The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



In order to save some face, Huang Xing had no choice but to slap the fatty's face. Opening another bottle of beer, he said to his mouth, "I will atone for my sins." Then he gulped it down. A strong sense of heroism flowed into Huang Xing's heart. Just as he was deeply enchanted by his own unbridled feelings, Wang Yaxuan suddenly clapped his hands, opened a bottle of beer and touched Huang Xing's empty bottle, saying, Blow the bottle, I'll blow it with you. With that, she took a very elegant pose, looked up at the sky at an angle of forty-five degrees, and poured the beer into her mouth with her eyes closed. Huang Xing was stupefied as he watched her smooth white throat slightly move. A bottle of beer easily entered her body.    


All of a sudden, the heroic spirit that Huang Xing had just developed vanished. If you want to underestimate a woman's alcohol capacity, you're wrong. There is a kind of woman is the nemesis of the wine, white wine three catties, two catties is not a problem, beer is like drinking cold water. Although Huang Xing was not the reincarnation of the Wine God, he had always thought that his capacity for alcohol was among the best. He even smiled at Huang Xing, took out two skewers of grilled prawns and passed them to Huang Xing. Then he peeled off the prawn from Wang Yaxuan's body, and after a while, only the head of the prawn was left struggling at the corner of Wang Yaxuan's mouth.    


Huang Xing said to himself, "Manager Wang, drink less." You're so beautiful. Drinking too much will affect your figure, and you might even disfigure your face.    


Wang Yaxuan chuckled. Disfigurement? I've been drinking for more than twenty years. Do you think I'm disfigured? Don't you think the skin of a woman who drinks is brighter and more elastic than that of a woman who doesn't drink?    


Huang Xing was shocked: "What, you've been drinking for more than twenty years?" You've been drinking since you were born?    


Wang Yaxuan smiled. To be exact, he drank alcohol every day before he was born.    


The more Huang Xing heard, the more he felt it was outrageous, "When you say such things, you've already drunk too much."    


Wang Yaxuanqiang said, No! To tell you the truth, my family's three generations of winemaking have only changed in my generation. My father drank four or five catties of white wine, and my mother drank more than two and a half catties. I remember when my mother was pregnant with me, I felt like I was soaking in a wine jar every day. Before my mother gave birth to me, she drank a catty of wine and then gave birth to me in a daze. The doctor was shocked. The smell of alcohol filled the hospital. So I have a special affinity for wine.    


Huang Xing thought, this is really shocking.    


But in reality, before this, Wang Yaxuan had never shown much about her talent in drinking.    


Wang Yaxuan saw that Huang Xing was so shocked that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He immediately laughed and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore." I'm asking you to do me a favor.    


Huang Xing asked, Help me with what?    


Wang Yaxuan blinked his eyes: "Transfer me to headquarters, I'm tired of staying in Customer Service Center!"    


Huang Xing was shocked and said: "Are you kidding?!" You are staying here very well, and it is impossible to leave you here. What's so good about headquarters? Which manager has a higher salary than you?    


It's not a matter of salary. In the long run. The company played these beautiful cards, the concept of it made Fu Jie earn tens of millions. What do you do when you make money? Of course it was to reinvest and expand. At that time, the people from the headquarter would also be exposed to the light, and their treatment and authority would be greatly enhanced. But as for me, I can only stay in Customer Service Center and muddle through. No matter how far the company develops, I am still just a small manager. So, I have to think about my long-term future. Even if I go back to work as an assistant or as a department manager, there will always be a lot of prospects for the future.    


Huang Xing finally understood.    


Wang Yaxuan had been plotting something for himself. Despite her hospitality, she was still hiding such a scheme.    


Admittedly, Wang Yaxuan's concerns were not without reason.    


Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "How would I have the ability to do that? The decision to leave and transfer the managers and above is left to Senior Boss Fu."    


However, Wang Yaxuan came over with a cup and sat very close to Huang Xing. When Wu Tie smelled the scent of a fresh and beautiful woman that pounced over, it was extremely easy to cause others to be confused.    


To a certain extent, Wang Yaxuan is also one of the company's top beauties, Xin Edge Company is a very hierarchical place, from Fu Jie to the bottom employees, the beauty index is declining. The current management level of the company was filled with beauties. This included Li Rong and Chu Yinan, who had just started working. Surrounded by such a heavyweight beauty like Wang Yaxuan, Huang Xing's heart was churning. But at the same time, he also clearly realized that Wang Yaxuan's intention was not to drink wine. What he cared about was what benefits he could bring him.    


