The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C331 Beautiful women cannot be an exception

C331 Beautiful women cannot be an exception

To be exact, Huang Xing was beaten up and his injuries were not light. He felt that his ribs, and even his internal organs, were a bit uncomfortable. Those people were really ruthless, and their fists and kicks were exceptionally vicious.    


Under Xie Yundan's insistence, they finally drove to the hospital and did a thorough check-up.    


At a certain hospital.    


There were so many people that there were many long lines of patients and their families that they had to be excluded from the registration process. If this went on, it would be hard to hang up at night.    


Difficult to see a doctor, expensive to see a doctor, has always been a Chinese medical culture.    


Xie Yundan anxiously stomped her feet. She helped Huang Xing to sit on the chair and started flipping through the contact list to see if there were any acquaintances from the hospital.    


But the result was cruel! Xie Yundan helplessly closed his phone, gritted his teeth and said: You take a seat, I'll line up first.    


Huang Xing could not help but laugh bitterly: Queued? When will it be?    


Xie Yundan shook his head helplessly: No matter how long it takes, it's probably the same in the other hospitals.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: Let's go home, first.    


Xie Yundan emphasized: No. It must be checked. The body matters.    


Huang Xing said: I don't think my body is that weak. Just go back and rub some safflower oil on it.    


Xie Yundan asked tentatively, "Why didn't you choose to call the police, or …."    


'Call the police? ' Huang Xing self-deprecatingly laughed: If you want to call the police for this kind of thing, the editors of the newspapers will definitely make a big fuss about it.    


Xie Yundan suddenly realized: I almost forgot, you are the important person, the General Manager of Xin Meng Plaza. The media and the newspapers would be happy to take up some of your business and gossip.    


After he finished speaking, Xie Yundan had indeed stood in the middle of the line. She kept weighing the tips of her toes and looking forward, as if she were burning with anxiety. Taking the chance when the others were not paying attention, Xie Yundan bent his waist and sneaked into the front without anyone noticing, standing in front of a young man.    


The young lad was shocked, he had obviously noticed Xie Yundan's misdeeds, and looked at him with a pair of strange eyes.    


Xie Yundan looked slightly embarrassed, but he mustered his courage and laughed, and said: I was here just now, did you forget? I even told you to leave something empty for me?    


Lying without blushing!    


The young man was even more confused, but facing such a beautiful girl who cut in line, he could not bear to be angry. Instead, he almost nervously stammered, "Yes …" Is that so? Then stand here.    


Damn, how could he get away with it so easily? Xie Yundan heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that the current young people could not resist the temptation, looks like the word 'beautiful' was still quite useful in certain situations.    


But in reality, although Xie Yundan had cut the queue, there was still a long queue in front of him. It would take a very long time for his turn.    


What should he do?    


Keep going?    


Xie Yundan made up her mind, she clenched her teeth, for Huang Xing, she would give it her all, after all, Huang Xing was injured because of her.    


After looking at the people in front of him with an accurate speed, Huang Xing's target was a tenth name, a middle aged man. This guy had sneaky eyes. He was probably a lecherous character. As long as I go over and give him a few flirtatious glances, why would I worry that he won't let me cut in line?    


After breathing out a few breaths for himself in his heart, Xie Yundan continued to walk forward.    


This middle-aged man had a slightly wretched appearance, especially his eyes. They constantly scanned the crowd in line, as if he wanted to search for the traces of every beauty in the crowd. Once he found a girl in a fancy dress or a nice figure in the crowd, he would be looking forward to it for a long time.    


And Xie Yundan's approach was enough to shock him.    


So beautiful! This should be a feeling that every man would subconsciously let out after seeing Xie Yundan.    


Xie Yundan seemed to be able to feel the man's amazement towards him. He took the opportunity to strike the iron while it was hot and said with a smile as sweet as the spring breeze: "Brother, can I ask you a favor?    


The man's eyes shone with green light as he spoke incoherently, "What …" What … What is it?    


Xie Yundan said: I'll stand in front of you.    


MAN: Well.    


Xie Yundan curled his lips: Please, okay, my body is feeling really uncomfortable, I feel like if I don't hurry up and see a doctor, I'm going to … Something big was going to happen. Brother, I can tell that you're warm-hearted, okay?    


The man's heart softened. With such a beautiful woman begging for help, did he even have a reason to refuse?    


The man took the initiative to retreat half a step, almost stepping on the feet of the people behind him. Stand … Stand here. In front of me.    


Xie Yundan said: Thank you, brother.    


The man said, No. No …. You're welcome. Serving a beautiful woman. It was … It's my honor.    


Actually, he usually didn't stutter, but in some cases, he couldn't help but fawn over them.    


Xie Yundan once again succeeded in cutting in line. He was secretly pleased with himself as he gestured "OK" to Huang Xing, who had been watching him from afar.    


And this man who didn't know the limits of the heavens and earth, actually naively thought that this beauty in front of her who could topple empires, was a person with a water personality, thus, he treated this encounter as a perfect chance, he wanted to hunt her! Therefore, he started to chat with Xie Yundan with great interest.    


But since he had already achieved his goal, how could Xie Yundan still be willing to try to please him? With every question he asked, Xie Yundan would nod his head perfunctorily, not even bothering to reply.    


