The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was different today. She was as innocent as a child. Most of the time, Fu Jie maintained the cool and elegant posture of a strong woman, rarely joking with others. However, even if Huang Xing racked his brains, he still couldn't imagine what kind of good thing would happen that would make Fu Jie as happy as a child.    


Huang Xing shook his head and said, "I really can't guess, give me a hint?"    


Fu Jie said, "Of course it's related to the life and death of the company. Is this hint enough to hit the nail on the head?"    


If that's the case, then it's only a matter of concept phones. Could it be that there was a message from Shenzhen confirming that the problem with the phone wasn't a technical problem?    


Fu Jie giggled. You're so smart! Just received a phone call, after the test, the phone's problem is in the battery. That is, we only need to change a batch of batteries. As a result, the cost would not be too much. The cost of a single battery would add up to less than a few dollars.    


Huang Xing was also surprised: Really? That would be great!    


Fu Jie stressed, "That's also your first achievement!" If you didn't discover it earlier, the cost of selling the new machine once it was put on the market would be much higher than solving the problem before it left the factory. So, you really are a lucky man in the company!    


Huang Xing replied humbly, "I dare not say I dare not say I dare not say I am."    


After the celebration was over, Huang Xing returned to the residential area in Fu Jie's car.    


After they stopped the car, Fu Jie took Huang Xing to the club to play pool for half an hour. When she left the club, Fu Jie was already sweating profusely.    


Fu Jie had a smile on her face the entire time. The faint light from the night sky shone on her face, causing her to appear extremely beautiful. After walking a few steps, Fu Jie suddenly stopped and said to herself, "Where can I go to play?"    


Huang Xing was stunned as he thought to himself, "What's wrong with Fu Jie?" Such a workaholic like him had actually learned how to like fun?    


Fu Jie tentatively asked Huang Xing, "How about we go sing a song? Let it out tonight, otherwise we won't have much time to enjoy ourselves when the new computer comes out."    


Singing? Huang Xing thought to himself, Fu Jie is really secretive. In the past, her company had also organized some kTVs, but Fu Jie never showed up. Which string did she strut incorrectly today? She actually wanted to go with me to KTV to sing?    


Huang Xing naturally would not refuse such a good job. So he nodded and said, "Okay."    


He took a taxi and stopped in front of the Shengshi Anthem Music Square.    


He ordered a small box, two bottles of red wine and a few fruit plates. Inside the box, the neon lights flickered alternately, releasing a special kind of ambiguous tone. Under the light, Fu Jie was sexy, beautiful and ethereal. Huang Xing couldn't believe that he had the chance to sing with Fu Jie alone. This kind of reward was far more valuable than any material reward. Huang Xing opened the glass of red wine and poured it into the goblet. In the beautiful atmosphere, Fu Jie walked over to a song and sat back down. She adjusted the microphone and said with a smile, "Today, I'm going to start a massacre!"    


Huang Xing was silent for a moment. Kill who?    


Fu Jie said, I'll kill you! Kill your ears and eardrums with my toneless voice.    


Huang Xing laughed, "The sound coming from your throat..." Any sound that came out was a heavenly sound.    


Fu Jie said, "You're really poor!" But I really don't have many songs that I can sing. Don't laugh at me, or. Otherwise, I will deduct your salary!    


The mischievous Fu Jie had a unique charm to her. Huang Xing felt that within Fu Jie's bones, there were still many emotional genes. How could a beautiful woman not act coquettishly and not act willfully? As a strong woman, Fu Jie could only bury her gentleness and liveliness deep in her heart, and use a resolute and resolute manner to express her feelings.     


Fu Jie sang a song by Deng Lijun, "Sweet Honey," and Huang Xing clapped his hands in agreement. She gently swayed her body, and her graceful body appeared extremely lively. In fact, her singing was not perfect, and there were even some flaws. However, to Huang Xing, it was perfect to the extreme. This was the first time Huang Xing heard Fu Jie singing. That moving expression, sweet voice, and that light twisting body gave off an alluring feeling. While she was singing, she would turn her head and glance at Huang Xing from time to time.    


At the end of the song, Fu Jie turned off the microphone and pointed her index finger at Huang Xing to warn him, "Don't laugh at me!"    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "Boss Fu, why should I laugh at you? You sing quite well."    


Fu Jie retorted, Really?    


Huang Xing nodded his head deeply, "It's really Boss Fu. Your voice has captured me completely. After hearing it, I became extremely excited!"    


Fu Jie giggled. "Is that true, Lao Huang? Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"    


She called herself Lao Huang? This made Huang Xing feel somewhat awkward, but it gave him a sense of familiarity. Compared to the name 'Director Huang', it was at least a lot more casual. Huang Xing said: I really did not bluff you, or, you sing another one, I haven't drunk enough!    


