The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Fu Jie's arrival lit up the entire Sea Flowers's shopping mall. Almost everyone's eyes were focused on her. Male adoration, female jealousy. Even Zhao Xiaoran, who had met Fu Jie a few times before, changed her expression when she saw Fu Jie appear again. She felt that this woman was simply inhumane. She was actually so shockingly beautiful that no matter how beautiful a woman was, once she saw her, she would lose her confidence. Actually, Zhao Xiaoran had always been a very confident woman. Ever since she was young, she had been the focus of attention in the eyes of her family and the people around them. She had even thought that her beauty was comparable to that of Yang Yuhuan, and that she could be said to be one in a million. However, ever since she saw Fu Jie, the confidence she had vanished like smoke into thin air. She finally realized that her appearance was actually very ordinary.    


Fu Jie walked straight in front of Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing, inquiring about what was going on. Fu Zhenxin told the whole story in detail, and Fu Jie was also very surprised.    


Fu Jie turned to Zhao Xiaoran and said, "Manager Zhao, I think there must be some misunderstanding. My suggestion is to check the surveillance cameras."    


Zhao Xiaoran tilted her head and said arrogantly, "Misunderstanding?" Do you think it's a misunderstanding? Where did all these misunderstandings come from in this world?    


Fu Jie said: If you don't bring us to investigate, then I will call Sea Flowers and ask him to bring us to investigate. We must prove our innocence today. We can't afford the crime of stealing.    


Zhao Xiaoran snorted coldly, "Stealing when you can't afford it?"    


Fu Jie frowned. "It's still not completely proven that Fu Zhenxin took your ring, so don't pin the crime of stealing on her."    


Zhao Xiaoran said, Can't you prove it? Oh my god! Your company is so unreasonable. They already have witness and material evidence. You don't admit it even though the facts are right in front of you? I've already given you a chance. As long as you admit it yourself, I can let bygones be bygones. I can even help you to shoulder the matter, suppress it, and not poke your heads up. But you took my kindness for a donkey's liver and challenged my patience again and again. Alright, in that case, we'll call the police now. You know that the police are the ones who tell the truth, and there are plenty of ways to make you tell them the truth!    


As she spoke, she took out her cell phone and started dialing.    


Fu Jie said anxiously, "Manager Zhao, please calm down again. This matter has yet to reach the point of no return." My sister did not commit theft and was not afraid of police investigation. But this way, not only will it affect the work of your Sea Flowers, it will also affect the order of our company. We really don't have the time to waste on this.    


Zhao Xiaoran stopped dialing and stared at Fu Jie. Oh? You speak quite majestically, as if we have wronged you.    


At this moment, Director Sun suddenly walked out of the elevator and quickly arrived at the scene.    


Zhao Xiaoran briefly reported the current situation to Director Sun. Director Sun said: "Forget it, forget it. I believe Boss Fu is not that kind of person!" There's work. Let them go.    


Zhao Xiaoran felt confused and retorted, "Why should I, Director Sun?" The evidence is there, and you have to believe it. I really don't know when this Fu Zhenxin bought you, Director Sun, and made such a big mistake. You actually said forget about it, why are you so biased towards an outsider?    


Director Sun said angrily: "Enough! Enough!" Manager Zhao, don't push your luck. I have the final say in this matter!    


Zhao Xiaoran put on a straight face and said, "Okay, you make the decision." But I'll keep my personal opinion, and if necessary, maybe I'll report back to the higher-ups and let the leaders evaluate your handling of the matter, and see if there's anything unspeakable about it.    


Director Sun was thoroughly enraged and interrupted Zhao Xiaoran: "You shut up!" Do what you have to do, and don't embarrass yourself in front of me!    


Seeing the conflict between the two grow in intensity, Fu Jie, Fu Zhenxin, and Huang Xing were baffled as well. Especially Director Sun, his anger was a bit abnormal.    


Zhao Xiaoran stared at Director Sun with a wronged expression and cursed: "Aren't you just a lousy director? What are you trying to do!" Sun Zhentao, let me tell you, I, Zhao Xiaoran, am not afraid of you! Do you believe that I can make you lose your job with a single phone call?    


Director Sun waved his hand and pointed at Zhao Xiaoran as he said, "You hit me, I'll let you hit me!" Zhao Xiaoran, I want to tell you that I have already given you a lot of face. Don't you have a phone in your hand? Call now! Let me see whose job you are going to smash!    


On the spur of the moment, Zhao Xiaoran actually dialed a number.    


Waiting for the other side to answer, Zhao Xiaoran angrily stated Director Sun's large basket of crimes. The person she called was actually the second in command of the Sea Flowers company, Vice President Cheng. This Vice President Cheng was actually a fickle leader who liked to cheat and always coveted Zhao Xiaoran. Hearing Zhao Xiaoran impeach Director Sun, Vice President Cheng only said, "Come to my office."    


I'll go right now! Closing his phone, he glowered at Director Sun. "You just wait and see, Sun Zhentao!"    