Wang Yaxuan's concern and scheming was indeed extraordinary. Logically speaking, she was the boss of the Nokia Customer Service Center and enjoyed full autonomy in all aspects. Fu Jie had also always used the policy of "one division, two systems" to help the Customer Service Center realize its own profit and loss, and manage it all by itself. Since Customer Service Center was a steady and profitable project, Wang Yaxuan was the manager as well. In the eyes of most people, this was quite a tempting job. However, Wang Yaxuan did not think so. What she saw was not only immediate benefits, but also long-term development. At present, the company is developing well. Just the investment of concept machine can make the company tens of millions. Wang Yaxuan had figured out Fu Jie's temperament. Once Fu Jie had the money, she would expand her scale and even annex other companies. This way, there would be a lot of opportunities for the management of the company's headquarters. Once the company reached the level of being listed on the market, the elders of the company would naturally be successful. In other words, the Nokia Customer Service Center was such a huge stall. No matter how much you developed, it would only be a special sale that relied on Nokia's mobile phone to survive. The risk of loss was small and the room for growth was limited. Wang Yaxuan was worried that two years later, three years, or even several years later, when the other headquarters' managers at her level had all evolved into the upper echelons of Xin Yuan Group, he would still be a small manager at the Nokia Customer Service Center.    


At this moment, Wang Yaxuan obviously placed a heavy trust in Huang Xing. With the rise of Huang Xing in the company, she has realized that this Chief of Staff, will have a huge impact on the development of the company. After all, the concept of mobile phones was first proposed by Huang Xing. Fu Jie also valued Huang Xing greatly. With such a towering tree, no matter how developed the company was, she would be in an invincible position. Even if Huang Xing fell out of favor or left the company, he wouldn't lose anything. At most, he would invest some time to untie the relationship and emotions with Huang Xing.    


Wang Yaxuan picked up another glass of beer, clinked it with Senior Boss Fuson, and pursed his lips. Director Huang, who doesn't know that the management and personnel of the company are now in your hands? With the expansion of production and management, Senior Boss Fu more and more time in Shenzhen, Xinfang company is your surname Huang. As for Boss Fu, she was actually Fu Jie's sister, and she wouldn't use it even if she had the real power. If my guess is right, the company will be planning a new strategy early next year, starting on the path of teamwork, and then you, Director Huang, might be president of the group.    


Huang Xing hurriedly said, "Don't let your imagination run wild." To tell you the truth, I'm just a passerby in the company. Senior Boss Fu wouldn't truly treat me as his trusted aide. She only trusts the people in her circle. Like you, and Cao Aidang, and Fu Zhenxin, and her two cousins. Oh yeah, Senior Boss Fu also intends to transfer her classmate over to be the financial director. This way, only I, Huang Xing, am an outsider. Private enterprise, often unable to escape the family type of development of the routine.    


Director Huang saw through it quite clearly. But you're wrong, I'm not in Senior Boss Fu's circle at all. Don't look at how long I've worked with her. She's always treated me like an ordinary employee. The position she gave me was firmly stuck in the customer service. Even if one day the Nokia Customer Service Center can't do it anymore, she will still take over the phone customer service for me to do it. But in fact, that's not what I need. I need a bigger platform.    


You can communicate with Senior Boss Fu. If necessary, you can recommend yourself.    


Wang Yaxuan burst out in laughter. This move works on you, but not on me. At that time, you were just a small sale in the company, the result is a self-recommendation, let you carp jump dragon door, all of a sudden become office Deputy Director. But I know my limits well, and she doesn't think I can take on any job other than Customer Service Center.    


Huang Xing said: "It's obvious that you are not confident."    


Wang Yaxuan Qiang said, "I'm confident, I'm extremely confident!" Unfortunately, Boss doesn't believe me.    


Huang Xing said: "Didn't you consider that in the future, when the company is strong and strong, it will establish a separate after-sales department?" You'll probably be the company's after-sales director.    


Wang Yaxuan forced a smile and said, "Post-sales director?" That was after sales. I don't want to do after sales. After working for several years, my spirits are almost gone. I don't have any technology or challenge. All I have to do is to fix my phone. Xiuxiu, I'm going to have a mental problem too. Director Huang, help me fix it and advise Senior Boss Fu. Or you can directly lower the order and transfer me to headquarters. I can be your assistant.    


