The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



She drank half of her drink in one gulp, and Huang Xing was instantly flabbergasted. It was a two liang cup, yet she managed to drink one tael of white wine in one gulp. Women nowadays were not to be underestimated. Wang Yaxuan was also one of those strong women. He was good at social management and alcohol tolerance. In fact, in the winery, what men feared the most was women making a move. Just a few words of sweet talk was enough for men to bear the shame and drink to their heart's content. What's more, this time Wang Yaxuan directly used his actions to put a bit of pressure on Huang Xing. In order to show his pride, Liu Tie definitely could not show any more weakness, so he could only take a big bite. Wang Yaxuan put her cup together with Huang Xing's cup, laughed and said, "That's so satisfying. Come, come, Director Huang eats."    


At this time, the hotel staff had just served the first dish, the fragrant fish and shredded meat. Huang Xing ignored everything and stuffed the chopsticks into his mouth, wanting to use the food to relieve the spiciness in his mouth. Unexpectedly, this fish-flavored meat was even spicier than wine, and Huang Xing coincidentally caught another complete pepper. The spicy chili and the inferior wine's spiciness interweaved on his tongue to form a more complex taste, causing Huang Xing's spicy tongue to almost strike. However, when he saw the two beauties beaming with smiles, Huang Xing still endured the humiliation of eating the mischievous chili. However, if it was just two kinds of spiciness, then it would be fine. However, the scariest thing was the spiciness of a beauty. Before Huang Xing could recover his strength, Cui Xiaotong picked up the cup again and clinked it with Huang Xing, laughing as he said, "It is an honor to have the opportunity to drink with Director Huang today." Let me accompany you for half a cup of wine.    


Huang Xing felt that the two of them started off with a series of tactics from the beginning, so it wasn't really nice. So he asked, "Did you work with me?"    


Cui Xiaotong looked at his full glass of wine and said, "Director Huang, are you going to let me finish the entire glass of wine in one gulp?"    


Wang Yaxuan said, "How could that be?" Director Huang has always understood how to show mercy to the fairer sex. But you also have to have self-knowledge, so, you drink half, Director Huang finished the other half, how about it?    


Cui Xiaotong said, "In order to accompany Director Huang, I'm going all out today."    


Huang Xing thought to himself, how can you throw caution to the wind? You clearly told me to throw caution to the wind.    


In short, Huang Xing felt that he had met a master today. The wine yard was not afraid of meeting the Wine God or the Wine Sage, but was afraid that they would drink wine if they met a woman. Under the continuous toasts from Wang Yaxuan and Cui Xiaotong, Huang Xing controlled and controlled the wine again. In the end, he drank quite a lot. After two bottles of white wine, Huang Xing was already slightly intoxicated by the wine. Wang Yaxuan saw that Huang Xing had drunk enough, so he didn't kill them all. He withdrew his momentum and ordered two plates of dumplings. Huang Xing also could not remember how many he ate, so he followed Wang Yaxuan and the other two back to Customer Service Center.    


In Wang Yaxuan's office, after drinking a few cups of tea, Huang Xing said goodbye and went back to work. Wang Yaxuan said, "Don't be in such a hurry, Director Huang. You can stay here in the afternoon. Since I have nothing to do, I'll accompany you on a tour around the city."    


At this moment, Huang Xing's mind was out of control. Under Wang Yaxuan's guidance, he felt as if he had got into a Buick and entered a shopping mall. Wang Yaxuan bought something and then took Huang Xing into a small district. They then went to a room on the third floor.    


Upon entering the door, Huang Xing, who was still conscious, asked, "Where is this place?"    


Wang Yaxuan laughed and said, "I'm here for me. You should rest up here in the afternoon, I'll take you out for a barbecue in the evening." You finally made it here, so of course I have to entertain you.    


Huang Xing said, "I think I'll go back to the company."    


