The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



However, Huang Xing was worried that Fu Jie would catch him red-handed. Fu Zhenxin locked the door, hooked her arm around Huang Xing's neck, and urged him, Darling, tonight, I'm yours. Huang Xing said, "You can't hold it?" Aren't you afraid that your sister will come back to catch the traitor?    


Fu Zhenxin said that Liu Jinming lived quite a distance away, so it would take at least an hour for them to go back and forth, right?    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, but I don't think we'll be able to finish it in an hour.    


Fu Zhenxin tilted her head and asked, What's not going to end?    


Huang Xing gently caressed Fu Zhenxin's pretty nose. He smiled and said, "Still pretending!" He wanted to be both a small child and a memorial archway. What did you say?    


After he finished, he realized that he had made a big joke out of it. He had wanted to mock Fu Zhenxin, but he had gone too far with his adjective. It was a good idea to use the phrase 'when you're a child, establish a memorial archway' on Huang Jinjiang, but it was too cruel to use it on Fu Zhenxin. As the saying goes, the speaker has no interest in listening. Fu Zhenxin immediately became unhappy and pulled her hand away from Huang Xing. She said angrily, "Huang Xing, what do you mean by this? Who is a small child?" Am I, Fu Zhenxin, so cheap in your heart? "Alright, I won't bother with this little girl anymore!    


In a fit of anger, Fu Zhenxin rushed downstairs in a flustered and exasperated manner.    


Huang Xing called her to apologize. Fu Zhenxin's sharp criticism finally quelled her anger.    


Fu Zhenxin's anger was gone, but Huang Xing could not calm down no matter how hard he tried. He sat on the sofa and smoked non-stop. He couldn't help but try to guess what Fu Jie would say to him on the way home. Do what?    


Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible! Even though Huang Xing gave his answer time and time again, he still couldn't calm down. He opened the door again and again to see if Fu Jie had come back.    


He waited for two hours.    


When Fu Jie stomped her way up the stairs, Huang Xing felt even more anxious and frightened.    


After all, Fu Jie had always been an angel in his heart.    


When the footsteps got closer, Huang Xing closed the door guiltily. Due to the nervousness, the sound of the door closing was especially loud.    


The sound of Fu Jie's high heels stopped, but Huang Xing, who had been listening behind the door, couldn't hear the sound of the key entering the lock. While he was hesitating, the doorbell startled Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing calmed himself down before slowly opening the door. Fu Jie was looking at her from outside the door. Huang Xing called out 'Boss Fu'. Fu Jie asked, "What are you looking at? You're sneaking around." Huang Xing said with a guilty conscience. He didn't look at anything, he only heard footsteps … He couldn't finish his words. This explanation was illogical. First of all, no matter how bad the soundproofing effect of the house was, it would not miss the sound of footsteps to alarm Huang Xing. Secondly, why did Huang Xing bang the door shut when he heard the sound of footsteps again?    


Who would have thought that Fu Jie would directly ask, "Did you see that I'm back?"    


Huang Xing's face was covered in cold sweat as he quickly said, "Yes, there is." Reasons for this. Mainly in the middle of the night, I'm worried about you driving alone.    


Fu Jie laughed and said, "Are you relieved now?"    


Huang Xing nodded. Fu Jie slightly shrugged her shoulders and said, "What, you don't want me to come in?"    


Of course, of course. Huang Xing was surprised and nervous at the same time as he let Fu Jie into the room and closed the door. Fu Jie sat on the sofa, her right leg crossed over her left, and looked at Huang Xing with a special concentration in her eyes. She said, Can you get me a cup of coffee? Just now in the car, Teacher Liu also proposed a few impromptu ideas, which I think can be incorporated into it. This celebration has gathered too much of our effort. If we can invite Wu Qianqian over to support us, then it would definitely be an extremely bright spot.    


Only now did Huang Xing understand that the reason Fu Jie mentioned discussing the celebration with him was entirely because of Wu Qianqian. He was the loser in this small power struggle. Liu Jinming, who was crafty and treacherous, secretly took the credit and seized the initiative. Fu Jie has now regarded Liu Jinming as the biggest contributor to the celebration mission. Huang Xing regretted that he didn't play the card of Wu Qianqian in advance. He even asked Fu Jie to come over and urge him. Actually, Huang Xing had contacted Wu Qianqian before. However, Wu Qianqian was still watching and waiting to see if she could participate in Xin Yuan company's celebration.    


