The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



In the parking lot, the body of the Phaedon that was pulling the wind had been covered in a thick layer of dust after only two days of parking. Air pollution, or a gift from the earth?    


Fu Jie carefully opened the car door with her other hand as if she was protecting the country leader. She protected Huang Xing and the kid as they sat in the car. Then, she went around to the left door, sat on the car and fastened her seat belt. Huang Xing looked outside and noticed that under the dim light, beside a white Honda car, there was a middle-aged man that was looking in their direction with rapt attention. Huang Xing couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could tell from his bent body that he was staring at Fu Jie. No man in the world could resist Fu Jie's beauty. No matter where she went, she would always be a beautiful scenery. No matter who saw her, they would always pay more attention to her, even until she disappeared from their sight. Huang Xing thought that this Honda driver must have witnessed the whole process of him and Fu Jie getting on the car with their child. He must have been attracted by Fu Jie's beauty, and he must have been envious and jealous of him, thinking of him as the cow dung with fresh flowers. However, since Huang Xing was willing to be a pile of cow dung, he wouldn't mind being called 'Flowers on cow dung' to describe his match with Fu Jie. Because he really wasn't worthy of her. Because today's family of three was just a temporary team from three different families.    


Fu Jie started the car, turned her head and smiled at the baby a few times, and told Huang Xing that he must carry the good child. He then put on the forward position and slowly started moving.    


After paying the parking fee at the railings, Fu Jie got on the highway around the city. Worried about her child's safety, she drove very slowly, only forty or fifty miles away.    


Huang Xing saw cars whizzing past on the left side of the road. He reminded Fu Jie that they had to drive more than 60 cars on the highway.    


Fu Jie said, Who cares, would rather be fined than to scare the child. If it was too fast, it would easily hurt the child if he braked.    


Huang Xing didn't have anything else to say. He just thought, at this rate, it would probably be midnight by the time he gets home.    


But that's good too, Huang Xing likes this feeling of happiness and warmth.    


Huang Xing suddenly thought of Cao Aidang's matter and wanted to take this opportunity to discuss it with Fu Jie. However, he felt that this kind of atmosphere was unsuitable for discussing such a topic, so after thinking for a while, he was unable to say it.    


At this moment, Fu Zhenxin suddenly called. When Huang Xing answered the phone, Fu Zhenxin immediately scolded him: "Why aren't you back yet? I'm waiting for you to eat!" I bought some food at the snack bar.    


Huang Xing felt Fu Jie had slowed down the car and tried to free up a hand to support the child's back.    


Huang Xing thought that this Fu Jie was making a big fuss out of nothing. How could he fall down with a child that weighed only a few kilograms in his arms?    


Just as she was about to reply to Fu Zhenxin, Fu Jie suddenly said, "Open it and let's not talk about this. Carrying a good child is the main thing!"    


Huang Xing replied with an 'oh', but he did not dare to turn on the hands-free. He was worried that Fu Zhenxin, that girl, would not know Fu Jie was by his side and could not wait to say something shocking. However, seeing that Fu Jie was so worried for the safety of her child, she had no choice but to open the hands-off option. Furthermore, she said to Fu Zhenxin at the first possible moment, "Boss Fu, I …"    


Before she could finish, Fu Zhenxin suddenly replied, "What's wrong with you, Boss Fu? This isn't a company!"    


Huang Xing was scared to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat as he quickly said, "I was with Senior Boss Fu." He was heading back.    


Fu Zhenxin was shocked. What? You went to Shenzhen? No, no, my sister is back?    


Huang Xing said, "Yes." We have just come out of the airport and are walking at high speed.    


Fu Zhenxin said, You went to the airport too?    


Huang Xing said, "Senior Boss Fu asked me to come over for a bit. After I'm done recruiting, I called a taxi and came over."    


Fu Zhenxin said, What's going on? Why did my sister call you over? Is she parked at the airport?    


Huang Xing wanted to reply, but Fu Jie raised her voice and said, Fu Zhenxin, why are you asking so many questions? He was waiting at home. If there was anything else, he would go back and talk about it. Director Huang and I are busy!    


Fu Zhenxin was even more surprised and asked, "I'm busy. What are you busy with?" Aren't you on the highway? What's there to be busy with?    


Huang Xing wanted to tell Fu Zhenxin about the current situation, but Fu Jie told Huang Xing to hang up the phone. Huang Xing understood that Fu Jie was worried that she would ignore the child in her hands while she was busy answering the phone.    


Fu Jie drove very slowly. Originally, it was only half an hour's drive away, but Fu Jie drove for a full hour before she got off the highway and got on the viaduct. Afterwards, she drove down at the exit of North Garden Road. However, she did not go straight back to the district. Instead, she went straight to a large shopping mall.    


After they stopped the car, Fu Jie said that she would go inside to buy some daily necessities for the children.    


This was not a family of three, but a family of three. They carefully entered the shopping mall. Fu Jie was very generous to this child. Even though she only had seven days to look after her baby, she bought a shopping cart full of baby products. More than ten packets of urine, five to six cans of imported milk powder, as well as baby milk, bottles, toys and the like, cost several thousand yuan. Huang Xing thought, a rich man is a rich man. In the process, Huang Xing asked Fu Jie if it was a bit of a waste to buy so much milk powder in just a few days' time. "Who knows what the baby tastes like? Feed it one by one to see what kind of milk powder you like.    


Huang Xing could tell that Fu Jie really liked children from the bottom of her heart.    


