The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing coughed lightly to hide the shock he felt in his heart: Fu Jie, you shouldn't have done that.    


Fu Jie pulled Huang Xing's arm and said, "I know, of course I know!" But many things. Forgive me Huang Xing, I promise I will never suspect you again. Actually, I don't suspect you. It's just that … She was making too much of a fuss. Now can you tell me what she did to you tonight?    


Of course, it wasn't convenient for Huang Xing to say the truth, so he replied in a perfunctory manner: "All kinds of methods."    


Then he changed the subject and said, Is her injury fake too?    


The injury is real, Fu Jie said. She only used the opportunity of her injuries to find out more truthfully whether you were loyal or not to me. She would rather make a wild flower to send to her door and see if you dare to pick it.    


Huang Xing said, It's a mess. Everything is a mess.    


Fu Jie shook his arm and said coquettishly, "Don't be angry, I've already confessed to you. Can you understand what I'm thinking?"    


Huang Xing said, "Is testing me important to you?"    


Fu Jie nodded deeply. Of course it's important! At least I know now that you're not the kind of person who likes to flirt. I'm relieved. I can unabashedly love you, love you, we manage the company together, together create a better future.    


However, Huang Xing didn't know how to continue.    


But what?    


Huang Xing sighed and said, "I'm not as noble as you think."    


Perhaps it was because of Wang Yaxuan's incident, Huang Xing felt that many things were about to happen.    


Especially the matter between him and Fu Zhenxin, he couldn't keep it a secret any longer. He had already had enough of this secret love affair of stepping on two boats. Rather than being in a panic, he might as well make things clear and let both sides have their own choices and considerations. Once they confessed, they might even lose Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin, two female confidants.    


But where to start?    


Huang Xing couldn't figure it out.    


Seeing Huang Xing hesitate, Fu Jie couldn't help but ask, "But what, to me, could it be …"    


Huang Xing sighed and stammered, "Of course I am sincere to you." However, before this, I made a huge mistake. I'm not as loyal as you think.    


Fu Jie laughed. Idiot. You were married once, I know that. It wasn't your fault, either.    


Not this, Huang Xingqiang said.    


What's that? asked Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing tried a few times, but still couldn't say anything.    


Fu Jie seemed to have realized something. She took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets, poured the wine and poured a cup for Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing drank it all in one gulp. With the help of alcohol, he mustered the courage that he had hidden in his heart for a long time.    


Today, he could be considered to be giving it his all.    


Regardless of the consequences, he could not continue to deceive her.    


After two bottles of red wine were consumed, Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing in a daze. Through his expression, Fu Jie felt an inexplicable sense of fear. What was he trying to say?    


Even though Huang Xing wasn't a hero, he was still a brave man.    


When Huang Xing was drinking his last glass of red wine, he finally mustered up his courage and said, "Fu Jie, I'm really not as good as you think." I know that once I tell you something, we may not even have friends or colleagues to do, but today, I have to say it. It was too painful to hold in. I was suffering from the pain in my heart all the time. Tonight, taking advantage of this opportunity, I will confess everything to you so that we can come to an early conclusion.    


Fu Jie's hand trembled a little, but she forced a smile and said, What are you talking about? It's so heavy.    


It's more serious than you think, Huang Xing said. Do you know Fu Jie? Actually, Fu Zhenxin and I …    


Even though Huang Xing didn't say the full text, Fu Jie had already read some of the truth from his eyes. She could not believe it, and was even more unwilling to believe it. The cup fell onto the tea table, and she almost incoherently asked, "Fu Zhenxin, my sister, what happened to you and Fu Zhenxin?"    


Huang Xing didn't know what to say, but he mustered up his courage and said, "We..." We talked for a while, and even now --    


Ah? Fu Jie was stunned. You mean … You and Fu Zhenxin are dating? When did you. What level have you reached?    


Huang Xing didn't say anything. It was not that he didn't want to say anything, he didn't know how to reply.    


Fu Jie's eyes widened as she asked fearfully, "You guys …" Have you. Been to bed?    


It took a lot of courage for her to ask this question.    


Huang Xing clenched his teeth and nodded slightly.    


Fu Jie suddenly felt that the world had turned dark. She looked back carefully at the fragments of the past, unable to believe it, unwilling to believe it. She felt that she was too stupid. Huang Xing was dating her own sister right under her nose, but she didn't notice at all. Ridiculous, ridiculous, pathetic. Blood kept dripping from Fu Jie's heart. She felt that the world was full of lies.    


She was going crazy.    


Fu Jie bit her lips hard. It actually broke her lips, causing blood to spill out.    


Huang Xing took a tissue from the box and wanted to help Fu Jie wipe it. Fu Jie waved her hand to stop him.    


Fu Jie's tears instantly moistened her cheeks. Fu Jie sobbed, "Why, why are you still being nice to me even though you were with my sister?" Why are you such a person?    


Huang Xing felt that there was no point in arguing.    


