The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin were disturbed by the strange incident. What was even more serious was that many customers had already gathered at Sea Flowers to see what was happening.    


However, Fu Zhenxin could not understand why that ring would enter her pocket for no reason at all. Could it be that ghosts really exist in this world? Huang Xing suggested to Fu Zhenxin in a soft voice, why don't we go with them to the Security Department, there were too many people here. Fu Zhenxinyi was adamant. If he didn't go, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting it?    


Wu said he should call Director Sun first and stabilize the situation first.    


Fu Zhenxin said she was not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if she didn't do something shameful. I want to see if they dare to condemn me!    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't you think about it a little more." What's more, he wasn't sure if this ring was from a shopping mall or not. Maybe it's yours, or maybe it's Senior Boss Fu's. Did you accidentally put it in your pocket?    


Upon hearing those words, Fu Zhenxin seemed to have found an opening and tried hard to recall her memories. However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find any memories with regards to the ring. Helpless, Fu Zhenxin tried to give it a try and called her sister Fu Jie to ask if she had accidentally put a ring in her pocket.    


The answer was no.    


This breakthrough had been completely rejected, but other than that, what other possibility was there?    


Huang Xing suggested to the two of them to confirm whether this ring belonged to the mall or not. If it didn't, then it could indirectly prove the innocence of Fu Zhenxin and himself.    


plainclothes security Jia thought it was funny and sneered: "You guys are too hard to deal with. You can just admit to it. Doing all this useless work will only make your act of stealing more reliable and more serious."    


Fu Zhenxin scolded, "Cut the crap!" Now call down the clerk on the second floor for confirmation.    


I can help you! However, to put it bluntly, if the guide had confirmed that the ring truly belonged to the Sea Flowers, then you must admit that it was stolen.    


Fu Zhenxin had him on the line: What if he wasn't?    


If not, then my teammates and I will sincerely apologize to you!    


Fu Zhenxin frowned and said, "Just an apology is enough?" It's not that easy! This is a grave violation of our human rights and our laws, and constitutes a double crime of slander and framing. I will give your Sea Flowers an explanation, and ask your leaders to personally explain this matter!    


plainclothes security said: "Yes!" No problem!    


After a short while, female shop assistant, who was in the jewelry area, came down from the second floor.    


As female shopping guide carefully examined the ring, everyone's heart tightened. Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin both held their breaths, feeling exceptionally depressed.    


At this time, Business Manager and Zhao Xiaoran also rushed to the scene with a registration book in their hands.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked plainclothes security what happened. Security B recounted everything that had happened. When Zhao Xiaoran heard this, she stared at Fu Zhenxin and said sarcastically, "Ah ha ha, I can't believe that the dignified Boss Fu is actually a thief!" You look like you're dressed in silver and gold, all stolen, right? But you're underestimating our store's security capabilities. Let me tell you, these two plainclothes men are retired commandos, and their eyes are bright.    


Fu Zhenxin said anxiously, "Zhao Xiaoran, don't slander us!" Things haven't been confirmed yet, so don't just stand around and blame them!    


Zhao Xiaoran snorted coldly. I'll see whether or not I take off my hat! Little Yan'er, quickly tell them, is this ring a product of the Sea Flowers?    


The clerk, known as Little Yan'er, nodded repeatedly. I'm sure this ring belongs to our department!    


Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing immediately collapsed when they heard that!    


It really was the female soldiers taking a breather.    


Zhao Xiaoran bluffed and asked, "You dare to be sure, is this ring really yours?"    


female shop assistant nodded his head deeply. One hundred percent! Who doesn't believe that I can go up and get another one? Compare it and see if it's the same.    


For a time, the surrounding crowd began to boil with excitement, and all kinds of discussions could be heard. Some said that a seemingly beautiful girl was actually a thief, which was really unbelievable. Some said that with so many security guards and surveillance in the Sea Flowers, the thieves who dared to come here to steal things were really brave, and some even said that they should be sent to the Public Security Bureau to be taught a good lesson.    


Huang Xing had a feeling of 'not responding every day' and 'not responding very quickly'. The witness and evidence were all there. Now, he and Fu Zhenxin were at a loss for words. Fu Zhenxin's lips were trembling as she stared at this mysterious and strange diamond ring. She wanted to trample on it and smash it to pieces! She couldn't understand how she had suddenly become a thief.    


Zhao Xiaoran began to disperse the crowd and advised everyone not to watch, saying that Sea Flowers would handle this matter impartially. Under her persuasion, the surrounding customers gradually dispersed.    


Seeing that everyone had evacuated, Zhao Xiaoran crossed her arms and arrogantly asked Fu Zhenxin: "Boss Fu, what else do you have to say?" Do you need me to plead on your behalf and keep this a secret so that it won't ruin your reputation?    


