The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Li Rong insisted on escorting Huang Xing to the entrance of the district.    


When they parted ways, Li Rong looked at Huang Xing strangely. She wanted to say something, but no words came out.    


Huang Xing didn't go upstairs directly, but took a stroll around the neighborhood. He then found a quiet place and was about to call Fu Jie's cell phone when she called him first.    


After the call was answered, Fu Jie's voice came over the line, "Director Huang, I just got off the plane and I saw a few missed calls." Is there something you need on the phone?    


Huang Xing said, There's something I need to report to you.    


Fu Jie said, I'm still at the airport. Why don't you call a taxi and we'll talk inside!    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was exaggerating a little. Her car was parked in the parking lot of the airport and he could have just driven back. Why did she insist on taking a taxi? While she was hesitating, Fu Jie urged him again, "Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you at the airport. There's a call."    


After saying that, the other side impatiently hung up the phone.    


The moment she hung up, Huang Xing heard a childish laughter coming from the other side of the phone.    


Huang Xing walked out of the district. He originally wanted to take the bus to the airport to catch the bus, as this would save him a few dozen yuan. However, taking into account the fact that time was of the essence, Huang Xing could only endure the pain and get a taxi.    


The taxi drove straight to the highway.    


Twenty minutes later, a taxi came out of the exit and headed straight for the airport.    


Huang Xing felt wronged about the 60 yuan fare. However, after considering that he was only here to pick up Fu Jie, he was comforted.    


He called Fu Jie, who told Huang Xing to wait at the exit of No.2    


Huang Xing did as he was told, smoking and looking in.    


A few minutes later, a sexy beauty walked out of exit 2.    


Huang Xing's eyes lit up.    


Was this beauty in front of him wearing a red velvet dress, carrying a small suitcase, and wearing sunglasses, Fu Jie?    


Her hair, which was not too long to begin with, was tied up, and she wore a gold ornament on her head. Her two strands of hair flowed down her cheeks, and her brown high heels, stocking less, light steps, and confident smile pushed her perfect figure and noble temperament to the limits.    


In the crowd, she was like a flower standing tall in the green, noble, beautiful, gorgeous.    


However, what made Huang Xing surprised was that in Fu Jie's hand, there was a baby that looked to be about one year old.    


Who is the baby?    


All of a sudden, Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat.    


Could it be that Fu Jie already had a family in Shenzhen? Could it be that Fu Jie had already given birth to a child when she was unmarried? Could it be …    


The chain of thoughts caused Huang Xing's heart to churn. He felt that a peerless talent like Fu Jie, no matter who married her, would be a blasphemy to her. She was too beautiful and noble for anyone to be worthy of her. Including himself.    


However, the baby in Fu Jie's arms seemed to have splashed cold water on Huang Xing's face. He liked Fu Jie, and he also liked babies. When he was with Zhao Xiaoran, he had always hoped that she would give him a baby. However, when Fu Jie appeared together with the baby, he unexpectedly found it difficult to endure. He did not know why he felt this way. Even though he clearly knew that his fantasies about Fu Jie could only stay in the lewd stage.    


Fu Jie held the baby and stood in front of Huang Xing. She took off her sunglasses at the same time.    


Huang Xing wanted to laugh, but it was even uglier than crying. Fu Jie's posture of carrying her child didn't seem very professional. Her hands were crossed while she was hugging the baby. Her movements were a little strange.    


Huang Xing took a glance. This child was very pretty and cute. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and delicate skin and tender flesh. If it was someone else's child, Huang Xing would probably tease him with interest and make him laugh. However, Huang Xing didn't have the slightest interest in this kid who suddenly popped up like Fu Jie. It wasn't because the child was unlovable, but because he felt that a peerless beauty like Fu Jie shouldn't have children, much less have children for others.    


What kind of logic was this?    


Huang Xing felt that his brain was short on ideas.    


Even though he clearly knew that Fu Jie didn't belong to him, even if she did become an unmarried mother, it would have nothing to do with him. However, the moment he saw the child, his mood couldn't get any higher. In his mind, Fu Jie had always been like an angel. She had always been someone he couldn't even catch up to, yet couldn't help but masturbate. This child's appearance had ruined Fu Jie's beautiful image in her heart. Strictly speaking, it wasn't destroyed. Rather, when you found out that a world-shocking treasure already had an owner, that kind of feeling of loss was really sad.    