What else could he say?    


Fu Jie seemed to be in a state of disarray. Tears kept streaming down her face, blurring her eyes. Blind. I imagined everything too well.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to comfort her.    


Fu Jie suddenly waved her hand and said, "You can leave."    


Huang Xing stood up, but he felt that she didn't just want him to leave her home. She wanted him to leave Xinben Company, the district, everything about her.    


Back in his room, Huang Xing washed his face with cold water to clear his head. However, she was worried that Fu Jie wouldn't be able to bear it. She wanted to go over several times to check on the situation, but she couldn't muster up the courage.    


He had always wondered if he had been right or wrong when he had laid his cards on Fu Jie today.    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa and smoked one cigarette after another. The numerous imaginations made it difficult for him to calm down. In order to prevent Fu Jie from acting impulsively due to this stimulus, Huang Xing weighed the situation and called Fu Zhenxin, asking her to accompany him. Perhaps this way, the two sisters would be able to have a face-to-face conversation about this matter.    


Although it was a bit inappropriate to do so, Huang Xing still called Fu Zhenxin. Five minutes later, Fu Zhenxin went upstairs and pressed Fu Jie's doorbell.    


However, what welcomed her was a violent storm. After Fu Jie opened the door, she shouted at Fu Zhenxin, "Scram, all of you scram for me. Scram as far away as you can!"    


She was crazy.    


Huang Xing had been closely watching the movement of Fu Jie next door. Hearing her angry roar, he sighed helplessly.    


Perhaps, Fu Jie was truly unable to forgive herself.    


Then what should he do?    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing decided to leave.    


Leave everything about Fu Jie. Perhaps this was his only choice and the only way to appease Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin.    


After all, he no longer had any choice. If he stayed, it would only add more worries to Fu Jieping.    


Huang Xing left.    


With some regrets and some lingering feelings, he left Xin Edge Company and the Fu family's sisters.    


Everything in the past had turned into bubbles.    


Huang Xing had rented a house in Kuangshan District and wanted to find a job, but he felt that he was too weak to do so. In Xin Feng company, all the evil consequences were caused by him. If he had not been able to resist Fu Zhenxin's enticement, the current situation would have been completely changed.    


Three days later, Huang Xing suddenly received a call from Yu Mengqin.    


Huang Xing was thinking, if he went to Yu Mengqin, would it be a new turning point for him?    


He was very conflicted.    


Unexpectedly, Yu Mengqin seemed to know Huang Xing's current situation. She sent a driver to Huang Xing's residential area to pick him up.    


Huang Xing felt that it was time to have a good talk with Yu Mengqin.    


However, the driver didn't take Huang Xing to Yu Mengqin's office. Instead, he brought him to the 7th floor of Shuntian Tower, saying that someone inside was waiting for him. Huang Xing asked in confusion. Wasn't it Boss Yu? The driver shook his head.    


The driver told Huang Xing to wait, then knocked on the door and went in. After a while, the driver opened the door and said to Huang Xing, "Mr. Huang, you can come in now."    


Huang Xing entered the house and the driver left.    


In front of the window, there was a kind of beautiful and sexy back, but Huang Xing could tell that this person was not Yu Mengqin.    


However, it was an extremely familiar mark.    


Huang Xing was stunned, but he felt that his steps were firm.    


Was it her?    


How could it be her?    


When this familiar back turned around, Huang Xing was even more shocked.    


In front of him was a girl who could be said to be a beauty capable of toppling empires. She was not very old, but her attire was noble to the extreme.    


It was actually Ouyang Mengjiao!    


Ouyang Mengjiao tilted her pretty head and smiled. "What? You don't recognize me anymore?"    


Huang Xing said, "How could it be you?"    


Of course it's me, Ouyang Mengjiao said.    


Are you — are you the daughter of Yu Mengqin, Boss Yu?    


Congratulations, you got it right. Forgive me for not telling you.    


Huang Xing said, "But —"    


Ouyang Mengjiao interrupted him. Let me tell you slowly. Sit down first.    


Huang Xing sat down, feeling conflicted. He was unable to adapt to this dramatic change in a short period of time. Could it be that Yu Mengqin's favor towards him had something to do with Ouyang Mengjiao? With a lot of questions, Huang Xing asked: You've been back in Jinan for a long time, haven't you?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said, It's been a while. But I never knew what kind of state I should be in to meet you, to face you.    


Huang Xing asked again: "But I really don't understand, with such a high status, how could you become a clerk in Xinliang Company?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao poked her little nose. "Well, let me tell you slowly."    


Ouyang Mengjiao poured a cup of hot coffee for Huang Xing and scrutinized him. Her lips quivered slightly as she said, "Actually, everything I did was for you."    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "For me?" How could that be!    


Ouyang Mengjiao retorted, "What? You don't believe me?" Alright, then I'll slowly help you recover your memories. It's time to tell you the truth.    


Huang Xing was surprised: "Truth? What truth?"    




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