Huang Xing wanted to say that Wu Qianqian might or might not come. However, he felt that the answer was different from farting. There was a sound, but there was no content. I talked to Wu Qianqian a few days ago. She hasn't officially answered. Why don't I do it again tomorrow?    


Fu Jie said: It's too late for tomorrow. You should have typed up the advance warning.    


Huang Xing wanted to argue, but he felt that his words were too pale at this moment. After Huang Xing brewed the coffee and served it, Fu Jie continued, "In this area, you should learn from Teacher Liu. Did you notice that Teacher Liuqian is very good at preparing and taking into account the situation?" Teacher Liu had solved a lot of practical problems during the celebration and put forward a lot of practical ideas. Just now Teacher Liu said that he would invite some of his seniors and brothers, including his senior sister, the famous motivational master Xu Hening, to come and support him. This is undoubtedly a great inspiration for us.    


Huang Xing didn't know why, but when he heard Fu Jie praise Liu Jinming, he felt extremely annoyed. Huang Xing clearly knew what kind of person Liu Jinming was. He was a scheming and arrogant guy. However, Fu Jie had great trust in him. As the saying goes, seeing flowers while drunk is more beautiful, seeing flowers through the mist is more beautiful. Fu Jie was already a mystery to the onlookers. Huang Xing wanted to show Fu Jie that he was the star of the celebration. Liu Jinming was just playing a trick to make others think that he had paid a lot for the celebration. Actually, what you saw was just the surface.    


But how could such words be spoken? If he was too straightforward, Fu Jie would feel that he was a person who was shortsighted and unscrupulous; if he was too tactful, she would feel that he was making a fuss out of nothing.    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing decided to consider things from a long-term perspective.    


Fu Jie drank a mouthful of coffee and suddenly asked, "Director Huang, what do you think about Teacher Liu's training aspect?"    


Huang Xing did not know why Fu Jie asked this question. He thought that Fu Jie was just asking because she knew the answer. Since Fu Jie thought that Liu Jinming was so perfect, she had no doubt about his training ability. Thus, Huang Xing concluded that this was just an unintentional remark from Fu Jie, or perhaps it was just an attempt to gain more recognition from Liu Jinming so that she could have more reasons to reuse him. In response to this, Huang Xing answered very perfunctorily: Teacher Liu's training ability is indeed not bad. Ever since he came to the company, he was in charge of training the new employees.    


At this point, Huang Xing suddenly had an idea. He could use the chicken to lay the egg and stab Liu Jinming indistinctly with his knife. So Huang Xing went on: Especially in these few days, I had a recruitment round at the, and more than twenty new employees came one after another. Teacher Liu invested all of his attention into training, and he didn't even have time to eat lunch in order to do the training properly.    


Huang Xing's words were undoubtedly hinting at Fu Jie that Liu Jinming didn't even have time to eat lunch during his training. How could he have the time to attend the celebration? This was tantamount to bringing the credit back indirectly. However, if one's scheming was too profound, it would be counterproductive. Fu Jie regarded Liu Jinming as a lucky man, so she only heard the praise in Huang Xing's words and didn't understand the other meaning in his words. Fu Jie nodded and said, "Yes, Teacher Liu's professionalism is indeed worthy of our study." For the past few days, he had been using the evening time and texting to report and communicate the details of the celebration. This was truly a rare talent!    


Fu Jie sighed with emotion, but Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened. This Liu Jinming, not only is his scheming profound, he also knows how to use it flexibly. When he reported to Fu Jie at night, it was undoubtedly to convey such an important information. He spent all his time on his work during the day, even going back home at night, and did not forget to work overtime to contribute his light and heat. This flattery was simply impossible to guard against!    


Huang Xing deeply felt that in terms of opportunism and flattery, he was not Liu Jinming's match at all.    


Fu Jie reclined on the sofa. Although she was dressed conservatively, her hot body couldn't be covered by her professional attire at all. Huang Xing felt that even though he was under a lot of pressure when he was with Fu Jie, he was still very flattered. Huang Xing picked up Fu Jie's cup and gave her another cup of coffee. Fu Jie nodded slightly and said, "Oh right, let's study your welfare plan a bit more." Do you think there's a need to set up this kind of salary? If you don't have dozens of dollars a year, won't you be too shabby? And the no-responsibility base salary, isn't this the time to put it into effect? Is the time coming?    




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