After settling the bill, Fu Jie carried the child and Huang Xing left the mall with two plastic bags full of baby items.    


But just as she walked in front of the car, Fu Jie thought of something and decided to go back to the mall to buy a few books on pregnancy and childbirth.    


Huang Xing smiled wryly in his heart. He couldn't help but say to Fu Jie: "Didn't you make a mistake? In order to make that engineer work properly, you actually let go of your work. It's not even worth the loss!"    


What do you know, Director Huang, I've basically put the work in place. At the moment, Shenzhen is where the engineers play the leading role. I took the opportunity to rest for a few days and gain some experience in taking care of the baby. After all, I also want to be a mother in the future.    


Hearing this, Huang Xing had a special feeling of helplessness in his heart. If only you could be the mother of our child.    


The other way around is, if you could be my wife, how nice it would be.    


However, it seemed that the probability of this happening was even lower than that of the sesame seed.    


Fu Jie went back to the mall and bought a few books on pregnancy and childbirth.    


Huang Xing was completely in awe of her. However, it was not hard to see from this matter that Fu Jie was a very persistent person. No matter what she did, he would strive to do the best he could. It was this kind of serious attitude that had made Fu Jie what she was today.    


When he returned to the district, Fu Zhenxin was anxiously waiting downstairs.    


Seeing a child in Fu Jie's arms, Fu Zhenxin was shocked and asked where this child came from. Fu Jie said as she went upstairs. It wasn't stolen!    


Fu Jie's stamina was very good. She still had the strength to carry the child upstairs, while Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing followed behind to protect her. The suspicious Fu Zhenxin rubbed Huang Xing's arm and asked him about it. Huang Xing said, unable to finish his sentence. Originally, this was just a casual sentence, but Fu Zhenxin was actually more sincere. She pulled Huang Xing and asked, "Is this child your illegitimate child with my sister?"    


Huang Xing felt that it was funny, but also felt that it was funny. I wish it were like this. However, Huang Xing could also tell that Fu Zhenxin cared too much about herself, so much that her thoughts were short-circuited.    


Huang Xing replied with a question, "When did your sister and I get to know each other?"    


Fu Zhenxin thought that was right. Huang Xing had only just arrived at the company for a short period of time, so he looked to be over one year old. Huang Xing didn't even have the time to start the crime. Only like this did Fu Zhenxin's urgent frown relax. She quickened her pace and caught up with Fu Jie's tempo. Huang Xing snickered and followed suit.    


After they went upstairs, Fu Jie opened the door and gently shook the child in her arms. The child gave her a smile that made her unable to close her mouth.    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie stood to the side to watch. Only then did Fu Jie sit up, and she recounted the child's background while soaking the milk powder. Fu Zhenxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard this. She said, "Sis, you must have been possessed by a ghost. In order to keep the engineer from worrying, you have actually added to your worries."    


I like children, Fu Jie said. I can take a good rest this week.    


Fu Zhenxin said, you like children so much, why don't you give birth to your own? How old are you already, and you're still not thinking about it …    


Fu Jie interrupted her. What nonsense! Come, come, help me with the bottle. I want to feed the baby. The baby is really obedient, it really is auntie's good baby, the baby must be starving, I need to eat a little more yo...    


Seeing that Fu Jie was so caring and caring towards this child, even more so than her own mother, Huang Xing admired Fu Jie even more. All this while, Fu Jie had always been a strong woman, not smiling, but today, hugging this one year old child, she was as happy as a child. She looked so good when she smiled, Huang Xing was a little drunk from watching it.    


Fu Zhenxin endured the humiliation of burning the newly bought milk bottle with hot heat. When she brought it over, Fu Jie asked, "Is it hot? The baby's things, make sure they are clean and clean."    


Fu Zhenxin frowned and said, "Sis, do you think I'm an unhygienic person? I'm still worried."    


You're a little squeamish about your hygiene requirements, even a little squeamish, but for others.    


Fu Zhenxin immediately led Fu Jie: "Sis, do you think I won't be able to get in your way?" Am I wrong about hygiene? What about people? Let's say Director Huang, if he doesn't like cleanliness, do I have to help him bathe and disinfect it every day?    


What nonsense! The innocent Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Why did you drag me into this?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, For example. Director Huang, why don't you think about it? Is it because my sister is too hostile towards me, always picking on my faults?    


Fu Jie smiled and said, "Alright, my good sister. You can consider me wrong." Hurry up and help to buy the toys also quench the poison, a moment after the milk powder, to give the baby play toy.    


Fu Zhenxin grumbled: Why is it me again! My dear sister, you brought a child with you, causing the whole family to become restless.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly. "When can you change your grumbling habit?"    


Fu Zhenxin stuck out her tongue. "I'm not going to post, I'm not going to post. I'll go, alright?"    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing to open the lid of the bottle and dry the milk powder. Huang Xing did as he was told. Fu Jie held the child on her lap, teasing her with an exceptionally happy expression.    


Seeing that she was in such high spirits, Huang Xing once again gave up the idea of discussing Cao Aidang in front of her. He was prepared to talk to Fu Jie in detail when the child fell asleep. According to the usual practice, the first thing Fu Jie did when she flew back from Shenzhen was to let Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing report to her on the situation of the company in the last few days. But this time, there was no exception. Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was no longer that grave and cold female expert, but more like a big sister, coaxing her little brother to be happy.    


At this moment, she was a big child.    


However, there was no doubt that Huang Xing liked Fu Jie's relaxed and amiable state.    


Just as he was debating whether he should return to his room, an unexpected situation occurred.    




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