As she turned to leave, Director Sun suddenly shouted at her: "Stop right there!"    


Zhao Xiaoran stopped and turned around. Why should I listen to you? Sun Zhentao, let me tell you, I am not afraid of you if others are afraid of you! I have a bunch of your cards in my hands, so you just have to pack your stuff and get out of here!    


Director Sun raised his voice: "The one who deserves to get lost is you!" Zhao Xiaoran, I've already given you a chance, but you don't want it. Alright, then don't blame me for being heartless!    


Zhao Xiaoran sneered, "What do you want?" You still want to hit me?    


Director Sun said, I don't mind hitting you, but I don't have the time to do so. However, there was one thing that was more satisfying than slapping your face!    


Zhao Xiaoran was stunned for a moment. She turned around, walked up to Director Sun and asked provocatively, "What's going on?" Then I'll have to listen carefully! But as far as I'm concerned, this is nonsense!    


Fu Zhenxin saw that the flames of war between the two were only getting hotter and hotter, so she folded her arms and watched the fight from the sidelines. The matter that she could not explain herself was thrown far away. Fu Jie wanted to go up and try to persuade her, but she was stopped by Fu Zhenxin's hand. Fu Zhenxin said, "Sis, why should we stop such a brilliant civil war?"    


Fu Jie said anxiously, If they keep arguing like this, you won't have time to deal with your matters. I had to catch a plane in the afternoon, so I didn't have time to watch them argue.    


Then Huang Xing added, Let them argue. They might wake up after a while. I think what we have to do now is check the surveillance. Boss Fu, why don't we get someone to investigate it for us?    


Fu Jie nodded her head: "Alright, I'll call Sea Flowers right away."    


However, before he could dial the number, Director Sun suddenly exclaimed, "Zhao Xiaoran, do you really think that no one can see your framing trick?"    


With that said, everyone was stunned.    


Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin looked at each other. They were clueless about what was going on, but they had a vague feeling that something was going on.    


Zhao Xiaoran's face turned red the moment she heard that. She frowned and asked, "Director Sun, what do you mean by this?"    


What do you mean? Director Sun harrumphed. He turned around and looked at Fu Zhenxin, and continued, Initially, I did not want to tell you the truth, considering Sea Flowers's reputation. But since you've forced me to do it again and again, I'm going to throw caution to the wind today! What I want to tell everyone is that the ring in Boss Fu's pocket was actually planted by Zhao Xiaoran. She had secretly put the ring in Boss Fu's pocket!    




Fu Zhenxin was greatly shocked.    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie glanced at each other. Fu Jie muttered to herself, "What's going on?"    


Zhao Xiaoran's face had turned pale. She looked around in panic and even gave Director Sun a look.    


But Director Sun did not take advantage of her. He went on: Zhao Xiaoran, you are a cruel person. In order to understand his whims, he had actually ignored the Sea Flowers's image and reputation, ignored his own conscience, and framed Xinben Company's Boss Fu! However, there were no airtight walls. Just a few minutes ago, a duty officer from the control room called me, saying that on the surveillance screen number 12, he saw plainclothes security and Li Chungang stuffing a small item into a woman's pocket while she was distracted. I thought it was a big deal, so I went to the control room myself and played the video back. I found out that Li Chungang had slipped a diamond ring into Liu's pocket. I thought it was weird, but then someone came into my office and reported that you were down there and caught stealing a ring. I told him to quietly call Li Chuncheng up. Li Chuncheng realized his mistake, admitted the fact that he stuffed a ring in Boss Fu's pocket, and told me the mastermind behind this. The mastermind was you, Zhao Xiaoran!    


Zhao Xiaoran didn't dare to raise her head. She stealthily turned her head and glanced to the side, only to find that Li Chuncheng had indeed disappeared. Seeing that the matter was exposed, Zhao Xiaoran couldn't help but frown. She struggled to argue back, "Do you still believe in Li Chuncheng's words?"    


Director Sun countered, "Why don't I believe it?" In Sea Flowers, the only person who has such a motive is you, Zhao Xiaoran! Do you think I can't tell that you and Boss Fu are having a verbal battle in my office? Zhao Xiaoran, you're really petty. You're simply going all out to take revenge for me! Your plot, it's enough to constitute a crime of framing someone, it's not excessive to squat down like that!    


Hearing this conversation, the Fu sisters were both surprised and emotional at the same time. The truth had finally been revealed to the world, but Fu Zhenxin could not calm down no matter how hard she tried. As the saying goes, it is easy to dodge when the spear is pointed, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. If Security officer, who was in the control room, hadn't been responsible enough to see this scene and promptly report the situation to Director Sun, he would have been in serious trouble!    


At this moment, Zhao Xiaoran had completely collapsed. She froze on the spot, unable to say a word.    


For some unknown reason, ever since Zhao Xiaoran had left him, Huang Xing felt that she had become more and more unfamiliar. Especially what she did today, it made Huang Xing extremely disgusted. That deep love, because of her repeated indulgence, repeated provocations, gradually in the body chemical change, into a deep hatred.    




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