The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C306 Beautiful purchaser

C306 Beautiful purchaser

Seeing that Huang Xing couldn't remember anymore, Wu Qianqian took the chance to remind him: "About our reunion."    


Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened.    


When he thought back to a long time ago, Wu Qianqian had indeed entrusted him with a task, and that was to return to his hometown to arrange a student gathering. Although Wu Qianqian was famous in the province, she was scolded by people at his hometown. This was because when Wu Qianqian was a new host, she was indeed a little vain, unwilling to admit that she was born in a family. She was also unwilling to admit that she grew up in a village. Therefore, on many occasions, she avoided all topics related to her hometown, and in her own place, she invented a relatively resounding big city, Qingdao. This made many of her old friends and classmates at home extremely dissatisfied, blaming Wu Qianqian for making a name for herself by forgetting everything. Gradually, she started to distance herself from her. So much so that, during a reunion with Wu Qianqian, no one was actually willing to pay attention to her!    


Later, Wu Qianqian comprehended it and wanted to change her false impression of her family and friends in her hometown, but her previous methods were already deeply rooted and difficult to change.    


Huang Xing looked at Wu Qianqian a few times, and said: I didn't forget about that, I added in the group chat you gave me, but you never reminded me to gather the people, so you were the one who arranged it.    


Wu Qianqian slapped her own forehead: Blame me, blame me too. How about this? The date is set for New Year's Day this year.    


Huang Xing nodded: That will definitely not be a problem.    


Wu Qianqian gritted her teeth: I can't move my hands anymore! No matter how important something is, I must fulfill this wish!    


Huang Xing said: I support you.    


Wu Qianqian said: Thank you. Only you can help me like this.    


Huang Xing laughed, and did not say another word.    


Wu Qianqian looked at the time on her phone and said: I still have some things to take care of in the afternoon.    


See you tonight? Huang Xing was startled for a moment: Tonight, I'm afraid …    


Wu Qianqian emphasized: Didn't that country head say that we can sit together at night? Since I took someone else's benefit, it seems that I'll have to spend a bit more time and effort on it. This country was always born to be a merchant. They were willing to invest and spend their capital.    


Huang Xing laughed: Because you are famous, she also understands the importance of the celebrity effect.    


Wu Qianqian said: What famous person, just a name.    


Huang Xing said: When did you learn to be modest?    


Wu Qianqian frowned: Do you mean to say that I was not modest in the past?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I didn't say that. But, most likely, I really won't be able to go at night.    


Wu Qianqian said: If you can't go, then I won't go.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I do have something to do.    


Wu Qianqian said: If you don't go, then what's the point in me going? How about we have the country's CEO change the day.    


Huang Xing revealed a troubled face: "We'll see, maybe we'll go, maybe we won't be able to go." I'll try to schedule it.    


Wu Qianqian replied: Exactly! You're a busy man, but. But, as Einstein said, time is toothpaste.    


Huang Xing was flabbergasted. Einstein said that?    


Wu Qianqian giggled: Who said that is no longer important, the important thing is this sentence, it is a reminder to those who think that they are very busy all day.    


Huang Xing asked: For example, me?    


Wu Qianqian said: You seem to know your own limits.    


After joking around for a bit, Wu Qianqian quickly informed the others. Huang Xing sent her down the stairs and watched her drive off in her white Audi T.    


When he turned around to return to his office, there was someone standing across from him.    


Fu Jie!    


Huang Xing was instantly filled with regret, and couldn't help but pat his head, secretly complaining about his own recklessness.    


Logically speaking, since Wu Qianqian came to the Merchant Shop, she should have brought her to Fu Jie's place. After all, they were old acquaintances, and she had even helped Xin Feng a lot in the past.    


Fu Jie's face revealed an awkward expression, she crossed her arms as she looked outside, as though she already knew of Wu Qianqian's arrival and departure. Rather than asking the other party to denounce him for her crimes, it would be better to just confess it to him.    


Fu Jie replied with an "oh".    


Huang Xing shook his head and said: "I just happened to come here to buy something. She was going to call on you, but something urgent came up and she hurried off.    


Fu Jie said: A very busy person!    


Huang Xing agreed.    


He did not dare to look straight into Fu Jie's eyes, as he was worried that her sharp gaze would expose his lies.    


Fu Jie immediately followed: Right, there's something that I need you to do personally.    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Fu Jie said: Go and bring your carriage back! For the other people's cars, I can just let Xu Wenguang go and handle them. Just as previously decided, Audi A6 will do. Boss Yu has already agreed that we can settle all of these matters in the next two days.    


Although Huang Xing was happy in his heart, he still asked: If I were to go with the Audi, would it be a little … Too flamboyant?    


Fu Jie said: Why are you being so flamboyant? You are the general manager of the Xin Meng Plaza, a business with thousands of employees. Remember, the car is also the front of the mall, and also a symbol of one's identity.    


Huang Xing nodded: Then I'll … He really did mention it?    


Fu Jie said: Go to the finance department and take out the money. Tell the finance department to transfer the money to your bank card.    


Huang Xing probed: Do you need to find some acquaintances to give a discount on the price?    


