appointment to go to a hotel to open a private room and gamble on the fried gold flowers. However, because the two of them drank too much, they mysteriously returned to the district. The other three couldn't wait for them, so they drove over to check. When they saw what was happening, they figured out what had happened to the two men and hurriedly pulled them into the car, running away from the scene of the 'accident'.    


However, what they didn't expect was that just as they were about to leave, they were hit by a hard object at the back of the car, causing a loud bang.    


Then what?    


Thus, the five men who had drunk too much stopped their car and walked out aggressively.    


Fu Jie and himself were only two people against five drunkards. Huang Xing actually regretted his actions when he saw this scene. The danger had clearly been eliminated, so why should he try to beat the other party up again? Yes, Huang Xing hated evil more and was not afraid of these guys messing around. However, the problem was that he had Fu Jie by his side. If Fu Jie's safety was threatened again, how could Huang Xing feel at ease?    


These five people surrounded Huang Xing and Fu Jie with curses, especially the two guys who were beaten up by Huang Xing earlier. They relied on their numbers and became even more proud of themselves. Fatty took a step forward and cursed, "Dammit, how dare you smash our car!"    


Then the thin man agreed. F * ck him! Damn it!    


An older man with a bald head calmly glanced at Huang Xing and Fu Jie. He frowned and said, "Bro, you smashed our car!"    


It was unknown where he got the courage from, but Huang Xing stuck out his chest and said: "I smashed it!" I really regret using too little strength! They. They teased my girlfriend, do you think I should beat them up?    


The baldy almost roared out loud: "F * ck you!" But you still can't smash our car! Did I provoke you with my car?    


The fat guy didn't miss an opportunity to say to the baldy, Brother Guang, don't talk nonsense to them. Kill them!    


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