The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Zhao Xiaomeng changed into a pair of slippers and sat on the bed. Huang Xing complimented her a few times and said that her bed was well made. Zhao Xiaomeng chuckled.    


After sitting there for about 10 minutes, Huang Xing was worried that the other girls would feel awkward and cause Zhao Xiaomeng to misunderstand, so he said goodbye. However, Zhao Xiaomeng pulled Huang Xing's arm and said, "They won't be back for the night. They are both working part-time outside and won't be able to come back."    


Huang Xing countered with a question: You have to go back to your dorm to sleep as a part-time worker, right?    


I'll tell you in secret, Zhao Xiaomeng explained. Two nights in our dorm, we worked part-time as princesses in KTV, the kind that drinks and dances with people. There was also one who talked to a young master outside, who would not return home every night.    


Huang Xing was surprised: "What?" Your school is so lax? This is too …    


Zhao Xiaomeng pouted. "So I'm not the same person as them," she said. I've asked several times to transfer the dorm. But this is good, this is quiet.    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "Don't be led astray by them too!"    


Don't worry, I have a bottom line, Zhao Xiaomeng said.    


About ten minutes later, one of the girls from Zhao Xiaomeng's dorm came back in a flurry. As soon as she entered the room, she shouted, "It's really bad luck! My eldest aunt came earlier, and she made me look bad. It's full of dresses …" At first she was stunned, then she extended a finger and pointed it at Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaomeng. Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng, what are you pretending to be a pure beauty in front of us all day?    


Huang Xing smelt a strong scent of alcohol. This girl must have drunk a lot of wine.    


Zhao Xiaomeng's face was flushed red as she said, "Chen Lulu, what nonsense are you talking about? He's my brother-in-law!"    


The girl called Chen Lulu crossed her arms and glared fiercely as she said, "Enough, Xiao Meng. What are you trying to hide from me for?" No one laughs at you. Just be a man, don't pretend to be pure!    


Zhao Xiaomeng still wants to argue with her. Huang Xing grabbed her arm and said, "She drank too much. What are you trying to reason with her?"    


Chen Lulu tilted her head and glanced at Huang Xing. I'll change my clothes and go.    


Only then did Huang Xing carefully look at Chen Lulu a few times. She actually wasn't the type of girl that was particularly pretty, but her makeup was very well-made and she seemed to know how to put on makeup. The powder on her face was not thick and not thin at all. On the contrary, her rosy face had a different charm to it. She was also wearing sexy clothes. Although it was already the end of winter, she was still wearing a fashionable velvet dress. The pink colored stockings adorned her long legs, making her look especially beautiful.    


What made Huang Xing even more surprised was that Chen Lulu was able to leisurely take off her shirt in front of Huang Xing. The red bra and smooth skin were undoubtedly exposed. She kicked off her heels and sat on the bed. Huang Xing quickly turned his head around. Zhao Xiaomeng frowned and said, "Chen Lulu, can you change your clothes later? Can you let us avoid you for a while?"    


This is my bedroom. You are the ones to avoid it.    


Zhao Xiaomeng still wanted to argue, Huang Xing said. I'll leave first then.    


Just as she was about to go out of the house, Chen Lulu, who had already changed into another coat, suddenly said, Don't worry, I'll make room for you. I still have to go on the night shift.    


But Huang Xing still insisted on taking his leave.    


After driving back, Huang Xing was extremely annoyed. Zhao Xiaomeng's confession and the current situation of the school made Huang Xing's heart heavy. He didn't know if this was a scaredy cat, or if it was just asking for trouble. In actuality, what he was most worried about was whether Zhao Xiaomeng could maintain her naive nature in such an environment.    


After returning to the neighborhood and going upstairs, Huang Xing found his room door was open. As soon as he entered, he saw Fu Zhenxin stand up from the sofa with her hands on her waist, staring at him with a questioning look.    


Huang Xing said, "Why are you here?"    