Fu Jie said: I don't think that's necessary. The price of this kind of car was very transparent. Even if she were to find someone to buy it, she would have to save up for 12,000 or 28,000 yuan. Instead, she would have to make a huge favor out of it. You can look it up on the internet, consult the price, and then just bring it up. After fixing your previous Passat, I plan to directly become a manager level bus.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, then I'll try my best to drive it back in the afternoon.    


To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing was unable to suppress the excitement in his heart. He never would have thought that in his entire life, he would be able to get on such a high-end car like the Audi!    


Fu Jie seemed to have suddenly recalled something, and said: Oh right, the driver in the merchant house is not enough, it's all the work of a secretary's assistant. Looks like I'll have to hire a few full-time drivers. You can explain this to the Director Xu later so that he can get it done quickly.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I will explain in a while.    


Fu Jie turned around and walked away. From her footsteps, Huang Xing seemed to hear a kind of strange melody.    


Huang Xing returned to his office and organized his thoughts. Then, he got Tao Fei to call him over, and after explaining everything to him, he went to the treasury, and after settling the matters there, he went to the Audi 4S shop alone.    


The cars in the exhibition hall were all over the place. After Huang Xing observed for a while, a receptionist walked up and asked Huang Xing if he needed a staff member to introduce him.    


Huang Xing nodded, and the front desk clerk called a pretty female salesperson over.    


The saleswoman took the initiative to pass him a name card and introduced herself: "Hello, Sir. I am Fang Jingjing.    


Huang Xing glanced at the salesperson. She had a very temperament and was tall. Her features were delicate and pretty, and there was a small mole between her eyebrows, giving her a more vivid appearance.    


Huang Xing pointed to the Audi A6 in front of him.    


The saleswoman asked: Would you like to prepare the household or unit purchase?    


Perhaps he was just trying to be vain, Huang Xing said something against his own heart: Use it for yourself. 2.4 Amount, how many cars are there?    


The saleswoman laughed. You have such good eyes! With your temperament, choosing this A6L car is very suitable, low-key, high quality. 2.4 In terms of quantity, it can be divided into standard version, comfortable version, luxurious version and noble version. The price is different. However, I recommend that you buy a noble version with a high configuration that is more suitable for your car needs.    


Huang Xing asked: How much is the noble version?    


The naked car costs 529,000 yuan, the saleswoman said. And then there was the twenty thousand yuan discount.    


Huang Xing was stunned: So expensive?    


The saleswoman said: 2.4 is more of a discount! A6L, the price span is relatively large, 2.0 T, the lowest matching 300,000. 4.2 If the volume was high enough, it would need more than 850 thousand. Thus, the price of 2.4 was relatively lower and had sufficient motivation.    


Huang Xing was a little confused listening to it. If it was the same book, then why would the price be three times different just because of some small differences?    


He couldn't help but sigh emotionally.    


This was more like a woman. An ordinary woman might not attract much attention, but a woman who knew how to put on makeup was definitely worth more.    


Fang Jingjing saw that Huang Xing seemed to be deep in thought, and continued to ask: Then, which price do you want to consider?    


Huang Xing thought about it and asked: "Can I try to drive?"    


Fang Jingjing nodded her head: There are people trying to drive the carriage outside! Wait a moment, I'll get the key for you.    


A few minutes later, Fang Jingjing came back with a bunch of keys and brought Huang Xing out to the car park. Dozens, hundreds of brand-new Audi, lined up neatly, ready to go. This scene was indeed spectacular.    


Fang Jingjing stopped in front of the silver Audi A6 that was about to start driving and handed the key over to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing started the car and drove out.    


On the way, Fang Jingjing introduced the advantages and characteristics of this car in detail. Huang Xing couldn't wait to take the car and leave.    


But buying a car was like doing business. Huang Xing knew that he couldn't be anxious about the hot tofu, and felt that he should fight a price war with the 4S store. It would save him tens of thousands of dollars, and thousands of dollars.    


After driving back, Fang Jingjing and Huang Xing returned to the Exhibition Hall and sat down. Fang Jingjing poured a cup of water for Huang Xing. Then, he took out a promotional page and asked Huang Xing: Would you like to buy the entire car, or a loan?    


Huang Xing said: If I'm going to buy it, it's definitely worth the entire sum.    


Fang Jingjing was startled: "Then do you still have any concerns?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I have now looked at several brands of cars, such as BMW 5 Series, Mercedes-Benz E Class, and Cadillac … I'd like to make a comprehensive measurement before deciding which car to buy.    


Fang Jingjing said: Buying a car is a big matter, of course we have to be careful. But I feel that for a successful person like you, it's better to choose a Audi. Quiet and reserved. Like BMW Mercedes-Benz, most of them are the first choice for upstarts … Don't forget, they are using the Audi as their official vehicle. If it doesn't have high quality, they definitely won't choose. So I think you should think about it.    


Huang Xing stood up and said: Let's wait and see first, I'll go to the other side to take a look at the BMW.    


Fang Jingjing's face changed slightly, but she still smiled: Then, go ahead and take a look, I will wait for your return.    


Her voice was so coquettish! Huang Xing almost got goosebumps.    


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