Huang Xing was stunned: "I already have an assistant." Besides, aren't you mocking me by being my assistant?    


Wang Yaxuan said, "Office Deputy Director should be fine, right?" Or perhaps, Personnel Department. That's right, the company's Personnel Department is always under you, after I go there, I can raise this piece, then you can relax a lot. It's all good for you.    


Seeing Wang Yaxuan's persistence, Huang Xing couldn't refuse and could only nod in agreement. "Alright, I will find time to suggest it to Senior Boss Fu."    


Wang Yaxuan said: "Director Huang, you don't want to give me a cheque?"    


Huang Xing said, "If the cheque cannot be opened, Senior Boss Fu will have the final say." I'm just suggesting.    


Wang Yaxuan said: "Then let's talk about it. I'll wait for your good news." After that, I'll treat you to dinner every day.    


After saying that, Wang Yaxuan took the chopsticks and circled above the dishes for a while. Then, he picked up a piece of Mab Tofu and put it on Huang Xing's plate.    


In Huang Xing's eyes, her seemingly ordinary action was not ordinary at all. She had just finished saying that she was going to treat him to a meal every day. After that, she picked up a piece of Muppet Tofu for herself. What did that mean? Could it be that this was Wang Yaxuan's hidden message to him: "I can treat you to a meal, even if you want to eat my tofu …?"    


He was thinking too much. Huang Xing self-deprecatingly woke up from his imagination, picked up this piece of Mab Tofu and put it in his mouth, saying: It's a little too spicy.    


Wang Yaxuan also picked up his chopsticks and said as he ate, "No, I think it's just right."    


Huang Xing suddenly felt that the conversation between the two of them seemed to be hiding something.    


This time, Huang Xing didn't drink too much, but he went to the toilet several times in a row. After that, Huang Xing wanted to take a taxi back, but Wang Yaxuan insisted on driving. Huang Xing was worried that there would be trouble, so when the barbecue started, he stopped a taxi and returned to the district.    


… ….    


Two days later, on Saturday, Fu Jie brought Huang Xing and Li Rong to Li Cheng Talent Market.    


Of course, Fu Jie didn't come here to join in the fun with Huang Xing. Huang Xing and Li Rong took the lead while Fu Jie walked around the recruitment fair a few times. After greeting a few acquaintances, she returned to the booth and crossed her arms. She told Huang Xing that all the companies were in a hurry to recruit people. In this way, we will immediately change our recruitment information, with reserve cadres as the main, the trade attaché as an attachment. The pay and benefits range slightly larger, you can use 'no top'.    


It's too fake to hold on to people.    


Fu Jie frowned. Who said you can't hold on to people? Other companies to recruit reserve cadres, most of it is fake, but our Xin Fen company is fake? The year before, we had stored up a lot of talents. When the year ends, we will immediately expand the scale. I have already discussed it with the landlord for the entire fifth floor of our building. We will renovate it the year before and we will be able to use it after the year. I'm also preparing to take on a few new big stores and need a lot of management talent. It was close to the end of the year, and fewer people were looking for work. But it was also an opportunity. The target for today's recruitment was fifty people. If you can't recruit fifty people, then it's because of Chief of Staff's dereliction of duty.    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile. Fifty people? Boss Fu, you think too highly of me. Now, at the end of the year, how many people could there be at this job fair? Even if two hundred people had sent their résumés, it would have been a blessing to be able to filter out twenty employees.    


I don't care! He had to think of a way to overcome these difficulties and achieve his goals.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was daydreaming.    


But in reality, due to Fu Jie's arrival, the composition of today's job seekers had a very strange change. In the past, Job seekers faced Xin Fang Company mainly women. There were at least seven or eight girls in ten Job seekers. However, today, it was exceptionally heaven-defying. The ratio of men and women seeking employment had actually reached an astonishing 1: 1 ratio. Actually, anyone could tell what the men were thinking. With such a stunning beauty like Fu Jie at the job fair, even men who didn't want to interview her for any job would definitely not refuse to sit down and take a peek at her while she filled out the job registration.    


At around ten o'clock in the morning, a familiar figure appeared at the recruitment site, shuttling back and forth among the job-seekers. From time to time, he would sit down and consult with the employer.    


Huang Xing felt that the appearance of this person was very strange.    


What was going on?    




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