This was a typical stairs leading up to the house!    


But the man still refused to give up and actually took the initiative to ask for Xie Yundan's number.    


Xie Yundan casually gave a number, which the man believed to be true, and as if he was a treasure, he entered the number into the contact list.    


Unbeknownst to them, this small action had created a legend that was hard to laugh at.    


Then, the man introduced himself and gave Xie Yundan a name card. Xie Yundan looked at the card and saw that it read 'XX Insurance'.    


The words "Account Manager" couldn't help but secretly mock him in his heart. Even with his clumsy and foolish appearance, he was still running for safety!    


However, just now, when he was rejoicing in his heart, Xie Yundan heard an extremely uncoordinated soprano voice sound out behind him, "Who … Who cut in line just now?    


Xie Yundan was so frightened that cold sweat emerged on his face.    


She turned her head around and confirmed that the owner of the voice was a middle-aged woman in her forties.    


This woman's body was somewhat fat, but she could still be considered well-proportioned. At the very least, she didn't give off the feeling of a bloated body. Her clothes, from underwear to a coat, were all the same type, the kind that exposed the neck and no collar. On his fat white neck hung a large, glittering necklace. It was as if one could tell at a glance that he was either a wealthy lady or a nouveau riche.    


Seeing that there was no response, the woman raised her voice and shouted, "The one who cut in line just now has decided to stand up for us!"    


Xie Yundan was at a loss on where he was, so he pretended not to hear anything.    


But this fat woman was no ordinary person. She almost shouted again: "Didn't you hear me?"    


This time, Xie Yundan could not take it anymore, he turned his head and replied fiercely: What are you roaring for, is it just as loud as your throat?    


The fat woman frowned and warned, "Get out of here and wait in line at the back!"    


perhaps he had realized something, Xie Yundan calmed his emotions down for a bit and tried to change the tone to a more gentle one as he said: "I …" I'm in a hurry, waiting. Do me a favor, will you?    


The fat woman replied vehemently, No! Which of those who came to line up in the hospital wasn't in a hurry?    


Xie Yundan said: But I really have something urgent!    


The fat woman said, "Everyone claims to be in a hurry. If we all cut in line, then what are we waiting for? We can snatch it all from them. Whoever gets to the front will be registered first?" Then wouldn't that be a mess? You look like a fox spirit, do you think you can be special just by being beautiful? Pfft, I'm sorry, even if you were Yang Yuzhu, you would still have to queue up!    


At this moment, Xie Yundan felt extremely awkward, to the point that she was stuck in a dilemma. He didn't care about it though. He had indeed been in the wrong. He saw that she was furious and was not going to stop until she got to her goal. He had done everything he could to get here and now, there was hope for her. Her heart was filled with endless entanglement.    


Glancing at Huang Xing who was still sitting on his chair waiting in the distance, Xie Yundan couldn't help but sigh deeply.    


But in reality, before that, Xie Yundan was not a person who liked to disrupt the social order. Not to mention being registered in the hospital, she would occasionally be forced to take the bus if she couldn't get a taxi, so she would wait in line properly. There were many times when she got on the bus, she was clearly in the first place, but she was pushed around by the people behind her, unable to get on the bus.    


But this time, Xie Yundan made an exception. Moreover, this kind of exception wasn't solely for his own benefit.    


The fat woman had a bad temper. Seeing that Xie Yundan still did not take her threat seriously, she directly walked out of the group and stood in front of Xie Yundan, reaching out her hand to pull her arm.    


Xie Yundan's body was slim and thin, how could he withstand her tugging? He couldn't help but tilt his body fiercely at the side. (TL: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU))) However, with the flexibility of her body, she was still able to adjust her center of gravity so that she wouldn't tumble down.    


The fat woman cursed: Shameless!    


How could Xie Yundan be humiliated like this, he also cursed back: You're the one who is shameless!    


The fat woman snorted and said, "Are you going to leave or not?"    


Xie Yundan countered with a question: Can you control it?    


The fat woman said, Why shouldn't I? Others can pretend not to see, but I can't. I have no other hobbies but to meddle in other people's business. How?    


Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was growing stronger and stronger, the man behind Xie Yundan obviously wouldn't miss this chance to be courteous to the beautiful woman and said to the fat woman: Forget it, the beautiful woman is an exception, the beautiful woman is an exception.    


The fat woman cast a disdainful glance at the man. Look at your lecherous appearance. So what if she was a beauty? Beautiful women also had the same type of spare parts!    


Xie Yundan said angrily: Why are you so lacking in manners when you speak?    


The fat woman retorted, "Am I lacking in manners?" Everyone's eyes were bright. Am I lacking in quality, or are you lacking in quality?    


The middle-aged man didn't miss an opportunity to interject, "Stop arguing, don't disturb the hospital's order." This beauty is in a hurry, we just need to understand her, is there a need …    


At this moment, the security guards of the hospital also caught a whiff of the wind and hurriedly rushed over to mediate the conflict.    


Of course, although Huang Xing could not hear what Xie Yundan and the fat woman were saying, but looking at the scene in front of him, he could already guess one, two, three things.    


With a bitter laugh, Huang Xing stood up while holding onto his ribs, preparing to help Xie Yundan out.    


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