Fu Jie frowned slightly and said, "Don't keep calling me Boss Fu, Boss Fu, outside." Let's decide. In an informal setting, I'll call you Old Yellow, but you'll call me Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing quickly said, "I don't dare to call you by your full name."    


Fu Jie said, "Why wouldn't I dare to?" We're friends outside of work. One yard for one yard, try calling out.    


Huang Xing gave a probing cry. Boss Fu... Jie...    


Fu Jie said with a wry smile, "When did you change your name for me, Boss Fu Kou?" Please be serious, can't you just say the word "Fu Jie" out loud?    


Huang Xing mustered up his courage and called out to Fu Jie five or six times in one go. The clarity of his words and the continuity of his voice made Fu Jie reveal a cool smile. 'It's so good, it's so relaxed, 'Fu Jie said. Huang Xing said, "Fu..." Jie, why do I feel so pressured when I call out like this? Fu Jie handed the microphone in her hand to Huang Xing and urged him to sing a song to reduce the pressure.    


Huang Xing decisively sang "The Sound of the Waves Still", and Fu Jie stood up to beat him. From time to time, she would add a few words to his song. As he sang, Huang Xing was inspired. His courage also increased. He walked in front of Fu Jie and held her hand, making her sing along with him.    


Fu Jie did not hesitate as she continued singing with Huang Xing.    


After that, the two of them happily clapped, expressing their pleasure in cooperating. After sitting down and drinking two glasses of red wine, Fu Jie suddenly said, "Lao Huang, do you think I'm special tonight …" They're especially open?    


Huang Xing was stunned and quickly replied, "No, no." Are you sure you can let this go? Just two songs.    


Fu Jie said, When did you ever see me sing a song? Sigh, it's not that I don't want to sing, I just don't dare to sing or let go. That's why, in fact, I've been feeling rather depressed these past few years. Sometimes I would drive myself to a quiet place, sing a couple of throats, jump around, or play billiards, which was my most primitive form of relaxation. I was afraid that I would ruin my career. I was more afraid that I would become a bad woman.    


Huang Xing said, "What kind of logic is that?" Relax, do not have to waste the cause, must become bad. Powerful women like you, who are under high pressure every day, need to relax at the right time.    


Fu Jie gently shook her head and said, "You don't understand my thoughts."    


Huang Xing felt that she had a lot on her mind.    


After that, Fu Jie sang another song, "Actually, You Don't Understand My Heart." This song had reached the acme of perfection under her interpretation. Huang Xing could not help but integrate into it. He felt like this was Fu Jie's confession to him. The emotion in her eyes, the sadness in her voice, made people want to comfort her. The lyrics of the song were very well written, and every word was filled with tenderness: I really want to cuddle in your arms and quietly watch you. I wish I could walk into your dreams and tell you what's on my mind. I want to open up my heart to you so that you know how much I love you. Actually, you don't understand my heart. You don't understand the truth of my deep love. Actually, you don't understand my heart …    


After the song, Huang Xing clapped his hands and praised: "Good singing."    


Fu Jie said.    


The two of them drank and sang again. It was extremely enjoyable.    


Huang Xing could see that Fu Jie was very open-minded today. She drank and sang like a budding flower, blooming all of a sudden.    


An hour later, Fu Jie didn't choose to sing another song. Instead, she sat on the sofa and drank a few glasses of red wine. After Huang Xing finished singing a song, she patted on the side and gestured for Huang Xing to sit.    


Fu Jie picked up Huang Xing's cup and clinked it against each other before saying thoughtfully, "Old Yellow, let me ask you, do you like the current me or the old me?" No, no, I mean, which one do you think is more normal?    


Huang Xing was shocked and said: "I like them all." There was only one Fu Jie, and that was the one and only Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie said, "Oh?" I'm afraid I'll become a stranger to myself. I feel so stressed out that sometimes I want to stop, but I can't. On this road, I had no choice. I don't know if you, Teacher Liu, and Cao Aidang will still help me like this in a year, two years, or even ten years from now. Actually, I'm a very dependant person. Ever since I had you in the company, this sense of dependence has become more and more intense.    


Huang Xing said: Boss Fu... Fu Jie, you think too highly of me. I'm not as good as you think.    


Fu Jie shook her head. In fact, there are a lot of people who suggest that I find a shoulder to lean on to help me manage the company. But I never had the courage to face it. Perhaps fate has yet to arrive, perhaps I, Fu Jie, have too high an eye.    


At this point, Fu Jie let out a long sigh.    


Huang Xing wanted to tell her that he wanted to be the person beside her.    


But he couldn't muster up the courage. He was worried that his wrong love would desecrate the beauty.    




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