The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Fu Jie's sentence of revenge was a brilliant summary of the events that had occurred in the past.    


First, Fu Jie brought Bao Shijie home in the evening, was seen by Huang Xing, the next day, Huang Xing immediately brought wonton shop female boss home.    


If this wasn't revenge, then what was it?    


In a nutshell, this time Huang Xing pleaded for Ran Ran, which was out of Fu Jie's expectation. Before this, Ran Ran had offended Huang Xing several times. According to normal logic, how could Huang Xing plead on her behalf? But in fact, Huang Xing did. This way, it would be easy for Fu Jie to realize that he was trying to capture her.    


Facing Fu Jie's questioning, Huang Xing was a little angry, but he had to accept Fu Jie's judgment. Even though, as far as this matter was concerned, he did not have any selfish thoughts.    


Wu Tie said, "If there is a hatred, there must be a revenge. It depends on what kind of hatred you have." The hatred of a nation must be avenged. However, I don't have much hatred towards Ran Ran because I can tell that she is indeed very loyal to you.    


Fu Jie took a deep breath and said, I'm sorry, I can't do it. You asked me to change my decision. Wouldn't that be asking me to slap myself in the face?    


Huang Xing said: "I just suggest that you decide."    


Fu Jie's brows revealed a hint of confusion and doubt. She immediately changed the topic and said, "Supervisor will be here soon. Why don't you go back and make some preparations?"    


Huang Xing said: "What is there to prepare, just do it. As long as it's normal to welcome you."    


Fu Jie choked to the point that she was speechless.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to leave, Fu Jie suddenly called out to him.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing with a special expression. She thought for a while and then said softly, like a mosquito, "Don't you feel my sincerity?" Why are you giving me such a difficult problem? Do you want me to take back my sincerity?    


Huang Xing was suddenly stunned!    


What do you mean?    


Under the detailed article, Huang Xing suddenly realized.    


It seems that Fu Jie was indeed the one who fired Ran Ran. In this period of time, the two of them had been constantly shivering. There were many contradictions between them, and neither of them was willing to give up. Yesterday at Yu Mengqin's place, maybe it was because Fu Jie suddenly realized something, so she made the difficult decision to fire Ran Ran as a show of goodwill towards Huang Xing.    


Most of the time, for the sake of achieving their own goals, the leaders would sacrifice their own subordinates' interests.    


Facing Fu Jie's words, Huang Xing said ambiguously: "I'm also very sincere."    


But he immediately realized that Fu Jie might take this sentence to mean that he was very sincere in preserving Ran Ran, so he quickly added: "I have always been honest with you."    


Fu Jie slightly parted her lips, but was unable to say anything.    


Huang Xing walked out of the office and felt a bit more at ease. Perhaps he had already realized that the relationship between the two of them might be progressing in a favorable direction.    


Would there be a turning point?    


He returned to his office and sipped a cup of tea. What he tasted was the bitterness and bitterness of his relationship with Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing did not expect Ran Ran to knock on the office door.    


Tao Fei couldn't stop him, so Ran Ran barged in aggressively.    


Standing in front of Huang Xing, Ran Ran's face bloomed with endless grievance. She seemed to be waiting for a reply, waiting for an answer.    


Huang Xing shook his head apologetically.    


Ran Ran seemed to have realized something, and a sense of loss appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You really did your best?"    


Huang Xing nodded. "Think it through, Ran Ran. Perhaps this is not the end for you, but a brand-new beginning." I'm sure you'll find a better job for yourself.    


Ran Ran's eyes lit up: "Yes, you, are you speaking the truth?"    


We'll see how you understand it, Huang Xing said. In a person's lifetime, there was a high chance that they would be disappointed. Every setback they faced also held a chance. Seize the opportunity and step on the frustration, that is what you need to do the most. You're young, you're smart, you can do it.    


Ran Ran said, "Then I believe you. I hope what you said is true."    


Huang Xing wanted to say, is it true or not, what's the point? However, from the bottom of his heart, he did not hold any grudges against Ran Ran. He truly hoped for her good.    


Then, Ran Ran left slowly. The moment he walked out of the door, she suddenly turned around and said to Huang Xing, "I'm sorry."    


Huang Xing understood the meaning behind this apology.    


She may have really regretted it. As the saying goes, the bird will die, its cry will mourn, and the man will leave, and its words will be good. Ran Ran wasn't that kind of incurable bad girl. She was just too loyal to her master, and did not hesitate to offend anyone for her master. But she ignored too many workplace taboos, and at the cost of offending her leaders, she took on risks she could not imagine. So much so that her master treated her as a bargaining chip.    


Ran Ran left.    


Huang Xing really wanted to send her off, but he didn't.    


Tao Fei, who was quite sensitive, seemed to sense an inexplicable desolation. She walked in front of Huang Xing and said thoughtfully: "Why is it that when she left, there was still a little bit of unhappiness in her heart."    


What she lacks is experience, Huang Xing said. I believe she will change slowly.    


