The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Seeing Job seekers and the others wandering around the booths, Huang Xing once again felt that he was like a peddler selling vegetables. Job seekers not only had to see the scale of your stall, the freshness of your dishes, but also the suitability of the price. Gradually, some people sat in front of them and consulted them. Li Rong explained with a smile to Job seekers and the others. She smiled beautifully, with an indescribable affinity. Even if you're not interested in any of the company's positions, you'll have to fill out a registration form after her conversation, or you'll feel sorry for her enthusiasm.    


Job seekers's consultation was also very strange. It basically formed a fixed pattern. Female Job seekers would often sit in front of Huang Xing while male Job seekers would sit in front of Li Rong. Of course, Job seekers was several times more experienced than Job seekers at Xinbai Corporation. Therefore, Huang Xing was extremely busy. In the course of the morning, the two received more than 120 job resumes and registrations, and sent out nearly 100 interview notices. After the morning recruitment came to an end, the staff members of the various employing units began packing up, preparing to go out for lunch. Li Rong held up a thick stack of resumes and said to Huang Xing, "Director Huang, my assistant's ability to work is not bad right? I've suddenly recruited so many people!"    


Huang Xing said, "How many people do you think these hundred plus people will leave behind?"    


Li Rong rolled her eyes. "There should be at least seventy to eighty people." The main thing was that the company didn't need to have so many people.    


Huang Xing laughed: "Seventy to eighty people?" You said at least five or six times more! Even if we put our conditions at a minimum, with no qualifications and no work experience, it would be a blessing for these people to leave a dozen people to work at the company.    


What? Li Rong was deeply shocked. Only a dozen or so people could stay behind?    


Wu Tie nodded his head. Job seekers was like a fish caught in water. Not only did they send resumes to our company, they also sent resumes to many other companies. We are like the sale of cabbage, for Job seekers to choose widely. Look, the whole recruitment area, which booth doesn't have salespeople or anything like that, the competition is so fierce!    


Li Rong looked around at the surrounding booths and said with emotion, It's indeed intense. Hundreds of employers, probably thousands of jobs. With such an average score, there probably wouldn't be many people left.    


Huang Xing explained: "There is another situation. Of the more than 100 resumes, at least half of them are for accounting." Our company does not lack accountants.    


Li Rong was puzzled and asked, "Why would we need an accountant?"    


It's a roundabout strategy, Wu said with a laugh. In recent years, there had been a lot of girls studying accounting, far surpassing the actual number of people employed in this position. Graduates of the accountancy profession, like headless flies, run in every recruitment market, but again and again run into a wall. In the whole of Jinan City, there were at least hundreds of thousands of graduates of the accounting major, and there were no suitable jobs. The reason we can recruit accountants is to guide them, to let go of their professional baggage, to accumulate more work experience, and perhaps to achieve better results in other areas. Of course, this is only one aspect, and more importantly, the competition among marketing companies is cruel, and hiring staff is a big problem. And the accounting profession Job seekers, just became a group of prospective employees that enterprises compete for. This group of people was very large. If they could not recruit staff, they could put on the guise of 'hiring accountants', which could alleviate the difficult situation of hiring people in the company. If they could have a good personnel commissioner, it would not be difficult to convince them to give up their professional commitment and switch to marketing work.    


Li Rong said in realization, "So that's how it is!" No wonder I, a student majoring in accounting, participated in dozens of job fairs in succession and invested dozens of resumes. But when she went to the interview, the interviewer persuaded her to do the sales. So, this is just a recruitment tactic that you guys are trying to use! Deception, this was deceit!    


Huang Xing stressed: That depends on how you understand it! Indeed, when I first put out the brand of accounting, I felt very guilty and felt that it was a kind of deception for Job seekers. But then I figured it out, and most of the new accountancy graduates were eager to find a professional job. But now, which employer didn't need to have working experience to recruit people? What's more, it was an important job like accounting. However, many people did not see this clearly. They thought that they had graduated from university and had a higher education. The employers would fight for them. However, they would never expect that they would always be in trouble. If you're a bit more realistic and serious, you might look for an accounting firm or an accounting firm to start with for a year or two, but most people just can't get used to the low pay. Therefore, this was similar to spending money to buy work experience and was treated as losing money to buy and sell. So they need someone who has the ability and responsibility to lead them out of the misunderstanding of looking for a job, to forget about their profession, and to find a broader work stage. You, and I, are the guide.    


Li Rong nodded, as if she understood something. It seems that we are doing a good deed?    


Of course. This is a two-way interest relationship, not only for the company to recruit talent, but also to help Job seekers out of the misunderstanding and predicament.    


I understand, Wu said with a laugh. Leave those people to me to hoodwink. I promise that I can make them change their mind and stay in the company to work as a telemarketer. You have to give me a bonus when the time comes.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Hoodlum?" If you're trying to hoodwink me, you shouldn't be my assistant.    


