The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Fu Jie clinked her glass with Huang Xing and changed the topic. "How's your problem coming along?"    


When he mentioned him, Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh. He shook his head and said, "I'm still the same." Recently, he had been busy with the concept of cellphones, so he temporarily put that matter aside.    


Fu Jie sighed and patted Huang Xing on the shoulder: "Good comrade, sacrifice your personal interests for the company." But I can see that your ex-wife seems to have changed her mind, doesn't she? Haven't you considered reconnecting with her?    


Huang Xing quickly said, "There's no need for that!"    


Fu Jie countered, "A good horse doesn't eat the turf?"    


Huang Xing said, There's poison in the grass.    


Fu Jie patted Huang Xing's shoulder again and comforted him, "Try to open it a bit, Lao Huang. There will be bread." With your looks and talent, getting a wife is as easy as fishing for a bag of trash! Haven't you met someone you like in such a long time?    


Huang Xing wanted to say, "It's you." However, she felt that it was too abrupt, and she also felt that she had let Fu Zhenxin down. He was extremely conflicted in his heart. He wanted to break open the window with Fu Jie and express his infatuation towards her, but because he was too worried, he could only hide this kind of thing in his heart.    


Seeing that Huang Xing didn't answer, Fu Jie smiled and said: "Then I must have someone I love." Embarrassed?    


Huang Xing enigmatically replied, "Yes there is, but it's not realistic."    


Fu Jie retorted, "How can that be unrealistic?" Unless the one you like isn't human. Oh, I see. You couldn't have fallen for Wu Qianqian, right?    


Huang Xing was speechless. What are you thinking about? Wu Qianqian and I are two different people on the same road, like parallel lines, there will never be a point of intersection.    


Fu Jie said, Who could it be? Could it be … Is she a beauty of our company?    


Huang Xing blurted out, "Congratulations, you got it right!"    


Fu Jie asked with interest, Who is that?    


It's you, Huang Xing said with a smile.    


Fu Jie gave Huang Xing a punitive push on the chest and scolded him with a smile, "I hate you!" What a joke! Forget it, forget it. I, Fu Jie, don't have the habit of asking around for other people's mother anyway.    


Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat. He wanted to tell Fu Jie in all seriousness that he wasn't joking. However, he was worried that this would harm the Fu family's sisters.    


Thus, he could only give a conflicted smile.    


After sitting for a while longer, Fu Jie lightly slapped the table and said, No more singing? Huang Xing shook his head and said, "Next time, next time."    


Return home! Fu Jie stood up abruptly as she spoke.    


However, Fu Jie felt a sudden wave of dizziness. She felt the world spinning around her, and her legs went numb. She then pounced forward.    


Huang Xing quickly held her shoulders. Fu Jie pressed a finger to her forehead, frowned and said, "What's wrong with me? Why do I suddenly feel like my legs are unable to control me?"    


Huang Xing said it was possible that he had been sitting there for too long, and that he had been standing too fast to supply the blood supply.    


Fu Jie nodded slightly. She gradually regained her consciousness and looked at Huang Xing. She was awake, but Huang Xing wasn't. It was incredible to have such a beautiful, delicate face. From the moment he met Fu Jie, she had been an indispensable target of Huang Xing's daydreams. Every time he slept with another woman, Fu Jie's image would mysteriously appear in his mind. He really wanted to throw caution to the wind and hug Fu Jie. He wanted to feel her enchanting aura inch by inch.    


In reality, the ambiguous atmosphere in the room today had given Huang Xing an inexplicable courage. Dazzling lights were in themselves a unique aphrodisiac. In such an environment, it was easy for one to be filled with enthusiasm and spirit. Not to mention, both of them drank red wine. Impulsively, Huang Xing found it hard to control himself. He first held Fu Jie's hand and then hugged her tightly.    


Fu Jie was stunned. She wanted to push Huang Xing away, but she missed the feeling of security in his arms.    


Seeing that Fu Jie did not resist, Huang Xing gained even more courage. He gave Fu Jie a gentle kiss on her neck, but she only trembled and did not resist. Huang Xing was even bolder. His mouth moved up her neck and down her chin. Fu Jie's eyes widened as she stood rooted to the spot, unable to move.    


The moment Huang Xing's lips touched Fu Jie's, Huang Xing felt as if the world no longer existed. That feeling was so marvelous. Sweet, with a smooth warmth. So he kissed her deeply on the lips and tried to put his tongue in, but Fu Jie kept her mouth shut and he couldn't get it.    


Suddenly, Fu Jie pushed Huang Xing away and stared at him in panic. "What are you doing?"    


Huang Xing face flushed, lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry, Boss Fu I, I was impulsive."    


Fu Jie stood straight on the spot and glared at Huang Xing in anger. Disgusting guy, not honest at all. I'm not going to care about you anymore!    


Huang Xing was pleasantly surprised. He could tell that Fu Jie was acting coquettishly. Women were actually very strange. They would deny everything they liked. When he boldly kissed her just now, he tasted the sweetness. Seeing Fu Jie act like a spoiled child, Huang Xing became even more bold. He walked back to Fu Jie and put his hands on her shoulders, wanting to continue kissing her deeply to melt her heart.    


