The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



But that sound became more and more obvious. Fu Jie pulled Huang Xing's arm and quietly walked towards that direction. Hold your breath. In the darkness, Huang Xing found a couple, who were leaning against the wall to kiss and touch each other. That scene was quite provocative …    


This scene that was like a raging fire caused Fu Jie to feel extremely embarrassed. Fortunately, the night had covered her face, or else she would have been as red as Fuji.    


Fu Jie pulled Huang Xing's arm and walked back. 'Romantic, 'Huang Xing said with a smile. Fu Jie said, not particular, tainted the holy Buddhist land.    


When the two of them tiptoed to the door of the temple, an ear-piercing sound came from behind them. Huang Xing guessed that the couple must have been entangled with each other. As such a scene flashed through Huang Xing's mind, he looked at Fu Jie beside him and his blood started to boil. The moment he walked out of the door, Huang Xing stretched out an arm and embraced Fu Jie's shoulder. Fu Jie was stunned for a moment as she reached out to tug and tug at it. Fu Jie did not succeed with Huang Xing's push. Huang Xing tried to hug her tighter, but Fu Jie arched her body and came out from the crook of her arm.    


Fu Jie quickened her pace and walked forward. Huang Xing chased after her and held her hand. Fu Jie slightly resisted and then appointed. Huang Xing felt that her soft hands were warm and real. He was very close to her, and with every step he took, his shoulder would come into close contact with hers.    


Huang Xing was intoxicated by this feeling, so he tried to slow down, slow down, and slow down. Hopefully, this road will never end.    


Fu Jie lowered her head slightly, bit her lips and said, "Director Huang, don't you feel that my hand is a little cold?"    


Huang Xing said, No, it's quite warm for me. I feel good holding your hand.    


Fu Jie's hand shyly pulled out, but she couldn't pull it away from Huang Xing. You must have held hands with a lot of girls, right?    


Huang Xing quickly said: "You are the first..." Huang Xing felt that something was wrong as soon as he said it. Other than his children, no one would be willing to believe him. Huang Xing immediately corrected himself, "You're the first one to make me feel as if I've been electrocuted." I feel how happy it is to hold your hand and walk forward. She didn't want to loosen her grip.    


Fu Jie said, Your mouth is so sharp, it looks like it has been smeared with honey. But don't you think we're. Was this relationship very strange?    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What's so strange about that?"    


Fu Jie said, Not proper. For Chief of Staff, a general manager, to be so silly and walk with his hands in his hands, would others find it funny?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: "Are you thinking that my status is too low to be worthy enough to go with you?"    


I didn't mean that. I just feel a little awkward holding your hand. Huang Xing, let me ask you, tonight you treat me … What you've done to me, is play on the spot or. You took my hand, for example, and you just thought it was. Anyway, you have to tell me, do you really want to.    


Fu Jie spoke incoherently, trying to express her thoughts in various languages, but the more she spoke, the more incoherent she became.    


Huang Xing understood what she wanted to say, so he stopped and looked at Fu Jie, saying very seriously, "I didn't put on an act." I want to hold your hand and walk for the rest of my life.    


Are you sure it's serious? Fu Jie's heart skipped a beat. Are you sure.    


Huang Xing nodded furiously. "Fu Jie, you should trust me." To tell you the truth, I've always treated you like a goddess in my heart. I wanted to get close to you, but I felt that you were too high up. No matter how high I extended my hand, I still wouldn't be able to reach your heels. However, every single movement in your eyes is pulling on my nerves. I know I'm not worthy of you, and I've had a failed marriage. I can only bury that feeling for you in my heart, vow to share for you, to do more for the company.    


Fu Jie blinked her eyes at high frequency, as if analyzing Huang Xing's expression to see how credible it was. Fu Jie said thoughtfully, But do you think we're suitable? Or is it just a whim that you're feeling for me?    


Huang Xing shook his head violently: "I'm sure, it's not a whim." There has never been a woman who was so deep in my heart.    


Fu Jie's mouth twitched with a hint of hesitation. Let's not talk about this now. To tell you the truth, I'm a little confused.    


He said excitedly, "I don't expect you to like me and accept me. I know, we are not in the same channel, you are the boss, I am a worker, I only hope that I can see you every day, that is enough."    


You see me every day? Fu Jie asked. Other than being my husband, what other way is there for you to see me every day?    


There is another way, Huang Xing said, and that is for you to marry me and be my wife.    


Fu Jie giggled, laughing as innocently as a child.    


However, in her innocence, there was a hint of the shyness of a young girl.    


Fu Jie pulled her hand away from Huang Xing, put her hands behind her head, and stared at him. I can't tell which of your words are true and which is a joke. Director Huang, your feelings are serious, but you don't look serious.    


Not serious enough?    


Fu Jie shook her head.    


Anyway, Huang Xing and Fu Jie were both acting a little weird tonight. He said some unfathomable things and did some unfathomable things. They kept guessing at each other's thoughts for no reason. Suddenly, when they looked back, they realized that they had more and more worries.    