Why can't I come? My sister was there just now. She just left.    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment before he said, "Is there something?"    


Fu Zhenxin looked at her watch and said, For such a long time, you and your sister-in-law were alone. You have to report to me what you did.    


Huang Xing said while he put on his slippers: "Aren't you being too generous? Why should I report to you?"    


Fu Zhenxin retorted angrily, "Just based on what I am …"    


What she wanted to say was that I, Fu Zhenxin, am already one of your men, so you have to take responsibility for me. However, he could not find the right words to describe this relationship. Therefore, he changed his tone and said, "I'm Deputy General Manager, your superior!"    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "The higher ups have no right to interfere with one's privacy!"    


Who would have thought that Fu Zhenxin would beat him into submission: Privacy? You admit that there is something unspeakable between you and your sister-in-law, right?    


Huang Xing was speechless. He thought to himself, this Fu Zhenxin is really a jealous woman.    


Rather than having Fu Zhenxin question him, he might as well do his own thing as if nothing had happened. Huang Xing turned on his computer and organized the documents. Fu Zhenxin saw that he didn't take the Village Head as his official, so she walked over and pulled out her notebook and mouse. Huang Xing wasn't angry. He used the laptop's touchpad as a mouse and continued working. Angry and flustered, Fu Zhenxin decided to go all out, unplugged the power source and shut down the computer. Huang Xing was forced to stand up and say, "Why aren't you going back so late?"    


Fu Zhenxin said aggressively, "Why should I go back?" You always give me a feeling of insecurity. I've made up my mind. Tonight, I'll go to my sister and confess our relationship!    


Huang Xing broke out in a cold sweat. "My dear lady, have you gone mad?"    


Fu Zhenxin stressed, I'm not crazy! In any case, seeing you with another woman is making me jealous, making me angry. I won't be leaving tonight. I'll wake up a bit later tomorrow and let my sister catch you in bed!    


Huang Xing's eyes widened: "Are you sure you aren't speaking out of anger?"    


Fu Zhenxin raised her head and said aggressively, "I'm sure!"    


Huang Xing held Fu Zhenxin's shoulder guiltily and said: "Zhen Xin, you have to calm down!" Sit down, you sit down, I'll talk to you slowly.    


There was a look of triumph on Fu Zhenxin's face. "What? Are you afraid?"    


I'm not afraid, Huang Xing said. I'm thinking for you.    


Fu Zhenxin snorted. For me? Who are you trying to fool? Do you really think that I, Fu Zhenxin, am a child? If you are thinking for me, then hurry up and give me some points! I don't want to go any further!    


Huang Xing pushed Fu Zhenxin onto the sofa and held her hand, saying, "Chastity, think about it. It is strictly forbidden for internal staff to date each other. You and I are the company's leaders, and hundreds of employees are watching over us." What would happen to the company if we had such a bad luck? This was equivalent to slapping himself in the face. The company's rules state that if even you, the vice president, aren't willing to comply, then how will the staff be able to comply?    


Fu Zhenxin crossed her legs and gently shook her legs. "I don't care!" At most, someone between you and me will leave the company! If you leave, I'll keep you. You have to support me. Except for my sister, anyone who leaves the company will be able to run it.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this killing a chicken to get its eggs?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, "What, don't tell me that in your heart, I, Fu Zhenxin, am less important than a job?" I'm giving you a choice. Do you choose your job, or do you choose me?    


Huang Xing didn't know how to reply. It seemed that Fu Zhenxin was very agitated. This little girl was really jealous. As long as he was in contact with other girls, she would immediately feel sore all over his body. Huang Xing continued to beat around the bush: "Zhen Xin, think about it. If our relationship is made public, who would be the biggest victim?" It must be you! Zhao Xiaoran and I have yet to get our divorce certificate. Although our marriage has already ended, we are still a legal couple protected by the law. What did you become when we made our relationship public? In the eyes of others, you are Little San'er! Destroying someone's family!    