Li Rong covered her mouth. "Wrong, wrong, wrong." You can say that I use the wrong word, but you can't doubt my character. Director Huang, look at you!    


Seeing Li Rong's confident look, Huang Xing felt that this girl had a certain future.    


At this time, a staff member of the recruitment area pushed a box lunch cart past them and started shouting like a peddler. Unlike the Li Cheng Talent Market, Li Cheng provided free lunch, bread and mineral water. However, there was a fee for the box lunch here. It was divided into five pieces and ten pieces. Huang Xing was about to pay for two servings when he heard someone beside him shout, "Director Huang, don't buy any more!    


He turned around and saw Hao Mei walking towards him with a box of rice in her hands.    


Hao Mei put the box of food on the table and smiled. I've bought it for you.    


Huang Xing turned his head to look at Li Rong. He thought to himself, "If you want to buy them, buy two of them. How can this one be enough?" But on the surface, he had to say: No need, no need. Manager Hao, you're too polite.    


Hao Mei said, We're all colleagues. We should help each other when we're outside, right?    


Huang Xing wanted to convert the box lunch into cash and return it to her, but he felt that doing so would undoubtedly hurt Hao Mei's self-esteem, so he could only 'endure the humiliation' and accept it.    


When Li Rong saw this, she felt both angry and jealous. 'Aren't you looking down on me too much? 'she thought.    


In a fit of anger, Li Rong stood up and shouted at the dining car, "Take two boxes of food!"    


One is enough, Huang Xing warned.    


Li Rong raised her head and insinuated, "How can one be, how can I be so selfish as to just buy me off?"    


Huang Xing wanted to say that he already had it here, but he suddenly felt speechless. Hao Mei brought a box of food to him. Li Rong was the person involved. The reason she was so adamant on buying two was actually to mock Hao Mei.    


Of course, Hao Mei could see what Li Rong was thinking. Her face turned awkward, but she quickly said, "Sister Li, let me buy it for you."    


Li Rong took out a hundred-dollar bill and said, No need, I'm not asking for food.    


When these words came out, Huang Xing and Hao Mei both sunk into a deeper awkwardness.    


At noon, Huang Xing leaned on the table and took a nap. Li Rong sneaked out to buy two ice cream. As she ate, she woke Huang Xing up and handed one to him. Huang Xing said with a wry smile. Why are you still eating ice cream at this time, don't you think so? Li Rong laughed and said, "Icy teeth, ice is the heart." Bing Xin was very straightforward.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be speechless.    


At half past two in the afternoon, a new round of recruitment began.    


Compared to the morning, Job seekers's performance in the afternoon was much less. The hiring units only saw the two hours in the afternoon as a period of cleaning up the battlefield, so they didn't have much hope.    


Huang Xing and Li Rong sat for a while before welcoming Job seekers, the first person to sit down and consult them.    


It was a twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old man.    


Huang Xing would never have thought that the appearance of this man would mean anything to him.    


The man wore a gray suit. His body was somewhat fat, and his belly protruded forward. The teeth had been smeared with yellow tobacco smoke from smoking for a long time.    


He sat directly across from Li Rong, not taking his resume nor preparing to enter it in the job registration. However, he introduced himself to Li Rong, saying that he was Chen Anzhi's Training institutions's Trainer. His name was Liu Jinming, and he wanted to find a job with Trainer. To some extent, Liu Jinming was eloquent and confident. Not only was he introducing himself, he was also telling Li Rong about all the glory that he had achieved in the past through the image of the story. When Li Rong heard this, she was stunned and directly asked Huang Xing for his advice.    


Huang Xing has heard of Chen Anzhi, a highly respected master of successful learning who claims to be the first person in Asia to successfully learn and train. Huang Xing had seen his speech before, and it was passionate, passionate and inspiring. Liu Jinming said that he was Chen Anzhi's student, and his outstanding results in Training institutions made Huang Xing slightly suspicious. However, judging from his eloquent speech, it was not impossible.    


In fact, with the progress of recruitment, the company also felt that there was a lack of Trainer to train and motivate all employees. In the company planning book he wrote to Fu Jie, Wu mentioned the matter briefly. But Fu Jie never responded. Considering that Fu Jie had always been compressing the costs, so much so that she could even save Personnel Department for her own benefit, it was not convenient for her to discuss this matter with her.    


Liu Jinming, who claimed to be from Chen Anzhi's training institute, had excellent eloquence. However, Huang Xing did not dare to say anything in private. He could only tell Liu Jinming that the company did not have Trainer as a post.    


Liu Jinming slightly frowned and said: "Without Trainer, how would your enterprise develop?" How important is the new employee's pre-service training, how can the old employee's ability improve? The ultimate purpose of training was still for the company's performance. The most fundamental channel of training is actually motivation. If the incentive system of the company is not sound, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to develop... I, Liu Jinming, am the first in the Training institutions, you will never regret using me.    




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