Actually, if you think about it carefully, Ran Ran might just be confused for a moment. She took up her position before me, and took good care of me when I first arrived. That's right, that's right!    


Even when the two forces are at loggerheads, she stands against us. She was a very obvious and determined person, loyal to her master. However, with this kind of simple loyalty, it was hard for her to make a breakthrough in her career. But I still feel, for Boss Fu, she is a very competent secretary.    


Tao Fei nodded, vaguely understanding. Maybe.    


But she immediately seemed to realize something. She tilted her pretty head and asked Huang Xing: "Then I call it incompetent?"    


Huang Xing countered, "What do you think?"    


Tao Fei pouted and said, "I think I still need to work hard!"    


Huang Xing smiled and didn't say anything else.    


Half an hour later, the so called Supervisor still hadn't arrived.    


Fu Jie brought Huang Xing to the entrance of the mall and waited anxiously.    


To be exact, the way Fu Jie was frowning was heartbreaking. She was too tired and too enterprising to rest for the construction of the mall.    


Bao Shijie had rushed over after hearing the news. He stood beside Fu Jie and said, "Boss Fu, why don't you go up and wait. I'll be watching from below."    


Are you staring? Fu Jie frowned. "When Supervisor arrives, I will quickly arrange for you to take over the job and start implementing our plan."    


Bao Shijie was silent for a moment. "But why do I feel like I've already entered the job?"    


Fu Jie said: You have spent a lot of time for the company these days. Don't worry. But then I have to go through a procedure. Okay, soon. There's been a lot of brainstorming lately, and I'm running out of brains.    


Bao Shijie said: "The biggest dilemma you are facing right now is that no one will share the burden for you. You will be the one to take control of the situation. Of course, it is very tiring."    


Hearing this, Huang Xing really wanted to slap him a few times!    


On the surface, Bao Shijie's words seemed to be praising Fu Jie, perhaps it was flattery. But there was another obvious signal, and that was that the general manager was weak.    


Fu Jie glanced at Huang Xing and corrected him, "You can't say that. Actually, Boss Huang tried his best. He works harder than me."    


Huang Xing felt a surge of warmth in his heart.    


Bao Shijie's expression changed slightly, but he had to agree: "Yes, yes, Boss Huang also worked hard."    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: "Mr. Bao, thank you for your advice and help to the building. Mr. Bao thought for a moment, then said: Mr. Bao, thank you for your advice and help to the building.    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment, as was Bao Shijie.    


It was obvious that Huang Xing was sending a guest away.    


Bao Shijie glanced at Fu Jie embarrassedly, as if asking for help.    


Fu Jie bit her lips and said, That's good. I'm sorry Mr. Bao, I didn't consider all this. Luckily, it was Boss Huang who reminded me of this. You've been busy these past few days, so you haven't had the time to rest every day. How about this, today, tomorrow.    


Bao Shijie saw that Fu Jie also agreed with Huang Xing, it was already impossible for them to continue fighting, so he 'stopped after seeing the good news' and said: "Then I, then I won't be polite. Honestly speaking, I've been working on the plan and feasibility report for the past few days, my brain and physical strength are indeed a bit overtaxed." In order to do a better job, I'll go home and rest for two days. When Boss Fu needs me, I'll show up immediately.    


Fu Jie nodded. I'll get Assistant Yun to drive you.    


No need, Bao Shijie said. I'll just take a taxi. I live very close to home.    


After Bao Shijie had left with regretful footsteps, Fu Jie turned around and said to Huang Xing, "It seems that you are still very hostile towards him."    


Of course, Huang Xing admitted this. The last time he saw Fu Jie bring Bao Shijie home, it was already destined to be an indisputable fact. But Huang Xing still pretended to be confused and said, No, no?    


Fu Jie said, Not even that?    


Huang Xing smiled. You know, I've always been kind to people.    


Fu Jie said to Huang Xing: You mean, you are scolding Bao Shijie is not a human?    


Huang Xing said with a scowl, "You're thinking too much, Boss Fu."    


"Bao Shijie is a capable person, and I hope you can support him," Fu Jie stressed.    


A capable person? Huang Xing cursed in his heart a thousand times, someone who can kiss ass is more like it! However, it wasn't convenient for him to say such words. Huang Xing was very depressed: "Support, we have to support."    


Once Bao Shijie's plan is implemented, Fu Jie said, I believe that the business district will have a big change in its performance and that its performance will be increased by a lot, perhaps even by multiple times.    


I don't think so. I always thought that what he did was to kill the chicken to get the egg.    


Fu Jie's eyes shone with confidence. Then, should we make a bet?    


Huang Xing asked, How do I fight?    


Fu Jie blinked rapidly a few times and then said, Not yet. I'll tell you when I'm done.    


Huang Xing said, "If you want to gamble, then gamble. I'll accompany you to the end.    


Just as he finished, he suddenly saw a red BMW sports car in front of him. Under the command of Collector, it stopped.    


Could it be that Supervisor, who was sent by Yu Mengqin, had arrived?    


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