The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing wanted to say to Zhao Xiaoran, "You are so despicable." However, after thinking about it again and again, he still couldn't say it out loud. He felt that Zhao Xiaoran had already received her retribution, so there was no need to add fuel to the fire.    


Zhao Xiaoran's face turned red and her tone softened. She wanted to defend herself, so she held Director Sun's arm and said, "Director Sun, don't misunderstand. Actually, I was only joking with Boss Fu. I was joking with him!"    


By then, Fu Zhenxin had regained the initiative and was questioning Zhao Xiaoran, "Are you kidding me?" Is there such a joke? [It is fortunate that Director Sun was very observant today. Otherwise, wouldn't I be a real thief?]    


I, I didn't mean it that way. I really didn't mean it that way. At most, I just wanted to scare you, but I didn't really want to … When I was in Director Sun's office, I was filled with anger, so I wanted to take revenge on Fu Zhenxin. To think that he would use such a method...    


She was beginning to speak incoherently!    


Director Sun stared at Zhao Xiaoran and said, "Since this matter has already been made public, I will immediately report it to the public. You, your security accomplice, and this clerk will all be investigated!" Prepare yourselves!    


Zhao Xiaoran pleaded, "Director Sun, don't report it. I was wrong. I was really wrong!" Can't you just treat it as a joke?    


When the clerk saw this scene, she was scared to death. She quickly went up to Director Sun and explained: Director Sun, this is all because of Manager Zhao. She's the manager of Chamber of Commerce, how could I not listen to her … …    


This was a moment of crisis.    


Director Sun, on behalf of the Sea Flowers, apologized to Fu Zhenxin and said that he would deal with the client strictly. Fu Zhenxin felt aggrieved in her heart. She wanted to hear what Director Sun would do with it, but Fu Jie urged Fu Zhenxin to go back to the company.    


On the way back to the company, Fu Zhenxin complained as she drove. She wanted nothing more than to tear Zhao Xiaoran into pieces! Huang Xing remained silent on the side.    


Xin Edge Company, they returned to their respective offices.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to sit down, Fu Jie suddenly turned back and shouted at the Deputy CEO's office: Director Huang, come here!    


Huang Xing walked out of the office and faced Fu Jie. I'm going to the airport, Fu Jie said. Come with me and I'll show you something.    


Fu Jie turned around and walked back to her office.    


Huang Xing followed closely behind. However, when Fu Jie pushed the door open and entered, due to Huang Xing's big step, he stepped on Fu Jie's heels.    


Fu Jie whispered, "Aiyo!" as she turned her head to look at Huang Xing. I'm sorry, Boss Fu, I'm --    


Fu Jie said awkwardly. It doesn't matter. In the future, don't be so close to others!    


Huang Xing nodded again and again, and then went silent: "I just want to follow Boss Fu's footsteps and take big strides forward!"    


Fu Jie smiled but didn't say anything else.    


In front of the computer, Fu Jie asked Huang Xing to sit down while she stood at the side. One of her hands operated the mouse and opened a folder.    


Fu Jie told Huang Xing that it was a concept of the Shenzhen side of the engineers, the mobile phone effect diagram.    


Opening it, there were a total of four blueprints for the phone, one of them was a Porsche style cell phone, it was very vivid; one was a jewelry box type phone, from the outside, it was just a small jewelry box, but after opening it, it was an exquisite and small phone, one was a watch style, divided into male and female style, it did not have much difference in appearance compared to the electronic watches in the market; the other was a lighter style …    


Fu Jie flipped through the pages as she explained: These are only sketches sent by the engineer, who is still in the process of making further modifications and refinements. What do you think of these sketches?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and said: "Not bad, not bad at all!" But I don't think we need to start with so many models, just one or both, and that's enough.    


Haven't you heard a word? Not enough, not enough to make money. The more styles, the more able to adapt to the eyes and needs of more consumers.    


But we also have to consider the cost aspect! Adding a model meant that the cost would be very high.    


"You don't have to worry about the cost," said Fu Jie. "We already have a way to finance it. I have a friend on Shun Jing Street who agreed to invest three million." And my three houses, that car, all can go to the bank and get a mortgage.    


Huang Xing was stunned. He thought Fu Jie had gone crazy. In order to make the concept phone, she had bet her life!    


This kind of extravagance was due to some unintentional talk. For a moment, Huang Xing felt a lot of pressure. If the New Concept Mobile Phone's investment and returns were not good, and they even lost everything, then he would be the biggest sinner of Xin Feng.    


Boss Fu, you don't have to put in that much effort, do you? We have to think of a way out.    


Fu Jie said, "Retreat?" The opportunity was fleeting, and I took it. Even if I failed, I would not complain. But if I don't, I won't be able to rest at ease for the rest of my life.    


Huang Xing said, "You're too ambitious in your career, but..."    


Fu Jie said, "Alright, Director Huang, stop trying to persuade me." Don't tell anyone in the company about this matter. Currently, only the three of us know about it.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Fu Jie closed the computer pages one by one and said, I have to get to the airport. I'll let you know in time if there's any progress over there.    