Fu Zhenxinyang's face turned red: What do you want me to say to make me admit that I stole the ring?    


Is there any other possibility? Boss Fu, you are also a reputable person. The longer you continue to work like this, the more people will know about you. Although we have not interacted much with each other, but you and the Sea Flowers still have a cooperative relationship. Based on this, we can be considered partners. I don't want you to lose your reputation. I advise you to admit it, and I assure you that this will end here, as if nothing had happened. Of course, you can also think that I'm giving Huang Xing face. After all, we're old acquaintances, don't you think, Chairman Huang?    


Huang Xing saw that Zhao Xiaoran was looking at him with a schadenfreude expression. He was annoyed, but he didn't know how to reply. He replied harshly, "Who knows you? Zhao Xiaoran, I don't know you at all!"    


Zhao Xiaoran pretended to be surprised, shrugged her shoulders and said, Don't know me, only this one, right?    


She pointed at the diamond ring on the clerk's hand and mocked.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but scold: "Shut up!" Let me tell you, this ring has nothing to do with Fu Zhenxin and me! We have no idea how it could.    


Zhao Xiaoran interrupted him. You're still being stubborn! Could it be that you want to learn from Kong Yi, telling everyone, this is taking, not stealing. If rich people steal, can they steal? Haha, I've finally experienced it today. Your Xin Edge Company truly has hidden talents. Deputy General Manager and Chief of Staff have personally become great bandits. I'm afraid that the businesses of your Xin Feng company are also accumulated in this way, no?    


Huang Xing said angrily: "Zhao Xiaoran, stop bullshitting!" Don't involve Xin Feng company all the time!    


Zhao Xiaoran sneered, "You?" What's there to be afraid of? A security guard turned into Chief of Staff with a shake of his body. This was truly sitting on a rocket climbing! Today, did you become a thief again?    


Fu Zhenxin was at a loss. She almost bit a bloody hole in her lip. In the face of ironclad evidence, any excuse would be futile, and the result would be the opposite. Putting aside these questions, what did he have to do to clear himself of the crime of stealing?    


This strange occurrence caused many people to be puzzled.    


Huang Xing thought about the whole process and felt that there was something fishy about it. He turned his head and saw a monitor monitor on the wall that was partially hidden. He was suddenly enlightened!    


There was a way!    


Huang Xing said to Fu Zhenxin in surprise.    


Huang Xing was inspired by the monitor. He thought that if he wanted to prove his innocence, he could check the surveillance footage of the two of them in the Gold and Silver Jewelry area.    


Fu Zhenxin applauded and immediately expressed her approval to Zhao Xiaoran. She then accompanied her to the control room to check out the surveillance cameras. It was obvious whether it was real or fake.    


However, Zhao Xiaoran blocked him completely, saying angrily: "You think that outsiders can casually enter the Sea Flowers's control room?" That was the security center of Sea Flowers. Letting a person who had committed theft into the control room, what was the difference between this and luring a wolf into the room?    


Fu Zhenxin was so angry that her face turned pale. Then what do you want to do?    


As an old friend, I can give you a way out. As long as you personally admit that you took this ring, I can personally make the decision to release you. A moment of greed was something that could be forgiven. But if you refuse to admit it, then we'll drag the whole thing out.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. "I didn't steal it. Why should I admit it?"    


Zhao Xiaoran took the ring from the clerk and pressed, "Then let me ask you, did you take this ring out of your pocket?"    


Fu Zhenxin rummaged through her pockets and replied unconfidently, Yes, yes, but I didn't take it.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked again: Then let me ask you, did the shop assistant also personally prove that this ring is a product of the Sea Flowers?    


Fu Zhenxin said, Is that it? I said no! If you ask me, we'll know the details by checking the surveillance cameras. Why waste your breath here?    


Zhao Xiaoran shrugged her shoulders and sneered, "You don't have the right to see the surveillance. Even I don't have the right to see the things in the surveillance room." Now that we've gotten our hands on them, do you want to deny it?    


Huang Xing pulled Fu Zhenxin's shoulder and called her aside.    


Fu Zhenxin said with a wry smile. "What happened today? What the hell!" It's just a broken ring. Who cares about this crappy thing? Giving it to me for free is not a rare thing!    


'Now it seems like they're deliberately trying to embarrass us, so why don't you just call Director Sun and have him come down and make it clear, 'Mr. Wu said. We'll do our best to watch the surveillance videos together. Under the surveillance cameras, we'll definitely be able to restore the truth!    


Fu Zhenxin nodded. Just as she was dialing a number on her cell phone, Fu Jie hurriedly walked in through the revolving door.    




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