When he arrived at the entrance of the residential complex, Fu Zhenxin called Huang Xing, but he didn't answer.    


When he went upstairs and saw Fu Jie use the key to open the door, Huang Xing felt like he hadn't had enough and forced him to want to have a good talk with Fu Jie. He wanted to follow Fu Jie into her room, but when Fu Jie entered, she immediately closed the door. Huang Xing leaned on the door, feeling very uncomfortable.    


When he returned to his room, Huang Xing did not shower or brush his teeth for the first time. He felt as if Fu Jie's scent had soaked his entire face, and a sweet taste lingered in his mouth. He lay aimlessly on the bed, not wanting to sleep, but smelling the warm, romantic scent of his hand holding Fu Jie's hand over and over again.    


Huang Xing felt that he had gone crazy.    


Madness for love.    


Early the next morning, Huang Xing received a text message from Fu Jie asking him to go out for breakfast as soon as he woke up.    


Considering how intimate he was with Fu Jie last night, Huang Xing didn't even want to wash up. Fu Jie's scent and scent were still lingering between her hands and her lips. After standing in front of the bathroom door, Huang Xing gritted his teeth and thought that if he didn't go to the new one, there might be a new breakthrough between Fu Jie and himself … Thinking like this, Huang Xing suddenly became more open-minded, and he quickly finished washing his face and rinsing his mouth.    


After opening the door, it just so happened that Fu Jie had just opened the door from the other side as well, smiling at each other in tacit understanding. Under Fu Jie's slightly shy gaze, Huang Xing was able to decipher her memories of last night's ambiguous act. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement in his heart.    


Fu Jie would ask Huang Xing out for breakfast on time for several mornings in a row. One day, Lili caught up with Huang Xing and Fu Jie at the door of the porridge shop and angrily asked Fu Jie, "Sis, why didn't you call me when you came out for dinner?"    


Fu Jie was about to say something when Huang Xing, who had a guilty conscience, quickly said, Come, come, let's eat together. Boss Fu and I have been working on it in the morning.    


Fu Zhenxin snorted coldly. When she entered the porridge shop, she secretly pinched Huang Xing's thigh to show her punishment.    


Huang Xing's heart was covered in cold sweat.    


That morning, about 9: 30 am, the company received 3000 concept phones from Shenzhen. Fu Jie told Huang Xing to call each agent to divulge this news. However, as soon as he made the tenth call, the three thousand concept computers had already been ordered out. Surprised, Fu Jie immediately contacted Shenzhen and requested to speed up the assembly process, hoping to produce 20,000 new computers within three days.    


This third phase concept machine, followed by the good momentum of the first and second phases, orders greatly increased. Just from Shenzhen alone, he had received dozens of large orders. As soon as they heard the news that the third issue of the concept machine had been released, every agent and every cell phone market immediately boiled with excitement, and even began to fight over it. At this rate, the company will be able to make tens of millions of dollars in net profit by the end of the year, which will set the company on a new level.    


At ten o'clock, Huang Xing arranged for Li Rong to bring some concept new computers to deliver goods to several stores under the company's banner. He also took a few books and took a bus to the Nokia Customer Service Center.    


The Nokia Customer Service Center was located in the Heavenly Justice Merchant Shop, and could be considered to be one of the largest Nokia phone's Customer Service Center s in Jinan. Fu Jie had to admire Fu Jie's connections and social skills, as well as her business acumen. Big brands like Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung, such as Customer Service Center, were relatively rich. Not only did they have the profits from selling phones, they also had the commission from the manufacturers. Thus, not only was the Nokia Customer Service Center self-sufficient, it could also generate revenue of over 50,000 to 60,000 RMB per month for Xin Feng. Other than the Nokia Customer Service Center, Xin Fang company had a few other companies in Ji Nan. The cool side and the three star Customer Service Center were also lacking.    


Huang Xing rarely went to these Customer Service Center s. Logically speaking, he was Chief of Staff, and he had supervision and administration functions over the various units and departments under Xin Fang Company. However, Customer Service Center was different from the company's cellphone market. It could be considered an independent department, with its various businesses that could not be connected with the company's business. Therefore, Huang Xing could not interfere too much with Customer Service Center's operation and management. The manager of the Nokia Customer Service Center, Wang Yaxuan, was a leader with a lot of affinity. She had always been admired by Fu Jie because she knew how to properly handle the relationship between the company and the shops.    


Huang Xing had come in person because of Wang Yaxuan's repeated invitations. Wang Yaxuan had asked Huang Xing many times to increase his concern and support for the Customer Service Center. Huang Xing felt that whether it was in public or private, she should also have a meeting with this Wang Yaxuan. After all, she was an indispensable contributor to Xin Yue company, and even if he represented Fu Jie, he should still take time to come to Customer Service Center to express his condolences. So Huang Xing took a couple of new concept phones to the Heavenly Tower, where he planned to use the Nokia after-sales center as a corporate propaganda window to connect their stand-alone customer service business with the company's.    




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