Huang Xing stood up. He was only a dozen centimeters away from Fu Jie's body. He felt Fu Jie's body exude an indescribable feminine aura that made people dare not look at her too closely. Many of the proud sons of the business world were ashamed of Fu Jie's boldness in the business world.    


Fu Jie simply tidied up the table, picked up a thick name card and started walking out. Huang Xing didn't know why, but he couldn't help but follow her and sent her downstairs.    


Watching Fu Jie get on the car, Fu Jie opened a window, waved to Huang Xing and said, "Go back, I'll leave the company to you for the next few days!"    


Huang Xing nodded and waved back. He watched as Fu Jie drove the car onto the highway.    


The car sped up on the road and soon disappeared from sight. Huang Xing stood where he was, deep in thought. He felt that every time Fu Jie left, she would take a part of his soul with her. Whether it was a kind of attachment or a strong feeling of nostalgia.    


Huang Xing was about to go back downstairs, but he saw a QQ on the road, which was madly honking at him. Huang Xing took a closer look and saw that it was Li Rong's car.    


Today was the day that Li Rong and Chu Yinan entered the service.    


Li Rong stopped the car and got out. At this moment, Huang Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.    


Li Rong was dressed quite grandly today. Serenity, to be exact. She was dressed in a black business suit. Her simple and beautiful hair was tied into a lively ponytail, swaying from side to side as she walked. The bright shirt's triangular collar had been flipped over outside the coat, making him look clean and tidy. She wore a pair of thick-heeled woman's shoes with curved heels and a sexy look.    


Liu Yi Wei —    


Li Rong called out and quickened her steps to welcome him.    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "You're here. You're quite active."    


Li Rong tilted her pretty little head and said, "Of course, I have to be active at work!" The main thing is, I want to see you actively.    


Huang Xing said, "What's so good about me? It's not like you haven't seen it before."    


Li Rong glanced around and asked, "Right, Director Huang, has Chu Yinan come over yet?"    


Not yet, Huang Xing said.    


Li Rong nodded. That's good, that's good. It seems that I am more active than her today!    


Huang Xing said, let's go upstairs, I'll help you with the admission procedures first.    


Li Rong said, "Alright."    


Huang Xing brought Li Rong upstairs and into the office.    


Li Rong pulled a stool and sat opposite Huang Xing's desk. Huang Xing found a registration form and a trial contract. He said to Li Rong, "Sign the agreement first and fill in the registration." By the way, have you brought a photo?    


I did, Li Rong said. Ye Zichen took out a small paper bag from his bag, then took out a photo and handed it to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing looked at it and said, "Okay, fill in what needs to be filled in and post the photo. Then, I will bring you to familiarize with the company environment."    


Li Rong asked, Where do I work?    


Upstairs, there's a separate office.    


Li Rong was taken aback, her eyes shining brightly. What? Do I have a separate office?    


After Li Rong was done with the paperwork, Huang Xing took her around the working rooms and gave her a basic explanation of the company's situation. Then he brought her to the office that had just been sorted out upstairs.    


Li Rong entered the office and put her bag on the desk. She smiled and said, "It looks empty. It looks like a new one, doesn't it, Director Huang?"    


It was a newly vacated office. You'll be working here from now on. I'll call you if I need anything. I'll figure out a way to get you some more decorative stuff to hang on the wall, a few pots of flowers in the window. Your main job this afternoon is to take a look at the system and scope of business of the company and get to know it better.    


Li Rong sat down at a desk, adjusted the height of the swivel chair, stood up and smiled. "Thank you, Director Huang!" But I think I'm your assistant. I should be with you!    


Huang Xing didn't know the subtext behind her words and changed the subject. "Right, after a while, you will go out with me to make a display board for recruitment. The day after tomorrow, we will go to the job fair."    


Li Rong's face lit up. Going to a job fair? Good, good! In the past, it was someone else who hired me. But now, I finally had the opportunity to hire someone else.    


Huang Xing said: "In a while, you will go to my office to retrieve the content and recruitment position on the display board." This time, I intend to make the exhibition board more flexible. It's best to write down all the recruitment positions involved. Mark out whatever you want to recruit so that I don't have to change the display board every day.    


I've taught myself some advertising design before, and I can help design the page, Wu said with a laugh.    


That's better, Huang Xing said.    


Just as they were about to leave the office, Li Rong suddenly grabbed Huang Xing's arm at the door.    


Huang Xing was shocked and quickly shook his hand. "First, you should familiarize yourself with the system here. When we leave later, I will come up to get you."    


Li Rong grabbed Huang Xing's hand again and caressed the back of it. "There are no outsiders here, so why are you so nervous?"    


Huang Xing thought to himself, you've already achieved your goal, why do you need to use a beauty trap? But on the surface, she said: No one wants to be like that. Li Rong, no no no, from now on, you are Assistant Li.    


Li Rong snorted coldly, "Pretend to be serious. How did you treat him that day?"    




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