'Director Huang saw you drink so much, so when I go back and let Senior Boss Fu see it, I will definitely suffer too, 'Wang Yaxuan said. You're the company's second-in-command, what's there to be afraid of if you stay outside for a day? If Senior Boss Fu asks, just say that I have a problem that I can't handle and you'll help us solve it. How about this, Director Huang, you sleep in my bedroom for a while, I'll take a trip back to Customer Service Center to settle some matters, then I'll come to accompany you.    


Huang Xing felt that this Wang Yaxuan was too passionate towards him. He thought back to that day when the management of the company was having fun together, Wang Yaxuan had come out to take a breather with him. At that time, he accidentally grabbed her chest … For a moment, Huang Xing was confused. Under the influence of alcohol, many ambiguous plots were magnified, and Huang Xing even thought, could it be that Wang Yaxuan is going to throw himself into the arms as well?    


After drinking a few cups of water at Wang Yaxuan's house, Wang Yaxuan returned to Customer Service Center. Huang Xing lay on the sofa and took a nap. When he woke up, he was startled.    


Why was he here?    


A drinking accident.    


Huang Xing looked at the time. It was already five in the afternoon.    


He wanted to call Wang Yaxuan, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find his phone. Only then did Huang Xing realize that his phone seemed to have been left behind in Wang Yaxuan's office.    


At this moment, the door opened and Wang Yaxuan walked in with a worn out look.    


Huang Xing rubbed his face and walked up to welcome Wang Yaxuan. Wang Yaxuan let out a deep breath and put on his slippers from the back of the door.    


Wang Yaxuan smiled as he walked inside. As he took off his jacket, he said, "How do you feel about Director Huang?"    


Huang Xing said, "I'm still feeling a little dizzy." You and that one, Cui Xiaotong made me drunk at noon. My cell phone seems to be in your office. Did you get it back for me?    


Wang Yaxuan juggled Huang Xing's cell phone out of his duffel and said with a smile, Got it back, nine missed calls.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be shocked when he took the phone and looked at it. Of the nine missed calls, three were from Fu Zhenxin, two were from Fu Jie, two were from Wu Qianqian, and the other two were from an unknown landline. Huang Xing thought this was bad. He had been missing for an entire afternoon and had lost a lot of work.    


Huang Xing returned one by one. The phone call was from the Li Cheng Talent Market's staff member, Han Baozhu. He asked Huang Xing if he had any plans on hiring this weekend. Huang Xing said, Order me a booth.    


Then she gave it back to Wu Qianqian. Wu Qianqian said that she was going back to her hometown in a few days and asked Huang Xing if he was willing to go with her. Huang Xing refused to return to his hometown for the time being. Wu Qianqian reminded him, "Don't forget our agreement." Huang Xing said, "I won't forget."    


After that, he called Fu Zhenxin again. She was there questioning him, saying, "Where did you go? I didn't see you around." I came to the Nokia Customer Service Center to handle some matters with Manager Wang. After replying to Fu Zhenxin, Huang Xing was just about to call Fu Jie again when she called again.    


The reason why Fu Jie was looking for Huang Xing was actually because of the recruitment event. She offered to go to the recruitment fair with Huang Xing on the weekend. Huang Xing happily agreed.    


With a sigh of relief, Huang Xing said goodbye to Wang Yaxuan.    


Wang Yaxuan said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I promised you in the afternoon. I'll treat you to a barbecue tonight." If you are afraid of being drunk, my name is no longer Cui Xiaotong, what about the two of us?    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile. He ate too much at noon and couldn't eat anymore at night.    


Wang Yaxuan thought about it and said, "Then why don't I cook a few dishes for you at home and try out my cooking skills?"    


Huang Xing shook his head and said, "Forget it, Manager Wang. Thank you for your hospitality." I really can't eat anymore, so I'm going to take a shower and go to bed early.    


Wang Yaxuan pouted, "Is it that hard to make a meal out of you?"    