Fu Zhenxin widened her eyes. Am I that despicable in your eyes?    


Huang Xingqiang said, "Not in my eyes, but in other people's eyes."    


Fu Zhenxin carefully analyzed Huang Xing's words and felt that they were indeed reasonable. Actually, it wasn't that she wanted to publicly expose her relationship with Huang Xing, she just felt unhappy that Huang Xing was dating other women. Therefore, he wanted to create a sense of crisis for Huang Xing to emphasize and consolidate his position in Huang Xing's heart.    


Huang Xing was slightly relieved when he saw Fu Zhenxin was convinced by him.    


Before Fu Zhenxin left, she said to Huang Xing, "Hurry up and handle the formalities with Zhao Xiaoran and drag it out. Otherwise, it will reignite when the time comes!"    


Don't worry, Huang Xing comforted her.    


Just as he sent Fu Zhenxin off, Huang Xing was about to smoke a cigarette when Zhao Xiaomeng called again.    


Huang Xing was conflicted. He didn't know how to face Zhao Xiaomeng. After pressing the answer button, Huang Xing said, You're not going to sleep yet, little girl?    


Zhao Xiaomeng said, "Brother-in-law, don't call me little girl. I'm not young anymore. You're only a few years older than me."    


Huang Xing said, "Then should I call you big girl?"    


Zhao Xiaomeng said, Call me Xiao Meng, then. Brother-in-law, I'm the only one in the dorm. I can't sleep, I'm scared. He wanted to talk to someone.    


Huang Xing said, How did you fall asleep?    


Zhao Xiaomeng said, It used to be the past, but now it's different.    


Huang Xing didn't understand the meaning behind those words for a while. Actually, what Zhao Xiaomeng said was the truth that you were only my brother-in-law when you were with my sister, but now, you are separated from my sister immediately. My heart is full of your shadow, I think of you as my ideal lover.    


Zhao Xiaomeng chatted with Huang Xing for more than ten minutes on the phone until she was in arrears. Of course, Huang Xing could feel Zhao Xiaomeng's thoughts. However, he did not dare to entertain her with such thoughts.    


On Monday morning, Fu Jie gave Huang Xing two temporary tasks. First, to do a new employee benefit, and second, to sell out the ordinary tables and chairs used by employees in the marketing department of the company and replace them all with new ones. These two tasks undoubtedly confirmed the fact that the concept phone's first order had indeed made Fu Jie a lot of money. She had put out a portion of the money to focus on improving the salary, welfare and work environment of the employees.    


After receiving the task, Huang Xing had wanted Fu Zhenxin to drive two sample tables to the junk market, and after finalizing the buyer, ask the buyer to send a car. However, Fu Zhenxin was too busy applying for a new policy and drove to Unicom early in the morning. As for Fu Jie's car, Huang Xing did not dare to think about it. Driving a Phaedon to sell trash was indeed a little too much. Afterwards, in desperation, Huang Xing took a few photos of the old tables and chairs, sat on Li Rong's QQ, and had Li Rong drive him to the junk market. After going around the company, there were a total of three buyers who had reached an initial agreement. They had also come to Xin Fang Company to look at the actual items and fix the price.    


After the whole morning, Fu Jie finally finished dealing with the old tables and chairs. She directly called the furniture factory she had decided on and got them to send over several hundred sets of new tables and chairs.    


In the afternoon, Huang Xing began to draft out the new employee benefits. He read some information on it, and with the current situation of Xin Fang Company, Huang Xing put forward his own idea: first, to try out the no-responsibility base salary system, and secondly, to increase the seniority allowance.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing's new welfare plan and agreed.    


A few days later, the second batch of New Concept Mobile Phone was released. Having learned from her first batch of successful experiences, Fu Jie had invested even more and increased her efforts.    


Within three days, orders flew in like snowflakes.    


Fu Jie was overjoyed and asked Huang Xing to arrange a celebration ceremony with high standards.    




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