Life is like a game of Landlord. When you think you can get out of the house safely with a king in your hand, a little bomb at home will break your dreams." This little baby was this bomb. In Huang Xing's imagination, Fu Jie had always been a strong woman with her career as the center. She didn't have the time to talk about love and marriage, let alone talk about marriage. To a man, the greatest value of a woman was not in the passing on one's lineage, but in lust. In every man's heart, there is always a woman who is beautiful to the extreme. She stays in his heart and in his dreams. Fu Jie had always lived in Huang Xing's heart as a single beauty boss. However, the appearance of this infant ruthlessly destroyed his long cherished fantasies. A priceless treasure, if no one has it yet, you at least have a chance to have it. However, if one day, this treasure was suddenly seized by someone for no apparent reason, and his name was carved on it crookedly … What kind of cruelty and regret would this be for you?    


Huang Xing's current state of mind was just like that.    


Looking at the baby in Fu Jie's arms, Huang Xing smiled with a conflicted expression. He stretched out his finger and teased Fu Jie's cheeks. He said in a sincere tone, "He's so cute. How old is he?"    


Fu Jie said, He's over a year old. He's a boy.    


Huang Xing said: "It's really beautiful. It's a bit long for you. You have big eyes and long eyelashes." Handsome.    


Fu Jie smiled bitterly and said, "Like me?" Why does he look like me? He looks like his father.    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, then said: "Looks like his dad must be very handsome."    


Fu Jie nodded. His father was known as the current Pan An. He was an authentic handsome man, so even if he had a son, he would definitely be a handsome man.    


Seeing Fu Jie mention the child's father, the strong happiness on his face made Huang Xing feel that he wasn't happy at all. He even thought how wonderful it would be if the child were his! Of course, his goal was not to have the child, but to have the mother.    


Fu Jie pouted and teased the child. She suddenly asked Huang Xing, "Right, can you tease the child?"    


Huang Xing shook his head. He wanted to say that he didn't know how to coax his child and only knew how to coax his mother. But he felt that this kind of joke hurt him, so he shook his head. He didn't have that kind of experience.    


Fu Jie blinked her eyes in disappointment and muttered to herself with a frown, "Then what should I do? If I can't do it, I'll have to hire a babysitter!" Hey, baby, can auntie find a wet nurse to take care of you? I will definitely raise you until you are fat, healthy, and healthy.    


What? Auntie?    


What did it mean for Fu Jie to claim to be the child's aunt?    


Huang Xing felt as if he had won a lottery of 5 million, and a wave of strong surprise flooded into his heart. He immediately asked: "Boss Fu, isn't this your child?"    


Fu Jie blushed. What nonsense are you talking about! I'm not married yet, so where did these kids come from?    


Thank God!    


Huang Xing's heart that had been hanging in the air finally dropped to the ground.    


Seeing that Huang Xing had misunderstood, Fu Jie immediately explained, "This is the child of an engineer of our company in Shenzhen. It's very pitiful. Not long after he was born, his biological mother abandoned him and ran off with a rich man." Our engineer, Xiao Wang, has to take care of children and work alone. It took me a lot of effort to get Little Wang out of the mountains and into the development of our concept machine. But the baby, who was just over a year old, was a problem, unattended. In order to let Little Wang work in peace, as soon as possible with the team to come up with a concept machine, I simply agreed to become Little Wang's full-time mother for a week.    


So it was like this!    


A false alarm!    


Huang Xing smiled. This time, his smile was very real and he was glad. He was able to coax the infant in Fu Jie's arms without any feelings of jealousy or hate. Yet, this little fellow actually smiled at him.    


Fu Jie said with a smile, he seems to be quite right with you. Come, give me a hug.    


Huang Xing took the baby carefully. Fu Jie's eyes widened as she turned around and said, "Be careful, hold your head and waist …" Don't flinch at the children. You must hold on tight.    


Seeing Fu Jie's meticulous and considerate appearance, Huang Xing felt that she was especially charming and had a natural maternal love.    


Huang Xing held the child in his arms while Fu Jie leaned close to him, afraid that something might happen to the child. Huang Xing, who was hugging the child, felt the fragrance from Fu Jie's body, as well as her intimate contact with his left hand. He felt an indescribable pride in his heart. His spiritual world also began to liven up. On the way to the car park, a few people looked over. Huang Xing was intoxicated. In the eyes of others, he, Fu Jie, and the child in his arms, they must be a happy family.    


This feeling, it was so blissful! At least, in his heart, he played such a role.    


In this distance of two hundred meters, Huang Xing walked with ease and with great confidence. Especially since Fu Jie was worried that she wouldn't carry her child, she had always been very close to her and used one hand to help support her child's butt. Looking at her from a close distance, this world shocking beauty was simply beautiful to the extreme.    


Really, there is a kind of woman, anyone who sees, you do not evil feel sorry for her peerless.    




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