Huang Xing said: "Another day, another day I will properly invite you."    


Wang Yaxuan said, That won't do. I'll pay for your treat.    


Huang Xing immediately opened the door and was about to leave. Wang Yaxuan was the first to step in front of Huang Xing. He held the door with one hand and looked at Huang Xing with an extremely lethal gaze, as if to say, "I am the one opening this door, and I am the one occupying this door. If I want to pass this door, I have to go to eat." Under Wang Yaxuan's repeated attempts to persuade him to stay, Wu Liang's heart softened. He was still able to fulfill her good intentions.    


Wang Yaxuan La Huang Xing went to a halal restaurant and ordered a pound of mutton skewers, fried prawns, squid, fish, and so on. The two of them had different opinions on what to drink. Wang Yaxuan insisted on drinking a few beers, but Huang Xing didn't want to drink any more. In a stalemate, Wang Yaxuan took out a coin, trying to guess the opposite side of the coin to decide whether to drink or not. However, Huang Xing was unlucky today, guessing that he lost two of the three rounds. Helpless, he could only let Wang Yaxuan pour the beer into the cup.    


Wang Yaxuan seemed to like eating roasted prawns. The hot prawns went through the corner of her mouth and were peeled off the lot, first eating the prawn meat before spitting out the prawn skin. Huang Xing thought this scene was very funny, her eating looks very cute. Wang Yaxuan called Huang Xing to eat the skewers. Huang Xing symbolically picked up a fish, took a bite, and ate a belly full of fish seeds. Wang Yaxuan laughed and said, "Eat more, this will make up for it." Huang Xing asked. Qi replenishing invigorates the kidney, Wang Yaxuan said, adding a rich supply of vitamins.    


He drank beer while eating kebabs. The beer tasted like boiling water, but he could not help himself as he drank one cup after the other. Huang Xing felt a little cold in his stomach, drank two cups of tea to warm it up, said, the last bottle, can't drink anymore. Wang Yaxuan wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "Director Huang, this is beer feed, if you don't drink two boxes, are you still a man?"    


Huang Xing was immediately frightened. He didn't think that Wang Yaxuan, who looked so delicate, was so good at drinking. White beer is no problem.    


An hour later, Huang Xing got up and went to the toilet. After washing his face on the water cage, he felt that his face was already starting to turn red. If he did not restrain himself, the alcohol would follow again. Returning to his seat, Wang Yaxuan smiled at him and also went to the bathroom. Huang Xing had an idea. He poured some tea into a beer bottle and poured a cup into his own cup. Tea and beer are similar in color and are not easy to detect. However, he didn't expect that as soon as Wang Yaxuan came back, he pointed at Huang Xing's wine cup and said, "Director Huang, you're too naughty. Drinking with a girl and you're lying?"    


Huang Xing had a guilty conscience. He laughed and said, "Did, did you mix in?"    


It was obviously tea.    


Huang Xing drank a mouthful of tea in a mysterious manner and said, "So it is tea." Perhaps he had drunk too much and accidentally reversed the situation a moment ago.    


Wang Yaxuan stared at Huang Xing with an interrogative gaze and snorted coldly, "Chairman Huang, your image in my heart has been ruined. Drinking beer is adulterated, and you even fooled a girl." No, no, no.    


Huang Xing was shocked by her and quickly reached for his beer to change into another. In the end, Wang Yaxuan widely opened his eyes and clicked his tongue, "Did you get it wrong? You even swapped the bottle for tea." Huang Xing was surprised, but he concealed it and said, "Manager Wang, you drank too much. This is clearly beer." Wang Yaxuan snatched the beer bottle and pointed at the opening, "Who are you trying to fool? There's still steam coming out of this opening."    


Huang Xing was flabbergasted. He felt embarrassed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the situation, but he didn't expect his small intelligence to be seen through by Wang Yaxuan one after another. Where is your dignity and where is your manliness?    




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