Fu Jie reached out a hand to block Huang Xing's greedy mouth.    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


Fu Jie moved her hand away and retorted, "Are you sure you aren't joking with me?"    


At first, Huang Xing didn't understand what Fu Jie meant by that. However, after he thought about it, he finally understood. He shook his head violently. I mean it. Actually, the person I'm talking about is you, Fu Jie! But I. Huang Xing was a bit incoherent.    


Fu Jie pursed her lips, as if tasting the taste of his hand. She gradually calmed down and raised her head. Come on, she said, let's go back.    


She was the first to walk to the door of the room. Just as she was about to open it, Huang Xing hugged her from behind.    


Fu Jie reached out a hand to support Huang Xing's hands and tried to pull them away, but Huang Xing held her very tightly. Let go of me. I can't let go, Huang Xing said.    


After a moment of stalemate, Fu Jie slowly turned her head around and carefully examined Huang Xing. Wu noticed that her face was flushed, whether from the alcohol or from the shyness in her heart. Huang Xing took her hand and kissed it. He could no longer control his own thoughts, much less the passion he felt for this woman. Boss Fu, I really like you.    


Fu Jie withdrew her hand and asked, What do you like about me?    


Huang Xing grabbed her hand again, pulled her to sit down and poured the rest of the half bottle of red wine into his mouth.    


Unexpectedly, Fu Jie took out a tissue and wiped the corner of Huang Xing's mouth.    


Huang Xing was excited. He took Fu Jie's hand again and looked at her carefully. Every second he looked at her was a shock to his heart.    


This beautiful and delicate face was as captivating as the Pear Blossom Begonia. At that moment, Huang Xing's heart seemed to have stopped at Fu Jie. He finally understood that for Fu Jie's sake, he could disregard everything, be it his fucking conscience or his fucking morals, and even forget what had happened between him and Fu Zhenxin, and forget that the peerless beauty in front of him was Fu Zhenxin's own sister. Huang Xing didn't care anymore and didn't restrain himself anymore. He only had eyes for her, the woman he loved deeply, the woman that was usually out of his reach.    


Huang Xing retracted his hands and gently held her face. He wanted to say something. However, he could not say a single word. He lowered his head and kissed her trembling lips once more.    


When their lips met, Huang Xing clearly felt her whole body tremble and then stiffen, unable to move.    


He could no longer control his impulse.    


During this entire process, her eyes had been wide open, and they were emitting a special kind of light.    


This kiss was close to suffocating. Huang Xing, who had been hiding his feelings for a long time, was finally able to release them all at once.    


He wanted to continue his pursuit.    


But just when Huang Xing thought that everything would go smoothly, Fu Jie suddenly stood up and said angrily: "You're too much, Director Huang!"    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie had changed too quickly. Previously, she had been gentle and gentle, but now, she was burning with anger. He thought, "Women are really hard to figure out." 'I drank too much, Boss Fu, 'Wu said. Fu Jie's tone became lighter. 'I also have a little too much,' she said.    


The two of them walked out of the music plaza as if they had just walked out from another world. Huang Xing even felt that what happened in the room just now was like a dream. He dreamt of being intimate with the beauty, and only when he woke up did he realize that the beauty didn't even belong to him. Fu Jie glanced at the two sides of the road and asked Huang Xing, "Do you want to stroll around or take a taxi?" No matter what, it's not too far away. Fu Jie thought about it for a moment, then decided to take a stroll and take it as exercise.    


As they strolled back, it got colder and colder. Fu Jie wrapped up her clothes and rubbed her hands together. Huang Xing took off his jacket and wanted to put it on Fu Jie, but she refused to give it to him.    


From the path, it was a shortcut. However, this section of the road was very desolate. On both sides, there were some demolished houses with the word 'demolished' scrawled on them. The light wasn't too good here either. The remaining few street lamps seemed to wither away, emitting a weak light. A breeze blew, as if it were the footsteps of a child on the wrong side of the road.    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie walked forward side by side. The surroundings were unusually quiet. Huang Xing could only hear the sound of himself and Fu Jie walking together.    


Passing by an area that resembled an ancient building, Huang Xing couldn't help but stop in his tracks. It was a very beautiful blue-striped steeple with huge brick walls that gave off a retro feeling. However, the blood-red 'tear' character on the wall incongruously dotted the surroundings, indicating that this beautiful courtyard would soon no longer exist. Fu Jie told Huang Xing that this was an old temple which had just been renovated the previous year. Last year, there were many people who came to pay their respects. Unexpectedly, this time around, it had already become a house demise. Huang Xing lamented that the development of the times is far from the pace of demolition, demolition, demolition of the hearts of the common people ah.    


Fu Jie suggested that they take a look at the temple. Perhaps this was the last time. She had come here every year to pray for her blessings for the past few years.    


Huang Xing followed Fu Jie into the temple. The yard was empty. A huge sandalwood bowl was placed in the corner.    


Fu Jie sighed slightly, then bowed deeply towards the main hall.    


Just as the duo was about to head out, they suddenly heard a peculiar commotion from the corner of the white wall. Fu Jie was taken aback. What is it? Huang Xing said, Wall-Hitting Ghost?    


Fu Jie pushed Huang Xing away and said, "Aren't you scared? What nonsense are you spouting!"    




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